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Este estudo tem como objetivos caracterizar o perfil demográfico e socioeconômico de nove comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no vale do Ribeira, estado de São Paulo, e identificar os principais fatores responsáveis pelas mudanças recentes nos seus padrões de subsistência. Desde a formação das primeiras aglomerações de escravos libertos e foragidos no século XVIII, as relações estabelecidas entre estas populações com as cidades próximas e com o mercado regional têm vivenciado momentos de retração e de expansão, adaptando-se e ajustando-se a novas mudanças políticas e socioeconômicas. Nas últimas cinco décadas, o impacto de fatores externos na aceleração das mudanças nos padrões de subsistência locais parece ter tido um aumento significativo. Os resultados mostram que as restrições impostas pela legislação ambiental, os conflitos de terra, a construção de uma rodovia na região, a crescente inserção no mercado regional e a atuação de órgãos governamentais e não-governamentais de desenvolvimento são os principais fatores responsáveis pelas mudanças observadas no sistema agrícola de corte e queima e, conseqüentemente, na organização socioeconômica destas populações.
Collagen XVIII can generate two fragments, NC11-728 containing a frizzled motif which possibly acts in Wnt signaling and Endostatin, which is cleaved from the NC1 and is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis. Collagen XVIII and Wnt signaling have recently been associated with adipogenic differentiation and obesity in some animal models, but not in humans. In the present report, we have shown that COL18A1 expression increases during human adipogenic differentiation. We also tested if polymorphisms in the Frizzled (c.1136C>T; Thr379Met) and Endostatin (c.4349G>A; Asp1437Asn) regions contribute towards susceptibility to obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes (113 obese, BMI =30; 232 non-obese, BMI < 30) of European ancestry. No evidence of association was observed between the allele c.4349G>A and obesity, but we observed a significantly higher frequency of homozygotes c.1136TT in obese (19.5%) than in non-obese individuals (10.9%) [P = 0.02; OR = 2.0 (95%CI: 1.07-3.73)], suggesting that the allele c.1136T is associated to obesity in a recessive model. This genotype, after controlling for cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, was independently associated with obesity (P = 0.048), and increases the chance of obesity in 2.8 times. Therefore, our data suggest the involvement of collagen XVIII in human adipogenesis and susceptibility to obesity.
Diapoma is reviewed and four species are recognized: (1) Diapoma thauma, new species, from streams of the rio Jacuí basin, state of Rio Grande do Sul; (2) D. pyrrhopteryx, new species collected from the rio Canoas and streams flowing into this basin in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil; (3) Diapoma terofali, from streams flowing into rio Uruguay in Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and streams flowing into rio de la Plata, Argentina; and (4) Diapoma speculiferum, from lowland coastal streams in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Uruguay. Diapoma pyrrhopteryx possess the posteroventral opercular elongation typical of D. speculiferum, type species of the genus, but which is absent in D. thauma and D. terofali. Nonetheless, all the diapomin species have the caudal pouch organ about equally developed in both sexes and the dorsal portion of the pouch opening bordered by a series of 3 to 8 elongated scales, the two derived features that characterize the group. The two previously described species, D. speculiferum and D. terofali, are redescribed. Previous hypotheses of relationships among the diapomin genera Planaltina, Diapoma and Acrobrycon are discussed on the basis of preliminary morphological information. It is proposed that the Diapomini is a monophyletic group. An identification key, information on sexual dimorphism, gonad anatomy, reproductive mode and distribution of the species of Diapoma are provided.
Lepidocharax, new genus, and Lepidocharax diamantina and L. burnsi new species from eastern Brazil are described herein. Lepidocharax is considered a monophyletic genus of the Stevardiinae and can be distinguished from the other members of this subfamily except Planaltina, Pseudocorynopoma, and Xenurobrycon by having the dorsal-fin origin vertically aligned with the anal-fin origin, vs. dorsal fin origin anterior or posterior to anal-fin origin. Additionally the new genus can be distinguished from those three genera by not having the scales extending over the ventral caudal-fin lobe modified to form the dorsal border of the pheromone pouch organ or to represent a pouch scale in sexually mature males. In this paper, we describe these two recently discovered species and the ultrastructure of their spermatozoa.
A second inseminating species bearing club cells organized into an anal-fin gland in sexually active males belonging to the genus Bryconadenos was recently discovered in the rio Xingu drainage and is described as new. It is distinguished from B. tanaothoros by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch at the humeral region, and fewer scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and anal-fin origin. Males of B. weitzmani have longer pelvic fins at sizes beyond 30 mm SL. Bryconadenos weitzmani is further distinguished from B. tanaothoros by the cup shape of the anal-fin gland, its lower part much more developed than the upper, whereas in B. tanaothoros there is just a slit separating the almost equally developed upper and lower parts.
In the first paper of this series (Albuquerque & Brandão, 2004) we revised the Vezenyii species group of the exclusively Neotropical solenopsidine (Myrmicinae) ant genus Oxyepoecus. In this closing paper we update distribution information on the Vezenyii group species and revise the other Oxyepoecus species-group (Rastratus). We describe two species (Oxyepoecus myops n. sp. and O. rosai n. sp.) and redescribe previously known species of the group [O. daguerrei (Santschi, 1933), O. mandibularis (Emery, 1913), O. plaumanni Kempf, 1974, O. rastratus Mayr, 1887, and O. reticulatus Kempf, 1974], adding locality records and comments on the meagre biological data of these species. We also present an identification key to Oxyepoecus species based on workers.
Embora o hormônio do crescimento (GH) seja um dos hormônios mais estudados, vários de seus aspectos fisiológicos ainda não estão integralmente esclarecidos, incluindo sua relação com o exercício físico. Estudos mais recentes têm aumentado o conhecimento a respeito dos mecanismos de ação do GH, podendo ser divididos em: 1) ações diretas, mediadas pela rede de sinalizações intracelulares, desencadeadas pela ligação do GH ao seu receptor na membrana plasmática; e 2) ações indiretas, mediadas principalmente pela regulação da síntese dos fatores de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGF). Tem sido demonstrado que o exercício físico é um potente estimulador da liberação do GH. A magnitude deste aumento sofre influência de diversos fatores, em especial, da intensidade e do volume do exercício, além do estado de treinamento. Atletas, normalmente, apresentam menor liberação de GH induzida pelo exercício que indivíduos sedentários ou pouco treinados. Evidências experimentais demonstram que o GH: 1) favorece a mobilização de ácidos graxos livres do tecido adiposo para geração de energia; 2) aumenta a capacidade de oxidação de gordura e 3) aumenta o gasto energético.
We report magnetic and EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy studies of [Cu2(flu)4(dmf)2] (flu = flufenamate and dmf = dimethylformamide), which has CuII ions in tetracarboxylate "paddle wheel" dinuclear units. Susceptibility measurements at 10 < T < 275 K allowed the evaluation of an antiferromagnetic intradinuclear exchange coupling J0 = -294 ± 5 cm-1 between CuII ions (Hex = "J0 S1·S2). EPR experiments at 300 K in powder and single-crystals at 9.5 and 34.4 GHz indicated g// = 2.373, g⊥ = 2.073 and zero field splitting parameters D = (-0.334 ± 0.001) cm"1 and E ca. 0. EPR signal intensity measurements at X-band in the range 4 < T < 295 K indicated that J0 = "283 ± 5 cm"1. A higher limit |J´| < 5×10-3 cm-1 for the interdinuclear exchange coupling between neighbor units at ca.14.24 Å was estimated from the angular variation of the single crystal spectra around the magic angles. The results are discussed in terms of the structure of the dinuclear unit and the bridges connecting CuII ions and compared with values reported for similar compounds.
The reactions of meso-1,2-bis(phenylsulfinyl)ethane (meso-bpse) with Ph2SnCl2, 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiane trans-1-trans-3-dioxide (pdtd) with n-Bu2SnCl2 and 1,2-cis-bis-(phenylsulfinyl)ethene (rac-,cis-cbpse) with Ph2SnCl2, in 1:1 molar ratio, yielded [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n], [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] and [{Ph2SnCl2(rac,cis-cbpse)}x] (x = 2 or n), respectively. All adducts were studied by IR, Mössbauer and 119Sn NMR spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The X-ray crystal structure of [{Ph2SnCl2(meso-bpse)}n] revealed the occurrence of infinite chains in which the tin(IV) atoms appear in a distorted octahedral geometry with Cl atoms in cis and Ph groups in trans positions. The X-ray crystal structure of [{n-Bu2SnCl2(pdtd)}2] revealed discrete centrosymmetric dimeric species in which the tin(IV) atoms possess a distorted octahedral geometry with bridging disulfoxides in cis and n-butyl moieties in trans positions. The spectroscopic data indicated that the adduct containing the rac,cis-cbpse ligand can be dimeric or polymeric. The X-ray structural analysis of the free rac-,cis-cbpse sulfoxide revealed that the crystals belong to the C2/c space group.
In this work we have studied cyclooctene epoxidation with PhIO, using a new iron porphyrin, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)porphyrinato iron(III), supported on silica matrices via eletrostatic interaction and / or covalent bonds as catalyst. These catalysts were obtained and immobilized on the solid supports propyltrimethylammonium silica (SiN+); propyltrimethylammonium and propylimidazole silica [SiN+(IPG)] and chloropropylsilica (CPS) via elestrostatic interactions and covalent binding. Characterization of the supported catalysts by UV-Vis spectroscopy and EPR (Electron paramagnetic resonance) indicated the presence of a mixture of FeII and FeIII species in all of the three obtained catalysts. In the case of (Z)-cyclooctene epoxidation by PhIO the yields observed for cis-epoxycyclooctane were satisfactory for the reactions catalyzed by the three materials (ranging from 68% to 85%). Such results indicate that immobilization of metalloporphyrins onto solid supports via groups localized on the ortho positions of their mesophenyl rings can lead to efficient catalysts for epoxidation reactions. The catalyst 1-CPS is less active than 1-SiN and 1-SiN(IPG), this argues in favour of the immobilization of this metalloporphyrin onto solids via electrostatic interactions, which is easier to achieve and results in more active oxidation catalysts. Interestingly, the activity of the supported catalysts remained the same even after three successive recyclings; therefore, they are stable under the oxidizing conditions.
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças hepáticas apresentam índices de morbidade e mortalidade elevados e quando em estágio avançado têm o transplante do fígado como forma de tratamento potencialmente curativo e eficaz, embora este não possa ser oferecido a todos os pacientes. Isso faz com que essas doenças sejam consideradas problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. Os cuidados clínicos para manter o paciente com condições de esperar e suportar o transplante continua um desafio. RELATO DO CASO: Mulher com 65 anos de idade, procedente do Recife, com diagnóstico de cirrose hepática secundária a vírus C apresentava dispnéia importante aos mínimos esforços tendo PaO2 de repouso de 60 mmHg e O2 de 90%, com espirometria normal. Realizou eco-Doppler que evidenciou shunt pulmonar importante. Durante a triagem em lista de transplante (MELD de 16 em agosto de 2006) foi optado pelo início de sessões de oxigenioterapia em câmara hiperbárica a fim de melhorar a sintomatologia respiratória da síndrome hepato-pulmonar. Apresentava melhora substancial da tolerância ao exercício após a terapia hiperbárica, assim como os valores do PaO2 à gasometria. Realizou 10 sessões de oxigenioterapia em câmara hiperbárica. Realizou transplante hepático em outubro de 2007 e vem em acompanhamento ambulatorial com boa evolução e melhora substancial da dispnéia. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se melhora da condição hepato-pulmonar após oxigenoterapia hiperbárica. Desta forma, ela surge como mais uma ferramenta para o tratamento das doenças hepáticas, devendo ser realizados outros estudos que avaliem sua utilização clínica.
The Pantanal of Nhecolândia, the world's largest and most diversified field of tropical lakes, comprises approximately 10,000 lakes, which cover an area of 24,000 km² and vary greatly in salinity, pH, alkalinity, colour, physiography and biological activity. The hyposaline lakes have variable pHs, low alkalinity, macrophytes and low phytoplankton densities. The saline lakes have pHs above 9 or 10, high alkalinity, a high density of phytoplankton and sand beaches. The cause of the diversity of these lakes has been an open question, which we have addressed in our research. Here we propose a hybrid process, both geochemical and biological, as the main cause, including (1) a climate with an important water deficit and poverty in Ca2+ in both superficial and phreatic waters; and (2) an elevation of pH during cyanobacteria blooms. These two aspects destabilise the general tendency of Earth's surface waters towards a neutral pH. This imbalance results in an increase in the pH and dissolution of previously precipitated amorphous silica and quartzose sand. During extreme droughts, amorphous silica precipitates in the inter-granular spaces of the lake bottom sediment, increasing the isolation of the lake from the phreatic level. This paper discusses this biogeochemical problem in the light of physicochemical, chemical, altimetric and phytoplankton data.
Parte-se da hipótese de que tanto os modos de constituição da subjetividade, quanto as teses epistemológicas sobre a formação do eu têm sofrido importantes mudanças nas últimas décadas. No plano das identidades pessoais, tal fato se expressa no atenuamento do ideário intimista, tradicionalmente centrado na idéia da vida mental como espaço privado e interior. No plano epistemológico, diferentes saberes vêm questionando a equivalência entre vida mental e interioridade psicológica e propondo descrições da origem do eu que incluam a dimensão da corporeidade e da ação. Considerando as noções de representação e de ação como eixos fundamentais para diferentes concepções da subjetividade, este artigo examina um modelo internalista do psiquismo, contrastando-o com outro que toma o eu como agente corporificado.
Films of poly (2,5-dicyano-p-phenylene vinylene), DCNPPV, were obtained by electrochemical synthesis over gold thin layer (20 nm) transparent electrode deposited on a glass plate. The DCNPPV films of 4 µm thickness were produced by electropolymerization process of α,α,α',α'-tetrabromo-2-5-dicyano-p-xilene at different applied potentials (-0.15, -0.25, -0.40, -0.60, -0.80, and -1.0 V) using 0.1 mol L-1 of tetraethylammonium bromide in acetonitrile as the supporting electrolyte. The emission decays have three exponential components: a fast component in the picosecond range (200-400 ps), and two other of about one and five nanoseconds at 293 K. The fluorescence quenching process seems to occur by exciton trapping in a low-energy site and quenching by residual bromine monomer attached at the end of the polymer chain. However, the electrochemical synthesis generates entrapped bromide or ion pairs during the growth step of the film which also contributes to the deactivation. The change of the electrolyte from bromide to perchlorate reduces significantly this additional quenching effect by allowing ion exchange of formed bromide with the nonquenching perchloride anion.