958 resultados para Axis patterning


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Glandular trichomes play a major role in the morphological characterization of the Bignoniaceae. Due to their great diversity of forms and functions, this study aimed to inventory the glandular trichomes present in the aerial vegetative axis of Amphilophium magnoliifolium, Martinella obovata and Stizophyllum riparium, analyze their structure and register the participation of ants in these plants. Fresh samples from the nodal region, petiole and from medium to apical regions of the leaflet blade were fixed and processed according to usual methods in light and scanning electron microscopies. The glandular trichomes found were: peltate, capitate, stipitate, and patelliform/cupular. Peltate trichomes are the most abundant ones and present the most uniform distribution. Patelliform/cupular trichomes occur at specific regions, such as prophylls, leaflet blade and nodal regions. Martinella obovata is the only species that presents capitate and stipitate trichomes, which are widely distributed along the entire aerial vegetative axis. Ants were found in all species, mainly at nodal regions. The occurrence of the capitate-type trichome is reported for the first time to the genus.


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ABSTRACT Nodal glands are found in one third of the Polygalaceae genera and have valuable taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary significance. In Brazil, they occur in five of the eleven genera already registered. However, there is still a controversy regarding the origin of these structures. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphology and the origin of nodal glands inCaamembeca spectabilis, in order to increase the structural and functional knowledge of these glands in the genera. Samples of nodal regions were collected, fixed and processed according to the methods of light microscopy and electron scanning. Ants were observed and identified along the stem axis. The glucose in exudate allows us to classify these glands as extrafloral nectaries. They are located in pairs on the nodal region. However, its origin is in the leaf trace. In the longitudinal section, the nectaries were present in the apex of cells with anticlinal walls impregnated with suberin, which represents the first record for the family. In this region there is also the formation of a hole by lysis. The secretory tissue is surrounded by phloem. Xylem vessels were observed only on the basis of the nectary, where there are also idioblasts with crystals in druse type. We have studied the ontogeny of the glands nodal in Caamembeca spectabilis and unveiled that these glands are linked to the leaves as stipular nectaries. In addition, the new findings presented here may add support for the understanding of morphology and anatomy of nodal glands in Caamembeca.


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Observers can adjust the spectrum of illumination on paintings for optimal viewing experience. But can they adjust the colors of paintings for the best visual impression? In an experiment carried out on a calibrated color moni- tor images of four abstract paintings obtained from hyperspectral data were shown to observers that were unfamiliar with the paintings. The color volume of the images could be manipulated by rotating the volume around the axis through the average (a*, b*) point for each painting in CIELAB color space. The task of the observers was to adjust the angle of rotation to produce the best subjective impression from the paintings. It was found that the distribution of angles selected for data pooled across paintings and observers could be de- scribed by a Gaussian function centered at 10o, i.e. very close to the original colors of the paintings. This result suggest that painters are able to predict well what compositions of colors observers prefer.


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OBJECTIVE:To use a semi-structured interview to detect depression in postpartum women according to the criteria proposed by the DSM in child health care clinics in the city of Recife, together with the proper association of this disorder to bio-socio-demographic data. METHODS: The study used a cross-section method and contained a convenience sample of 400 women that were between 2 and 26 weeks of postpartum in child health care clinics. A bio-socio-demographic questionnaire and the Portuguese version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders were used. RESULTS: Twenty nine of the mothers (7.2%) were diagnosed as suffering from postpartum depression. Women with a past history of psychiatric disorders, a family history of psychiatric disorder and some sort of clinical complication presented a higher prevalence of depression. The same happened to those with a past history of spontaneous abortion, those who had a transpelvic birth and those over 8 weeks of puerperium. CONCLUSION: The rate of postpartum depression in this sample, 7.2%, was lower than that reported by other Brazilian studies. It probably occurred because the other researchers used screening scales to assess this estimate instead of a clinical interview.


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(Excerto) É, sobretudo, através do olhar e do ouvido que acedemos àquilo que a televisão transmite, mas é igualmente no imaginário de cada um que os sentidos e os significados da imagem e do discurso televisivos acontecem. Isto implica que não pode haver nestes dois actos uma contraposição, mas uma continuidade. Concebendo o corpo como o meio que nos situa no mundo, uma espécie de axis mundi, a fenomenologia já havia neutralizado oposições como corpo/alma, físico/psíquico, sensível/inteligível. Concordando com estas teses, a proposta de encarar a pele como o limiar entre o que está fora e o que está dentro, mas também como o lugar que permite o contacto a partir do qual a comunicação se torna possível, reúne, na nossa perspectiva, traços pertinentes para pensar a informação desportiva veiculada pela TV.


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OBJETIVO: Fazer um estudo da validade de construto, validade convergente e consistência interna da Escala de Satisfação dos Pacientes com os Serviços de Saúde Mental (SATIS-BR). MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa 110 pacientes psiquiátricos, atendidos em cinco serviços públicos de saúde mental do interior de Minas Gerais. A escala foi aplicada em entrevistas individuais estruturadas. A escala possui 12 itens que avaliam a satisfação dos pacientes, com alternativas de resposta dispostas em escala Likert de 5 pontos. Foi também aplicada a Escala de Mudança Percebida (EMP) para a análise de validade convergente da SATIS-BR. RESULTADOS: A análise fatorial pelo método Principal Axis Factoring revelou uma estrutura fatorial de três fatores, que avaliam a satisfação dos pacientes em relação às dimensões: 1. Competência e compreensão da equipe; 2. Ajuda e acolhida; 3. Condições físicas do serviço. A análise pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach mostrou boa consistência interna (alfa = 0,88). A análise da validade convergente foi adequada, tendo sido obtida uma correlação de Pearson positiva significativa com a escala EMP, que avalia um construto teoricamente relacionado ao de satisfação (r = 0,41; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A escala SATIS-BR apresenta qualidades psicométricas adequadas de validade de construto, validade convergente e fidedignidade.


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Objetivo Realizar revisão sistemática da literatura para conhecer a atividade do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA) em deprimidos considerando-se as medidas basais dos hormônios e analisar criticamente as metodologias utilizadas. Métodos Foi realizada busca de artigos nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO. Na primeira base de dados, introduziram-se as palavras-chave “depressive disorder” e “HPA axis”, e na segunda utilizaram-se os termos “depression” ou “depressão” e “HHA” ou “HPA axis”. Optou-se por pesquisa realizada em humanos adultos, em inglês e português, do ano 2000 até 2011. Resultados Dos 27 artigos selecionados, obtiveram-se como resposta do eixo HPA tanto hiperatividade como atividade desregulada, hipoatividade ou não alteração. Tais resultados dependem das variáveis e dos hormônios estudados, do fluido coletado – plasma, urina, saliva, líquido cefalorraquidiano – do horário de coleta, do número de coletas, da análise estatística utilizada, do subtipo de doença depressiva, entre outros. Conclusão: Os resultados não apresentam consenso em relação à atividade do eixo HPA. Considerando as variáveis estudadas, o eixo HPA, na maioria das vezes, apresenta-se disfuncional na presença da depressão.


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Objetivo Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o parto vivenciado como traumático em decorrência da prematuridade e o vínculo mãe-bebê. Métodos Um questionário de dados biossociodemográficos (idade, escolaridade, raça, estado civil, trabalho), obstétricos e do parto, elaborado pela própria pesquisadora com variáveis categóricas, foi utilizado para a caracterização dos dados maternos. Uma entrevista clínica estruturada foi aplicada para caracterizar o parto prematuro como traumático utilizando o Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) – Critério A e a escala de Ligação mãe-bebê, validada na literatura na versão portuguesa, para avaliar o vínculo mãe-bebê prematuro. Resultados O parto prematuro foi tomado como traumático em 43 (71,7%) das puérperas analisadas. O sentimento de ligação materna “Triste” e a variável se a pesquisada trabalhava ou não foram as únicas que mostraram associação significativa com a ocorrência do parto prematuro traumático. Conclusão O parto prematuro pode ser considerado uma experiência traumática para a mãe e pode influenciar negativamente o desenvolvimento do vínculo mãe-bebê. Direções para pesquisas futuras são discutidas.


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RESUMO Objetivo O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer evidências de validade e precisão da Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R). Métodos Contou-se com uma amostra não probabilística de 709 praticantes de exercício físico de todo o Brasil, com idades variando entre 12 e 73 anos (M = 25,7; DP = 8,43), a maioria do sexo masculino (55,1%) e apresentando o estado civil solteiro (75,5%). Os participantes responderam a EDS-R e questões demográficas. Procurando conhecer a estrutura fatorial, foram utilizados procedimentos de análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Adicionalmente, a fim de avaliar a precisão do instrumento, efetuaram-se cálculos de alfa de Cronbach (consistência interna) e correlações de r de Pearson. Resultados A partir das análises exploratórias (principal axis factoring), foi observada uma variância explicada de 62,7% para uma estrutura de sete fatores. A consistência interna total da escala foi de 0,88, com índices de alfa de Cronbach variando de 0,68 a 0,89 entre os fatores. Os coeficientes de correlação variaram de 0,10 a 0,65, apontando para uma inter-relação entre as dimensões. Os procedimentos de análise fatorial confirmatória corroboraram a estrutura heptafatorial a partir de indicadores satisfatórios de bondade de ajuste do modelo [χ2 (168) = 288,21; p < 0,001, χ2/gl = 1,78, GFI = 0,93, CFI = 0,95 e RMSEA = 0,04 (IC90% = 0,037-0,055)]. Conclusões Os achados apoiaram a adequação psicométrica da EDS-R, a partir das análises exploratórias e confirmatórias, em consonância com o modelo teórico de dependência de exercício físico.


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Early-life stress (ELS) induces long-lasting changes in gene expression conferring an increased risk for the development of stress-related mental disorders. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) mediate the negative feedback actions of glucocorticoids (GC) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary and therefore play a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the endocrine response to stress. We here show that ELS programs the expression of the GR gene (Nr3c1) by site-specific hypermethylation at the CpG island (CGI) shore in hypothalamic neurons that produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh), thus preventing Crh upregulation under conditions of chronic stress. CpGs mapping to the Nr3c1 CGI shore region are dynamically regulated by ELS and underpin methylation-sensitive control of this region's insulation-like function via Ying Yang 1 (YY1) binding. Our results provide new insight into how a genomic element integrates experience-dependent epigenetic programming of the composite proximal Nr3c1 promoter, and assigns an insulating role to the CGI shore.


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Here we focus on factor analysis from a best practices point of view, by investigating the factor structure of neuropsychological tests and using the results obtained to illustrate on choosing a reasonable solution. The sample (n=1051 individuals) was randomly divided into two groups: one for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and principal component analysis (PCA), to investigate the number of factors underlying the neurocognitive variables; the second to test the "best fit" model via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For the exploratory step, three extraction (maximum likelihood, principal axis factoring and principal components) and two rotation (orthogonal and oblique) methods were used. The analysis methodology allowed exploring how different cognitive/psychological tests correlated/discriminated between dimensions, indicating that to capture latent structures in similar sample sizes and measures, with approximately normal data distribution, reflective models with oblimin rotation might prove the most adequate.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Autarquias Locais


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OBJECTIVE: To establish the normal pattern and safety of echocardiographic contrast in patients with no significant obstruction of epicardial coronary arteries. METHODS: 67 patients with normal coronary arteries or obstructions < 50% were selected from 277 patients who underwent coronary angiography (CA). Mean age was 56 ± 11years and 36 were males. At the end CA, echocardiographic contrast was selectively injected into each coronary artery. The parasternal short axis of the left ventricle (LV) was divided into six segments: anterior (A), antero-lateral (AL), postero-lateral (PL), posterior (P), infero-septal (IS) and antero-septal (AS). Anterolateral (ALPM) and posteromedial papillary muscles (PMPM) were also considered. The pattern and intensity of the appearance of the myocardial contrast was visually analyzed. RESULTS: The right coronary artery (RCA) was dominant in 60 patients. Contrast appearance was sudden and simultaneous in the 3 muscle layers. All segments could be contrasted after the injection in both coronary arteries. 100% of the AS, A and AL segments, 97% of the PL and 98% of the ALPM were perfused by the left coronary artery (LCA). P and IS segments were perfused by the RCA in 85% and 82%, respectively, and by a dominant LCA in 71% of the cases. The PMPM was perfused by a dominant RCA in 77% and by a dominant LCA in 86%. There were no symptoms. CONCLUSION: Intracoronary injection of the sonicated solution is a safe procedure that allows for an excellent opacification of the myocardium and can potentially be used during routine CA.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac findings in 31 Noonan syndrome patients. METHODS: Thirty-one (18 males and 13 females)patients from 26 families affected with Noonan's syndrome were evaluated from the cardiac point of view with electrocardiography and echodopplercardiography. RESULTS: Twenty patients had some type of cardiac abnormality. The most frequent was pulmonary valve stenosis followed by hypertrophic myocardiopathy, commonly associated with valve defects. Upper deviation of the QRS axis was observed in 80% of these patients. CONCLUSION: In view of the high frequency and diversity of cardiac abnormalities present in Noonan syndrome, cardiac evaluation with electrocardiography and echocardiography should be performed in all patients diagnostically suspected of having this disease.