858 resultados para Birds in literature


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Industrialists have few example processes they can benchmark against in order to choose a multi-agent development kit. In this paper we present a review of commercial and academic agent tools with the aim of selecting one for developing an intelligent, self-serving asset architecture. In doing so, we map and enhance relevant assessment criteria found in literature. After a preliminary review of 20 multiagent platforms, we examine in further detail those of JADE, JACK and Cougaar. Our findings indicate that Cougaar is well suited for our requirements, showing excellent support for criteria such as scalability, persistence, mobility and lightweightness. © 2010 IEEE.


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The increments of internal forces induced in a tunnel lining during earthquakes can be assessed with several procedures at different levels of complexity. However, the substantial lack of well-documented case histories still represents a difficulty in order to validate any of the methods proposed in literature. To bridge this gap, centrifuge model tests were carried out on a circular aluminium tunnel located at two different depths in dense and loose dry sand. Each model has been instrumented for measuring soil motion and internal loads in the lining and tested under several dynamic input signals. The tests performed represented an experimental benchmark to calibrate dynamic analyses with different approaches to account for soil-tunnel kinematic interaction. © 2009 IOS Press.


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The free vibrational characteristics of coupled conical-cylindrical shells is presented. The equations of motion for the cylindrical shell are solved using a wave approach while the equations of motion for the conical shells are solved using a power series solution. The use of both Donnell-Mushtari and Flügge equations of motion are investigated and their limitations are discussed. Results are presented in terms of natural frequencies for different boundary conditions and the purely torsional mode solution is described. The results from the analytical model presented are compared with those obtained from a finite element model solved with Nastran and other data available in literature.


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Raman spectroscopy is an integral part of graphene research. It is used to determine the number and orientation of layers, the quality and types of edge, and the effects of perturbations, such as electric and magnetic fields, strain, doping, disorder and functional groups. This, in turn, provides insight into all sp(2)-bonded carbon allotropes, because graphene is their fundamental building block. Here we review the state of the art, future directions and open questions in Raman spectroscopy of graphene. We describe essential physical processes whose importance has only recently been recognized, such as the various types of resonance at play, and the role of quantum interference. We update all basic concepts and notations, and propose a terminology that is able to describe any result in literature. We finally highlight the potential of Raman spectroscopy for layered materials other than graphene.


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A multi-objective design optimisation study has been carried out with the objectives to improve the overall efficiency of the device and to reduce the fuel consumption for the proposed micro-scale combustor design configuration. In a previous study we identified the topology of the combustion chamber that produced improved behaviour of the device in terms of the above design criteria. We now extend our design approach, and we propose a new configuration by the addition of a micro-cooling channel that will improve the thermal behaviour of the design as previously suggested in literature. Our initial numerical results revealed an improvement of 2.6% in the combustion efficiency when we applied the micro-cooling channel to an optimum design configuration we identified from our earlier multi-objective optimisation study, and under the same operating conditions. The computational modelling of the combustion process is implemented in the commercial computational fluid dynamics package ANSYS-CFX using Finite Rate Chemistry and a single step hydrogen-air reaction. With this model we try to balance good accuracy of the combustion solution and at the same time practicality within the context of an optimisation process. The whole design system comprises also the ANSYS-ICEM CFD package for the automatic geometry and mesh generation and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search algorithm for the design space exploration. We model the design problem with 5 geometrical parameters and 3 operational parameters subject to 5 design constraints that secure practicality and feasibility of the new optimum design configurations. The final results demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the developed computational design system and most importantly we assess the practicality and manufacturability of the revealed optimum design configurations of micro-combustor devices. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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The effect of beta particles interaction on the optical properties of MOCVD grown GaN is reported. A significant change in luminescence properties of GaN is observed after exposing the material with 0.6 MeV beta particles with low dose of 10(12) cm(-2). The results obtained from photoluminescence measurements of irradiated GaN samples in low dose are found contradictory to those reported in literature for samples irradiated with heavy dose (> 10(15) cm(-2)) of electron. An increase in intensity of yellow luminescence has been observed with increasing dose of beta particles which is in disagreement to the already reported results in literature for heavily irradiated samples. A model has been proposed to sort out this inconsistency. The increase in YL intensity at low dose is attributed to the increase in concentration of VGaON complex whereas production of non-radiative VGaON clusters is assumed to justify the decrease in YL intensity at high dose.


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横断山区拥有独特的生物区系和丰富的生物多样性,成为研究生物和地学许 多重大理论问题的关键性区域。然而该地区复杂的高山峡谷地形不利于大范围实 地考察工作的开展,而传统的调查方法也较难直接地获取野生动物及其生境的一 些量化数据,如某种或某类生物元素的分布、变化情况以及保护状况等,因此长 期以来对于该地区保护网络的规划和管理效果一直缺乏系统地评价,保护工作的 进一步开展依然面临很多难题。近年来地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)和遥感技术(Remote Sensing, RS)已经广泛应用于野生动物及其 生境保护的各个方面,为横断山区的保护工作拓展了新的研究思路和方法借鉴。 本研究以位于云南西北部横断山区的四个县(德钦、维西、丽江、香格里拉) 作为核心研究地区,以野生动物的主要栖息地——林地为对象,借助RS 和GIS 手段研究该地区内林地的分布、变化以及受威胁程度;并针对鸡形目鸟类的保护 状况进行了分析,为该地区林地和鸡形目鸟类的保护及评价提供科学的方法指导 和建议。具体如下: (1)林地分布以及针叶林的进一步细分。在地面真实数据的辅助下,通过 对Landsat TM/TM+影像的预处理、分类、分类后处理等过程,将研究地区中的 林地与非林地进行划分;针对暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林这两种较难区分的类 别,采用导引聚类(guided clustering)的分类方法,进一步对针叶林进行细分。 精度评估的结果显示,林地与非林地的划分总体精度为94.3%,而针叶林细分为 暖温性针叶林和寒温性针叶林的总体精度为74.8%。该方法可以较为准确地划分 该地区不同的生境类型,为野生动物及其生境的保护奠定基础。(2)林地的受威胁程度评价。通过分析研究地区中的林地在40 多年时间跨 度里(1958-2001 年)的变化情况和保护现状,从而评价其受威胁程度,结果反 映出每个县的林地面积都有不同程度的减少,丽江和香格里拉这两个县的林地受 威胁程度相对较高。进一步对丽江和香格里拉两县在不同海拔带的林地分布和变 化情况进行分析,结果表明,丽江的林地主要分布于2000-3500 米的海拔范围内 (占该县全部林地面积的89.7%),而在香格里拉则主要分布于2500 米以上(占 该县全部林地面积的95.2%);在这两个林地分布较为集中的区域内,都是低海 拔地区林地面积减少程度较高,意味着在开展保护工作时应重点关注这两个县的 低海拔林地。本研究方法可供整个横断山区乃至其他高山峡谷地区借鉴,为保护 网络的完善提供快速的量化参考。 (3)鸡形目鸟类的保护状况分析。借助RS 和GIS 手段描绘研究地区中当 前林地(2001 年左右)以及早期林地(1958 年前后)的分布,针对那些主要以 林地为生境的鸡形目鸟类,在相应限制因子(例如海拔数据)的辅助下对它们当 前和过去的潜在生境进行预测,从而分析它们的保护现状和生境的变化情况。结 果表明研究地区中现有的保护区对这些鸟类的保护尚不完善,并且在过去40 多 年的时间跨度里它们的潜在生境都有不同程度的退化。建议将来的保护工作优先 考虑那些在当前未被充分保护的物种以及潜在生境退化程度相对较高的物种。针 对这些物种,提出在将来的进一步保护工作中的一些建议,为整个横断山区鸡形 目鸟类乃至其他野生动物类群的保护提供参考。


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In this paper, as an extension of minimum unsatisfied linear relations problem (MIN ULR), the minimum unsatisfied relations (MIN UR) problem is investigated. A triangle evolution algorithm with archiving and niche techniques is proposed for MIN UR problem. Different with algorithms in literature, it solves MIN problem directly, rather than transforming it into many sub-problems. The proposed algorithm is also applicable for the special case of MIN UR, in which it involves some mandatory relations. Numerical results show that the algorithm is effective for MIN UR problem and it outperforms Sadegh's algorithm in sense of the resulted minimum inconsistency number, even though the test problems are linear.


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Radiation crosslinking of polymers mainly depends on the structure of polymer chain. The flexibility and mobility of chain directly influence the possibility of the reactive radicals recombination. Flexible chain is easier to crosslink than rigid-chain polymer. The latter must be crosslinked at high temperature, as most polymers can only crosslink above their melting point. Structural effect also influences the mechanism of radiation crosslinking of polymers. We find from the results in literature and in our laboratory that, the flexibility chain polymer mainly crosslinked with H type, but the rigid chain polymer mainly crosslinked with Y type. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The aqueous complexation of lanthanide complexes of citrate in pH 7.4 solutions has been studied by using lanthanide-induced shift and relaxation times measurement methods. These results indicate that citrate coordinate via 3-hydroxyl and 3-carboxylate groups with lanthanide ions and form 1:2 (Ln/cit) isostructural complexes through lanthanide series. We suggest a new coordination geometry which is different from that described in literature.


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Grovier, Kelly, 'Keats and the Holocaust: Notes towards a post-temporalism', Literature and Theology (2003) 17 (4) pp.361-373 RAE2008


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej


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Autorka, stawiając pytanie o zasadność pojęcia Europy Środkowej, przypomina historię różnic poglądowych pomiędzy czeskimi a polskimi uczonymi na temat (nie)istnienia wspólnoty na tym terytorium: ci pierwsi w XIX wieku głosili ideę panslawizmu, w 30-tych latach XX wieku potrzebę syntezy kultur i literatur słowiańskich, a po II wojnie światowej przeciwstawiali słowiańskość Zachodowi, co wywoływało krytykę tych drugich. Stąd wynika odmienne rozumienie obszaru środkowoeuropejskiego – w Czechach przeważnie lokowanego w granicach Austro-Węgier, zaś w Polsce pojmowanego znacznie szerzej. Natomiast pewnego rodzaju spójny wyróżnik Europy Środkowej można znaleźć w literaturze, przytaczany bywa szczególnie gatunek powieści (np. Kafki, Haška, Musila, Gombrowicza), poprzedzony – jak przypomina autorka – polską gawędą i popularnym w Polsce szkicem fizjologicznym. Zawarty w nich element humoru, przeszedł w stadium satyry, a następnie groteski, tworząc dzięki temu niepowtarzalny odcień humoru środkowoeuropejskiego, często określanego jako drugi wyróżnik omawianego terytorium. Zdaniem autorki, środkowoeuropejska specyfika ściśle związana jest z kodem euroatlantyckim, a w tym właśnie kontekście zawsze powinna być rozpatrywana.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Rosyjskiej


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Oficjalne kredyty ratunkowe dla niektórych krajów w strefie euro nie mogą zastąpić tam reform, które – poprawiając sytuację gospodarczą – pozwolą odzyskać owym krajom zaufanie rynków finansowych. W literaturze wymienia się dwie główne strukturalne słabości wspólnej waluty (euro): 1. Jednolita polityka pieniądza nie jest w stanie uwzględnić odmienności sytuacji poszczególnych krajów, a wspólny pieniądz nie pozwala na dewaluację w obrębie strefy euro; 2. Strefa euro istnieje bez „unii politycznej”. Artykuł analizuje zasadność tych tez.