875 resultados para Brazilian Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching


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Esta pesquisa surge da minha preocupação sobre os valores pedagógicos no ensino superior: quais são, quais os seus fundamentos filosóficos, como são concebidos e aplicados na prática docente e especificamente na formação de professores em um curso de Pedagogia. Os conhecimentos, saber-fazer, métodos e habilidades que são mobilizados diariamente, nas salas de aula, com o fim de formar outros professores, também são partes desta busca. O referencial fundamenta-se nas concepções de Paulo Freire sobre valores pedagógicos e sobre educação, a partir da sua visão antropológica, gnosiológica e política do ser humano e de uma sociedade mais justa e equilibrada. O objetivo freiriano é uma educação libertadora que supere as contradições entre opressores e oprimidos, para evitar, por meio da educação, que elas sejam mantidas ou resolvidas a partir de uma solução individual ou por meios violentos. Somente um conjunto de valores pedagógicos bem assimilados e praticados, por parte dos docentes e daqueles que participam do processo educativo, permitem a superação da opressão: diálogo, humildade, fé nos homens, pensar crítico, ética, amor. A aceitação e realização desses valores permitirão não somente melhorar a educação em si, mas a sociedade como um todo. A pesquisa inclui reflexões sobre o ensino brasileiro e a qualidade dos professores com relação ao agir na formação e na sua própria transformação individual como seres críticos, ao usar os valores pedagógicos objeto do pensamento de Freire. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados: leitura de textos e artigos de Paulo Freire e de outros comentadores e educadores brasileiros e estrangeiros; questionários fechados que permitiram coletar dados sobre o clima e a cultura organizacional e verificar que a educação nacional ainda está presa a estruturas históricas tradicionais, as quais se manifestam em conteúdos e metodologias que não resolvem a crise educacional do nosso país. Esses questionários foram aplicados a alguns professores, escolhidos por amostragem, do curso de Pedagogia de uma instituição superior em São Paulo. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam que as opiniões dos professores entrevistados revelam um enfoque pouco participativo. Em alguns aspectos, eles demonstram que não há o hábito de diálogo sobre os problemas educacionais, como também não há abertura para medidas inovadoras que poderiam contribuir para com a qualidade do ensino e aprendizado. Isso demonstra o abismo entre o discurso e a prática docente colaborando para a falta de inspiração e de consciência crítica que todo profissional deve possuir, como valor pedagógico.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de ser docente do professor enfermeiro que atua no Ensino Técnico em enfermagem e cursou Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica, exigido pelo MEC a partir de janeiro de 2008. A fundamentação teórica da pesquisa foi norteada pelo conceito de Representação Social enunciado por Sèrge Moscovici (1978) e mediado por Denise Jodelet (1984) e Mary Jane Spink (2004). Foram tecidas considerações sobre o ensino de enfermagem dentro do quadro da educação brasileira, evidenciando a legalização do ensino técnico no contexto socioeconômico e político do país que regulamentou o ensino técnico de enfermagem. Também foram descritas as últimas exigências feitas pelo Ministério da Educação e pelo Conselho Regional de Enfermagem sobre o exercício da docência no ensino técnico. A coleta de dados foi possível por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com 07 professores enfermeiros egressos do curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa centrada na análise de conteúdo dando voz aos sujeitos da pesquisa. Os resultados revelaram que as representações sociais sobre o ser docente da população-alvo foram ancoradas na perspectiva de transmitir os conteúdos curriculares e morais, porém, tentaram se afastar da idéia do paradigma tradicional do professor que só transmite conhecimento. Os resultados também evidenciaram que o curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica contribuiu com os professores enfermeiros da pesquisa para o processo de construção e reconstrução do ser docente. As representações sociais dos professores deste estudo revelaram, por último, a satisfação em ser docente atrelada à idéia de felicidade em exercer as atividades docentes, o que não deixou de lado a forte presença da profissão de enfermeiro.


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A prática educativa na escola está carregada de uma postura tradicional e bancária , conforme aparece em várias obras de Freire, ainda que novas tecnologias sejam introduzidas em seu cotidiano pedagógico. A ênfase à informação em detrimento da construção do conhecimento e saberes, na verdade, afasta o aluno, particularmente nas escolas públicas, de apropriar-se dos instrumentos significativos de sua elaboração. Nesse sentido, dentro da linha de Políticas e Gestões Educacionais, esse trabalho se propõe à reflexão do espaço da escola no diálogo com a cidade, isto é, à possibilidade de protagonismo social no desenvolvimento do aluno. O procedimento da pesquisa fundamenta-se no estudo dos projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos na rede municipal de Mauá através dos registros e relatos descritivos das avaliações das escolas dessas atividades, de seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos e do Programa de Educação Ambiental de Mauá da Secretaria Municipal de Educação. O trabalho Dos muros da escola à abertura para a cidade foi desenvolvido de forma a entendermos o espaço geográfico, considerando sua territorialização e o conceito de espaço simbólico. Dessa forma, podemos compreender como a relação escola/espaço território e o Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido em escolas da rede pública da cidade de Mauá aparece na atuação de um em relação ao outro. A metodologia de trabalho usada foi exploratória, de natureza bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa buscou perceber a abordagem dialógica que se estabelece com a cidade a partir da conceituação do espaço simbólico da escola no processo ensino-aprendizagem. O Programa de Educação Ambiental e as escolas, de acordo com seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos se propõem, ainda que empiricamente, a trabalhar nessa direção. A prática pedagógica, como demonstraram algumas atividades, mesmo tratando do tema de forma sem a consciência diferenciada , aponta um avanço nesse sentido. Os textos coletivos, a participação solidária, são elementos que nos permitem concluir dessa forma. As respostas das crianças foram significativas, embora tenhamos apontado as dificuldades na execução dos procedimentos pedagógicos. Por tratar-se de algo novo, não só como proposta, o Programa de Educação Ambiental exigiu a capacidade de lidar com ações integrada e integradora, ou seja, mudança de subjetividade dos distintos atores envolvidos no processo. O tema poderia se tornar por demais abrangente e, dessa forma, perder-se em generalidades. Assim, alguns aspectos relevantes foram apontados sem, no entanto, partir para um maior aprofundamento a fim de garantir a objetividade do trabalho. A instituição escolar está presente de corpo e alma na cidade e, ainda que, a temática ambiental esteja presente em seu cotidiano ela se faz de maneira formal e informativa. Todos falam em meio ambiente, entretanto poucos internalizam os valores de um ambiente saudável e próprio para o desenvolvimento humano da maioria que produz a riqueza das nações. Consideradas as observações apontadas, o trabalho apresentou elementos que devem ser analisados com maior propriedade, isto é, com maior extensão, como proposta de continuidade da pesquisa.


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This article reports on research into the beliefs of a group of teachers working in the field of TESOL, specifically teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). In particular, the aim was to see if it is possible to identify a coherent system of beliefs about teaching and learning that may account for different approaches to teaching.


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From an examination of the literature relating to the catalytic steam reforming of hydrocarbons, it is concluded that the kinetics of high pressure reforming, particularly steam-methane reforming, has received relatively little attention. Therefore because of the increasing availability of natural gas in the U.K., this system was considered worthy of investigation. An examination of the thermodynamics relating to the equilibria of steam-hydrocarbon reforming is described. The reactions most likely to have influence over the process are established and from these a computer program was written to calculate equilibrium compositions. A means of presenting such data in a graphica1 form for ranges of the operating variables is given, and also an operating chart which may be used to quickly check feed ratios employed on a working naphtha reforming plant is presented. For the experimental kinetic study of the steam-methane system, cylindrical pellets of ICI 46-1 nickel catalyst were used in the form of a rod catalyst. The reactor was of the integral type and a description is given with the operating procedures and analytical method used. The experimental work was divided into two parts, qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative study the various reaction steps are examined in order to establish which one is rate controlling. It is concluded that the effects of film diffusion resistance within the conditions employed are negligible. In the quantitative study it was found that at 250 psig and 6500C the steam-methane reaction is much slower than the CO shift reaction and is rate controlling. Two rate mechanisms and accompanying kinetic rate equations are derived, both of which represent 'chemical' steps in the reaction and are considered of equal merit. However the possibility of a dual control involving 'chemical' and pore diffusion resistances is also expressed.


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Numerical techniques have been finding increasing use in all aspects of fracture mechanics, and often provide the only means for analyzing fracture problems. The work presented here, is concerned with the application of the finite element method to cracked structures. The present work was directed towards the establishment of a comprehensive two-dimensional finite element, linear elastic, fracture analysis package. Significant progress has been made to this end, and features which can now be studied include multi-crack tip mixed-mode problems, involving partial crack closure. The crack tip core element was refined and special local crack tip elements were employed to reduce the element density in the neighbourhood of the core region. The work builds upon experience gained by previous research workers and, as part of the general development, the program was modified to incorporate the eight-node isoparametric quadrilateral element. Also. a more flexible solving routine was developed, and provided a very compact method of solving large sets of simultaneous equations, stored in a segmented form. To complement the finite element analysis programs, an automatic mesh generation program has been developed, which enables complex problems. involving fine element detail, to be investigated with a minimum of input data. The scheme has proven to be versati Ie and reasonably easy to implement. Numerous examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of the finite element technique.


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The analysis and prediction of the dynamic behaviour of s7ructural components plays an important role in modern engineering design. :n this work, the so-called "mixed" finite element models based on Reissnen's variational principle are applied to the solution of free and forced vibration problems, for beam and :late structures. The mixed beam models are obtained by using elements of various shape functions ranging from simple linear to complex cubic and quadratic functions. The elements were in general capable of predicting the natural frequencies and dynamic responses with good accuracy. An isoparametric quadrilateral element with 8-nodes was developed for application to thin plate problems. The element has 32 degrees of freedom (one deflection, two bending and one twisting moment per node) which is suitable for discretization of plates with arbitrary geometry. A linear isoparametric element and two non-conforming displacement elements (4-node and 8-node quadrilateral) were extended to the solution of dynamic problems. An auto-mesh generation program was used to facilitate the preparation of input data required by the 8-node quadrilateral elements of mixed and displacement type. Numerical examples were solved using both the mixed beam and plate elements for predicting a structure's natural frequencies and dynamic response to a variety of forcing functions. The solutions were compared with the available analytical and displacement model solutions. The mixed elements developed have been found to have significant advantages over the conventional displacement elements in the solution of plate type problems. A dramatic saving in computational time is possible without any loss in solution accuracy. With beam type problems, there appears to be no significant advantages in using mixed models.


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The European Union institutions represent a complex setting and a specific case of institutional translation. The European Central Bank (ECB) is a particular context as the documents translated belong to the field of economics and, thus, contain many specialised terms and neologisms that pose challenges to translators. This study aims to investigate the translation practices at the ECB, and to analyse their effects on the translated texts. In order to illustrate the way texts are translated at the ECB, the thesis will focus on metaphorical expressions and the conceptual metaphors by which they are sanctioned. Metaphor is often associated with literature and less with specialised texts. However, according to Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) conceptual metaphor theory, our conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature and metaphors are pervasive elements of thought and speech. The corpus compiled comprises economic documents translated at the ECB, mainly from English into Romanian. Using corpus analysis, the most salient metaphorical expressions were identified in the source and target texts and explained with reference to the main conceptual metaphors. Translation strategies are discussed on the basis of a comparison of the source and target texts. The text-based analysis is complemented by questionnaires distributed to translators, which give insights into the institution’s translation practices. As translation is an institutional process, translators have to follow certain guidelines and practices; these are discussed with reference to translators’ agency. A gap was identified in the field of institutional translation. The translation process in the EU institutions has been insufficiently explored, especially regarding the new languages of the European Union. By combining the analysis of the institutional practices, the texts produced in the institution and the translators’ work (by the questionnaires distributed to translators), this thesis intends to bring a contribution to institutional translation and metaphor translation, particularly regarding a new EU language, Romanian.


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Management consultants have long been recognized as carriers of management knowledge and disseminators of management fashions. While it is well understood how they promote the acceptance of their concepts, surprisingly little has been said about their strategies to promote the acceptability of their services. In this paper, we elaborate a typology of strategies by which management consultancies can create and sustain such “institutional capital” (Oliver, 1997) that helps them extract competitive resources from their institutional context. Drawing on examples from the German consulting industry, we show how localized competitive actions can enhance individual firm’s positions, but also the collective institutional capital of the consulting industry as a whole, legitimize consulting services in broader sectors of society and facilitating access to requisite resources. These accounts counter prevailing imagery of institutional entrepreneurship as individualistic, “heroic” action and demonstrate how distributed, embedded actors can collectively shape the institutional context from within to enhance their institutional capital.


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The subject of this research is interaction and language use in an institutional context, the teacher training classroom. Trainer talk is an interactional accomplishment and the research question is: what structures of talk-in-interaction characterise trainer talk in this institutional setting? While there has been research into other kinds of classroom and into other kinds of institutional talk, this study is the first on trainer discourse. The study takes a Conversation Analysis approach to studying institutional interaction and aims to identify the main structures of sequential organization that characterize teacher trainer talk as well as the tasks and identities that are accomplished in it. The research identifies three main interactional contexts in which trainer talk is done: expository, exploratory and experiential. It describes the main characteristics of each and how they relate to each other. Expository sequences are the predominant interactional contexts for trainer talk. But the research findings show that these contexts are flexible and open to the embedding of the other two contexts. All three contexts contribute to the main institutional goal of teaching teachers how to teach. Trainer identity is related to the different sequential contexts. Three main forms of identity in interaction are evidenced in the interactional contexts: the trainer as trainer, the trainer as teacher and the trainer as colleague. Each of them play an important role in teacher trainer pedagogy. The main features of trainer talk as a form of institutional talk are characterised by the following interactional properties: 1. Professional discourse is both the vehicle and object of instruction - the articulation of reflection on experience. 2. There is a reflexive relationship between pedagogy and interaction. 3. The professional discourse that is produced by trainees is not evaluated by trainers but, rather, reformulated to give it relevant precision in terms of accuracy and appropriacy.


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We classify the strategies by which management consultancies can create and sustain the institutional capital that makes it possible for them to extract competitive resources from their institutional context. Using examples from the German consulting industry, we show how localized competitive actions can enhance both individual firms’ positions, and also strengthen the collective institutional capital of the consulting industry thus legitimizing consulting services in broader sectors of society and facilitating access to requisite resources. Our findings counter the image of institutional entrepreneurship as individualistic, “heroic” action. We demonstrate how distributed, embedded actors can collectively shape the institutional context from within to enhance their institutional capital.


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The relationship between research and learning and teaching represents what has been described as ‘amongst the most intellectually tangled, managerially complex and politically contentious issues in mass higher education’ (Scott, 2005, p 53). Despite this, arguments that in order to achieve high quality scholarly outcomes, university teachers need to adopt an approach to teaching similar to that of research (i.e. founded upon academic rigour and evidence), has long been discussed in the literature (see for example, Elton, 2005 & Healey, 2000). However, the practicalities of promoting an empirical and evidence-based approach to teaching within a research-led institution makes dealing with the research/learning and teaching nexus a somewhat challenging proposition. Drawing upon the findings of a mixed methodological study, this paper critically analyses the pedagogical, organisational and practical issues encountered by academics and support staff working within a newly established Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice. Comprising an eclectic group of staff drawn from across the five Schools in the University, the Centre is dedicated to enhancing student learning through the development of evidence based teaching practice. Based upon the premise that the promotion of research-led teaching will act to bring teaching and research together, and in doing so enhance students learning experiences (Simmons & Elen 2007), the paper critically analyses the challenges encountered by staff responsible for developing and introducing a new learning & teaching focused organisational strategy (by reflecting on the previous 12 months work). In doing so it makes a significant contribution to current academic theory and debate in the areas of pedagogic practice and organisational management. Focusing specifically on the impact of the new policy on various aspects of university life including, pedagogic practice, student support, staff training, and organisational management, the paper critically addresses the cultural and attitudinal challenges of change management (Kotter, 1996) within a ‘grey-brick’ university. It concludes by arguing that the move towards becoming a more learning-focused university has started to develop an awareness of the positive impact the change initiative is having on the student experience and wider institution; whilst also drawing attention to the organisational challenges ahead.


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Higher education institutions are increasingly using social software tools to support teaching and learning. Despite the fact that social software is often used in a social context, these applications can significantly contribute to the educational experience of a student. However, as the social software domain comprises a considerable diversity of tools, the respective tools can be expected to differ in the way they can contribute to teaching and learning. In this review on the educational use of social software, we systematically analyze and compare the diverse social software tools and identify their contributions to teaching and learning. By integrating established learning theory and the extant literature on the individual social software applications we seek to contribute to a theoretical foundation for social software use and the choice of tools. Case vignettes from several UK higher education institutions are used to illustrate the different applications of social software tools in teaching and learning.


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In part 1 of this article, cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was determined to occur between two closely spaced blocky MA particles. Blunt notch, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and precracked Charpy testing were used in this investigation to determine the failure criteria required for cleavage initiation to occur by this mechanism in the IC CG HAZ. It was found that the attainment of a critical level of strain was required in addition to a critical level of stress. This does not occur in the case of high strain rate testing, for example, during precracked Charpy testing. A different cleavage initiation mechanism is then found to operate. The precise fracture criteria and microstructural requirements (described in part I of this article) result in competition between potential cleavage initiation mechanisms in the IC CG HAZ.


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In this report we will explain some earlier papers [1, 2] which are about definition of Artificial Intelligence and about perfect AI. The definition of AI is intuitive in [1] and formal in [2]. The perfect AI is a program that satisfies the definition for AI but which is absolutely useless because of the combinatory explosion. Most people do not understand these papers because they never saw AI and that is why for them the notion of AI is too abstract. In this report we will make parallel between definition of chess playing program and definition of AI. Of course, the definition of chess playing program is useless because people already know what this is. Anyway, we will give you this definition because its construction follows closely the construction of the definition of AI. Also the results are almost the same with the only difference that we can optimise the perfect chess playing program in order to obtain a real chess playing program, but for the moment we cannot optimise the perfect AI in order to obtain a real AI. In this report we will not speak about AI. The only matter which we will observe will be about chess playing programs. If you understand the construction and the results about chess playing programs then you can read the papers [1, 2] and to see similar results about AI.