986 resultados para work function measurements


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We address the problem of reconstructing a sparse signal from its DFT magnitude. We refer to this problem as the sparse phase retrieval (SPR) problem, which finds applications in tomography, digital holography, electron microscopy, etc. We develop a Fienup-type iterative algorithm, referred to as the Max-K algorithm, to enforce sparsity and successively refine the estimate of phase. We show that the Max-K algorithm possesses Cauchy convergence properties under certain conditions, that is, the MSE of reconstruction does not increase with iterations. We also formulate the problem of SPR as a feasibility problem, where the goal is to find a signal that is sparse in a known basis and whose Fourier transform magnitude is consistent with the measurement. Subsequently, we interpret the Max-K algorithm as alternating projections onto the object-domain and measurement-domain constraint sets and generalize it to a parameterized relaxation, known as the relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithm. On the application front, we work with measurements acquired using a frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) experimental setup. Experimental results on measured data show that the proposed algorithms exhibit good reconstruction performance compared with the direct inversion technique, homomorphic technique, and the classical Fienup algorithm without sparsity constraint; specifically, the autocorrelation artifacts and background noise are suppressed to a significant extent. We also demonstrate that the RAAR algorithm offers a broader framework for FDOCT reconstruction, of which the direct inversion technique and the proposed Max-K algorithm become special instances corresponding to specific values of the relaxation parameter.


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High sensitivity gas sensors are typically realized using metal catalysts and nanostructured materials, utilizing non-conventional synthesis and processing techniques, incompatible with on-chip integration of sensor arrays. In this work, we report a new device architecture, suspended core-shell Pt-PtOx nanostructure that is fully CMOS-compatible. The device consists of a metal gate core, embedded within a partially suspended semiconductor shell with source and drain contacts in the anchored region. The reduced work function in suspended region, coupled with builtin electric field of metal-semiconductor junction, enables the modulation of drain current, due to room temperature Redox reactions on exposure to gas. The device architecture is validated using Pt-PtO2 suspended nanostructure for sensing H-2 down to 200 ppb under room temperature. By exploiting catalytic activity of PtO2, in conjunction with its p-type semiconducting behavior, we demonstrate about two orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity and limit of detection, compared to the sensors reported in recent literature. Pt thin film, deposited on SiO2, is lithographically patterned and converted into suspended Pt-PtO2 sensor, in a single step isotropic SiO2 etching. An optimum design space for the sensor is elucidated with the initial Pt film thickness ranging between 10 nm and 30 nm, for low power (< 5 mu W), room temperature operation. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The effect of inserting ultra-thin atomic layer deposited Al2O3 dielectric layers (1 nm and 2 nm thick) on the Schottky barrier behaviour for high (Pt) and low(Al) work function metals on n- and p-doped InGaAs substrates has been investigated. Rectifying behaviour was observed for the p-type substrates (both native oxide and sulphur passivated) for both the Al/p-InGaAs and Al/Al2O3/p-InGaAs contacts. The Pt contacts directly deposited on p-InGaAs displayed evidence of limited rectification which increased with Al2O3 interlayer thickness. Ohmic contacts were formed for both metals on n-InGaAs in the absence of an Al2O3 interlayer, regardless of surface passivation. However, limited rectifying behaviour was observed for both metals on the 2 nm Al2O3/n-InGaAs samples for the sulphur passivated InGaAs surface, indicating the importance of both surface passivation and the presence of an ultra-thin dielectric interlayer on the current-voltage characteristics displayed by these devices. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pd2Ge nanoparticles were synthesized by superhydride reduction of K2PdCl4 and GeCl4. The syntheses were performed using a solvothermal method in the absence of surfactants, and the size of the nanoparticles was controlled by varying the reaction time. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and transmission electron microscopy data suggest that Pd2Ge nanoparticles were formed as an ordered intermetallic phase. In the crystal structure, Pd and Ge atoms occupy two different crystallographic positions with a vacancy in one of the Ge sites, which was proved by PXRD and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The catalyst is highly efficient for the electrochemical oxidation of ethanol and is stable up to the 250th cycle in alkaline medium. The electrochemical active surface area and current density values obtained, 1.41 cm(2) and 4.1 mA cm(-2), respectively, are superior to those of the commercial Pd on carbon. The experimentally observed data were interpreted in terms of the combined effect of adsorption energies of CH3CO and OH radical, d-band center model, and work function of the corresponding catalyst surfaces.


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The effects of contact architecture, graphene defect density and metal-semiconductor work function difference on the resistivity of metal-graphene contacts have been investigated. An architecture with metal on the bottom of graphene is found to yield resistivities that are lower, by a factor of four, and most consistent as compared to metal on top of graphene. Growth defects in graphene film were found to further reduce resistivity by a factor of two. Using a combination of method and metal used, the contact resistivity of graphene has been decreased by a factor of 10 to 1200. +/-. 250 Omega mu m using palladium as the contact metal. While the improved consistency is due to the metal being able to contact uncontaminated graphene in the metal on the bottom architecture, lower contact resistivities observed on defective graphene with the same metal are attributed to the increased number of modes of quantum transport in the channel.


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The Schottky barrier heights of various metals on the high permitivity oxides tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate titanate, and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of the metal work function. It is found that these oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor S of 0.28-0.4 and not close to 1 because S is controlled by Ti-O-type bonds not Sr-O-type bonds, as assumed in earlier work. The band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with a much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Schottky barrier heights of various metals on tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate-titanate and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of metal work function. These oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor, S, of 0.28 - 0.4 and not close to 1, because S is controlled by the Ti-O type bonds not Sr-O type bonds, as assumed previously. Band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate (BST) are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si.


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We demonstrate the fabrication and operation of a carbon nanotube (CNT) based Schottky diode by using a Pd contact (high-work-function metal) and an Al contact (low-work-function metal) at the two ends of a single-wall CNT. We show that it is possible to tune the rectification current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the CNT through the use of a back gate. In contrast to standard back gate field-effect transistors (FET) using same-metal source drain contacts, the asymmetrically contacted CNT operates as a directionally dependent CNT FET when gated. While measuring at source-drain reverse bias, the device displays semiconducting characteristics whereas at forward bias, the device is nonsemiconducting. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The organometallic chemistry of the hexagonally close-packed Ru(001) surface has been studied using electron energy loss spectroscopy and thermal desorption mass spectrometry. The molecules that have been studied are acetylene, formamide and ammonia. The chemistry of acetylene and formamide has also been investigated in the presence of coadsorbed hydrogen and oxygen adatoms.

Acetylene is adsorbed molecularly on Ru(001) below approximately 230 K, with rehybridization of the molecule to nearly sp^3 occurring. The principal decomposition products at higher temperatures are ethylidyne (CCH_3) and acetylide (CCH) between 230 and 350 K, and methylidyne (CH) and surface carbon at higher temperatures. Some methylidyne is stable to approximately 700 K. The preadsorption of hydrogen does not alter the decomposition products of acetylene, but reduces the saturation coverage and also leads to the formation of a small amount of ethylene (via an η^2-CHCH_2 species) which desorbs molecularly near 175 K. Preadsorbed oxygen also reduces the saturation coverage of acetylene but has virtually no effect on the nature of the molecularly chemisorbed acetylene. It does, however, lead to the formation of an sp^2-hybridized vinylidene (CCH_2) species in the decomposition of acetylene, in addition to the decomposition products that are formed on the clean surface. There is no molecular desorption of chemisorbed acetylene from clean Ru(001), hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), or oxygen-presaturated Ru(001).

The adsorption and decomposition of formamide has been studied on clean Ru(001), hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), and Ru(001)-p(1x2)-O (oxygen adatom coverage = 0.5). On clean Ru(001), the adsorption of low coverages of formamide at 80 K results in CH bond cleavage and rehybridization of the carbonyl double bond to produce an η^2 (C,O)-NH_2CO species. This species is stable to approximately 250 K at which point it decomposes to yield a mixture of coadsorbed carbon monoxide, ammonia, an NH species and hydrogen adatoms. The decomposition of NH to hydrogen and nitrogen adatoms occurs between 350 and 400 K, and the thermal desorption products are NH_3 (-315 K), H_2 (-420 K), CO (-480 K) and N_2 (-770 K). At higher formamide coverages, some formamide is adsorbed molecularly at 80 K, leading both to molecular desorption and to the formation of a new surface intermediate between 300 and 375 K that is identified tentatively as η^1(N)-NCHO. On Ru(001)- p(1x2)-O and hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), formamide adsorbs molecularly at 80 K in an η^1(O)- NH_2CHO configuration. On the oxygen-precovered surface, the molecularly adsorbed formamide undergoes competing desorption and decomposition, resulting in the formation of an η^2(N,O)-NHCHO species (analogous to a bidentate formate) at approximately 265 K. This species decomposes near 420 K with the evolution of CO and H_2 into the gas phase. On the hydrogen precovered surface, the Η^1(O)-NH_2CHO converts below 200 K to η^2(C,O)-NH_2CHO and η^2(C,O)-NH^2CO, with some molecular desorption occurring also at high coverage. The η^2(C,O)-bonded species decompose in a manner similar to the decomposition of η^2(C,O)-NH_2CO on the clean surface, although the formation of ammonia is not detected.

Ammonia adsorbs reversibly on Ru(001) at 80 K, with negligible dissociation occurring as the surface is annealed The EEL spectra of ammonia on Ru(001) are very similar to those of ammonia on other metal surfaces. Off-specular EEL spectra of chemisorbed ammonia allow the v(Ru-NH_3) and ρ(NH_3) vibrational loss features to be resolved near 340 and 625 cm^(-1), respectively. The intense δ_g (NH_3) loss feature shifts downward in frequency with increasing ammonia coverage, from approximately 1160 cm^(-1) in the low coverage limit to 1070 cm^(-1) at saturation. In coordination compounds of ammonia, the frequency of this mode shifts downward with decreasing charge on the metal atom, and its downshift on Ru(001) can be correlated with the large work function decrease that the surface has previously been shown to undergo when ammonia is adsorbed. The EELS data are consistent with ammonia adsorption in on-top sites. Second-layer and multilayer ammonia on Ru(001) have also been characterized vibrationally, and the results are similar to those obtained for other metal surfaces.


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In the framework of dielectric theory, the static non-local self-energy of an electron near an ultra-thin polarizable layer has been calculated and applied to study binding energies of image-potential states near free-standing graphene. The corresponding series of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions have been obtained by numerically solving the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. The imagepotential state wave functions accumulate most of their probability outside the slab. We find that the random phase approximation (RPA) for the nonlocal dielectric function yields a superior description for the potential inside the slab, but a simple Fermi-Thomas theory can be used to get a reasonable quasi-analytical approximation to the full RPA result that can be computed very economically. Binding energies of the image-potential states follow a pattern close to the Rydberg series for a perfect metal with the addition of intermediate states due to the added symmetry of the potential. The formalism only requires a minimal set of free parameters: the slab width and the electronic density. The theoretical calculations are compared with experimental results for the work function and image-potential states obtained by two-photon photoemission.


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A Pd-contacted dopant-free CNTFET with small-diameter (0.57 nm) carbon nanotube showing an anomalous n-type electrical characteristic is reported for the first time. This observed behaviour is attributed to a carbon nanotube work function higher than (or close to) palladium as well as a large hole-to-electron effective mass ratio of approximately 2.5 predicted by hybridization in small-diameter nanotubes. A variation of the conduction type with temperature is also observed and is attributed to an increase of the palladium work function and decrease of the CNT work function with increasing temperature.


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Field emission from a series of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous-carbon (ta-C) films, deposited in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc, has been measured. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as-grown undoped ta-C films have threshold fields of the order 10-15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen doped films exhibited fields as low as 5 V/μm. In order to gain further understanding of the mechanism of field emission, the films were also subjected to H2, Ar, and O2 plasma treatments and were also deposited onto substrates of different work function. The threshold field, emission current, emission site densities were all significantly improved by the plasma treatment, but little dependence of these properties on work function of the substrate was observed. This suggests that the main barrier to emission in these films is at the front surface.


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The field emission properties of nanostructured carbon films deposited by cathodic vacuum arc in a He atmosphere have been studied by measuring the emission currents and the emission site density. The films have an onset field of ∼ 3 V/μm. The emission site density is viewed on a phosphor anode and it increases rapidly with applied field. It is assumed that the emission occurs from surface regions with a range of field enhancement factors but with a constant work function. The field enhancement factor is found to have an exponential distribution.


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The oxygen vacancy has been inferred to be the critical defect in HfO 2, responsible for charge trapping, gate threshold voltage instability, and Fermi level pinning for high work function gates, but it has never been conclusively identified. Here, the electron spin resonance g tensor parameters of the oxygen vacancy are calculated, using methods that do not over-estimate the delocalization of the defect wave function, to be g xx = 1.918, g yy = 1.926, g zz = 1.944, and are consistent with an observed spectrum. The defect undergoes a symmetry lowering polaron distortion to be localized mainly on a single adjacent Hf ion. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We report a morphotropic phase transformation in vanadium dioxide (VO2) nanobeams annealed in a high-pressure hydrogen gas, which leads to the stabilization of metallic phases. Structural analyses show that the annealed VO2 nanobeams are hexagonal-close-packed structures with roughened surfaces at room temperature, unlike as-grown VO2 nanobeams with the monoclinic structure and with clean surfaces. Quantitative chemical examination reveals that the hydrogen significantly reduces oxygen in the nanobeams with characteristic nonlinear reduction kinetics which depend on the annealing time. Surprisingly, the work function and the electrical resistance of the reduced nanobeams follow a similar trend to the compositional variation due mainly to the oxygen-deficiency-related defects formed at the roughened surfaces. The electronic transport characteristics indicate that the reduced nanobeams are metallic over a large range of temperatures (room temperature to 383 K). Our results demonstrate the interplay between oxygen deficiency and structural/electronic phase transitions, with implications for engineering electronic properties in vanadium oxide systems.