998 resultados para >1 mm


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Purpose: To evaluate the pullout strength of a glass fiber-reinforced composite post (glass FRC) cemented with three different adhesive systems and one resin cement. The null hypothesis was that pullout strengths yielded by the adhesive systems are similar. Materials and Methods: Thirty bovine teeth were selected. The size of the specimens was standardized at 16 mm by sectioning off the coronal portion and part of the root. The specimens were divided into three groups, according to the adhesive system, which were applied following the manufacturers' instructions: G1, ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus; G2, Single Bond; G3, Tyrian SPE/One-Step Plus. The glass FRCs (Reforpost) were etched with 37% H3PO4 for 1 min and silanized (Porcelain Primer). Thereafter, they were cemented with the dual resin cement En-Force. The specimens were stored for 24 h, attached to an adapted device, and submitted to the pullout test in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). The data were submitted to the one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: G1 (30.2 ± 5.8 Kgf) displayed the highest pullout strength (p < 0.001) when compared to G2 (18.6 ± 5.8 Kgf) and G3 (14.3 ± 5.8 Kgf), which were statistically similar. Analysis of the specimens revealed that all failures occurred between the adhesive system and the root dentin (pullout of the post cement), regardless of group. Conclusion: The multiple-bottle, total-etch adhesive system provided higher pullout strength of the glass FRC when compared to the single-bottle, total-etch, and single-step self-etching adhesive systems. The null hypothesis was rejected (p < 0.001).


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This study evaluated the effect of three surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of resin cement to a glass-infiltrated zirconia-reinforced alumina-based core ceramic. Thirty blocks (5×5×4 mm) of In-Ceram Zirconia ceramics (In-Ceram Zirconia-INC-ZR, VITA) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in resin composite. The specimens were polished and assigned to one of the following three treatment conditions (n=10): (1) Airborne particle abrasion with 110 μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) Silica coating with 110 μm SiOx particles (Rocatec Pre and Plus, 3M ESPE) + silanization, (3) Silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. The ceramic-composite blocks were cemented with the resin cement (Panavia F) and stored at 37 °C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under coolant water to produce bar specimens with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min). The mean bond strengths of the specimens of each block were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (α≤0.05). Silica coating with silanization either using 110 μm SiOx or 30 μm SiOx particles increased the bond strength of the resin cement (24.6±2.7 MPa and 26.7±2.4 MPa, respectively) to the zirconia-based ceramic significantly compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (20.5±3.8 MPa) (ANOVA, P<0.05). Conditioning the INC-ZR ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization using either chairside or laboratory devices provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion using 110 μm Al2O3. © 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gonad development of Uca rapax was studied to achieve the size at onset of its sexual maturity. Crabs were sampled from April/2001 to March/2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim mangroves in Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The specimens were grouped in 10 size classes. Juveniles and adult crabs frequencies were assessed for each class. The size of carapace width in which 50% of males and females were considered mature was 14.8 and 12.1 mm (Itamambuca) and 13.6 and 11.4 mm (Ubatumirim), respectively for males and females. Males matured at higher sizes than females, probably due to a major investment in their somatic growth, while females spend their energy in the reproductive process, saving energy for eggs' production.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of water bath and microwave postpolymerization treatments on the cytotoxicity of 6 hard reline acrylic resins. Materials and Methods: The materials tested were Tokuso Rebase Fast (TR), Ufi Gel Hard (UGH), Duraliner II (D), Kooliner (K), New Truliner (NT), and Light Liner (LL). LL resin was additionally tested with an air-barrier coating (LLABC). Nine disks of each material (10 × 1 mm) were made and divided into 3 groups: group 1 (no postpolymerization treatment); group 2 (postpolymerization in microwave oven); group 3 (postpolymerization in water bath at 55°C for 10 minutes). L929 cells were cultured in 96-well plates and incubated for 24 hours in Eagle's medium. Eluates prepared from the disks or medium without disks (control) replaced the medium. Cytotoxicity was assessed by both dehydrogenase succinic activity (MTT) assay and incorporation of radioactive 3H-thymidine assay. Tests were carried out in quadruplicate and repeated twice. Differences between groups were determined by analysis of variance with Tukey multiple-comparison intervals (α = .05). Results: For MTT assay, the postpolymerization treatments had no effect on the cytotoxicity of all materials (P > .05). For 3H-thymidine assay, the postpolymerization treatments significantly decreased the cytotoxicity of UGH (P < .05). The cytotoxicity of K, NT, LL, and LLABC increased after microwave irradiation (P < .05). TR, NT, and LLABC showed an increase in cytotoxicity after water bath (P < .05). Conclusion: When assessed by MTT assay, the cytotoxicity of the materials was not affected by postpolymerization treatments. 3H-Thymidine assay showed that the cytotoxicity of the resins was not improved by the postpolymerization treatments, with the exception of UGH.


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Purpose: To test the bond strength between a quartz-fiber-reinforced composite post (FRC) and a resin cement. The null hypothesis was that the bond strength can be increased by using a chairside tribochemical silica-coating system. Materials and Methods: Thirty quartz-FRCs (Light-Post) were divided into 3 groups according to the post surface treatment: G1) Conditioning with 32% phosphoric acid (1 min), applying a silane coupling agent; G2) etching with 10% hydrofluoric acid (1 min), silane application; G3) chairside tribochemical silica coating method (CoJet System): air abrasion with 30-μ SiO x-modified Al2O3 particles, silane application. Thereafter, the posts were cemented into a cylinder (5 mm diameter, 15 mm height) with a resin cement (Duo-Link). After cementation, the specimens were stored in distilled water (37°C/24 h) and sectioned along the x and y axes with a diamond wheel under cooling (Lab-cut 1010) to create nontrimmed bar specimens. Each specimen was attached with cyanoacrylate to an apparatus adapted for the microtensile test. Microtensile testing was conducted on a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). The data obtained were submitted to the one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α = 0.05). Results: A significant influence of the conditioning methods was observed (p < 0.0001). The bond strength of G3 (15.14 ± 3.3) was significantly higher than the bond strengths of G1 (6.9 ± 2.3) and G2 (12.60 ± 2.8) (p = 0.000106 and p = 0.002631, respectively). Notwithstanding the groups, all the tested specimens showed adhesive failure between the resin cement and FRC. Conclusion: The chairside tribochemical system yielded the highest bond strength between resin cement and quartz-fiber post. The null hypothesis was accepted (p < 0.0001).


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of a resin cement to three high-strength core ceramics: high alumina-based (In-Ceram Alumina, Procera AllCeram) and zirconia-reinforced alumina-based (In-Ceram Zirconia) ceramics. Materials and Methods: Ten blocks (5 ×6 × 8 mm) of In-Ceram Alumina (AL), In-Ceram Zirconia (ZR), and Procera (PR) ceramics were fabricated according to each manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in composite. The specimens were assigned to one of the two following treatment conditions: (1) airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. Each ceramic block was duplicated in composite resin (W3D-Master, Wilcos, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil) using a mold made out of silicon impression material. Composite resin layers were incrementally condensed into the mold to fill up the mold and each layer was light polymerized for 40 s. The composite blocks were bonded to the surface-conditioned ceramic blocks using a resin cement system (Panavia F, Kuraray, Okayama, Japan). One composite resin block was fabricated for each ceramic block. The ceramic-composite was stored at 37°C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under water cooling to produce bar specimens (n = 30) with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). Bond strength values were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (≤ 0.05). Results: Silica coating with silanization increased the bond strength significantly for all three high-strength ceramics (18.5 to 31.2 MPa) compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (12.7-17.3 MPa) (ANOVA, p < 0.05). PR exhibited the lowest bond strengths after both Al2O3 and silica coating (12.7 and 18.5 MPa, respectively). Conclusion: Conditioning the high-strength ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 and silanization.


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Introduction: Most denture base acrylic resins have polymethylmethacrylate in their composition. Several authors have discussed the polymerization process involved in converting monomer into polymer because adequate polymerization is a crucial factor in optimizing the physical properties and biocompatibility of denture base acrylic resins. To ensure the safety of these materials, in vitro cytotoxicity assays have been developed as preliminary screening tests to evaluate material biocompatibility. 3H-thymidine incorporation test, which measures the number of cells synthesizing DNA, is one of the biological assays suggested for cytotoxicity testing. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate, using 3H-thymidine incorporation test, the effect of microwave and water-bath post-polymerization heat treatments on the cytotoxicity of two denture base acrylic resins. Materials and Methods: Nine disc-shaped specimens (10 x 1 mm) of each denture base resin (Lucitone 550 and QC 20) were prepared according to the manufacturers' recommendations and stored in distilled water at 37°C for 48 h. The specimens were assigned to 3 groups: 1) post-polymerization in a microwave oven for 3 min at 500 W; 2) post-polymerization in water-bath at 55°C for 60 min; and 3) without post-polymerization. For preparation of eluates, 3 discs were placed into a sterile glass vial with 9 mL of Eagle's medium and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The cytotoxic effect of the eluates was evaluated by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Results: The results showed that the components leached from the resins were cytotoxic to L929 cells, except for the specimens heat treated in water bath (p<0.05). Compared to the group with no heat treatment, water-bath decreased the cytotoxicity of the denture base acrylic resins. Conclusion: The in vitro cytotoxicity of the tested denture base materials was not influenced by microwave post-polymerization heat treatment.


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We describe a new species of hylid frog, Scinax peixotoi, from Queimada Grande Island, southeastern Brazil. The new species belongs to the Scinax perpusillus species group, in which all known forms inhabit bromeliads, and is diagnosed by the following set of characters: moderate-size (males 18.8-20.7 mm SVL, females 22.4-25.1 mm SVL); canthus rostralis distinct; dorsal skin slightly rugose; and a distinct advertisement call with relatively low dominant frequency. The new species is known from a single population on Queimada Grande, an island of 43 ha, approximately 33 km distant from the coast of São Paulo State, where it inhabits scattered patches of bromeliads. The highly specialized and patchy habitat of S. peixotoi, associated with its small range size, make this species highly susceptible to stochastic or anthropogenic habitat disturbances, which could lead it to extinction. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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There is a growing body of evidence that melatonin and its oxidation product, N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), have anti-inflammatory properties. From a nutritional point of view, the discovery of melatonin in plant tissues emphasizes the importance of its relationship with plant peroxidases. Here we found that the pH of the reaction mixture has a profound influence in the reaction rate and products distribution when melatonin is oxidized by the plant enzyme horseradish peroxidase. At pH 5.5, 1 mm of melatonin was almost completely oxidized within 2 min, whereas only about 3% was consumed at pH 7.4. However, the relative yield of AFMK was higher in physiological pH. Radical-mediated oxidation products, including 2-hydroxymelatonin, a dimer of 2-hydroxymelatonin and O-demethylated dimer of melatonin account for the fast consumption of melatonin at pH 5.5. The higher production of AFMK at pH 7.4 was explained by the involvement of compound III of peroxidases as evidenced by spectral studies. On the other hand, the fast oxidative degradation at pH 5.5 was explained by the classic peroxidase cycle. © 2007 The Authors.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of ceramic plates cemented to dentin as a function of the resin cement film thickness. Materials and Methods: Ceramic plates (1 and 2 mm thicknesses) were cemented to bovine dentin using resin composite cement. The film thicknesses used were approximately 100, 200, and 300 μm. Noncemented ceramic plates were used as control. Fracture loads (N) were obtained by compressing a steel indenter in the center of the ceramic plates. ANOVA and Tukey tests (α = 0.05) were used for each ceramic thickness to compare fracture loads among resin cement films used. Results: Mean fracture load (N) for 1-mm ceramic plates were: control - 26 (7); 100 μm - 743 (150); 200 μm - 865 (105); 300 μm - 982 (226). Test groups were significantly different from the control group; there was a statistical difference in fracture load between groups with 100 and 300 μm film thicknesses (p < 0.01). Mean fracture load for 2-mm ceramic plates were: control - 214 (111); 100 μm - 1096 (341); 200 μm - 1067 (226); 300 μm - 1351 (269). Tested groups were also significantly different from the control group (p < 0.01). No statistical difference was shown among different film thicknesses. Conclusions: Unluted specimens presented significantly lower fracture resistance than luted specimens. Higher cement film thickness resulted in increased fracture resistance for the 1-mm ceramic plates. Film thickness did not influence the fracture resistance of 2-mm porcelain plates. Copyright © 2007 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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The aim of this study was to compare the bond strength to enamel between resin cements combined with total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems and a self-adhesive cement. Eighty bovine incisors had their buccal surface ground flat exposing a plane area in the enamel. Eighty Artglass resin cylinders measuring 3 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height were fabricated. The teeth were divided into eight groups of 10 teeth each and the resin cylinders were cemented with different adhesive systems and resin cements; G1: RelyX Unicem (self-adhesive cement); G2: H 3PO 4 + Single Bond + RelyX ARC; G3: AdheSE + Variolink II; G4: H 3PO 4 + Excite + Variolink II; G5: Xeno III + Enforce; G6: H 3PO 4 + Prime&Bond NT + Enforce; G7: Biatite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC; G8: H 3PO 4 + Bistite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC. After application of the adhesives, the cylinders were cemented according to manufacturer instructions. The specimens were submitted to 2000 thermal cycles at a temperature ranging from 5±5°C to 55±5°C, and shear bond strength was then tested at a variety of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey's test (á=5%), obtaining a p value of 0.00. The following mean (±standard deviation) bond strength values were observed for each group: G1: 5.14(±0.99)a; G3: 16.23(±4.69)b; G7: 17.82(±3.66)b; G5: 18.48(±2.88)bc; G8: 20.15(±4.12)bc; G4: 22.85(±3.08)cd; G2: 24.96(±2.89)d; G6: 26.07(±1.69)d. Groups followed by the same letters did not differ significantly. For most of the resin cements tested, the application of adhesive systems using acid etching resulted in a higher bond strength when compared to the self-etch adhesive systems and to the self-adhesive cement.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of surface conditioning methods and thermocycling on the bond strength between a resin composite and an indirect composite system in order to test the repair bond strength. Materials and Methods: Eighteen blocks (5 x 5 x 4 mm) of indirect resin composite (Sinfony) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were randomly assigned to one of the following two treatment conditions (9 blocks per treatment): (1) 10% hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 90 s (Dentsply) + silanization, (2) silica coating with 30-Ìm SiOx particles (CoJet) + silanization. After surface conditioning, the bonding agent was applied (Adper Single Bond) and light polymerized. The composite resin (W3D Master) was condensed and polymerized incrementally to form a block. Following storage in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h, the indirect composite/resin blocks were sectioned in two axes (x and y) with a diamond disk under coolant irrigation to obtain nontrimmed specimens (sticks) with approximately 0.6 mm2 of bonding area. Twelve specimens were obtained per block (N = 216, n = 108 sticks). The specimens from each repaired block were again randomly divided into 2 groups and tested either after storage in water for 24 h or thermocycling (6000 cycles, 5°C to 55°C). The microtensile bond strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). The mean bond strengths of the specimens of each block were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA (α = 0.05). Results: Both surface conditioning (p = 0.0001) and storage conditions (p = 0.0001) had a significant effect on the results. After 24 h water storage, silica coating and silanization (method 2) showed significantly higher bond strength results (46.4 ± 13.8 MPa) than that of hydrofluoric acid etching and silanization (method 1) (35.8 ± 9.7 MPa) (p < 0.001). After thermocycling, no significant difference was found between the mean bond strengths obtained with method 1 (34.1 ± 8.9 MPa) and method 2 (31.9 ± 7.9 MPa) (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Although after 24 h of testing, silica coating and silanization performed significantly better in resin-resin repair bond strength, both HF acid gel and silica coating followed by silanization revealed comparable bond strength results after thermocycling for 6000 times.


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Captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) were manually restrained to assess tear production by the Schirmer tear test I to measure intraocular pressure by applanation tonometry, to examine ocular conjunctival epithelial cells via cytologic and histologic samples, and to survey ocular conjunctival microflora by microbiologic culture. The mean value for the Schirmer tear test I was 8.9 ± 1.8 mm/min, and the mean intraocular pressure was 15.3 ± 3.1 mm Hg. Conjunctival epithelium contained stratified pavimentous layers of cells, and the microflora consisted of predominantly gram-positive bacteria. Copyright 2007 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal and mechanical cycling alone or in combination, on the flexural strength of ceramic and metallic frameworks cast in gold alloy or titanium. Methods: Metallic frameworks (25 mm × 3 mm × 0.5 mm) (N = 96) cast in gold alloy or commercial pure titanium (Ti cp) were obtained using acrylic templates. They were airborne particle-abraded with 150 μm aluminum oxide at the central area of the frameworks (8 mm × 3 mm). Bonding agent and opaque were applied on the particle-abraded surfaces and the corresponding ceramic for each metal was fired onto them. The thickness of the ceramic layer was standardized by positioning the frameworks in a metallic template (height: 1 mm). The specimens from each ceramic-metal combination (N = 96, n = 12 per group) were randomly assigned into four experimental fatigue conditions, namely water storage at 37 °C for 24 h (control group), thermal cycling (3000 cycles, between 4 and 55 °C, dwell time: 10 s), mechanical cycling (20,000 cycles under 10 N load, immersion in distilled water at 37 °C) and, thermal and mechanical cycling. A flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: The mean flexural strength values for the ceramic-gold alloy combination (55 ± 7.2 MPa) were significantly higher than those of the ceramic-Ti cp combination (32 ± 6.7 MPa) regardless of the fatigue conditions performed (p < 0.05). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue decreased the flexural strength results significantly for both ceramic-gold alloy (52 ± 6.6 and 53 ± 5.6 MPa, respectively) and ceramic-Ti cp combinations (29 ± 6.8 and 29 ± 6.8 MPa, respectively) compared to the control group (58 ± 7.8 and 39 ± 5.1 MPa, for gold and Ti cp, respectively) (p < 0.05) (Tukey's test). While ceramic-Ti cp combinations failed adhesively at the metal-opaque interface, gold alloy frameworks exhibited a residue of ceramic material on the surface in all experimental groups. Significance: Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions decreased the flexural strength values for both ceramic-gold alloy and ceramic-Ti cp combinations with the results being significantly lower for the latter in all experimental conditions. © 2007 Academy of Dental Materials.


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This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin. Thirty single-rooted human teeth were transversally sectioned to a length of 16 mm. The canal preparation was performed with zirconia post system drills (CosmoPost, Ivoclar) to a depth of 12 mm. For post cementation, the canals were treated with total-etch, 3-steps All-Bond 2 (Bisco), and the posts were cemented with Duolink dual resin cement (Bisco). Three groups were formed (n = 10): G1 - control, no mechanical cycling; G2 - 20,000 mechanical cycles; G3 - 2,000,000 mechanical cycles. A 1.6-mm-thick punch induced loads of 50 N, at a 45° angle to the long axis of the specimens and at a frequency of 8 Hz directly on the posts. To evaluate the bond strengths, the specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth, generating 2-mm-thick slices, approximately (5 sections per teeth), which were subjected to the push-out test in a universal testing machine at a 1 mm/min crosshead speed. The push-out bond strength was affected by the mechanical cycling (1-way ANOVA, p = .0001). The results of the control group (7.7 ± 1.3 MPa) were statistically higher than those of G2 (3.9 ± 2.2 MPa) and G3 (3.3 ± 2.3 MPa). It was concluded that the mechanical cycling damaged the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin.