971 resultados para Basal cell nevus syndrome
Unacylated ghrelin (UAG) is the predominant ghrelin isoform in the circulation. Despite its inability to activate the classical ghrelin receptor, preclinical studies suggest that UAG may promote β-cell function. We hypothesized that UAG would oppose the effects of acylated ghrelin (AG) on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance. AG (1 µg/kg/h), UAG (4 µg/kg/h), combined AG+UAG, or saline were infused to 17 healthy subjects (9 men and 8 women) on four occasions in randomized order. Ghrelin was infused for 30 min to achieve steady-state levels and continued through a 3-h intravenous glucose tolerance test. The acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg), insulin sensitivity index (SI), disposition index (DI), and intravenous glucose tolerance (kg) were compared for each subject during the four infusions. AG infusion raised fasting glucose levels but had no effect on fasting plasma insulin. Compared with the saline control, AG and AG+UAG both decreased AIRg, but UAG alone had no effect. SI did not differ among the treatments. AG, but not UAG, reduced DI and kg and increased plasma growth hormone. UAG did not alter growth hormone, cortisol, glucagon, or free fatty acid levels. UAG selectively decreased glucose and fructose consumption compared with the other treatments. In contrast to previous reports, acute administration of UAG does not have independent effects on glucose tolerance or β-cell function and neither augments nor antagonizes the effects of AG.
The mechanisms responsible for increased cardiovascular risk associated with HIV-1 infection are incompletely defined. Using flow cytometry, in the present study, we examined activation phenotypes of monocyte subpopulations in patients with HIV-1 infection or acute coronary syndrome to find common cellular profiles. Nonclassic (CD14(+)CD16(++)) and intermediate (CD14(++)CD16(+)) monocytes are proportionally increased and express high levels of tissue factor and CD62P in HIV-1 infection. These proportions are related to viremia, T-cell activation, and plasma levels of IL-6. In vitro exposure of whole blood samples from uninfected control donors to lipopolysaccharide increased surface tissue factor expression on all monocyte subsets, but exposure to HIV-1 resulted in activation only of nonclassic monocytes. Remarkably, the profile of monocyte activation in uncontrolled HIV-1 disease mirrors that of acute coronary syndrome in uninfected persons. Therefore, drivers of immune activation and inflammation in HIV-1 disease may alter monocyte subpopulations and activation phenotype, contributing to a pro-atherothrombotic state that may drive cardiovascular risk in HIV-1 infection.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) that have been heavily used in consumer products such as furniture foams, plastics, and textiles since the mid-1970’s. BFRs are added to products in order to meet state flammability standards intended to increase indoor safety in the event of a fire. The three commercial PBDE mixtures, Penta-, Octa-, and DecaBDE, have all been banned in the United States, however, limited use of DecaBDE is still permitted. PBDEs were phased out of production and added to the Stockholm Convention due to concerns over their environmental persistence and toxicity. Human exposure to PBDEs occurs primarily through the inadvertent ingestion of contaminated house dust, as well as though dietary sources. Despite the phase-out and discontinued use of PBDEs, human exposure to this class of chemicals is likely to continue for decades due to the continued use of treated products and existing environmental reservoirs of PBDEs. Extensive research over the years has shown that PBDEs disrupt thyroid hormone (TH) levels and neurodevelopmental endpoints in rodent and fish models. Additionally, there is growing epidemiological evidence linking PBDE exposure in humans to altered TH homeostasis and neurodevelopmental impairments in children. Due to the importance of THs throughout gestation, there is a great need to understand the effects of BFRs on the developing fetus. Specifically, the placenta plays a critical role in the transport, metabolism, and delivery of THs to the fetal compartment during pregnancy and is a likely target for BFR bioaccumulation and endocrine disruption. The central hypothesis of this dissertation research is that BFRs disrupt the activity of TH sulfotransferase (SULT) enzymes, thereby altering TH concentrations in the placenta.
In the first aim of this dissertation research, the concentrations of PBDEs and 2,4,6-TBP were measured in a cohort of 102 placenta tissue samples from an ongoing pregnancy cohort in Durham, NC. Methods were developed for the extraction and analysis of the BFR analytes. It was found that 2,4,6-TBP was significantly correlated with all PBDE analytes, indicating that 2,4,6-TBP may share common product applications with PBDEs or that 2,4,6-TBP is a metabolite of PBDE compounds. Additionally, this was the first study to measure 2,4,6-TBP in human placenta tissues.
In the second aim of this dissertation research, the placenta tissue concentrations of THs, as well as the endogenous activity of deiodinase (DI) and TH SULT enzymes were quantified using the same cohort of 102 placenta tissue samples. Enzyme activity was detected in all samples and this was the first study to measure TH DI and SULT activity in human placenta tissues. Enzyme activities and TH concentrations were compared with BFR concentrations measured in Aim 1. There were few statistically significant associations observed for the combined data, however, upon stratifying the data set based on infant sex, additional significant associations were observed. For example, among males, those with the highest concentrations of BDE-99 in placenta had T3 levels 0.80 times those with the lowest concentration of BDE-99 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.59, 1.07). Whereas females with the highest concentrations of BDE-99 in placenta had T3 levels 1.50 times those with the lowest concentration of BDE-99 (95% CI: 1.10, 2.04). Additionally, all BFR analyte concentrations were higher in the placenta of males versus females and they were significantly higher for 2,4,6-TBP and BDE-209. 3,3’-T2 SULT activity was significantly higher in female placenta tissues, while type 3 DI activity was significantly higher in male placenta tissues. This research is the first to show sex-specific differences in the bioaccumulation of BFRs in human placenta tissue, as well as differences in TH concentrations and endogenous DI and SULT activity. The underlying mechanisms of these observed sex differences warrant further investigation.
In the third aim of this dissertation research, the effects of BFRs were examined in a human choriocarcinoma placenta cell line, BeWo. Michaelis-Menten parameters and inhibition curves were calculated for 2,4,6-TBP, 3-OH BDE-47, and 6-OH BDE-47. 2,4,6-TBP was shown to be the most potent inhibitor of 3,3’-T2 SULT activity with a calculated IC50 value of 11.6 nM. It was also shown that 2,4,6-TBP and 3-OH BDE-47 exhibit mixed inhibition of 3,3’-T2 sulfation in BeWo cell homogenates. Next, a series of cell culture exposure experiments were performed using 1, 6, 12, and 24 hour exposure durations. Once again, 2,4,6-TBP was shown to be the most potent inhibitor of basal 3,3’-T2 SULT activity by significantly decreasing activity at the high and medium dose (1 M and 0.5 M, respectively) at all measured time points. Interestingly, BDE-99 was also shown to inhibit basal 3,3’-T2 SULT activity in BeWo cells following the 24 hour exposure, despite exhibiting no inhibitory effects in the BeWo cell homogenate experiments. This indicates that BDE-99 must act through a pathway other than direct enzyme inhibition. Following exposures, the TH concentrations in the cell culture growth media and mRNA expression of TH-related genes were also examined. There was no observed effect of BFR treatment on these endpoints. Future work should focus on determining the downstream biological effects of TH SULT disruption in placental cells, as well as the underlying mechanisms of action responsible for reductions in basal TH SULT activity following BFR exposure.
This was one of the first studies to measure BFRs in a cohort of placenta tissue samples from the United States and the first study to measure THs, DI activity, and SULT activity in human placenta tissues. This research provides a novel contribution to our growing understanding of the effects of BFRs on TH homeostasis within the human placenta, and provides further evidence for sex-specific differences within this important organ. Future research should continue to investigate the effects of environmental contaminants on TH homeostasis within the placenta, as this represents the most critical and vulnerable stage of human development.
Introduction: Histiocytoses correspond to a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the proliferation andinfiltration of histiocytes in tissues. For years, many of the histiocytoses where known by numerous names, reflecting the lack of understanding regarding their origin. Case report: A previously healthy, 4-month-old infant presented a cutaneous lesion of progressive growth on his nose since 1 month ago. The mother has a diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome. On examination, there was a firm well-defined erythematous plaque with 30 mm of diameter and raised edges, on the bridge of the nose. At the left cheek, left thoracic region and right arm there were also small erythematous papules with 5 days of evolution. The analytical study showed elevated antinuclear antibodies and anti-SS-A. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of non-Langerhans cells histiocytosis. Progressively, more annular erythematous papules and plaques appeared scattered over the face, trunk and limbs with spontaneous resolution of the first lesion on the nose. About 2 months after the initial evaluation, all lesions had regressed spontaneously, with normalization of analytical study at one year-old. Conclusion: Many authors believe that the different subtypes of histiocytosis represent only different stages of the same disease. Immunophenotyping of histiocytosis does not always identify the subtype involved, making the occurrence of atypical cases frequent.
Changes in red blood cell (RBC) function can contribute to alterations in microcirculatory blood flow and cellular dysoxia in sepsis. Decreases in RBC and neutrophil deformability impair the passage of these cells through the microcirculation. While the role of leukocytes has been the focus of many studies in sepsis, the role of erythrocyte rheological alterations in this syndrome has only recently been investigated. RBC rheology can be influenced by many factors, including alterations in intracellular calcium and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations, the effects of nitric oxide, a decrease in some RBC membrane components such as sialic acid, and an increase in others such as 2,3 diphosphoglycerate. Other factors include interactions with white blood cells and their products (reactive oxygen species), or the effects of temperature variations. Understanding the mechanisms of altered RBC rheology in sepsis, and the effects on blood flow and oxygen transport, may lead to improved patient management and reductions in morbidity and mortality.
Since its identification in the 1990s, the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway has proven extremely useful in elucidating the function of proteins in the context of cells and even whole organisms. In particular, this sequence-specific and powerful loss-of-function approach has greatly simplified the study of the role of host cell factors implicated in the life cycle of viruses. Here, we detail the RNAi method we have developed and used to specifically knock down the expression of ezrin, an actin binding protein that was identified by yeast two-hybrid screening to interact with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike (S) protein. This method was used to study the role of ezrin, specifically during the entry stage of SARS-CoV infection.
INTRODUCCIÓN: Alteraciones en el metabolismo de la glucosa son causantes de Síndrome Metabólico y diabetes en adultos mayores; la determinación de hemoglobina glucosilada es un indicador exacto de la glucemia de los individuos en los últimos tres meses permitiendo comprobar el estado de salud. OBJETIVO: Establecer la correlación entre glucosa basal y hemoglobina glucosilada y su asociación con Síndrome Metabólico en adultos mayores del cantón Cuenca. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo en 126 adultos mayores. Para la obtención de la muestra se utilizó el calculador automático EPI INFO. De los participantes un grupo con Síndrome Metabólico cumplió el criterio de la Adult Treatment Panel (APT-III). Se aplicó una encuesta para recolección de información y se tomó muestras de sangre para determinar glucosa basal y hemoglobina glucosilada. La información obtenida se procesó en el programa SPSS versión 20.0, Excel y MedLab. Se clasificaron los valores de acuerdo a frecuencia por edad, sexo y su relación con Síndrome Metabólico. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 126 pacientes entre 65 y 96 años, siendo más frecuentes adultos mayores de sexo femenino con 65,1%. La población con Síndrome Metabólico fue 50.8%. La media de glucosa fue 87,16 y de hemoglobina glucosilada 5,65%. Luego del análisis 92% se encontraron en el rango normal de glucemia y 92,8% de HbA1; se ubicó en el rango de prediabetes 4,8% y dentro del rango de diabetes el 2,4%. Mediante coeficiente de correlación de Pearson se determinó una correlación moderada de 0.418 entre glucemia basal y hemoglobina glucosilada. Se observó una ligera relación entre alteración del metabolismo de glucosa y Síndrome Metabólico pues 12,5% de pacientes con esta enfermedad presentaron hiperglucemia y 11% HbA1 alterada
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3), a serine/threonine kinase initially characterized in the context of glycogen metabolism, has been repeatedly realized as a multitasking protein that can regulate numerous cellular events in both metazoa and protozoa. I recently found GSK3 plays a role in regulating chemotaxis, a guided cell movement in response to an external chemical gradient, in one of the best studied model systems for chemotaxis - Dictyostelium discoideum. It was initially found that comparing to wild type cells, gsk3- cells showed aberrant chemotaxis with a significant decrease in both speed and chemotactic indices. In Dictyostelium, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) signaling is one of the best characterized pathways that regulate chemotaxis. Molecular analysis uncovered that gsk3- cells suffer from high basal level of PIP3, the product of PI3K. Upon chemoattractant cAMP stimulation, wild type cells displayed a transient increase in the level of PIP3. In contrast, gsk3- cells exhibited neither significant increase nor adaptation. On the other hand, no aberrant dynamic of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which antagonizes PI3K function, was observed. Upon membrane localization of PI3K, PI3K become activated by Ras, which will in turn further facilitate membrane localization of PI3K in an F-Actin dependent manner. The gsk3- cells treated with F-Actin inhibitor Latrunculin-A showed no significant difference in the PIP3 level. I also showed GSK3 affected the phosphorylation level of the localization domain of PI3K1 (PI3K1-LD). PI3K1-LD proteins from gsk3- cells displayed less phosphorylation on serine residues compared to that from wild type cells. When the potential GSK3 phosphorylation sites of PI3K1-LD were substituted with aspartic acids (Phosphomimetic substitution), its membrane localization was suppressed in gsk3- cells. When these serine residues of PI3K1-LD were substituted with alanine, aberrantly high level of membrane localization of the PI3K1-LD was monitored in wild type cells. Wild type, phosphomimetic, and alanine substitution of PI3K1-LD fused with GFP proteins also displayed identical localization behavior as suggested by the cell fraction studies. Lastly, I identified that all three potential GSK3 phosphorylation sites on PI3K1-LD could be phosphorylated in vitro by GSK3.
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most important swine pathogens and often serves as an entry door for other viral or bacterial pathogens, of which Streptococcus suis is one of the most common. Pre-infection with PRRSV leads to exacerbated disease caused by S. suis infection. Very few studies have assessed the immunological mechanisms underlying this higher susceptibility. Since antigen presenting cells play a major role in the initiation of the immune response, the in vitro transcriptional response of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and monocytes in the context of PRRSV and S. suis co-infection was investigated. BMDCs were found to be more permissive than monocytes to PRRSV infection; S. suis phagocytosis by PRRSV-infected BMDCs was found to be impaired, whereas no effect was found on bacterial intracellular survival. Transcription profile analysis, with a major focus on inflammatory genes, following S. suis infection, with and without pre-infection with PRRSV, was then performed. While PRRSV pre-infection had little effect on monocytes response to S. suis infection, a significant expression of several pro-inflammatory molecules was observed in BMDCs pre-infected with PRRSV after a subsequent infection with S. suis. While an additive effect could be observed for CCL4, CCL14, CCL20, and IL-15, a distinct synergistic up-regulatory effect was observed for IL-6, CCL5 and TNF-α after co-infection. This increased pro-inflammatory response by DCs could participate in the exacerbation of the disease observed during PRRSV and S. suis co-infection.
Clinically HER2+ (cHER2+) breast cancer (BC), as exclusively determined by immunohistochemistry of HER2 protein overexpression and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization of HER2 gene amplification, has been largely considered a single disease entity in terms of clinical outcome and in the susceptibility to the anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin). However, although the adjuvant/neoadjuvant use of the trastuzumab has been shown to significantly reduce recurrence risk when added to standard chemotherapy in women with early-stage cHER2+ BC, not all cases derive similar benefit from trastuzumab because a significant number of cHER2+ BC patients develop disease recurrence. Unfortunately, the identification of a robust clinical predictor of trastuzumab benefit, including HER2 itself, has proven challenging in the adjuvant/neoadjuvant setting. Thus, we suggest that a new generation of research needs to refine the prognostic taxonomy of cHER2+ BC and develop easy-to-use, clinicbased prediction algorithms to distinguish between good- and poor- responders to trastuzumab-based therapy ab initio. This study offered two hypotheses: 1.) HER2 overexpression can unexpectedly take place in a molecular background owned by basal-like BC (a commonly HER2-negative BC subtype which possesses many epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics and exhibits robust cancer stem cell [CSC]-like features), thus generating a so-called basal/cHER2+ BC subtype; 2.) the basal/cHER2+ phenotype confers poor prognosis and delineates a subgroup of intrinsically aggressive cHER2+ BC with primary resistance to trastuzumab...
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most important swine pathogens and often serves as an entry door for other viral or bacterial pathogens, of which Streptococcus suis is one of the most common. Pre-infection with PRRSV leads to exacerbated disease caused by S. suis infection. Very few studies have assessed the immunological mechanisms underlying this higher susceptibility. Since antigen presenting cells play a major role in the initiation of the immune response, the in vitro transcriptional response of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and monocytes in the context of PRRSV and S. suis co-infection was investigated. BMDCs were found to be more permissive than monocytes to PRRSV infection; S. suis phagocytosis by PRRSV-infected BMDCs was found to be impaired, whereas no effect was found on bacterial intracellular survival. Transcription profile analysis, with a major focus on inflammatory genes, following S. suis infection, with and without pre-infection with PRRSV, was then performed. While PRRSV pre-infection had little effect on monocytes response to S. suis infection, a significant expression of several pro-inflammatory molecules was observed in BMDCs pre-infected with PRRSV after a subsequent infection with S. suis. While an additive effect could be observed for CCL4, CCL14, CCL20, and IL-15, a distinct synergistic up-regulatory effect was observed for IL-6, CCL5 and TNF-α after co-infection. This increased pro-inflammatory response by DCs could participate in the exacerbation of the disease observed during PRRSV and S. suis co-infection.
Background: Obesity is not a new disease, with roots that can be traced back to 400 BC. However, with the staggering increase in individuals that are overweight and obese since the 1980s, now over a quarter of individuals in Europe and the Americas are classed as obese. This presents a global health problem that needs to be addressed with novel therapies. It is now well accepted that obesity is a chronic, low-grade inflammatory condition that could predispose individuals to a number of comorbidities. Obesity is associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) as part of “the metabolic syndrome,” and as first identified by Dr Vauge, central distribution of white adipose tissue (WAT) is an important risk factor in the development of these diseases. Subsequently, visceral WAT (vWAT) was shown to be an important factor in this association with CVDs and T2D, and increasing inflammation. As the obese WAT expands, mainly through hypertrophy, there is an increase in inflammation that recruits numerous immune cells to the tissue that further exacerbate this inflammation, causing local and systemic inflammatory and metabolic effects. One of the main types of immune cell involved in this pathogenic process is pro-inflammatory M1 adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a species of small RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by targeting gene mRNA, causing its degradation or translational repression. These miRNAs are promiscuous, regulating numerous genes and pathways involved in a disease, making them useful therapeutic targets, but also difficult to study. miR-34a has been shown to increase in the serum, liver, pancreas, and subcutaneous (sc)WAT of patients with obesity, non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and T2D. Additionally, miR-34a has been shown to regulate a number of metabolic and inflammatory genes in numerous cell types, including those in macrophages. However, the role of miR-34a in regulating vWAT metabolism and inflammation is poorly understood. Hypothesis: miR-34a is dysregulated in the adipose tissue during obesity, causing dysregulation of metabolic and inflammatory pathways in adipocytes and ATMs that contribute to adipose inflammation and obesity’s comorbidities, particularly T2D. Method/Results: The role of miR-34a in adipose inflammation was investigated using a murine miR-34a-/- diet-induced obesity model, and primary in vitro models of adipocyte differentiation and inflammatory bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). miR-34a was shown to be ubiquitously expressed throughout the murine epididymal (e)WAT of obese high-fat diet (HFD)-fed WT mice and ob/ob mice, as well as omental WAT from patients with obesity. Additionally, miR-34a transcripts were increased in the liver and brown adipose tissue (BAT) of ob/ob and HFD-fed WT mice, compared to WT controls. When miR-34a-/- mice were fed HFD ad libitum for 24 weeks they were significantly heavier than their WT counterparts by the end of the study. Ex vivo examinations showed that miR-34a-/- eWAT had a smaller adipocyte area on chow, which significantly increased to WT levels during HFD-feeding. Additionally, miR-34a-/- eWAT showed basal increases in cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism genes Cd36, Hmgcr, Lxrα, Pgc1α, and Fasn. miR-34a-/- iBAT showed basal reductions in Cebpα and Cebpβ, with increased Pgc1α expression during HFD- feeding. The miR-34a-/- liver additionally showed increased basal transcript expression of Pgc1α, suggesting miR-34a may broadly regulate PGC1α. Accompanying the ex vivo changes in cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism genes, in vitro miR-34a-/- white adipocytes showed increased lipid content. An F4/80high macrophage population was identified in HFD-fed miR-34a-/- eWAT, with increased Il-10 transcripts and serum IL-5 protein. Following these ex vivo observations, BMDMs from WT mice upregulated miR-34a expression in response to TNFα stimulation. Additionally, miR-34a-/- BMDMs showed an ablated CXCL1 response to TNFα. Conclusion: These findings suggest miR-34a has a multi-factorial role in controlling a susceptibility to obesity, by regulating inflammatory and metabolic pathways, potentially through regulation of PGC1α.
El síndrome antifosfolípido es un desorden autoinmune caracterizado por hipercoagulabilidad que requiere terapia anticoagulante como pilar fundamental, siendo la warfarina el tratamiento de elección en los casos que requieren manejo por largos periodos. Sin embargo, los pacientes con anticoagulante lúpico positivo representan un reto porque tienen mayor riesgo de presentar eventos trombóticos, sumado a que el seguimiento con el International Normalized Ratio (INR) no es confiable, ya que estos anticuerpos generan interferencia con las pruebas de laboratorio basadas en fosfolípidos, como es el caso del tiempo de protrombina (PT) con INR basal prolongado, incluso antes del inicio de la terapia anticoagulante. Por tal razón, se ilustra el caso de una paciente con síndrome antifosfolípido primario y anticoagulante lúpico positivo quien ha presentado múltiples episodios trombóticos, a pesar de recibir terapia anticoagulante. Además se hace una revisión de la literatura disponible y se postulan nuevas metas de INR en estos pacientes diferentes de las que se plantean actualmente.
In this thesis, we studied the cross-talk between malignant cells and stromal cells, with the aim to elucidate the respective contribution to myeloid neoplasm onset and progression. First, we characterized and compared mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) isolated from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS-MSCs) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML-MSCs) patients. We demonstrated that, despite some unaltered functions, patient-derived MSCs show also intrinsic, distinct functional abnormalities, which could all potentially favor a leukemia-protective bone marrow (BM) niche in vivo. Second, we investigated the ability of AML cells to modulate the AML-MSC functions. In a GEP-screening, we found that 40% of BM-derived AML samples show a higher IFN-γ expression, compared to the mean IFN-γ expression in healthy BM-derived cells. We demonstrated that in co-culture experiments, IFN-γ+ AML cells modify AML-MSC gene expression and function, inducing the up-regulation of IDO1, and consequently the generation of T regulatory cells. Finally, we wondered if the transcriptome of stromal cells could be influenced by the hematopoietic-specific alterations, i.e. Dnmt3a and Asxl1 mutations, which occur early in MDS/AML patients. We found that Dnmt3a- and Asxl1-null BM cells, when transplanted in wild-type mice, induce profound and deletion-specific modifications in the transcriptome of wild-type BM stromal cells, suggesting the ability of Dnmt3a- and Asxl1-null BM cells to shape the niche. Furthermore, we compared the transcriptome of wild-type BM stromal cells, obtained from transplantation experiments, with that of MSCs isolated from low-risk MDS patients with DNMT3A and ASXL1 mutations, and we highlighted some common modifications, which could be potentially relevant for human disease and specific for DNMT3A/ASXL1 mutations. In conclusion, this thesis pointed out that there is a bi-directional cross-talk, in which stromal cells can influence malignant cells, and in turn malignant/pre-malignant cells can alter stromal cell gene expression and function. Both mechanisms could potentially contribute to the pathogenesis of myeloid malignancies.
During the pathogenesis of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a severe sequela of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) gastrointestinal infections, before the toxin acts on the target endothelial cells of the kidney and brain, several Stx forms are transported in the bloodstream: free Stx; Stx bound to circulating cells through Gb3Cer and TLR4 receptors; and Stx associated to blood cell-derived microvesicles. The latter form is mainly responsible for the development of life-threatening HUS in 15% of STEC-infected patients. Stx consist of five B subunits non-covalently bound to a single A subunit (uncleaved Stx) which can be cleaved in two fragments (A1 and A2) held by a disulfide bond (cleaved Stx). After reduction, the enzymatically active A1 fragment responsible for toxicity is released. Cleaved and uncleaved Stx are biologically active but functionally different, thus their presence in patients’ blood could affect the onset of HUS. Currently, there are no effective therapies for the treatment of STEC-infected patients and the gold standard strategies available for the diagnosis are very expensive and time-consuming. In this thesis, by exploiting the resolving power of SERS technology (Amplified Raman Spectroscopy on Surfaces), a plasmonic biosensor was developed as effective diagnostic tool for early detection of Stx in patients’ sera. An acellular protein synthesis system for detecting cleaved Stx2a in human serum based on its greater translation inhibition after treatment with reducing agents was developed and used to identify cleaved Stx in STEC-infected patients’ sera. Pathogenic microvesicles from Stx2a-challenged blood from healthy donors were isolated and characterized. The antibiotic NAB815, acting as inhibitor of toxin binding to TLR4 expressed by circulating cells, was found to be effective in impairing the formation of blood cell-derived microvesicles containing Stx2a, also having a protective effect in cellular models. This approach could be proposed as an innovative treatment for HUS prevention.