1000 resultados para Alves Redol
The electrical stimulation generated by the Cochlear Implant (CI) may improve the neural synchrony and hence contribute to the development of auditory skills in patients with Auditory Neuropathy / Auditory Dyssynchrony (AN/AD). Aim: Prospective cohort cross-sectional study to evaluate the auditory performance and the characteristics of the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP) in 18 children with AN/AD and cochlear implants. Material and methods: The auditory perception was evaluated by sound field thresholds and speech perception tests. To evaluate ECAP`s characteristics, the threshold and amplitude of neural response were evaluated at 80Hz and 35Hz. Results: No significant statistical difference was found concerning the development of auditory skills. The ECAP`s characteristics differences at 80 and 35Hz stimulation rate were also not statistically significant. Conclusion: The CI was seen as an efficient resource to develop auditory skills in 94% of the AN/AD patients studied. The auditory perception benefits and the possibility to measure ECAP showed that the electrical stimulation could compensate for the neural dyssynchrony caused by the AN/AD. However, a unique clinical procedure cannot be proposed at this point. Therefore, a careful and complete evaluation of each AN/AD patient before recommending a Cochlear Implant is advised. Clinical Trials: NCT01023932
The main issue regarding pediatric audiology diagnosis is determining procedures to configure reliable results which can be used to predict frequency-specific hearing thresholds. Aim: To investigate the correlation between auditory steady-state response (ASSR) with other tests in children with sensorineural hearing loss. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional contemporary cohort study. Twenty-three children (ages 1 to 7; mean, 3 years old) were submitted to ASSR, behavioral audiometry, click audiometry brain stem response (ABR), tone burst ABR, and predicting hearing level from the acoustic reflex. Results: the correlation between behavioral thresholds and ASSR was (0.70- 0.93), for the ABR tone burst it was (0.73 -0.93), for the ABR click it was (0.83-0.89) only at 2k and 4 kHz. The match between the ASSR and the hearing threshold prediction rule was considered moderate. Conclusion: there was a significant correlation between the ASSR and audiometry, as well as between ABR click (2k and 4 kHz) and for the ABR tone burst. The acoustic reflex can be used to add information to diagnosis in children.
Objective: The objective of the study is to investigate the results of the newborn hearing screening program carried out in a Public Hospital in Brazil, in the first 3 years regarding: (1) the prevalence of hearing impairment; (2) the influence of the universal hearing screening program on the age at which the diagnosis of hearing loss is defined; (3) the cost effectiveness of the program; (4) the outcomes, in terms of the age in which the hearing rehabilitation started. Methods: A descriptive study of the first 3 years after starting the universal newborn hearing screening in a Public Hospital of Bauru, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The screening method consists of a two-stage screening approach with transient otoacoustic emissions (TOAE), conducted by an audiologist. If the outcome in the second-stage screening is REFER, the infant is submitted to diagnostic follow-up testing and intervention at the Audiology and Speech Pathology Clinic at the University of Sao Paulo, campus of Bauru. The evaluation of the costs of the universal newborn hearing screening program per each screened newborn (around 4000/year) was done based on a proposal by the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management, of the Utah State University, United States of America. Results: 11,466 newborns were submitted to hearing screening, corresponding to 90.52% of the living newborns. The prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss was 0.96:1000. Of the 11 children with sensorineural hearing loss, eight children received hearing aids and five started the therapeutic process before the age of 1. Currently, four children between the ages of 11 months and 2 years old were submitted to cochlear implant surgery. The cost of hearing screening was US$7.00 and the annual cost of the universal newborn hearing screening program was US$26,940.47. Conclusion: The hospital-based universal newborn hearing screening carried out through the Brazilian National Health System is viable, with promising results. However, in a country such as Brazil, which presents large socio-economic differences, the same type of analyses should be performed in several regions, so as to take into account specific aspects, to implement the newborn hearing screening along with the Public System. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Chipping within veneering porcelain has resulted in high clinical failure rates for implant-supported zirconia (yttria-tetragonal zirconia polycrystals [Y-TZP]) bridges. This study evaluated the reliability and failure modes of mouth-motion step-stress fatigued implant-supported Y-TZP versus palladium-silver alloy (PdAg) three-unit bridges. Materials and Methods: Implant-abutment replicas were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate resin. Y-TZP and PdAg frameworks, of similar design (n = 21 each), were fabricated, veneered, cemented (n = 3 each), and Hertzian contact-tested to obtain ultimate failure load. In each framework group, 18 specimens were distributed across three step-stress profiles and mouth-motion cyclically loaded according to the profile on the lingual slope of the buccal cusp of the pontic. Results: PdAg failures included competing flexural cracking at abutment and/or connector area and chipping, whereas Y-TZP presented predominantly cohesive failure within veneering porcelain. Including all failure modes, the reliability (two-sided at 90% confidence intervals) for a ""mission"" of 50,000 and 100,000 cycles at 300 N load was determined (Alta Pro, Reliasoft, Tucson, AZ, USA). No difference in reliability was observed between groups for a mission of 50,000. Reliability remained unchanged for a mission of 100,000 for PdAg, but significantly decreased for Y-TZP. Conclusions: Higher reliability was found for PdAg for a mission of 100,000 cycles at 300 N. Failure modes differed between materials.
This study evaluated the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber posts and varying quantities of coronal dentin. Sixty freshly extracted upper canines were randomly divided into groups of 10 teeth each. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis. Data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = .05). Significant differences (P < .001) were found among the mean fracture forces of the test groups (positive control, 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and negative control groups: 1022.82 N, 1008.22 N, 1292.52 N, 1289.19 N, 1255.38 N, and 1582.11, respectively). These results suggested that the amount of coronal dentin did not significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber post and composite resin core. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e52-e57)
Our aim was to investigate the effect of central NOS inhibition on hypothalamic arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene expression, hormone release and on the cardiovascular response during experimental sepsis. Male Wistar rats were intracerebroventricularly injected with the non-selective NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor (L-NAME) or aminoguanidine, a selective inhibitor of the inducible isoform (iNOS). After 30 min. sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) causing an increase in heart rate (HR), as well as a reduction in median arterial pressure (MAP) and AVP expression ratio (AVP(R)), mainly in the supraoptic nucleus. AVP plasma levels (AVP(P)) increased in the early but not in the late phase of sepsis. L-NAME pretreatment increased MAP but did not change HR. It also resulted in an increase in AVP(P) at all time points, except 24 h, when it returned to basal levels. AVP(R), however remained reduced in both nuclei. Aminoguanidine pretreatment resulted in increased MAP in the early phase and higher AVP(R) in the supraoptic, but not in the paraventricular nucleus, while AVP(P) remained elevated at all time points. We suggest that increased central NO production, mainly inducible NOS-derived, reduces AVP gene expression differentially in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and that this may contribute to low AVP plasma levels and hypotension in the late phase of sepsis. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Primary teeth were analyzed by micro-SRXRF. The aim of this study was to determine the elemental distribution of lead and calcium in different regions of primary incisor of children living in a notoriously contaminated area (Santo Amaro da Purificacao, Bahia State, Brazil). The measurements were performed in standard geometry of 45 incidence, exciting with a white beam and using a conventional system collimation (orthogonal slits) in the XRF beamline at the Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (Campinas, Brazil). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Our aim was to investigate whether neonatal LPS challenge may improve hormonal, cardiovascular response and mortality, this being a beneficial adaptation when adult rats are submitted to polymicrobial sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Fourteen days after birth, pups received an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 mu g/kg) or saline. After 8-12 weeks, they were submitted to CLP, decapitated 4,6 or 24 h after surgery and blood was collected for vasopressin (AVP), corticosterone and nitrate measurement, while AVP contents were measured in neurohypophysis, supra-optic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei. Moreover, rats had their mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) evaluated, and mortality and bacteremia were determined at 24 h. Septic animals with neonatal LPS exposure had higher plasma AVP and corticosterone levels, and higher c-Fos expression in SON and PVN at 24 h after surgery when compared to saline treated rats. The LPS pretreated group showed increased AVP content in SON and PVN at 6 h, while we did not observe any change in neurohypophyseal AVP content. The nitrate levels were significantly reduced in plasma at 6 and 24 h after surgery, and in both hypothalamic nuclei only at 6 h. Septic animals with neonatal LPS exposure showed increase in MAP during the initial phase of sepsis, but HR was not different from the neonatal saline group. Furthermore, neonatally LPS exposed rats showed a significant decrease in mortality rate as well as in bacteremia. These data suggest that neonatal LPS challenge is able to promote beneficial effects on neuroendocrine and cardiovascular responses to polymicrobial sepsis in adulthood. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In a previous study, we concluded that overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) by inducible nitric Oxide synthase (iNOS) in the late phase of sepsis prevents hypothalamic activation, blunts vasopressin secretion and contributes to hypotension, irreversible shock and death. The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate if the same neuronal activation pattern happens in brain structures related to cardiovascular functions. Male Wistar rats received intraperitoneal injections of aminoguanidine, an iNOS inhibitor, or saline 30 min before cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham surgeries. The animals were perfused 6 or 24 h after the surgeries and the brains were removed and processed for Fos immunocytochemistry We observed an increase (P < 0.001) in c-fos expression 6 h after CLP in the area postrema (AP), nucleus of he tractus solitarius (NTS), ventral lateral medulla (VLM), locus coeruleus (LC) and parabrachial nucleus (PB). At 24 h after CLP, however, c-fos expression was strongly decreased in all these nuclei (P < 0.05), except for the VLM. Aminoguanidine reduced c-fos expression in the AP and NTS at 6 h after CLR but showed an opposite effect at 24 h, with an increase in the AP, NTS, and also in the VLM. No such effect was observed in the LC and PB at 6 or 24 h. In all control animals, c-fos expression was minimal or absent. We conclude that in the early phase of sepsis iNOS-derived NO may be partially responsible for the activation of brain structures related to cardiovascular regulation. During the late phase, however, this activation is reduced or abolished. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cisplatin is one of the most widely used and effective chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of several human malignancies. This study evaluated the effects of peri-pubertal cisplatin administration on several reproductive end-points and the reversibility of these effects in adulthood. Peri-pubertal Wistar male rats (45 days old) were divided into two groups: control (saline 0.9%) and cisplatin (1 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week, for 3 weeks, i.p.). The study was conducted in two steps and evaluations were performed at ages of 66 (post-pubertal age) and 140 (adult age) days on: (i) organ weights, serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels, sperm counts, motility and morphology, testicular histomorphometry, spermatogenesis kinetics, Sertoli cell number and in situ detection of apoptotic germ cells and (ii) sexual behaviour, fertility and intratesticular testosterone. At the end of cisplatin therapy, rats showed reductions in sperm production and reserves, sperm with progressive movement, tubular diameter, intratesticular testosterone and fertility potential, but increased numbers of TUNEL-positive seminiferous tubules, immotile sperm and pre-implantation losses compared with control. Moreover, cisplatin-treated post-pubertal rats displayed impaired testicular histopathology and sexual behaviour. Serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels, sperm morphology, spermatogenesis kinetics and Sertoli cell number were comparable between experimental groups at both ages. Alterations found in post-puberty were recovered at adulthood, except for sperm motility and damage to testicular histology. The persistence of these cisplatin effects, despite the unaltered fertility after natural mating in rats, may have implications for reproductive function of young boys undergoing cancer therapy, given the lower reproductive efficiency in human beings compared with rats.
Objective. To evaluate the influence of shaft design on the shaping ability of 3 rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) systems. Study design. Sixty curved mesial canals of mandibular molars were used. Specimens were scanned by spiral tomography before and after canal preparation using ProTaper, ProFile, and ProSystem GT rotary instruments. One-millimeter-thick slices were scanned from the apical end point to the pulp chamber. The cross-sectional images from the slices taken earlier and after canal preparation at the apical, coronal, and midroot levels were compared. Results. The mean working time was 137.22 +/- 5.15 s. Mean transportation, mean centering ratio, and percentage of area increase were 0.022 +/- 0.131 mm, 0.21 +/- 0.11, and 76.90 +/- 42.27%, respectively, with no statistical differences (P > .05). Conclusions. All instruments were able to shape curved mesial canals in mandibular molars to size 30 without significant errors. The differences in shaft designs seemed not to affect their shaping capabilities.
Horizontal root fractures are uncommon, mainly occurring on the cervical and middle third of the root of permanent upper incisors. The diagnosis is essentially radiographic and requires different healing patterns, depending on some pre- and postinjury factors. The aim of this article was to report the clinical management and different healing types in three cases of horizontal root fractures on permanent dentition. In case 1, the pulp tissue was vital and no treatment was necessary. In case 2, a root canal treatment of the cervical fragment was necessary and in case 3, pulpal necrosis was verified and an apical surgery was performed.
Geometry and structural control of gold vein mineralizations in the Serido Belt, northeastern Brazil
The polyphase evolution of the Serido Belt (NE-Brazil) includes D, crust formation at 2.3-2.1 Ga, D-2 thrust tectonics at 1.9 Ga and crustal reworking by D-3 strike-slip shear zones at 600 Ma. Microstructural investigations within mylonites associated with D-2 and D-3 events were used to constrain the tectono-thermal evolution of the belt. D-2 shear zones commenced at deeper crustal levels and high amphibolite facies conditions (600-650 degreesC) through grain boundary migration, subgrain rotation and operation of quartz Q-prism slip. Continued shearing and exhumation of the terrain forced the re-equilibration of high-T fabrics and the switching of slip systems from (c)-prism to positive and negative (a)-rhombs. During D-3, enhancement of ductility by dissipation of heat that came from syn-D-3 granites developed wide belts of amphibolite facies mylonites. Continued shearing, uplift and cooling of the region induced D-3 shear zones to act in ductile-brittle regimes, marked by fracturing and development of thinner belts of greenschist facies mylonites. During this event, switching from (a)-prism to a basal slip indicates a thermal path from 600 to 350 degreesC. Therefore, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics in polydeformed rocks from the Serido Belt preserve the record of two major events, which includes contrasting deformation mechanisms and thermal paths. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O Pacto Nacional pelo Enfrentamento da Viol??ncia contra as Mulheres visa descentralizar a????es por meio de acordo federativo entre o governo federal e os governos dos estados e dos munic??pios brasileiros. Participam do pacto a Secretaria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulheres da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica (SPM/PR), organiza????es da sociedade civil, e outros parceiros do governo federal. Com o objetivo principal de reduzir os ??ndices de viol??ncia contra as mulheres, o pacto ?? composto por quatro grandes eixos: Implementa????o da Lei Maria da Penha e Fortalecimento dos Servi??os Especializados de Atendimento; Prote????o dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos e Enfrentamento da Feminiza????o da Aids; Combate ?? Explora????o Sexual de Meninas e Adolescentes e ao Tr??fico de Mulheres; e Promo????o dos Direitos Humanos das Mulheres em Situa????o de Pris??o. Desde 2008, os seguintes estados j?? aderiram ao Pacto: Acre, Bahia, Cear??, Esp??rito Santo, Goi??s, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Par??, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, S??o Paulo, Tocantins, Alagoas, Amap??, Para??ba e Sergipe