992 resultados para CANTON BABA
The use by police services and inquiring agencies of forensic data in an intelligence perspective is still fragmentary and to some extent ignored. In order to increase the efficiency of criminal investigation to target illegal drug trafficking organisations and to provide valuable information about their methods, it is necessary to include and interpret objective drug analysis results already during the investigation phase. The value of visual, physical and chemical data of seized ecstasy tablets, as a support for criminal investigation on a strategic and tactical level has been investigated. In a first phase different characteristics of ecstasy tablets have been studied in order to define their relevance, variation, correlation and discriminating power in an intelligence perspective. During 5 years, over 1200 cases of ecstasy seizures (concerning about 150000 seized tablets) coming from different regions of Switzerland (City and Canton of Zurich, Cantons Ticino, Neuchâtel and Geneva) have been systematically recorded. This turned out to be a statistically representative database including large and small cases. During the second phase various comparison and clustering methods have been tested and evaluated, on the type and relevance of tablet characteristics, thus increasing knowledge about synthetic drugs, their manufacturing and trafficking. Finally analytical methodologies have been investigated and formalised, applying traditional intelligence methods. In this context classical tools, which are used in criminal analysis (like the I2 Analyst Notebook, I2 Ibase, ?) have been tested and adapted to address the specific need of forensic drug intelligence. The interpretation of these links provides valuable information about criminal organisations and their trafficking methods. In the final part of this thesis practical examples illustrate the use and value of such information.
Résumé Introduction: Les accidents sont la première cause de mortalité et de morbidité chez les enfants et les adolescents des deux sexes dès le premier mois de vie. Ils ne sont pas le fruit du hasard et ne devraient plus être considérés comme une fatalité. Leur nombre peut être réduit de façon substantielle par une bonne compréhension des processus accidentels et une information adéquate des intervenants. Cependant, les stratégies de prévention doivent se fonder sur une analyse locale de la situation. C'est pourquoi nous avons développé en 1990 un programme d'enregistrement prospectif des accidents d'enfants et d'adolescents. Le présent travail a pour but d'analyser l'épidémiologie de la traumatologie sportive de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. Matériel et méthode: Nous disposons d'un programme d'enregistrement prospectif des accidents d'enfants et d'adolescents de 0 à 16 ans survenus dans le canton de Vaud, Suisse. De 1990 à 2000, nous avons enregistré 24'900 traumatismes aux urgences du Service de chirurgie pédiatrique du CHUV de Lausanne, dont 6'890 (28%) étaient des traumatismes sportifs. Les informations collectées dans cette étude concernent la date de l'accident, l'âge du patient, le sport pratiqué, le type de lésion(s) et le type de suivi (traitement ambulatoire, hospitalisation, etc) et permettent une analyse de l'épidémiologie de la traumatologie sportive de l'enfant sur 11 ans. Résultats: Nette prédominance masculine (1.6 :1). Plus de 50% des enfants ont entre 12 et 15 ans. Vélo, gymnastique et football dominent, représentant à eux seuls 45% des cas. La fréquence des accidents obéit, selon le sport concerné, à un rythme saisonnier et dépendant des vacances. Certaines activités comme la trottinette ou le snowboard apparaissent soudain à la faveur d'une mode. Le ski occasionne 48% de lésions des membres inférieurs, le roller 56% de lésions des membres supérieurs, le basket-ball 57% de lésions de la main, la natation et le plongeon 53% de lésions de la tête ou de la colonne cervicale. Les contusions représentent 27% des consultations. La fracture la plus courante est celle de l'avant-bras, représentant 34% des fractures de membres. Les fractures de la main représentent 69% des fractures de membres au basket-ball, contre 3% dans l'équitation où les fractures de l'humérus prédominent (42%). 10% des patients sont hospitalisés, et 55% seront revus ambulatoirement. Discussion: Chaque sport occasionne des lésions dont le type et la localisation lui sont propres et qui permettent dans la plupart des cas de reconnaître le mécanisme lésionnel et de déterminer des stéréotypes. Conclusion: Une meilleure connaissance des lésions occasionnées par chaque sport devrait permettre le développement de programmes de prévention mieux adaptés. Ils doivent associer le plus grand nombre de partenaires possibles, issus de tous les milieux et passant par une information de ceux-ci.
(1) Surpoids chez les enfants suisses et associations avec certaines caractéristiques chez les enfants et leurs parents Le but de cette étude était de mesurer la prévalence du surpoids et de l?obésité chez les enfants de sixième année du canton de Vaud (âge moyen de 12 ans) et les facteurs associés au surpoids. Les données ont été récoltées lors d?une étude menée par l?Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. Tous les enfants scolarisés en 6ème année à l?école publique du canton de Vaud entre septembre 2005 et mai 2006 étaient éligibles à participer à cette étude. Le taux de participation a atteint 76% (soit 5207 enfants de 12,3 ans en moyenne). Le poids et la taille des enfants ont été mesurés à l?école par des assistants de recherche et les enfants ont rempli, en classe, un questionnaire structuré sur leur mode de vie (notamment : temps quotidien passé à regarder la télévision, à jouer à des jeux sur écran; fréquence de la pratique de diverses activités physiques; fréquence de la consommation de fruits ou de légumes). Des informations sur les parents (niveau d?éducation, nationalité, poids et taille) ont été récoltées au moyen d?un questionnaire structuré envoyé par courrier à ceux-ci. Nous avons utilisé les critères de l?International Obesity Task Force, qui définit les valeurs-seuils de l'indice de masse corporelle pour le surpoids et pour l?obésité, par age et par sexe. La prévalence du surpoids (obésité incluse) dans la population était de 15% chez les garçons et de 12% chez les filles, et la prévalence de l?obésité était de 2% dans les deux sexes. Nous avons trouvé que le surpoids était associé de façon indépendante avec le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi qu?avec certaines caractéristiques des parents, comme le surpoids, un bas niveau d?éducation et une nationalité étrangère. En conclusion, un enfant sur sept est en surpoids ou obèse dans le canton de Vaud. Ces chiffres indiquent un important défi de santé publique, même si cette prévalence dans le canton de Vaud est, actuellement, moindre que dans beaucoup d?autres pays d?Europe, et bien moindre qu?en Amérique du Nord. Les associations entre le surpoids infantile et le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi que les associations avec des variables liées au milieu socio-culturel des parents indiquent plusieurs pistes d?intervention pour prévenir le surpoids chez les enfants. Il est probable que les mesures de prévention ne devraient pas se limiter aux approches individuelles, mais devraient aussi inclure des mesures structurelles sur l?environnement social, physique et économique visant à réduire les facteurs obésogènes dans la société.<br/><br/>Objective: The objective was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in a canton of Switzerland and the association with various characteristics of the parents and the children. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in all children of the sixth school grade of the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Weight and height were measured, and selected lifestyle variables were assessed with a self-administered semiquantitative questionnaire. Information on children?s parents was gathered through a mailed structured questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were based on the International Obesity Task Force criteria. Results: Of 6873 eligible children, 5207 (76%) participated (2621 boys, 2586 girls; mean age, 12.3 years; standard deviation, 0.5 year). The prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was 15.0% (95% confidence interval, 13.7% to 16.4%) in boys and 12.4% (11.1% to 13.7%) in girls, and the prevalence of obesity was 1.8% (1.3% to 2.3%) and 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), respectively. In both univariate and multivariate analyses, overweight was strongly associated with high television viewing time and selected characteristics of the parents (overweight, low educational level, and foreign nationality). Discussion: The prevalence of pediatric overweight and obesity was lower in this region of Switzerland than in several European countries. The correlates of overweight found in this region suggest areas for potential interventions.
Les administrations publiques et les autorités politiques sont méconnues sur le plan suisse, notamment au niveau cantonal. Les thèmes traités dans cette étude couvrent les structures administratives, le personnel de la fonction publique ainsi que les autorités politiques cantonales (gouvernements et parlements). L'étude dresse le portrait des acteurs du secteur public en tenant compte de l'âge, du sexe, de l'expérience et du statut d'emploi. Elle présente également la force des partis dans les parlements et les gouvernements sous forme de graphiques, de cartes et de tableaux. L'étude s'inscrit dans le cadre des travaux d'analyses de la BADAC (Base de données des cantons et des villes suisses). Elle présente les résultats de la dernière enquête sur les administrations cantonales (ESAC04), complétés par des données de l'Office fédéral de la statistique. Les résultats sont ventilés par canton mais aussi selon la langue majoritaire dans le canton. La plupart des données peuvent être téléchargées depuis le site de la BADAC (www.badac.ch ). Les indicateurs retenus possèdent des codes d'identification avec un système de renvoi aux sources et aux méthodes de calculs.
QUESTION: In the ageing European population, the proportion of interventions by the emergency medical services (EMS) for elderly patients is increasing, but little is known about the recent trend of EMS interventions in nursing homes. The aim of this analysis was to describe the evolution of the incidence of requests for prehospital EMS interventions for nursing home residents aged 65 years and over between 2004 and 2013. METHODS: A prospective population-based register of routinely collected data for each EMS intervention in the Canton of Vaud. Linear time trends of incidence of requests to the EMS in nursing homes were calculated and stratified by age categories. RESULTS: The number of ambulance interventions in nursing homes for people aged 65 years and over (65+) increased by 68.9% (1124‒1898) between 2004 and 2013. A significant linear increase of the annual incidence of requests to EMS per 1,000 nursing home residents was found for people aged 65-79 (10.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.2-14.2), 80-89 (16.5, 95% CI 14.0-19.0) and over 90 (12.1, 95% CI 5.8-18.4). EMS interventions in nursing home residents who required an emergency physician increased during the same period by 205.6% (from 106 to 324), representing an increase from 2% to 7% of all emergency physician interventions in the Canton. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed an important increase in the incidence of EMS interventions in nursing homes during the last decade, far exceeding the actual increase of the nursing home population during the same period. This evolution represents an important opportunity to reconsider the EMS missions in the context of an ageing society.
OBJECTIVES: Several guidelines recommend universal screening for hypertension in childhood and adolescence. Targeted screening to children with parental history of hypertension could be a more efficient strategy than universal screening. Therefore, we assessed the association between parental history of hypertension and hypertension in children, and estimated the sensitivity, specificity, negative, and positive predictive values of parental history of hypertension for hypertension in children. METHODS: The present study was a school-based cross-sectional study including 5207 children aged 10-14 years from all public 6th grade classes in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Children had hypertension if they had sustained elevated blood pressure over three separate visits. RESULTS: In children, the prevalence of hypertension was 2.2%. Some 8.5% of mothers and 12.9% of fathers reported to be hypertensive. Maternal history of hypertension (odds ratio 2.0, 95% confidence interval 1.2-3.3) and paternal history of hypertension (odds ratio 2.2, 95% confidence interval 1.4-3.6) were independent risk factors for hypertension in children. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of parental history of hypertension for the identification of hypertension in children was low (from 4% for both parents' positive history up to 41% for at least one parent's positive history). Positive predictive values were also low (between 4 and 5%). CONCLUSION: Children with hypertensive parents were at higher risk of hypertension. Nevertheless, parental history of hypertension helped only marginally to identify hypertension in offspring. Targeting screening only toward children with a parental history of hypertension may not be a substantially better strategy to identify hypertension in children compared with universal screening.
Depuis leurs premières conceptualisations, les politiques publiques d'accueil systématique d'événements sportifs (PASES) ont beaucoup évolué du fait de la transformation concomitante du sport et des événements, ainsi que l'émergence du concept de marketing territorial. Au cours des dernières décennies, ces politiques publiques se sont popularisées pour ne plus être simplement l'oeuvre de collectivités locales, mais également régionales, voire nationales. Cet article s'intéresse aux principales évolutions des PASES à la lumière de la ville de Lausanne et du canton de Vaud. Bien que la situation lausannoise soit particulière à bien des égards, dû notamment à la présence en Suisse et sur le territoire vaudois du siège de nombreuses fédérations sportives internationales (une soixantaine basée dans le pays, dont notamment le CIO, la FIFA, l'UEFA, etc.), des exemples sont également mobilisés pour d'autres territoires (Monaco, Doha, Londres, Danemark, Russie) afin de montrer que les évolutions lausannoises ne sont pas uniques. L'article entend ainsi donner un panorama des évolutions managériales actuelles qui transforment les PASES en SASES (stratégies d'accueil systématique d'événements sportifs), le cas lausannois servant de fil rouge pour présenter six grandes transitions observables. Abstract Since their first conceptualizations, systematic sports events hosting policies (SSEHP) evolved due to the simultaneous transformation of sport and sports events, as well as the emergence of territorial marketing. In the last decades, the popularity of SSEHP among territorial managers grew dramatically to move from purely local polices to regional and even national policies. This article focuses on the main evolutions of these SSEHP through the case of one city, Lausanne, and its canton, Vaud. Although, Lausanne's situation is particular in many ways, due to the presence throughout the country of many international sports federations (over sixty among which, the IOC, FIFA, UEFA, etc.), examples from other destinations (Monaco, Doha, London, Denmark, Russia) are also used to show that the evolutions observed in Lausanne are not unique. This article aims to give an overview of the major managerial evolutions which transform SSEHP into SSEHS (systematic sports events hosting strategies). The city of Lausanne is used through the article to underline the six significant evolutions.
BACKGROUND: Some components of the Mediterranean diet have favourable effects on endometrial cancer, and the Mediterranean diet as a whole has been shown to have a beneficial role on various neoplasms. METHODS: We analysed this issue pooling data from three case-control studies carried out between 1983 and 2006 in various Italian areas and in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. Cases were 1411 women with incident, histologically confirmed endometrial cancer, and controls were 3668 patients in hospital for acute diseases. We measured the adherence to the Mediterranean diet using a Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS), based on the nine dietary components characteristics of this diet, that is, high intake of vegetables, fruits/nuts, cereals, legumes, fish; low intake of dairy products and meat; high monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio; and moderate alcohol intake. We estimated the odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for increasing levels of the MDS (varying from 0, no adherence, to 9, maximum adherence) using multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for major confounding factors. RESULTS: The adjusted OR for a 6-9 components of the MDS (high adherence) compared with 0-3 (low adherence) was 0.43 (95% CI 0.34-0.56). The OR for an increment of one component of MDS diet was 0.84 (95% CI 0.80-0.88). The association was consistent in strata of various covariates, although somewhat stronger in older women, in never oral contraceptive users and in hormone-replacement therapy users. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence for a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on endometrial cancer risk, suggesting a favourable effect of a combination of foods rich in antioxidants, fibres, phytochemicals, and unsaturated fatty acids.
CANCER CARE FACILITIES: In 2005, the registration area had about 3200 hospital beds available for cancer diagnosis and treatment (about 5 per 1000 residents). There were about 3600 hospital medical residents and private practitioners (1 per 180 residents). The canton has a major, multidisciplinary, public university oncology and radiotherapy centre and two private radiotherapy units (available to all residents), as well as several peripheral (mostly hospital-based) medical and surgical oncology facilities and specialists. REGISTRY STRUCTURE AND METHODS: The registry is part of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine within the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne. Notiĺcation is voluntary. The registry's main sources of information are the University Institute of Pathology at the University of Lausanne and three major private pathology laboratories. Passive and active follow-up are conducted. Data on all deaths in the canton (including cancer deaths) are available. Other features of the registry are good registration of non-melanoma skin cancers, linkage of reports of selected preneoplastic conditions to the registry database (to study subsequent cancer risk), analysis.
REGISTRATION AREA: The Neuchâtel Cancer Registry covers the Frenchspeaking canton of Neuchâtel in western Switzerland, which shares a border with France. The canton is mainly rural, with only two cities (of approximately 35 000 residents each). Almost all residents are Caucasian; 38% are Protestant and 31% are Catholic. Foreign residents (predominantly of Mediterranean origin) account for about 23% of the population. The main occupational sectors in the canton are watch-making and the microtechnical industry (35%), agriculture (4%), and services (61%). REGISTRY STRUCTURE AND METHODS: The bulk of information is provided by the Neuchâtel Institute of Pathology (INAP) through submission of biopsy, cytology, and autopsy reports. Notiĺcation is voluntary for medical institutions. Additional information is abstracted by the registry staff from computerized hospital charts. The registry routinely integrates abstracts of medical records into its database, and performs periodic electronic linkage between the registry database and the centralized cantonal administrative population database (for the purpose of active follow-up). All death certiĺcates are checked annually against the registry ĺles.
BACKGROUND: In 2008, the Swiss Civil Code was amended. From 1 January 2013, each Swiss canton may propose specific provisions for involuntary outpatient treatment (community treatment orders (CTOs)) for individuals with mental disorders. AIM: This review catalogues the legal provisions of the various Swiss cantons for CTOs and outlines the differences between them. It sets this in the context of variations in clinical provisions between the cantons. METHODS: Databases were searched to obtain relevant publications about CTOs in Switzerland. The Swiss Medical Association, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Swiss Health Observatory and all the 26 Cantonal medical officers were contacted to complete the information. Conférence des cantons en matière de protection des mineurs et des adultes (COPMA), the authority which monitors guardianship legislation, and Pro Mente Sana, a patients' right association, were also approached. RESULTS: Three articles about CTOs in Switzerland were identified. Psychiatric provisions vary considerably between cantons and only a few could provide complete or even partial figures for rates of compulsion in previous years. Prior to 2013, only 6 of the 20 cantons, for which information was returned, had any provision for CTOs. Now, every canton has some form of legal basis but the level of detail is often limited. In eight cantons, the powers of the measure are not specified (for example, use of medication). In 12 cantons, the maximum duration of the CTO is not specified. German speaking cantons and rural cantons are more likely to specify the details of CTOs. CONCLUSION: Highly variable Swiss provision for CTOs is being introduced despite the absence of convincing international evidence for their effectiveness or good quality data on current coercive practice. Careful monitoring and assessment of these new cantonal provisions are essential.
OBJECTIVE: As universal screening of hypertension performs poorly in childhood, targeted screening to children at higher risk of hypertension has been proposed. Our goal was to assess the performance of combined parental history of hypertension and overweight/obesity to identify children with hypertension. We estimated the sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of overweight/obesity and parental history of hypertension for the identification of hypertension in children. DESIGN AND METHOD: We analyzed data from a school-based cross-sectional study including 5207 children aged 10 to 14 years from all public 6th grade classes in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Blood pressure was measured with a clinically validated oscillometric automated device over up to three visits separated by one week. Children had hypertension if they had sustained elevated blood pressure over the three visits. Parents were interviewed about their history of hypertension. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension was 2.2%. 14% of children were overweight or obese and 20% had a positive history of hypertension in either or both parents. 30% of children had either or both conditions. After accounting for several potential confounding factors, parental history of hypertension (odds ratio (OR): 2.6; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.8-4.0), overweight excluding obesity (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.5-4.2) and obesity (OR: 10.1; 95% CI: 6.0-17.0) were associated with hypertension in children. Considered in isolation, the sensitivity and positive predictive values of parental history of hypertension (respectively 41% and 5%) or overweight/obesity (respectively 43% and 7%) were relatively low. Nevertheless, considered together, the sensitivity of targeted screening in children with either overweight/obesity or paternal history of hypertension was higher (65%) but the positive predictive value remained low (5%). The negative predictive value was systematically high. CONCLUSIONS: Restricting screening of hypertension to children with either overweight/obesity or with hypertensive parents would substantially limit the proportion of children to screen (30%) and allow the identification of a relatively large proportion (65%) of hypertensive cases. That could be a valuable alternative to universal screening.
Background: Breast cancer is the first cause of cancer in women in Switzerland. While breast cancer mortality has sharply decreased in the two last decades in Switzerland, the incidence of breast cancer has increased during the same period. Various reasons for this increase have been hypothesized, such as the increase in the prevalence of obesity, the use of postmenauposal hormone replacement therapy, or a later age for having a first child. Overdiagnosis secondary to screening and any other forms of early detection procedures could be also involved. Analyses of breast cancer by stage can help evaluate if overdiagnosis could have contributed to the increase in the incidence of breast cancer. Methods: We used data from the Valais cancer registry at the Observatoire valaisan de la santé (www.ovs.ch). This population based registry collects data on all new (incident) cases of cancer diagnosed in women living in one canton of Switzerland, Valais. Cancers are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3) and the stages are coded according to the TNM classification. Information on breast cancer stage (in situ: 0; invasive: I, II, III, IV) was available for all cases recorded between 1993 and 2011 (N=4246). Standardized rates of breast cancer were computed (direct standardization on European population).
When the popular initiative "against mass immigration" was accepted by the Swiss people and cantons on 9 February 2014, Ticino had by far the highest approval rate. The Italian-speaking canton thus once more confirmed its singular position, assumed since the 1990s, on popular votes regarding immigration and foreign policy. This seems to be indicative of wider crises and changes in both the economic and political spheres that have favoured the emergence of a political opposition between centre and periphery. The results of a survey among 1400 citizens of Ticino after the vote of 9 February confirm this. In essence, on top of the question of immigration, the vote was influenced by a fearful perception of Ticino as a "double periphery" vis-à-vis both Berne and Lombardy.