997 resultados para Barium-neodymium titanate


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The porewater and sediment composition of two boxcores and of a small gravity core, taken on a manganese-nodule-covered hill and in the Madeira Abyssal Plain proper respectively, are compared. The pore-water study of the two boxcores indicates that oxic conditions prevail in both cores. In addition, it indicates that no detectable fluxes of Mn or Fe occur from the porewater to the ocean bottom water. Variations in the geochemical composition of the sediments can be explained by fluctuations in the amount of carbonate, which acts as a diluting agent. A clear carbonate minimum is observed at 20-22 cm depth in the two cores. This minimum is likely to be associated with the last glacial period (10-20 kyr B.P.). This association is supported by the sediment accumulation rate of 15 mm/kyr as found by extrapolation from the rate for pelagic sediments in the Madeira Abyssal Plain. The bulk composition of the manganese nodules recovered from the submarine hill is chemically almost identical to the average composition of Atlantic nodules. The trace metal and Rare Earth Elements composition indicate a hydrogenous origin for the manganese nodules of this study. On the basis of the chemical composition, and that of nodules relative to that of the adjacent sediments, an average nodule accretian rate of 2.8-3.3 mm/myr has been calculated. Although the analyses of the entire ferromanganese nodules that have been studied seem to indicate a homogenous composition, internal structures of the nodules reveal great inhomogeneity, both visually and chemically. These fluctuations may be related to variations in the fluxes of Mn and Fe, which in turn could be climate-related.


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This study presents neodymium isotope and elemental data for cleaned planktonic foraminifera from ODP site 758 in the southernmost reaches of the Bay of Bengal in the north-east Indian Ocean. Cleaning experiments using oxidative-reductive techniques suggest that diagenetic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide coatings can be effectively removed, and that the measured Nd isotope composition reflects the composition of seawater from which the foraminiferal calcium carbonate was precipitated. Modern core-top Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globorotalia menardii give epsilon-Nd values of 310.12 +/- 0.16 and 310.28 +/- 0.16, respectively, indistinguishable from recent direct measurements of surface seawater in this area. A high-resolution Nd isotope record obtained from G. menardii for the past 150 kyr shows systematic variations (Delta epsilon-Nd = 3) on glacial-interglacial timescales. The timing of those variations shows a remarkable correspondence with the global oxygen isotope record, which suggests a process controlling the Nd isotope composition that responds in phase with global climate cycles. Palaeoclimate reconstruction indicates that during the last glacial maximum changes in monsoon circulation resulted in a reduction in rainfall over the Indian subcontinent, and a decrease in the flux of river water delivered to the Bay of Bengal. Thus, changes in the riverine input of Nd, a change in either flux or composition, most likely caused the isotope variations, although changes in dust source or local ocean circulation may have also played a role. These results clearly establish a link between climate change and variations in radiogenic isotopes in the oceans, and illustrate the potential of Nd isotopes in foraminifera for highresolution palaeoceanographic reconstruction.


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Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.


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The composition of gabbroic rocks from the drill core of Hole 735B (ODP Leg 176) at the 11 Ma Atlantis II bank close to the slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) has been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition. The samples are thought to represent much of the mineralogical and geochemical variation in a vertical 1-km section (500-1500 m below the sea floor) of the lower ocean crust. Primitive troctolitic gabbros, olivine gabbros and gabbros that have Mg#=84-70, Ca#>61 and low Na# (Na/(Na+Al)) (8-17) are intruded by patches or veins of more evolved FeTi-oxide rich gabbroic and dioritic rocks with Mg# to 20, Ca# to 32, Na#=14-23, TiO2<7 wt.% and FeOtotal<18 wt.%. All rocks are acdcumulates, and incompatible element concentrations are low, e.g. Pb=0.1-0.7 ppm and U


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Newly sampled basaltic andesites and andesites from the tholeiitic Ferrar Supergroup of northern Victoria Land and George V Land, Antarctica, are attributed to the known low-Ti and high-Ti series. Aside from known sparsely distributed high-Ti extrusives, a high-Ti sill was found in the Alamein Range outside the Rennick Graben. Low-Ti lavas, sills and dikes display wide petrographical, mineral and geochemical variations, reflecting extensive in-situ differentiation. High-Ti rocks from Litell Rocks are homogeneous with respect to mineralogy and geochemistry, minor deviations are shown by the sampled sill. Chilled margins of low-Ti sills, dikes and lava flows exhibit nearly constant bulk-rock chemistry (mg# ~60) within the studied area. Compared to chilled margins from Tasmanian sills, the striking uniformity of the pre-emplacement chemistry of Ferrar magmas over large distances supports the magma transport model of Elliot et al. (1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00023-0). In the area investigated, compositional variations within the low-Ti series, caused by in-situ differentiation, increase towards the Wilson-Bowers Terrane boundary, possibly displaying the asymmetrical distribution of outcrops over this area. Absence of Ferrar occurrences east of the Bowers Terrane remains a matter of palaeo-geodynamic discussion. Besides, the secondary mineralogy of extrusives from Litell Rocks and Monument Nunataks exhibits noticeable differences, which indicates an elevated thermal gradient in the vicinity of Litell Rocks compared to Monument Nunataks during the Cretaceous.


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The influence of fluid flux on petrogenesis in the Tonga-Kermadec Arc was investigated using ion microprobe measurements of B/Be and boron isotope ratios (11B/10B) to document the source and relative volumes of the fluids released from the subducting oceanic plate. We analyzed young lavas from eight different islands along the Tonga-Kermadec Arc, as well as glass shards in volcanic sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 840, which record the variations in the chemistry of Tonga magmatism since 7 Ma. B/Be is variable (5.8-122), in young Tonga-Kermadec Arc lavas. In contrast, glass shards from around 3 to 4 Ma old volcanic sediments at Site 840 have the highest B/Be values yet reported for arc lavas (18-607). These values are too high to be related simply to a sediment influence on petrogenesis. Together with very high d11B values (-11.6 to +37.5) for the same shards and lavas these data indicate that most of the B is derived from fluid escaped from the subducting altered Pacific oceanic crust, rather than from sediment. High d11B values also reflect large degrees of isotopic fractionation in this cold fast subduction zone. Lower d11B values noted in the Kermadec Arc (17 to -4.4) are related to the influence of sediment eroded from New Zealand and slower convergence. High fluid flux (B/Be) is synchronous in Tonga and the Marianas at 3 to 4 Ma and may be related to acceleration of the Pacific Plate just prior to this time. The timing of maximum B/Be at 3 to 4 Ma correlates with maximum light rare earth (LREE) and high field strength element depletion. This suggests maximum degrees of partial melting at this time. Although thinning of the arc lithosphere during rifting to form the Lau Basin is expected to influence the arc geochemistry, variable aqueous fluid flux from the subducting plate alone appears capable of explaining boron and other trace element systematics in the Tonga-Kermadec Arc with no indication of slab melting.