948 resultados para 18s Rrna


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Os répteis, nomeadamente os lagartos, lagartixas e osgas, constituem um dos grupos de vertebrados com maior sucesso de colonização das ilhas oceânicas. Juntamente com as aves, devem constituir o grupo que naturalmente melhor se disseminou pelas ilhas oceânicas. Os mamíferos e anfíbios que aí possam existir são na sua maioria de introdução antropogénica. Como são bons colonizadores constituem bons modelos para o estudo de fenómenos e padrões de colonização das ilhas sobretudo tendo em conta que possuem ainda baixa dispersão dentro de cada ilha. Neste trabalho utilizamos marcadores do DNA mitocondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, citocromo b), marcadores do DNA nuclear (c-mos e enolase) assim como marcadores enzimáticos, para estudar os padrões de colonização, as relações entre espécies, a detecção de espécies introduzidas, a importância dos dados moleculares em relação a outro tipo de dados, nos répteis terrestres dos Arquipélagos da Madeira, Selvagens e Cabo Verde, e ilhas do Golfo da Guiné (São Tomé, Príncipe e Annobon). As sequências de DNA quer mitocondrial quer nuclear permitiram revelar a existência de uma estrutura geográfica em Mabuya spp. de São Tomé (de natureza intraespecífica) e de Cabo Verde (interespecífica) bem como em Lacerta dugesii (intraespecífica) do Arquipélago da Madeira. Esta estrutura é mais evidente em Lacerta dugesii, que apresenta haplótipos típicos e exclusivos de cada um dos quatro grupos principais de ilhas (Madeira, Porto Santo, Desertas e Selvagens), sem que se tivessem observado haplótipos comuns a mais do que um grupo de ilhas. Os dados moleculares obtidos permitem ainda inferir os casos de expansões demográficas recentes como no caso das populações de Lacerta dugesii da Madeira e Porto Santo ou pelo contrário indicativas de subdivisão geográfica da população como no Arquipélago das Selvagens. Nesta espécie apenas terá ocorrido um evento de colonização, e os nossos dados não corroboram a possibilidade de introdução nas Ilhas Selvagens mediada pelo homem. Mabuya spp. de Cabo Verde também forma um grupo monofilético, subentendendo a exemplo de L.dugesii um evento de colonização mas bem mais antigo, dando origem a eventos de radiação evolutiva, tendo-se formado novas espécies que por sua vez terão sido actores na colonização entre ilhas. Usando como modelo os Arquipélagos das Canárias e Cabo Verde, o número de eventos de colonização é menor nos escincídeos do que nos geconídeos. As ilhas do Golfo da Guiné parecem introduzir uma excepção à regra. Assim Mabuya spp. do Golfo da Guiné (São Tomé, Príncipe e Annobon) serão resultantes de 4 eventos de colonização, sendo dois responsáveis pelo aparecimento de M. maculilabris (uma forma no Príncipe e outra em São Tomé), M. ozorii (Annobon) e M. affinis (Príncipe). A exemplo de Lacerta dugesii, Mabuya maculilabris apresenta uma forte estruturação geográfica. Fazendo recurso a sequências já publicadas no GenBank, podemos propor um novo arranjo taxonómico no género Mabuya, não se devendo considerar quatro grupos (sensu Mausfeld), mas sim cinco, em que se adiciona um novo grupo que contempla as espécies do Norte de África e Turquia. As osgas em Cabo Verde, a exemplo das Canárias, apresentam grande variabilidade e terão sido resultado de maior número de eventos de colonização do que os Escincídeos. A nossa análise revela que existem em Cabo Verde maior número de grupos geneticamente distintos do género Tarentola, do que havia sido registado anteriormente. Os Hemidactylus também devem ter sido resultantes de mais do que um evento de colonização: um para Hemidactylus bouvieri e um para Hemidactylus brooki da Ilha do Sal. Hemidactylus brooki existente nas restantes ilhas bem como Hemidactylus mabouia são muito provavelmente de introdução antropogénica. No Golfo da Guiné o número de eventos de colonização não é maior nas osgas do que nos Escincídeos, constituindo assim uma excepção à regra, sendo os Hemidactylus resultantes de pelo menos dois eventos de colonização (quatro em Mabuya). Utilizando Lacerta dugesii como modelo, não encontramos qualquer congruência entre dados enzimáticos, morfológicos e moleculares. Com a aplicação de técnicas moleculares foi possível identificar espécies introduzidas como Hemidactylus mabouia na Madeira, Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe e Annobon bem como Ramphotyphlops braminus em Annobon. Estas espécies caracterizam-se por serem geneticamente homogéneas. Foi ainda possível verificar o estatuto taxonómico das várias espécies. Em Lacerta dugesii as três subespécies não deverão ser omitidas. Em Mabuya de Cabo Verde dever-se–ão manter as espécies consideradas e as relações estabelecidas. Em Tarentola spp. uma nova subespécie de Tarentola gigas deverá ser considerada e alvo de novas investigações. Os restantes grupos obtidos, geneticamente distintos, são em maior número do que havia sido registado, e deverão ser alvo dum estudo exaustivo.Confirmou-se a presença duma Mabuya em Annobon, muito provavelmente Mabuya ozorii, espécie esquecida ou omitida em muitas listas de espécies como na “EMBL Reptile database”. Duas formas de M. maculilabris em São Tomé e Príncipe, deixam transparecer a possibilidade da existência dum complexo de espécies. A análise de dados moleculares permitiu também referir que M. maculilabris não parece ter sido introduzida pelo homem nestas ilhas. Do ponto de vista conservacionista é fundamental monitorizar as espécies introduzidas pois podem levar à extinção de espécies indígenas, e monitorizar a manutenção dos vários grupos geneticamente distintos encontrados, muitos deles com distribuições restritas. Por fim, ao testar o c-mos na filogenia de Lacerta dugesii, podemos dizer que este gene nuclear pode também ser utilizado sob determinadas condições, ao nível intraespecífico. A região controle do DNA mitocondrial revelou-se também adequada na estimativa das relações filogenéticas. Verificou-se que esta estrutura é em Lacerta dugesii, bem menos variável que o gene do citocromo b (também mitocondrial). Mostra ainda uma variação entre populações e apresenta aspectos curiosos relacionados com a sua estrutura no contexto do que é conhecido actualmente dentro dos vertebrados.


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A Wolbachiapertence a um grupo de bactérias intracelulares, transmitidas maternalmente, que se encontram amplamente distribuídas nos artrópodes. Estes endossimbiontes encontram-se normalmente nos tecidos do sistema reprodutor dos artrópodes e têm a capacidade manipular a sua reproduçãode modo a garantir a sua transmissão à descendência e rápida dispersão na população.A capacidade de manipulação reprodutiva da Wolbachia tornou-a o alvo de diversos estudos para uma maior e melhor perceção da sua implicação em processos biológicos e evolutivos e por acreditar-se que esta bactéria é uma promissora ferramenta no controlo de populações de insetos que são pragas agrícolas. Os afídeos são um grupo de insetos associados às plantas que podem ter um efeito devastador nas culturas agrícolas e hortícolas pois não só retiram nutrientes às plantas como podem ser vetores de doenças. Embora durante muito tempo se pensasse que estes insetos não albergavam a Wolbachia estudos recentes mostram que são várias as espécies de afídeos infetados com esta bactéria. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a prevalência de infeção por Wolbachia assim como a caracterização das suas estirpes em amostras de afídeos dos Arquipélagos da Madeira e dos Açores. Neste estudo foram analisadas 545 amostras de afídeos, 361 provenientes do Arquipélago da Madeira e 184 dos Açores. Utilizando a técnica da “Polymerase Chain Reaction” (reação em cadeia da polimerase) amplificou-se o gene 16S rRNA (RNA ribossomal) e verificou-se que 32 destas amostras encontravam-se infetadas com Wolbachia sendo a maior parte das amostras infetadas provenientes dos Açores. Para determinar a estirpe que infeta estes afídeos utilizou-se a tipagem sequencial multilocus (MLST) com os genesglutamil-tRNA amidotransferase, subunidade B (gatB), citocromo c oxidase, subunidade I (coxA), proteína hipotética conservativa (hcpA) e proteína da divisão celular (ftsZ). A análise filogenética realizada para os diferentes genes mostrou que grande parte das amostras analisadas estão incluídas em dois dos novos supergrupos descobertos para Wolbachia, supergrupo M e N.Foi detetada a presença da mesma estirpe de Wolbachia, supergrupo N, em duas espécies diferentes de afídeos, Neophyllaphis podocarpi e Aphis spiraecola da mesma planta hospedeira, Podocarpus macrophyllus. Esta infeção reforça a ideia de que a Wolbachia não recorre só a transmissão vertical para se difundir na população mas utiliza também a transmissão horizontal. A deteção e caracterização das estirpes de Wolbachia é essencial para um maior entendimento sobre a sua origem e forma de disseminação. Esta informação é importante para desenvolvimento de estratégias de controlo de pestes recorrendo a estes endossimbiontes.


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SIQUEIRA JR. et al. Bacteriologic investigation of the effects of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine during the endodontic treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., v. 104, n. 1, p. 122-130, 2007.


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Worldwide, families Carangidae and Rachycentridae represent one of the groups most important commercial fish, used for food, and great potential for marine aquaculture. However, the genetic bases that can underpin the future cultivation of these species, cytogenetic between these aspects are very weak. The chromosomal patterns have provided basic data for the exploration of biotechnological processes aimed at handling chromosomal genetic improvement, such as induction of polyploidy, androgenesis and ginogenesis, as well as obtaining monosex stocks and interspecific hybridizations. This paper presents a comprehensive cytogenetic survey in 10 species, seven of the family Carangidae and the monotypic family Rachycentridae. Classical cytogenetic analysis and in situ mapping of multigene sequences were employed, and additionally for the genus Selene and morphotypes of Caranx lugubris, comparisons were made using geometric morphometrics. In general, conservative species exhibit a marked chromosome number (2n=48). Although present in large part, different karyotypic form, retain many characteristics typical of chromosomal Order Perciformes, the high number of elements monobrachyal, Ag-NORs/18S rDNA sites and heterochromatin simply reduced, preferably centromeric. The main mechanisms involved in karyotypic diversification are the pericentric inversions, with secondary action of centric fusions. In addition to physical mapping and chromosome detail for the species are presented and discussed patterns of intra-and interspecific diversity, cytotaxonomic markers. This data set provides a better understanding of these patterns caryoevolutyonary groups and conditions for the development of protocols based on Biotechnology for chromosomal manipulation Atlantic these species


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Perciformes are dominant in the marine environment, characterized as the largest and most diverse fish group. Some families, as Gerreidae, popularly known as silver jennies, carapebas, or mojarras have a high economic potential to marine fish farming, natural explotation and game fishing. Genetic information of these species are of fundamental importance for their management and production. Despite exist over 13,000 marine fish species described, only 2% were cytogenetically analyzed and less than 1% have some reproductive characteristics known. Induced breeding, cytogenetic characterization and cryopreservation of gametes, represent important areas in applied fish studies. In this project cytogenetic analyzes were performed to acess genetic aspects of Gerreidae species, distributed in coastal and estuarine regions of Northeast Brazil. Different methods for identifying chromosomal regions were employed using conventional techniques (Ag-NORs, C-banding), staining with base-specific fluorochromes (DAPI-CMA3), and physical mapping of ribosomal genes 18S and 5S rDNA, through hybridization in situ with fluorescent probes (FISH). The six species analyzed showed remarkable chromosome conservatism. The 18S and 5S ribosomal genes when analyzed in phylogenetic perspective demonstrate varied evolutionary dynamics, suggesting ocurrence of stasis process in some groups and greater dynamism in others. Double FISH with 18S and 5S probes showed both how efficient cytotaxonomic markers in the homogeneous karyotypes of this group of species. The karyotypic pattern identified in addition to the evolutionary aspects of karyotype, are suggestive of existence of low potential of post-zygotic barrier, prompting further research to prospect for artificial interspecific hybridization of these species of commercial importance


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In this dissertation, the theoretical principles governing the molecular modeling were applied for electronic characterization of oligopeptide α3 and its variants (5Q, 7Q)-α3, as well as in the quantum description of the interaction of the aminoglycoside hygromycin B and the 30S subunit of bacterial ribosome. In the first study, the linear and neutral dipeptides which make up the mentioned oligopeptides were modeled and then optimized for a structure of lower potential energy and appropriate dihedral angles. In this case, three subsequent geometric optimization processes, based on classical Newtonian theory, the semi-empirical and density functional theory (DFT), explore the energy landscape of each dipeptide during the search of ideal minimum energy structures. Finally, great conformers were described about its electrostatic potential, ionization energy (amino acids), and frontier molecular orbitals and hopping term. From the hopping terms described in this study, it was possible in subsequent studies to characterize the charge transport propertie of these peptides models. It envisioned a new biosensor technology capable of diagnosing amyloid diseases, related to an accumulation of misshapen proteins, based on the conductivity displayed by proteins of the patient. In a second step of this dissertation, a study carried out by quantum molecular modeling of the interaction energy of an antibiotic ribosomal aminoglicosídico on your receiver. It is known that the hygromycin B (hygB) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that affects ribosomal translocation by direct interaction with the small subunit of the bacterial ribosome (30S), specifically with nucleotides in helix 44 of the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). Due to strong electrostatic character of this connection, it was proposed an energetic investigation of the binding mechanism of this complex using different values of dielectric constants (ε = 0, 4, 10, 20 and 40), which have been widely used to study the electrostatic properties of biomolecules. For this, increasing radii centered on the hygB centroid were measured from the 30S-hygB crystal structure (1HNZ.pdb), and only the individual interaction energy of each enclosed nucleotide was determined for quantum calculations using molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (MFCC) strategy. It was noticed that the dielectric constants underestimated the energies of individual interactions, allowing the convergence state is achieved quickly. But only for ε = 40, the total binding energy of drug-receptor interaction is stabilized at r = 18A, which provided an appropriate binding pocket because it encompassed the main residues that interact more strongly with the hygB - C1403, C1404, G1405, A1493, G1494, U1495, U1498 and C1496. Thus, the dielectric constant ≈ 40 is ideal for the treatment of systems with many electrical charges. By comparing the individual binding energies of 16S rRNA nucleotides with the experimental tests that determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of hygB, it is believed that those residues with high binding values generated bacterial resistance to the drug when mutated. With the same reasoning, since those with low interaction energy do not influence effectively the affinity of the hygB in its binding site, there is no loss of effectiveness if they were replaced.


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Four strains of a novel yeast species were isolated from laboratory nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in Brazil. Three strains were found in older sponges and one was in a waste deposit in the ant nests. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the large-subunit rRNA gene showed that the novel species, named Sympodiomyces attinorum sp. nov., is phylogenetically related to Sympodiomyces parvus. Unlike Sympodiomyces parvus, Sympodiomyces attinorum can ferment glucose, assimilate methyl alpha-D-glucoside, salicin and citrate, and grow at 37 degreesC, thus enabling these two species to be distinguished. Differentiation from other related species is possible on the basis of other growth characteristics. The type strain of Sympodiomyces attinorum is UNESP-S156(T) (=CBS 9734(T)=NRRL Y-27639(T)).


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Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (tribe Attini) are symbiotic with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Leucoagaricus (tribe Leucocoprineae), which they cultivate on vegetable matter inside their nests. We determined the variation of the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene loci and the rapidly evolving internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of 15 sympatric and allopatric fungi associated with colonies of 11 species of leafcutter ants living up to 2,600 km apart in Brazil. We found that the fungal rDNA and ITS sequences from different species of ants were identical (or nearly identical) to each other, whereas 10 GenBank Leucoagaricus species showed higher ITS variation. Our findings suggest that Atta and Acromyrmex leafcutters living in geographic sites that are very distant from each other cultivate a single fungal species made up of closely related lineages of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. We discuss the strikingly high similarity in the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the Atta and Acromyrmex symbiotic L. gongylophorus studied by us, in contrast to the lower similarity displayed by their non-symbiotic counterparts. We suggest that the similarity of our L. gongylophorus isolates is an indication of the recent association of the fungus with these ants, and propose that both the intense lateral transmission of fungal material within leafcutter nests and the selection of more adapted fungal strains are involved in the homogenization of the symbiotic fungal stock.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diesel oil is a compound derived from petroleum, consisting primarily of hydrocarbons. Poor conditions in transportation and storage of this product can contribute significantly to accidental spills causing serious ecological problems in soil and water and affecting the diversity of the microbial environment. The cloning and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene is one of the molecular techniques that allows estimation and comparison of the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. The aim of this work was to estimate the diversity of microorganisms from the Bacteria domain in a consortium specialized in diesel oil degradation through partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. After the extraction of DNA metagenomics, the material was amplified by PCR reaction using specific oligonucleotide primers for the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR products were cloned into a pGEM-T-Easy vector (Promega), and Escherichia coli was used as the host cell for recombinant DNAs. The partial clone sequencing was obtained using universal oligonucleotide primers from the vector. The genetic library obtained generated 431 clones. All the sequenced clones presented similarity to phylum Proteobacteria, with Gammaproteobacteria the most present group (49.8 % of the clones), followed by Alphaproteobacteira (44.8 %) and Betaproteobacteria (5.4 %). The Pseudomonas genus was the most abundant in the metagenomic library, followed by the Parvibaculum and the Sphingobium genus, respectively. After partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA, the diversity of the bacterial consortium was estimated using DOTUR software. When comparing these sequences to the database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a strong correlation was found between the data generated by the software used and the data deposited in NCBI.


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Given the great diversity of fishes, the Order Tetraodontiformes stands to show genetic and morphological characteristics enough singular. The fishes of this order have a compact DNA which favors molecular studies, as well as comparisons with more basal species. Model of genome evolution, there are still many gaps in knowledge about their chromosomal patterns and how evolutionary rearrangements influence the marked variation in DNA content of this order. In view of this, we present cytogenetic analyzes of the species Acanthostracion quadricornis (Ostraciidae), A. polygonius (Ostraciidae) Melichthys niger (Balistidae) Cantherhines macrocerus (Monacanthidae) and C. pullus (Monacanthidae), Lagocephalus laevigatus, Colomesus psittacus and Canthigaster figueiredoi (Tetraodontidae), to contribute with cytogenetic data for this group. The analysis was performed by C-banding, Ag-RONs, coloring with base-specific fluorochromes DAPI-CMA3, restriction enzymes AluI, EcoRI, TaqI, PstI and HinfI and in situ hybridization with probes for ribosomal DNA 18S and 5S. The heterochromatic ultrastructure of A. quadricornis and A. polygonius revealed a outstanding heterochromatin content, which may indicate that the accumulation or loss of extensive heterochromatin content could be responsible for large variations in genomic content displayed in different Tetraodontiformes families. The species Cantherhines macrocerus, C. pullus (Monacanthidae) and Melichthys niger (Balistidae) shows a huge karyotypic similarity both numerically and structural. L. laevigatus showed similar cytogenetic features (2n = 44 and single RONs) to the species of the genus Takifugu, which reinforces the idea of their phylogenetic relationships. C. psittacus presented the highest diploid number described for the family (2n = 56) and large amount of HC, features that related with its sister family Diodontidae. Cytogenetic analysis in C. figueiredoi revealed heterochromatic polymorphisms, RONs multiple and Bs chromosomes. These events are rare in marine fishes, and are possibly associated with the strong restructuring and genomic reduction that this family has been suffered. These features, plus the morphological and molecular data suggests that these species share the same ancestral branch, with a possible monophyletic origin. In this study, new contributions to the knowledge of evolutionary patterns facing by Tetraodontiformes are provided and discussed under cytotaxonomyc, genomic and evolutionary perspectives.


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This work has contributed to knowledge of the order Testudines from cytogenetic and morphological point of view. With regard to the aspects proposed cytogenetic characterization of the species Mesoclemmys tuberculata (n = 5), endemic to the Caatinga biomes, through conventional techniques of cytogenetics and molecular levels. This species presented 2n = 58, NF = 64, the first submetacentric pair, the second metacentric and third subtelocentric, and the other microchromosome telocentric. This species showed a nucleolar bearing pair, coincident with the 18S ribosomal rDNA and that proved to be heterochromatic. Small heterochromatic blocks were also found in the centromeres of the largest chromosomes, as well as terminal regions in most other chromosomes of the complement, that were GC +. Telomeric sequences showed variable patterns of signal intensity, with some repeats more intense in microchromosomes and subtly in the larger ones. When compared with other species of the genus, the G-banding patterns showed a marked similarity between them. The first karyotypic description of the species will aid in future studies and the understanding of evolutionary aspects of this family. From the morphological point of view, we carried out studies of fluctuating asymmetry in sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata, using methods of benchmarking between hatchlings and adults and their implications for natural selection. Data were collected at two different times: first during the spawning female and the second during the outbreak and birth of the nest. The analyzed characteristics consisted of measurements of length and width of front and rear flippers (CANT, LANT, CPOS and LPOS) also collected data on the number of hull plates, side plates (NPL), the surrounding plates (NPCIRC), and plastron; plates power plants (NPP), inframarginais plates (NPIM). With the values of asymmetry we calculated the value of strict heritability for these traits, the calculation was based on only one parent. A nonparametric analysis Mann-Whitneywas performed to compare the groups (females X hatchlings, newborn hatchlings X dead hatchlings). Adult females showed no bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA = 0) on the number plates of the hull and plastron, while offspring, living and dead, showed a greater level of variation in these meristic parameters. In the analysis of females x hatchlings we found a significant difference between the levels of asymmetry in hoof plates (p=0.006) an the width of hindlimbs (p=0.001). Levels of FA suggest an accurate indicator as to the viability or maintenance of the individual to the reproductive phase. The coefficient of heritability (h2) of FA , obtained from the regression analysis, showed that both have low and not statistically significant values(p> 0.1). In the case of exclusion of the effective role of genetics in the generation of FA, reproductive strategies based on high number of subsidiaries products, such as those observed in E. imbricata seems to implicate the production of individuals with high level of developmental instability


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)