975 resultados para B-spline function


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Im Replikationszyklus umhüllter Viren entstehen neue Viruspartikel durch die Knospung an Membranen der Wirtszelle. An diesem Prozess sind verschiedene zelluläre Faktoren und Mechanismen beteiligt, speziell die ESCRT-Proteinkomplexe, welche die Vesikelbildung an den MVBs steuern. Auch bei HBV ist davon auszugehen, dass Komponenten der Wirtszelle an der Umhüllung und Freisetzung der Virionen beteiligt sind, allerdings sind diese noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die zellulären Faktoren genauer zu charakterisieren und ihre Funktion bei der Virusumhüllung aufzuklären. Den Ausgangspunkt für die hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen bildeten vorangegangene Arbeiten, in denen die spezifische Interaktion des L-Hüllproteins von HBV mit g2-Adaptin nachgewiesen werden konnte. Diese ist für die Morphogenese von HBV essentiell, allerdings ist die zelluläre ebenso wie die virusspezifische Funktion von g2-Adaptin bislang unbekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollte daher untersucht werden, wo und wie g2-Adaptin in der Zelle funktionell ist, um daraus Rückschlüsse auf die Vorgänge bei der Morphogenese von HBV ziehen zu können. Die Grundlage für die Charakterisierung von g2-Adaptin bildete seine Ähnlichkeit zu zellulären Clathrin-Adaptorproteinen. So konnte hier gezeigt werden, dass auch g2-Adaptin ein Clathrin-Bindungsmotiv besitzt, welches eine Interaktion mit Clathrin ermöglicht. Außerdem konnte ein Ubiquitin-Interaktions-Motiv (UIM) identifiziert werden, das die Bindung an ubiquitinierte Proteine vermittelt. Diese Beobachtung deutet darauf hin, dass g2-Adaptin zu einer Gruppe monomerer Adaptorproteine zählen könnte, welche als Ubiquitin-Rezeptoren in der Zelle funktionell sind. Die folgenden Analysen zeigten eine weitere Gemeinsamkeit, da auch g2-Adaptin selbst durch Ubiquitin modifiziert wird, wobei die Ubiquitinierung von einem intakten UIM abhängt. Dieser als Coupled Monoubiquitination bezeichnete Prozess wird hierbei durch die Ubiquitin-Ligase Nedd4 vermittelt, die direkt mit g2-Adaptin interagiert. Dabei konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die C2-Domäne von Nedd4 ebenfalls mit Ubiquitin modifiziert ist, wodurch der Kontakt zum UIM von g2-Adaptin erfolgt. Die meisten der bislang bekannten Ubiquitin-bindenden Adaptorproteine, spielen bei der Vesikelentstehung an verschiedenen zellulären Membranen eine Rolle, wo sie an der Sortierung der vorwiegend ubiquitinierten Membranproteine beteiligt sind und zelluläre Komponenten rekrutieren, welche die Vesikelabschnürung vermitteln. Die Adaptorproteine sind dabei meist mit der jeweiligen Membran assoziiert, was auch für g2-Adaptin nachgewiesen werden konnte. Diese Membranbindung wird durch den N-terminalen Proteinbereich von g2-Adaptin vermittelt und erfolgt unabhängig von den Ubiquitin-bindenden Eigenschaften und von Nedd4. Allerdings scheint die Ubiquitin-Modifikation von g2-Adaptin ausschließlich in membrangebundener Form zu erfolgen. An welchen Membranen g2-Adaptin lokalisiert ist, wurde in Immunfluoreszenzstudien untersucht, wobei eine enge Assoziation von g2-Adaptin mit späten Endosomen bzw. MVBs zu beobachten war. Bei weiteren Analysen konnte auch ein funktioneller Einfluss auf die Vesikelentstehung an den MVBs nachgewiesen werden, da durch die Depletion von g2-Adaptin stark vergrößerte, defekte MVBs induziert wurden. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass g2-Adaptin als Ubiquitin-Rezeptor an diesen Prozessen beteiligt sein könnte. Ebenso wie andere Adaptorproteine könnte es hier an die Cargo-Proteine binden, diese durch den Kontakt zu Clathrin lokal konzentrieren und die Vesikelabschnürung durch die Rekrutierung der MVB-Maschinerie vermitteln. Möglicherweise stellt g2-Adaptin hierbei den bislang nicht identifizierten Adaptor dar, der die Verbindung zwischen Nedd4 und der MVB-Kaskade herstellt. Eine ähnliche Funktion für g2-Adaptin ist auch bei der Morphogenese von HBV denkbar. Aufgrund der durchgeführten Lokalisationsstudien ist anzunehmen, dass die Umhüllung der HBV-Partikel direkt an den MVBs erfolgt. Vermutlich bindet g2-Adaptin hier an das L-Hüllprotein, wobei es durch die Rekrutierung von Clathrin zu einer lokalen Anreicherung der Hüllproteine kommt. g2-Adaptin interagiert zudem in UIM-abhängiger Weise mit dem Nukleokapsid, wobei der Kontakt direkt erfolgen könnte oder durch die Ubiquitin-Ligase Nedd4 vermittelt wird, welche über eine Late-Domäne ebenfalls mit dem Nukleokapsid verbunden ist. Anscheinend gelangt das Nukleokapsid durch den Einfluss von g2-Adaptin und Nedd4 zum Ort der Virusmorphogenese, wo die eigentliche Umhüllung und die Abschnürung der Viruspartikel erfolgen. Vermutlich sind auch hier Komponenten der MVB-Maschinerie beteiligt, die womöglich durch g2-Adaptin rekrutiert werden.


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The proton-nucleus elastic scattering at intermediate energies is a well-established method for the investigation of the nuclear matter distribution in stable nuclei and was recently applied also for the investigation of radioactive nuclei using the method of inverse kinematics. In the current experiment, the differential cross sections for proton elastic scattering on the isotopes $^{7,9,10,11,12,14}$Be and $^8$B were measured. The experiment was performed using the fragment separator at GSI, Darmstadt to produce the radioactive beams. The main part of the experimental setup was the time projection ionization chamber IKAR which was simultaneously used as hydrogen target and a detector for the recoil protons. Auxiliary detectors for projectile tracking and isotope identification were also installed. As results from the experiment, the absolute differential cross sections d$sigma$/d$t$ as a function of the four momentum transfer $t$ were obtained. In this work the differential cross sections for elastic p-$^{12}$Be, p-$^{14}$Be and p-$^{8}$B scattering at low $t$ ($t leq$~0.05~(GeV/c)$^2$) are presented. The measured cross sections were analyzed within the Glauber multiple-scattering theory using different density parameterizations, and the nuclear matter density distributions and radii of the investigated isotopes were determined. The analysis of the differential cross section for the isotope $^{14}$Be shows that a good description of the experimental data is obtained when density distributions consisting of separate core and halo components are used. The determined {it rms} matter radius is $3.11 pm 0.04 pm 0.13$~fm. In the case of the $^{12}$Be nucleus the results showed an extended matter distribution as well. For this nucleus a matter radius of $2.82 pm 0.03 pm 0.12$~fm was determined. An interesting result is that the free $^{12}$Be nucleus behaves differently from the core of $^{14}$Be and is much more extended than it. The data were also compared with theoretical densities calculated within the FMD and the few-body models. In the case of $^{14}$Be, the calculated cross sections describe the experimental data well while, in the case of $^{12}$Be there are discrepancies in the region of high momentum transfer. Preliminary experimental results for the isotope $^8$B are also presented. An extended matter distribution was obtained (though much more compact as compared to the neutron halos). A proton halo structure was observed for the first time with the proton elastic scattering method. The deduced matter radius is $2.60pm 0.02pm 0.26$~fm. The data were compared with microscopic calculations in the frame of the FMD model and reasonable agreement was observed. The results obtained in the present analysis are in most cases consistent with the previous experimental studies of the same isotopes with different experimental methods (total interaction and reaction cross section measurements, momentum distribution measurements). For future investigation of the structure of exotic nuclei a universal detector system EXL is being developed. It will be installed at the NESR at the future FAIR facility where higher intensity beams of radioactive ions are expected. The usage of storage ring techniques provides high luminosity and low background experimental conditions. Results from the feasibility studies of the EXL detector setup, performed at the present ESR storage ring, are presented.


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Deubiquitination of NF-κB members by CYLD is crucial in controlling the magnitude and nature of cell activation. The naturally occurring CYLD splice variant, devoid of exons 7 and 8, lacks TRAF2 and NEMO binding sites. The role of this splice variant in dendritic cell (DC) function was analyzed using CYLDex7/8 mice, which lack the full-length CYLD (FL-CYLD) transcript and over-express the short splice variant (sCYLD). Bone marrow derived DCs (BMDC) from CYLDex7/8 mice display a hyper-reactive phenotype in vitro and in vivo and have a defect in establishing tolerance using DEC205-mediated antigen targeting to resting DCs. This phenotype was accompanied by an increased nuclear translocation of the IκB molecule Bcl-3, and increased degradation of cytoplasmic p105 in CYLDex7/8 BMDCs after stimulation. This suggests that in contrast to FL-CYLD, sCYLD is a positive regulator of NF-κB activity and its over-expression induces a hyper-reactive phenotype in DCs.


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Das fakultativ anaerobe Enterobakterium Escherichia coli nutzt C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch anaeroben Bedingungen als Kohlenstoff- und Energiequelle. Die Aufnahme der C4-Dicarboxylaten und die Energiekonservierung mittels Fumaratatmung wird durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. Die Sensorhistidinkinase DcuS und der nachgeschaltete Responseregulator DcuR aktivieren bei Verfügbarkeit von C4-Dicarboxylaten die Expression der Gene für den Succinat Transporter DctA, den anaeroben Fumarat/Succinat Antiporter DcuB, die Fumarase B sowie die Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. Die Transportproteine DctA und DcuB wiederum regulieren die Expression der DcuSR-abhängigen Gene negativ. Fehlen von DctA oder DcuB resultiert bereits ohne Effektor in einer maximalen Expression von dctA bzw. dcuB. Durch gerichtete und ungerichtete Mutagenese wurde gezeigt, dass die Transportfunktion des Carriers DcuB unabhängig von seiner regulatorischen Funktion ist. DcuB kann daher als Cosensor des DcuSR Systems angesehen werden.rnUnter Verwendung von Reportergenfusionen von C-terminal verkürzten Konstrukten von DcuB mit der Alkalischen Phosphatase und der β-Galactosidase wurde die Topologie des Multitransmembranproteins DcuB bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurde die Zugänglichkeit bestimmter Aminosäurereste durch chemische Modifikation mit membran-durchlässigen und membran-undurchlässigen Thiolreagenzien untersucht. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten auf die Existenz eines tief in die Membran reichenden, hydrophilen Kanal hin, welcher zum Periplasma hin geöffnet ist. Mit Hilfe der Topologie-Studien, des Hydropathie-Blots und der Sekundärstruktur-Vorhersage wurde ein Modell des Carriers erstellt. DcuB besitzt kurze, periplasmatisch liegende Proteinenden, die durch 12 Transmembranhelices und zwei große hydrophile Schleifen jeweils zwischen TM VII/VIII und TM XI/XII verbunden sind. Die regulatorisch relevanten Reste K353, T396 und D398 befinden sich innerhalb von TM XI sowie auf der angrenzenden cytoplasmatischen Schleife XI-XII. Unter Berücksichtigung der strukturellen und funktionellen Aspekte wurde ein Regulationsmodell erstellt, welches die gemeinsam durch DcuB und DcuS kontrollierte C4-Dicarboxylat-abhängige Genexpression darstellt. rnDer Effekt von DctA und DcuSR auf die Expression einer dctA´-´lacZ Reportergenfusion und auf die aerobe C4-Dicarboxylat-Aufnahme wurde untersucht. In-vivo FRET-Messungen weisen auf eine direkte Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Carrier DctA und dem Sensor DcuS hin. Dieses Ergebnis stützt die Theorie der Regulation von DcuS durch C4-Dicarboxylate und durch die Cosensoren DctA bzw. DcuB mittels direkter Protein-Protein Interaktion.rn


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The contribution of Clostridium difficile toxin A and B (TcdA and TcdB) to cellular intoxication has been extensively studied, but their impact on bacterial colonization remains unclear. By setting-up two- and three-dimensional in vitro models of polarized gut epithelium, we investigated how C. difficile infection is affected by host cell polarity and whether TcdA and TcdB contribute to such events. Indeed, we observed that C. difficile adhesion and penetration of the epithelial barrier is substantially enhanced in poorly polarized or EGTA-treated cells, indicating that bacteria bind preferentially to the basolateral cell surface. In this context, we demonstrated that sub-lethal concentrations of C. difficile TcdA are able to alter cell polarity by causing redistribution of plasma membrane components between distinct surface domains. Taken together, the data suggest that toxin-mediated modulation of host cell organization may account for the capacity of this opportunistic pathogen to gain access to basolateral receptors leading to a successful colonization of the colonic mucosa.


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This thesis focuses on different aspects of immune regulation, both at the cellular and molecular levels. More specifically, this work concentrates on the importance of Interleukin-10, B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator (BTLA), and dendritic cells in respect to immune regulation, with special emphasis on autoimmunity. In this thesis, we show that the cellular source of IL10 production can dramatically influence the outcome of an autoimmune response. We show that T cell-derived IL10 plays an important role in controlling the viability of recently activated T cells, allowing them to become fully functional T effector cells. T cell-specific IL10-deficient mice failed to induce EAE when immunized with MOG peptide. Furthermore, when re-challenged with MOG or other stimuli, these T cells exhibited increased apoptosis rates. Here we report for the first time the generation of a novel mouse model that allows the conditional over-expression of BTLA. We show that BTLA can negatively regulate CD4+ T cells responses, when expressed by the T cells themselves. BTLA over-expression by CD8+ T cells or dendritic cells, however, resulted in enhanced viral clearance. In this study, we show that depletion of DCs, either early on from birth or later in adulthood, does not prevent EAE induction, but instead leads to a lower state of tolerance and stronger immune response. We also show that DCs are responsible for the upregulation of PD-1 on antigen-specific T cells and subsequently induce the formation of Tregs during immune responses.


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To assess rotation deficits, asphericity of the femoral head and localisation of cartilage damage in the follow-up after slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).


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RhoH is a member of the Rho (ras homologous) GTPase family, yet it lacks GTPase activity and thus remains in its active conformation. Unlike other Rho GTPases, the RhoH gene transcript is restricted to hematopoietic cells and RhoH was shown to be required for adequate T-cell activation through the TCR. Here, we demonstrate that both blood T and B cells, but not neutrophils or monocytes, express RhoH protein under physiological conditions. Upon TCR complex activation, RhoH was degraded in lysosomes of primary and Jurkat T cells. Pharmacologic activation of T cells distal to the TCR complex had no effect on RhoH protein levels suggesting that early events during T-cell activation are required for RhoH protein degradation. In contrast to T cells, activation of the BCR in blood B cells was not associated with changes in RhoH levels. These data suggest that RhoH function might be regulated by lysosomal degradation of RhoH protein following TCR complex but not BCR activation. This newly discovered regulatory pathway of RhoH expression might limit TCR signaling and subsequent T-cell activation upon Ag contact.


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Recent findings are reported about certain aspects of the structure and function of the mammalian and avian lungs that include (a) the architecture of the air capillaries (ACs) and the blood capillaries (BCs); (b) the pulmonary blood capillary circulatory dynamics; (c) the adaptive molecular, cellular, biochemical, compositional, and developmental characteristics of the surfactant system; (d) the mechanisms of the translocation of fine and ultrafine particles across the airway epithelial barrier; and (e) the particle-cell interactions in the pulmonary airways. In the lung of the Muscovy duck Cairina moschata, at least, the ACs are rotund structures that are interconnected by narrow cylindrical sections, while the BCs comprise segments that are almost as long as they are wide. In contrast to the mammalian pulmonary BCs, which are highly compliant, those of birds practically behave like rigid tubes. Diving pressure has been a very powerful directional selection force that has influenced phenotypic changes in surfactant composition and function in lungs of marine mammals. After nanosized particulates are deposited on the respiratory tract of healthy human subjects, some reach organs such as the brain with potentially serious health implications. Finally, in the mammalian lung, dendritic cells of the pulmonary airways are powerful agents in engulfing deposited particles, and in birds, macrophages and erythrocytes are ardent phagocytizing cellular agents. The morphology of the lung that allows it to perform different functions-including gas exchange, ventilation of the lung by being compliant, defense, and secretion of important pharmacological factors-is reflected in its "compromise design."


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The aim of this study involving 170 patients suffering from non-specific low back pain was to test the validity of the spinal function sort (SFS) in a European rehabilitation setting. The SFS, a picture-based questionnaire, assesses perceived functional ability of work tasks involving the spine. All measurements were taken by a blinded research assistant; work status was assessed with questionnaires. Our study demonstrated a high internal consistency shown by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, reasonable evidence for unidimensionality, spearman correlations of >0.6 with work activities, and discriminating power for work status at 3 and 12 months by ROC curve analysis (area under curve = 0.760 (95% CI 0.689-0.822), respectively, 0.801 (95% CI 0.731-0.859). The standardised response mean within the two treatment groups was 0.18 and -0.31. As a result, we conclude that the perceived functional ability for work tasks can be validly assessed with the SFS in a European rehabilitation setting in patients with non-specific low back pain, and is predictive for future work status.


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Patients with brain metastases (BM) rarely survive longer than 6months and are commonly excluded from clinical trials. We explored two combined modality regimens with novel agents with single agent activity and radiosensitizing properties.


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Cognitive function in postmenopausal women receiving letrozole or tamoxifen as adjuvant endocrine treatment was compared during the fifth year of treatment in a substudy of the BIG 1-98 trial. In BIG 1-98 patients were randomized to receive adjuvant (A) 5-years tamoxifen, (B) 5-years letrozole, (C) 2-years tamoxifen followed by 3-years letrozole, or (D) 2-years letrozole followed by 3-years tamoxifen. The primary comparison was the difference in composite score for patients taking letrozole (B+C; N=65) vs. tamoxifen (A+D; N=55). The patients taking letrozole had better overall cognitive function than those taking tamoxifen (difference in mean composite z-scores=0.28, P=0.04, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.54, Cohen's D=0.40 indicating small to moderate effect). In this substudy, breast cancer patients taking adjuvant letrozole during the fifth year of treatment had better cognitive function than those taking tamoxifen, suggesting aromatase inhibitors do not adversely impact cognition compared with tamoxifen.


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The effects of abandoned mine drainage (AMD) on streams and responses to remediation efforts were studied using three streams (AMD-impacted, remediated, reference) in both the anthracite and the bituminous coal mining regions of Pennsylvania (USA). Response variables included ecosystem function as well as water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community composition. The bituminous AMD stream was extremely acidic with high dissolved metals concentrations, a prolific mid-summer growth of the filamentous alga, Mougeotia, and .10-fold more chlorophyll than the reference stream. The anthracite AMD stream had a higher pH, substrata coated with iron hydroxide(s), and negligible chlorophyll. Macroinvertebrate communities in the AMD streams were different from the reference streams, the remediated streams, and each other. Relative to the reference stream, the AMD stream(s) had (1) greater gross primary productivity (GPP) in the bituminous region and undetectable GPP in the anthracite region, (2) greater ecosystem respiration in both regions, (3) greatly reduced ammonium uptake and nitrification in both regions, (4) lower nitrate uptake in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region, (5) more rapid phosphorus removal from the water column in both regions, (6) activities of phosphorus-acquiring, nitrogenacquiring, and hydrolytic-carbon-acquiring enzymes that indicated extreme phosphorus limitation in both regions, and (7) slower oak and maple leaf decomposition in the bituminous region and slower oak decomposition in the anthracite region. Remediation brought chlorophyll concentrations and GPP nearer to values for respective reference streams, depressed ecosystem respiration, restored ammonium uptake, and partially restored nitrification in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region, reduced nitrate uptake to an undetectable level, restored phosphorus uptake to near normal rates, and brought enzyme activities more in line with the reference stream in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region. Denitrification was not detected in any stream. Water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community structure analyses capture the impact of AMD at the local reach scale, but functional measures revealed that AMD has ramifications that can cascade to downstream reaches and perhaps to receiving estuaries.


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The impact of abnormal spirometric findings on risk for incident heart failure among older adults without clinically apparent lung disease is not well elucidated.