995 resultados para Artes plásticas Teses
Em cumprimento dos requisitos da Iniciao Prtica Profissional - Ensino Supervisionado, no mbito do Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3 ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Ensino Secundrio do Centro de Competncias de Artes e Humanidades da Universidade da Madeira, surge o presente relatrio de estgio profissional. O estgio teve lugar na Escola Secundria Jaime Moniz, com a turma 11 20 do curso Cientfico-Humanstico de Artes Visuais na disciplina de Desenho A. Todos os contedos inerentes temtica, a relao texto-imagem, foram trabalhados primeiramente com materiais riscadores e tendo como suporte o papel, e posterior num software de desenho vetorial onde o suporte passa a ser digital, valorizando e aproveitando as vantagens que este tipo de formato permite abarcar. De forma a trabalhar, ao longo da sua prtica pedaggica, eficientemente a temtica escolhida, a professora estagiria elaborou uma reviso bibliogrfica, quer de conceitos, quer de momentos e autores que surgem durante a histria da arte. Baseou-se em teorias relacionadas com o funcionamento e a relao entre grupos, e mtodos de ensino para fundamentar e justificar certas posies que tomou. Este relato/reflexo da prtica pedaggica encontra-se dividido em duas partes, fazendo-se corresponder primeira parte o enquadramento geral em que a mesma se desenvolve; e segunda parte a toda a atividade letiva, ou seja, prtica pedaggica em si.
VITULLO, Nadia Aurora Vanti. Avaliao do banco de dissertaes e teses da Associao Brasileira de Antropologia: uma anlise cienciomtrica. 2001. 143 f. Dissertaao (Mestrado) - Curso de Mestrado em Biblioteconomia e Cincia da Informao, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Campinas, Campinas, 2001.
OLIVEIRA, Raimundo Muniz de. Biblioteca digital de teses e dissertaoes: uma referencia fundamental. In: CINFORM ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISA DA INFORMAAO,HUMANISMO E DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICO,7.,2007,Salvador. Anais...Salvador:UFBA, 2007.Disponivel em:www.cinform.ufba.br>. Acesso em: 27 set. 2007. Acesso em: 27 set. 2010.
CUNHA, Jacqueline de Arajo. Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaes: uma estratgia de preservao da memria cientfica. 2009. 141f. Dissertao (Mestrado)- Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincia da Informao. Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa, 2009.
A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanas relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informaes. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilizao do conhecimento cientfico produzido pelos Programas de Ps-Graduao das Universidades Pblicas Brasileiras, atravs da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodolgicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da populao do corpus da pesquisa. Em razo da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Ps-Graduao como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Ps-Graduao em Cincia da Informao, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o mtodo de estudo de usurios, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, estudos orientados aos usurios, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informao. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionrio semi-estruturado com 25 questes, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperao da informao, bem como a satisfao na utilizao dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vrios resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) s teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduao. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produo cientfica dos Programas de Ps-Graduao das Universidades Pblicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado tambm, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduao. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, prope-se uma divulgao mais eficaz na graduao atravs de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgao mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduao; segundo: dever ser feita a divulgao na mdia eletrnica, atravs da insero de cones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduao das Universidades Pblicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possvel aperfeioar o uso dessa fonte de informao cientfica.
Bibliotecas digitais de teses e dissertaes brasileiras: paradigma do acesso livre informao cientfica
A evoluo da comunicao cientfica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela A evoluo da comunicao cientfica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela A evoluo da comunicao cientfica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela se analisar as contribuies da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaes (BDTD)para a comunicao cientfica atual, destacando possibilidades emergentes e desafios a serem superados. Apresenta uma breve evoluo da comunicao cientfica ao longo do tempo; discute os impactos causados pela Internet na comunicao, disponibilizao e acessibilidade de informaes tcnico-cientficas; e caracteriza BDTD destacando os desafios a serem superados. Dentre eles esto, a questo dos direitos autorais que ocasionam a baixa adeso dos autores ao projeto piloto do IBICT para disponibilizar teses e dissertaes no meio eletrnico. Para este desafio, so apontadas sugestes.
As bibliotecas de teses e dissertaes tm um papel fundamental para o desenvolvimento cientfico e cultural de um pas. Nesse sentido, buscou-se, de modo geral, analisar o panorama brasileiro das bibliotecas digitais de teses e dissertaes. Especificamente, objetivou-se caracterizar a sociedade da informao enquanto contexto das BDTD; caracterizar os vrios tipos de bibliotecas surgidos a partir da insero das novas tecnologias de informao e comunicao; identificar as diretrizes norteadoras da implantao de BDTD; e levantar as BDTD existentes no Brasil. Para tato, alm de levantamento bibliogrfico, realizou-se uma pesquisa nos sites de instituies de ensino superior brasileiras que j dispe de bibliotecas digitais de teses e dissertaes em funcionamento. A anlise e interpretao destes dados nos permite considerar que no Brasil as BDTD encontram-se num estgio embrionrio, sendo relevante pesquisar a histrica implantao e configurao desse novo modelo de biblioteca.
The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hlio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Las Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors
Ce travail est une contribution aux tudes anthropologiques conduites sur Ia beaut et le corps dans des segments moyens urbains. Il cherche analyser le processus de construction du corps et sa relation avec le individualisme et Ia beaut et la ralisation de chirurgies plasticiennes esthtiques, partir d'une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion sont le concept de corps comme une construction sociale et culturelle spcifique de chaque socit et les diffrentes utilisations et les reprsentations que les divers segments font de celui-ci. A cette fin, une recherche de caractere ethnographique a t ralis aupres des femmes gs de vingt quarante et cinq ans, rsidents des quartiers Tirol et Petrpolis de Ia ville de Natal-RN (Brsil), dans Ia priode d'avril novembre 2006. Le travail de terrain a ml observation directe et entretiens avec des femmes et des mdecins chirurgiens plasticiens
Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form
This paper aims to investigate the formative needs of Elementary School Arts teachers at municipal public schools in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, working in the initial grades. The research was developed using the qualitative approach and the investigation can be classified as an action research-inspired collaborative, distinguished by mutual collaboration among all participants, as well as a reflection upon their practice. Conducted with four Arts teachers of Municipal Education de Natal/RN, this work triggered a (re)thinking of teaching practice in Arts, discussing the teachers' formation and encouraging a group reflection about their academic and professional path. Their motivation towards teaching was also discussed, as well as the way their progress as Arts teachers and the contributions and limits of college education, also including experiential knowledge as a possibility of formation. The main formative needs suggested by the research were knowledge on child development and child learning, and the need of an Arts curriculum proposal for the initial grades of Elementary School. From those data, a reflexive context was built with the participant teachers to give a new meaning to Arts teaching practice in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, it was shown that the Arts teacher formation must be broad and involve not only specific knowledge on Arts, but also knowledge about childhood. It was also clearly shown that a curriculum review in education undergraduate courses must be considered, besides the offering of a continual formation to teachers already giving classes. Concerning the Arts curriculum proposal, it should be done based on a work joining officials of Municipal Education, research and formation institutions and teachers working in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, the work highlights the Arts are essential in all levels of Elementary School, since its first years, and it must be taught and learnt since childhood
This research reflects the relationship between Master and Disciple original from the Martial Arts, and anchors their focus on sensitive education that emerges from this relationship. The interest here is knowing how the tradition of millenarian teachings is passed through the years, and how it gives from the relationship of Master and Disciple. To that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, to that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, and is from the immemorial fund that can give voice to that experience, through my body attached in the world of significations in which the experience lived is narrated by the story. Anchored from the phenomenological attitude from the philosopher french Maurice Merleau-Ponty, I think this research on three central pillars to guide our study categories, namely: the lived experience, body and liberty. Still, as a form of highlighting this sensitive work, beyond the texts of the philosopher Merleau-Ponty, we bring our dialogue of the cinema, literature and the writings of some the Masters of Martial Arts. For that, I think this research as a journey, where it, Master and Disciple march together in the ways of Martial Arts, baptizing and celebrating this sensitive education from that relationship affective and empathic
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
This work has the main purpose of conducting a survey of educational products present in dissertations and doctoral theses focused on the use of history in mathematics teaching and Didactics of mathematics with a French foundation produced in graduate programs in the strict sense of the Brazil between 1990 and 2010, the areas of Education, Mathematics Education, school of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and related areas, according to the research proposal of Mendes (2010). Our interest was to select the products that present concrete proposals for educational activities that can be used in the classroom of Basic Education and Training of Teachers of Mathematics. The research was implemented through a bibliographic study documents the Bank of dissertations and theses from CAPES, libraries and archives of some Postgraduate programs in the country who focus their studies on the subject object of this research, besides the Brazilian Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDBTD). From this survey we selected works that present educational products materialized in blocks of activities based on the use of teaching history of mathematics to the classroom as well as the sequence of activities based on the Teaching of Mathematics. In possession of material, produce a CD-ROM containing the selected activities, in order to help support the work of teachers regarding the use of these activities, as a supplementary material to textbooks in their math classes
This research investigates current sense effects at the use of linguistic resources of the argument in a corpus constituted by juridical pieces (Initial Petitions), that gave opportunity to actions originated from the Civil Special Court of the District of Currais Novos-RN. For this purpose it was established a relation between the Law and the Linguistics, mediated by the focus of the Argumentative Semantics, emphasizing, in a special way, the use of argumentative operators, which inserted in the own language, in its grammar, assume the orientation of the speech and the modalizers use, important mechanisms in the construction of the sense of the text and in the signalling in the way as that that one say is said,. This way, we began the investigation of that gender choosing as study object the section of the facts , that comprehends a part of Initial Petition where is explanted the narration of events that gave margin to the proposal for the Action. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of Rhetoric since from the classic antiquity to the emergence of the New present Rhetoric in Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005) that, at the present time, is inserted in the studies of the Pragmatic connected to the central theses of the Ducrot s thinking (1977, 1980, 1987). Such referential allowed us to a better understanding about the production of the juridical speech on the part of the operators of the Law, as well as, to analyze in way wide the current sense effects from the use of argument linguistic marks the juridical speech. The data showed that such marks are indispensable elements to the construction of the textual web, particularly when in the range of the juridical argumentation, since they direct the speech for certain conclusions. However, we have observed that in the texts produced by the lawyers the use of those linguistic resources not always takes place in an appropriate way. The texts analyzed have also showed that it is possible to unmask, through the linguistic resources, the argumentative strategy employed by the authors for convincing of the magistrate, making evident that language is more than a system of signs, which it makes possible to see beyond the limit of the words and statements. Finally, we have verified that the categories analyzed, when used appropriately, are elements that engender argumentative maneuvers of effectiveness in the juridical text, being fundamental pieces which give argumentative strength the text, making the speech to move forward, not only the juridical, but the speech produced in any domain of the knowledge