976 resultados para Built in 1973 Maison


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Dissertação de Mestrado, História da Arte Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanans e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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As revistas científicas locais e regionais têm sido amplamente criticadas por alguns autores. Além disso, dificilmente são indexadas nas bases de dados internacionais, o que reduz a visibilidade dos seus artigos. Objectivo: Analisar a produção científica internacional dos autores que publicaram na Acta Médica Portuguesa no ano de 2008. Métodos: Construi-se uma base de dados com todos os autores que publicaram durante o ano de 2008 na Acta Médica Portuguesa. Em Julho de 2009 recolheu-se do Science Citation Index a produção de todos estes autores publicada nos cinco anos anteriores (2003-2007). Analisaram-se as revistas em que publicaram, o Factor de Impacto destas revistas, as referencias destes artigos, e as citações recebidas. Resultados: Os 78 artigos publicados pela Acta Médica Portuguesa em 2008 foram escritos por 259 autores diferentes. Destes autores, 94 (36,3%) escreveram 420 artigos entre 2003-2007, indexados no Science Citation Index. Estes artigos apareceram em 249 revistas diferentes, com um Factor de Impacto médio de 2,973 (DP = 2,92). A revista com maior Factor de Impacto foi The Lancet (FI2008 = 28,409) com dois artigos publicados. Destes autores, 87 tinham recebido alguma citação aos seus artigos, com um total de 5001 citações. Das 14035 referências destes 420 artigos, apenas 10 eram a algum trabalho publicado na Acta Médica Portuguesa. Conclusão: Os autores que publicam na Acta Médica Portuguesa têm uma boa quantidade de publicações internacionais, em revistas com um considerável Factor de Impacto e recebem um razoável número de citações. Pelo contrário, estes autores quando publicam em revistas internacionais citam extremamente pouco os artigos da Acta Médica Portuguesa.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2010


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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A retrieval model describes the transformation of a query into a set of documents. The question is: what drives this transformation? For semantic information retrieval type of models this transformation is driven by the content and structure of the semantic models. In this case, Knowledge Organization Systems (KOSs) are the semantic models that encode the meaning employed for monolingual and cross-language retrieval. The focus of this research is the relationship between these meanings’ representations and their role and potential in augmenting existing retrieval models effectiveness. The proposed approach is unique in explicitly interpreting a semantic reference as a pointer to a concept in the semantic model that activates all its linked neighboring concepts. It is in fact the formalization of the information retrieval model and the integration of knowledge resources from the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud that is distinctive from other approaches. The preprocessing of the semantic model using Formal Concept Analysis enables the extraction of conceptual spaces (formal contexts)that are based on sub-graphs from the original structure of the semantic model. The types of conceptual spaces built in this case are limited by the KOSs structural relations relevant to retrieval: exact match, broader, narrower, and related. They capture the definitional and relational aspects of the concepts in the semantic model. Also, each formal context is assigned an operational role in the flow of processes of the retrieval system enabling a clear path towards the implementations of monolingual and cross-lingual systems. By following this model’s theoretical description in constructing a retrieval system, evaluation results have shown statistically significant results in both monolingual and bilingual settings when no methods for query expansion were used. The test suite was run on the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum Domain Specific 2004-2006 collection with additional extensions to match the specifics of this model.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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We report the results of a study of the sulphurization time effects on Cu2ZnSnS4 absorbers and thin film solar cells prepared from dc-sputtered tackedmetallic precursors. Three different time intervals, 10 min, 30min and 60 min, at maximum sulphurization temperature were considered. The effects of this parameter' change were studied both on the absorber layer properties and on the final solar cell performance. The composition, structure, morphology and thicknesses of the CZTS layers were analyzed. The electrical characterization of the absorber layer was carried out by measuring the transversal electrical resistance of the samples as a function of temperature. This study shows an increase of the conductivity activation energy from 10 meV to 54meV for increasing sulphurization time from 10min to 60min. The solar cells were built with the following structure: SLG/Mo/CZTS/CdS/i-ZnO/ZnO:Al/Ni:Al grid. Several ac response equivalent circuit models were tested to fit impedance measurements. The best results were used to extract the device series and shunt resistances and capacitances. Absorber layer's electronic properties were also determined using the Mott–Schottky method. The results show a decrease of the average acceptor doping density and built-in voltage, from 2.0 1017 cm−3 to 6.5 1015 cm−3 and from 0.71 V to 0.51 V, respectively, with increasing sulphurization time. These results also show an increase of the depletion region width from approximately 90 nm–250 nm.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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More than ever, the economic globalization is creating the need to increase business competitiveness. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy oriented to the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and are thus considered a waste. One of the main differences from other management philosophies is the shop-floor focus and the operators' involvement. Therefore, the training of all organization levels is crucial for the success of lean manufacturing. Universities should also participate actively in this process by developing students' lean management skills and promoting a better and faster integration of students into their future organizations. This paper proposes a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations, to learn by playing many of the lean tools such as VSM, 5S, SMED, poke-yoke, line balance, TPM, Mizusumashi, plant layout, and JIT/kanban. This simulation game was built in tight cooperation with experienced lean companies under the international program “Lean Learning Academy,”http://www.leanlearningacademy.eu/ and its main aim is to make bachelor and master courses in applied sciences more attractive by integrating classic lectures with a simulated production environment that could result in more motivated students and higher study yields. The simulation game results show that our approach is efficient in providing a realistic platform for the effective learning of lean principles, tools, and mindset, which can be easily included in course classes of less than two hours.


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Debugging electronic circuits is traditionally done with bench equipment directly connected to the circuit under debug. In the digital domain, the difficulties associated with the direct physical access to circuit nodes led to the inclusion of resources providing support to that activity, first at the printed circuit level, and then at the integrated circuit level. The experience acquired with those solutions led to the emergence of dedicated infrastructures for debugging cores at the system-on-chip level. However, all these developments had a small impact in the analog and mixed-signal domain, where debugging still depends, to a large extent, on direct physical access to circuit nodes. As a consequence, when analog and mixed-signal circuits are integrated as cores inside a system-on-chip, the difficulties associated with debugging increase, which cause the time-to-market and the prototype verification costs to also increase. The present work considers the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure as a means to support the debugging of mixed-signal circuits, namely to access the circuit nodes and also an embedded debug mechanism named mixed-signal condition detector, necessary for watch-/breakpoints and real-time analysis operations. One of the main advantages associated with the proposed solution is the seamless migration to the system-on-chip level, as the access is done through electronic means, thus easing debugging operations at different hierarchical levels.


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The new generations of SRAM-based FPGA (field programmable gate array) devices are the preferred choice for the implementation of reconfigurable computing platforms intended to accelerate processing in real-time systems. However, FPGA's vulnerability to hard and soft errors is a major weakness to robust configurable system design. In this paper, a novel built-in self-healing (BISH) methodology, based on run-time self-reconfiguration, is proposed. A soft microprocessor core implemented in the FPGA is responsible for the management and execution of all the BISH procedures. Fault detection and diagnosis is followed by repairing actions, taking advantage of the dynamic reconfiguration features offered by new FPGA families. Meanwhile, modular redundancy assures that the system still works correctly