995 resultados para Þrándr Þorbjarnarson, 10th cent.


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Short-term overfeeding with carbohydrate induced a marked stimulation of energy expenditure, amounting to 33 per cent of the excess energy intake on the 7th day of overfeeding. This value is larger than that previously reported in man. Stimulation of lipogenesis and increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system seem to be the two major mechanisms which account for the stimulation of energy expenditure during carbohydrate overfeeding.


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We have used monoclonal antibodies specific for acetylated and non-acetylated alpha-tubulin to localize microtubules containing acetylated alpha-tubulin in all developmental forms of the life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi. This was demonstrated using immunofluorescence and by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections, negative stained cells, and replicas of whole Triton X-100 extracted cells immunolabeled with antibody-gold complex. The antibody specific for acetylated alpha-tubulin (6-11B-1) binds to the flagellar, as well as to the sub-pellicular microtubules. The extent of labeling of the sub-pellicular microtubules with the monoclonal antibody recognized alpha-acetylated tubulin was smaller than that observed with the antibody which recognizes all tubulin isoforms. In relation to the developmental forms, the extent of labeling of the microtubules with antibody 6-11B-1 was larger in epimastigote and trypomastigote than in amastigote forms. Incubation of the parasites for 1 h at 0º C or in the presence of either colchicine or vinblastine did not interfere with the sub-pellicular microtubules. These observations, in agreement with those reported for Trypanosoma brucei brucei (Schneider et al., 1987; Schulze et al., 1987; Sasse per cent Gull, 1988) indicate that the sub-pellicular microtubules of trypanosomatids represent stable microtubules containing acetylated alpha-tubulin (or the alpha 3-tubulin isotype).


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Faeces from 17 children less than 1.6 years old 15 adultsmore than 22 years old were collected during an outbreak of gastroenteritis in aday care nursery and screened for the presence of adenovirus and rotavirus by enzyme immunoassay (EIARA) and other viruses by electron microscopy (EM) and polycrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Ten samples (58.8 per cent) from childrenand one (6.7 per cent) from adults were positive for rotavirus and all samples were negative for bacteria and parasites. No other viruses were observed in EM. An enzyme immunoassay test using monoclonal antibodies (MAb-EIA) to determine the subgroup(s) and the serotype(s) of rotavirus was performed and the results showedthat all positive samples belong to serotype 1, subgroup II of group A rotaviruses. In PAGE test all samples had the same profile and the 10 and 11 dsRNA segments corresponed to the "long" profile of group A of rotaviruses. These results corroborated the MAbEIA results and indicate a sole source of infection. The majorsymptoms observed were: vomiting (60 per cent), fever (70 per cent) and diarrhoea (100 per cent). In previous years (1989 to 1991) we observed only rotavirus serotype 2 in this same day care nursery, but no outbreak was reported.


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A slide micro-immunoenzymatic assay (micro-SIA) to detectantibodies to non-particulate Toxoplasma gondii antigens is described. This assay allows the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis infection in about 1 hr. Twenty-four determinations can be performed per slide. Five hundred ng of antigen and 5 or 10 µl drop of each reactive are necessary per well. The clear contrast of colours obtained for negative and positive sera after the test is finished, allows direct discrimination of the results. However, it is possible to quantify the results of the reaction using a minireader. Sera dilution cutoff value, determined as themost frequent titre for the general population, is 1:100. The toxoplasma micro-SIA correlates well with indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), its sensitivity is atleast three times as much as IIF. The test has an intra and inter assay variation coefficient of 5.46 per cent and of 6.24 per cent respectively. Sera obtained at random from argentinian people were analyzed and a 56 per cent of infection was found. The main features of the Toxoplasma micro-SIA are its simplicity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and the virtual absence of background making it very suitable for screening tests.


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An ELISA test for the serological diagnosisof amoebic liver abscess (ALA) was standardized and evaluated in sera from three groups of patients: (1) three patients with diagnosis confirmed by isolation of the parasite,(2) thirty seven patients with diagnosis established by clinical findings and ultrasound studies and (3) seven patients whose diagnosis were established by clinical findings and a positive double immunodifusion test. Ninety one serum samples from healthy subjects and 22 from patients with other liver or parasitic diseases were also included in the study. the optimum concentration of Entamoeba histolytica antigen was 1.25 µg/ml and optimum dilutions of serum and anti-human IgG-alkaline phosphatase conjugate were 1:400 and 1:4000 respectively. The cut-off point of the ELISA test in this study was an absorbance value of 0.34. The test parameters were: sensitivity = 95.7 per cent, specificty = 100 per cent, positive predictive value = 100 per cent and negative predictive value = 98.2 per cent.The ELISA test was found to be of great use as a diagnostic tool for the establishment of amoebic etiology in patients with clinical supposition of ALA. The test could also be used for seroepidemiological surveys of the prevalence of invasive amoebiasis in a given population, since it allows the processing of a greater number of samples at a lower cost tahn other serological tests.


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In order to evaluate the effect of chaotropic agents on proteoglycan and non-collagenous proteins, chicken xiphoid cartilage was treated with guanidine-HCI and MgCl2 in different concentrations (1M to 5M), and different periods of time (12, 24, 48 and 72hr). The maximum yield of uronic acid was obtained with 3M MgCl2 (73.3 per cent). Concentrations of 4M and 5M of MgCl2 showed that much less uronic acid was removed, 55.3 per cent and 38.1 respectively. Extraction with 3M MgCl2 and 3M guanidine-HCl resulted better efficiency when performed for 48 hr. Analysis by SDS-PAGE of the extracts obtained with guanidine-HCl and MgCl, in different concentrations pointed out that most components are equally removed with the two solvents, showing that the extraction with MgCl2 is an alternative assay to remove non-collagenous proteins from extracellular matrix.


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A Leishmania donovani-complex specific DNA probe was usedto confirm the widespread dissemination of amastigotes in apparently normal skinof dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis. When Lutzomyia longipalpis were fed on abnormal skin of five naturally infected dogs 57 of 163 (35 per cent) fliesbecame infected: four of 65 flies (6 per cent) became infected when fed on apparently normal skin. The bite of a single sandfly that had fed seven days previouslyon a naturally infected dog transmitted the infection to a young dog from a non-endemic area. Within 22 days a lesion had developed at the site of the infectivebite (inner ear): 98 days after infection organisms had not disseminated throughout the skin, bone marrow, spleen or liver and the animal was still serologically negative by indirect immunofluorescence and dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. When fed Lu. longipalpis were captured from a kennel with a sick dog known to be infected, 33 out of 49 (67 per cent) of flies contained promastigotes. In contrast only two infections were detected among more than 200 sandflies captured in houses. These observations confirm the ease of transmissibility of L.chagasi from dog to sandfly to dog in Teresina. It is likely that canine VL is the major source of human VL by the transmission route dog-sandfly-human. the Lmet2 DNA probe was a useful epidemiological tool for detecting L. chagasi in sandflies.


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Studies were done to evaluate comparatively the traditional HA assay and a more recently introduced lectin-neuraminidase (LN) methodologyin search of a simple and sensitive assay for virus detection during laboratorial diagnosis. The results proved the value of LN assay as a sensitive methodologyfor detection of virus particles, presenting results at least equal to those obtained by HA (hemagglutination) assay, with significant values of accumulated frequencies for LN/HA factors (ratios between LN and HA titers) higher than two. The accumulated values of frequencies for LN/HA factors as high as four were very significant, 72.7 (per cent) for influenzavirus and 60.7 (per cent) for Newcastle disease virus (NDV), moreover accumulated frequencies for LN/HA factors even as high as 32 were due to influenzavirus (45.4 per cent) and NDV (7.2 per cent) samples. After the storage period, most of those concentraded samples that even did not present HA titers could be detected through LN assay, demonstrating a lower threshold for virus detection.


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The effect of trypanomicidal treatment upon established histopathological Trypanosoma cruzi induced lesions was studied in Swiss mice. The animals were inoculated with 50 trypomastigotes and infection was allowed to progress without treatment for 99 days. After this period, the animals were divided in three groups, treated for 30 days with either placebo, benznidazole (200 mg/kg/day) or nifurtimox (100 mg/kg/day). These treatments induced 94 and 100 (per cent) cure rates respectively as detected by xenodiagnosis and reduction of antibody levels. Autopsies and histopathological studies of heart, urinary bladderand skeletal muscle performed on day 312 after infection showed almost complete healing without residual lesions. As long periods were allowed between infection, treatment and autopsy, the results indicate that tissue lesions depend, up to advances stages, on the continuous presence of the parasite.


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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons. It is mostly sporadic, but about 2% of cases are associated with mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1). A major constraint to the comprehension of the pathogenesis of ALS has been long represented by the conviction that this disorder selectively affects motor neurons in a cell-autonomous manner. However, the failure to identify the events underlying the neurodegenerative process and the increased knowledge of the complex cellular interactions necessary for the correct functioning of the CNS has recently focused the attention on the contribution to neurodegeneration of glial cells, including astrocytes. Astrocytes can hurt motor neurons directly by secreting neurotoxic factors, but they can also play a deleterious role indirectly by losing functions that are supportive for neurons. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of astrocytes degenerates in the spinal cord of hSOD1G93A transgenic mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in cultured astrocytes revealed that such effect is mediated by the excitatory amino acid glutamate.On the bsis of these observations, we next used the established cell culture model as a tool to screen the glioprotective effect of innovative drugs, namely cell-permeable therapeutics. These consist of peptidic effector moieties coupled to the selective intracellular peptide transporter TAT protein. We initially validated the usefulness of these molecules demonstrating that a control fluorescent peptide enters astrocytes in culture and is retained within the cells up to 24-48 h, according to the timing of our cytotoxicity experiments. We then tested the impact of specific intracellular peptides with antiapoptotic properties on glutamate-treated hSOD1G93A- expressing astrocytes and we identified one molecule that protects the cells from death. Chronic treatment of ALS mice with this peptide had a positive impact on the outcome of the disease.


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Characterisation of nanoparticles (NP) based on size distribution, surface area, reactivity, and aggregation status of nanoparticles (NP) are of prime importance because they are usually closely related to toxicity. To date, most of the toxicity studies are quite time and money consuming. In the present study we report the oxidative properties of a panel of various NP (four Carbonaceous, nine Metal oxides, and one Metal as showed in Table 1) assessed with an acellular reactivity test measuring dithiothreitol (DTT) consumption (Sauvain et al. 2008). Such a test allows determining the ability of NP to catalyse the transfer of electrons from DTT to oxygen. DTT is used as a reductant species. NP were diluted and sonicated in Tween 80® to a final concentration of 50 g/mL. Printex 90 was diluted 5 times before doing the DTT assay because of its expected higher activity. Suspensions were characterised for NP size distribution by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (Nanosight©). Fresh solutions were incubated with DTT (100 μM). Aliquots were taken every 5 min and the remaining DTT was determined by reacting it with DTNB. The reaction rate was determined for NP suspensions and blank in parallel. The mean Brownian size distribution of NP agglomerates in suspension is presented in Table 1. D values correspond to 10th, and 50th percentiles of the particle diameters. All the NP agglomerated in Tween 80 with a D50 size corresponding to at least twice their primary size, except for Al2O3 (300 nm). The DTT test showed Printex 90 sample to be the most reactive one, followed by Diesel EPA and Nanotubes. Most of the metallic NP was nonresponding toward this test, except for NiO and Ag which reacted positively and ZnO which presented the most negative reactivity (see Figure 1). This last observation suggests that electron transfer between DTT and oxygen is hindered in presence of ZnO compared with the blank. Such "stabilization" could be attributable to ZnO dissolution and complexation between Zn2+ ions and DTT.


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El projecte de recerca “Església, poder i societat als comtats catalans d'origen carolingi (877-1010)” contempla l'estudi de l'Església catalana del segle X en tots els seus vessants: com a estructura formada per diferents institucions (seus episcopals, cenobis, parròquies i esglésies-oratoris); com a conjunt de persones (clergues i laics que participen de diferent manera i amb diferent implicació dels afers eclesiàstics); en relació al poder polític-administratiu dels comtats catalans (comtes, vescomtes, senyors i altres delegats del poder i la justícia); com en relació amb els aspectes socioeconòmics i d'ordenació territorial (la gran massa de camperols, l'acaparament de terres per part dels grans propietaris, l'articulació d'un sistema de rendes, els vincles entre persones de diferents rangs, la compartimentació d'un espai creixent). Observem, doncs, que l'Església catalana altmedieval resta present en tots els àmbits de la vida i que el seu estudi permet, de retruc, un coneixement més profund i rigorós de la societat. Tot això, contextualitzat durant el segle X, a cavall entre dos períodes ben estudiats i que en ocasions l'han ennuvolat. El segle X és un període privilegiat per a l'estudi d'un bon nombre de dinàmiques polítiques, socials, econòmiques i culturals que demostren que aquesta centria tenia una personalitat pròpia i que la posen en rellevància respecte als temps anteriors i posteriors. La historiografia tradicional altmedieval catalana tendeix a buscar l'origen dels canvis socials, institucionals i polítics, de la Catalunya medieval, en dos moments concrets: el món carolingi o els anys immediatament posteriors al canvi de mil•lenni. No obstant això, l'augment de fonts històriques, el millor coneixement dels conceptes i de les institucions i l'apropament a la història mitjançant nous enfocaments i paradigmes, permet visualitzar el segle X com a moment de continuació, però també de naixement de situacions prou importants com per a no ser negligides.


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El treball de recerca té com a principal objectiu l'estudi del cinema documental rus contemporani a través de l'obra cinematogràfica d'Alexander Sokurov, Sergei Dvortsevoi, Sergei Loznitsa i Victor Kossakovski. En un primer moment la investigació s'havia encaminat en un estudi comparatiu sobre les noves tendències del documental i els models de realisme proposats des de la Rússia post-comunista. El treball s'ha realitzat a partir de tres vies d'investigació. La primera ha consistit en una exhaustiva recerca bibliogràfica sobre cinema documental i cinema soviètic. La segona s'ha plantejat a partir d'un anàlisi acurat de les diverses pel•lícules. Finalment, la tercera via s'ha desenvolupat a partir d'un treball de camp realitzat durant una estada a Rússia, un període en el qual va ser possible entrevistar dos dels cineastes protagonistes de l'estudi, Sergei Dvortsevoi i Victor Kossakovski, així com el crític de cinema Andrei Xemijakin. També va ser fonamental l'assistència a la taula rodona i la master class impartida per Sergei Loznitsa en el marc del desè aniversari del Màster en Teoria i Pràctica de Documental Creatiu de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tot i que es poden traçar vincles entre el treball dels quatre cineastes escollits i algunes de les pràctiques contemporànies en l'àmbit de la no-ficció, com pot ser l'experiència de Sergei Loznitsa en el terreny del found-footage, o els documentals experimentals de caràcter assagístic d'Alexander Sokurov, així com la tendència observacional i el pas al cinema de ficció de Segei Dvortsevoi, o l'ús de la tecnologia digital en les últimes pel•lícules de Victor Kossakovski. Tot i aquestes aproximacions, es pot afirmar que el model de realisme proposat per aquests cineastes troba el seu autèntic llegat en el cinema soviètic. Una herència que comença amb el cinema de Dziga Vertov –pioner del documental artístic i revolucionari- i acaba en el d'Artavadz Pelechian.