937 resultados para wind power, simulation, simulation tool, user interface
Wind turbines and solar panels are becoming second nature in Portugal, as its occurrence in the country becomes ubiquitous. Somehow, one could argue that renewable energy in Portugal is in the process of ‘naturalisation’ as part of a new – mechanised, but environmentally benign – landscape. Portuguese Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity (ICNB) has shown an ambiguous stance on this issue, defending global concerns towards renewable energy, while at the same time attempting to engage locals in the preservation of extensive ‘classified areas’. In the course of this research, we tried to focus on these incongruities and to analyse how they are impacting local communities during the process of wind power installation.
La utilización de energía eólica es un hecho cada vez más común en nuestro mundo como respuesta a mitigar el creciente aumento de demanda de energía, los aumentos constantes de precio, la escasez de combustibles fósiles y los impactos del cambio climático, los que son cada día más evidentes.Consecuentemente, el interés por la participación de esta nueva forma de generación de energía en sistema eléctrico de potencia ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. La incorporación de generación de origen eólico en el sistema eléctrico de potencia requiere de un análisis detallado del sistema eléctrico en su conjunto, considerando la interacción entre parques y unidades de generación eólica, plantas de generación convencional y el sistema eléctrico de potencia. La integración de generación de origen renovable en el sistema eléctrico de potencia convencional presenta nuevos desafíos los que pueden ser atribuidos a características propias de este tipo de generación, por ejemplo la fluctuación de energía debido a la naturaleza variable del viento, la naturaleza distribuida de la generación eólica y las características constructivas y método de conexión de los distintos modelos de turbinas eólicas al sistema.La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación consiste en investigar el impacto sobre un mercado de sistema eléctrico competitivo causado por el agregado de generación de origen eolico. Como punto de partida se pretende realizar modelos de plantas de generacion eolica para luego incorporarlos a los modelos de sistemas eléctricos y realizar estudios de de despacho económico, flujo de cargas, análisis transitorio y estudios dinámicos del sistema.
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effect wind energy has on the Electricity Supply Industry in Ireland. Wind power generation is a source of renewable energy that is in abundant supply in Ireland and is fast becoming a resource that Ireland is depending on as a diverse and secure of supply of energy. However, wind is an intermittent resource and coupled with a variable demand, there are integration issues with balancing demand and supply effectively. To maintain a secure supply of electricity to customers, it is necessary that wind power has an operational reserve to ensure appropriate backup for situations where there is low wind but high demand. This dissertation examines the affect of this integration by comparing wind generation to that of conventional generation in the national grid. This is done to ascertain the cost benefits of wind power generation against a scenario with no wind generation. Then, the analysis examines to see if wind power can meet the pillars of sustainability. This entails looking at wind in a practical scenario to observe how it meets these pillars under the criteria of environmental responsibility, displacement of conventional fuel, cost competitiveness and security of supply.
Due to the global crisis o f climate change many countries throughout the world are installing the renewable energy o f wind power into their electricity system. Wind energy causes complications when it is being integrated into the electricity system due its intermittent nature. Additionally winds intennittency can result in penalties being enforced due to the deregulation in the electricity market. Wind power forecasting can play a pivotal role to ease the integration o f wind energy. Wind power forecasts at 24 and 48 hours ahead of time are deemed the most crucial for determining an appropriate balance on the power system. In the electricity market wind power forecasts can also assist market participants in terms o f applying a suitable bidding strategy, unit commitment or have an impact on the value o f the spot price. For these reasons this study investigates the importance o f wind power forecasts for such players as the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs). Investigation in this study is also conducted into the impacts that wind power forecasts can have on the electricity market in relation to bidding strategies, spot price and unit commitment by examining various case studies. The results o f these case studies portray a clear and insightful indication o f the significance o f availing from the information available from wind power forecasts. The accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast is also explored. Data from a wind power forecast is examined in the circumstances o f both 24 and 48 hour forecasts. The accuracy o f the wind power forecasts are displayed through a variety o f statistical approaches. The results o f the investigation can assist market participants taking part in the electricity pool and also provides a platform that can be applied to any forecast when attempting to define its accuracy. This study contributes significantly to the knowledge in the area o f wind power forecasts by explaining the importance o f wind power forecasting within the energy sector. It innovativeness and uniqueness lies in determining the accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast that was previously unknown.
Locating new wind farms is of crucial importance for energy policies of the next decade. To select the new location, an accurate picture of the wind fields is necessary. However, characterizing wind fields is a difficult task, since the phenomenon is highly nonlinear and related to complex topographical features. In this paper, we propose both a nonparametric model to estimate wind speed at different time instants and a procedure to discover underrepresented topographic conditions, where new measuring stations could be added. Compared to space filling techniques, this last approach privileges optimization of the output space, thus locating new potential measuring sites through the uncertainty of the model itself.
The user guide describes how to undertake an assessment using the nursing needs assessment tool.
3G-radioverkon asetusten hallinnointi suoritetaan säätämällä radioverkkotietokantaan talletettavia parametreja. Hallinnointiohjelmistossa tuhannetradioverkon parametrit näkyvät käyttöliittymäkomponentteina, joita ohjelmiston kehityskaaressa jatkuvasti lisätään, muutetaan ja poistetaan asiakkaan tarpeidenmukaan. Parametrien lisäämisen toteutusprosessi on ohjelmistokehittäjälle työlästä ja mekaanista. Diplomityön tavoitteeksi asetettiin kehittää koodigeneraattori, joka luo kaiken toteutusprosessissa tuotetun koodin automaattisesti niistä määrittelyistä, jotka ovat nykyäänkin saatavilla. Työssä kehitetty generaattori nopeuttaa ohjelmoijan työtä eliminoimalla yhden aikaa vievän ja mekaanisen työvaiheen. Seurauksena saadaan yhtenäisempää ohjelmistokoodia ja säästetään yrityksen ohjelmistotuotannon kuluissa, kun ohjelmoijan taito voidaan keskittää vaativimpiin tehtäviin.
In modem hitec industry Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems provide the basis for e-business solutions towards the suppliers and the customers. One objective of this thesis was to clarify the modem supply chain management with the APS systems and especially concentrate on the area of Collaborative Planning. In order Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems to be complete and usable, user interfaces are needed. Current Visual Basic user interfaces have faced many complaints and arguments from the users as well as from the development team. This thesis is trying to analyze the reasons and causes for the encountered problems and also provide ways to overcome them. The decision has been made to build the new user interfaces to be Web-enabled. Therefore another objective of this thesis was to research and find suitable technologies for building the Web-based user interfaces for Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems in Nokia Demand/Supply Planning business area. Comparison between the most suitable technologies is made. Usability issues of Web-enabled user interfaces are also covered. The empirical part of the thesis includes design and implementation of a Web-based user interface with the chosen technology for a particular APS module that enables Collaborative Planning with suppliers.
Advancements in power electronic semiconductor switching devices have lead to significantly faster switching times. In motor and generator applications, the fast switching times of pulse width modulated (PWM) inverters lead to overvoltages caused by voltage reflections with shorter and shorter cables. These excessive overvoltages may lead to a failure of the electrical machine in a matter of months. In this thesis, the causes behind the overvoltage phenomenon as well as its different mitigation techniques are studied. The most suitable techniques for mitigating the overvoltage phenomenon in wind power generator applications are chosen based on both simulations and actual measurements performed on a prototype. An RC filter at the terminals of the electrical machine and an inverter output filter designed to reduce the rise and fall times of voltage pulses are presented as a solution to the overvoltage problem. The performance and losses of both filter types are analysed.
In the last few years, the Ukrainian investment market has constantly shown strong performance and significant growth. This is primarily due to the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. From the perspective of investments in energy sector, Ukraine can be described as a country providing significant number of opportunities to multiply invested funds. But there are numbers of risks which hamper large investments. The work objective was to discover opportunities in small-scale hydropower and wind power sectors of Ukraine and more importantly to prove economic expediency of such investments. Thesis covers major of issues, concerning entering the Ukrainian power market as a foreign investor. It provides basic information about the structure of power market, the state of renewables sector in Ukraine, development of power sector in the regions, functioning of Wholesale Electricity Market, formation of electricity prices, possibilities for implementing joint Implementation mechanism, while the most attention, nevertheless, is concentrated on the opportunities in small-scale hydro and wind power sectors. Theoretical part of the study disclosed that Crimea peninsula has perfect wind conditions and could be a prospective area for wind project development. Investment analysis revealed that project profits will be excellent if green tariff for renewable energy is adopted. By the moment uncertainties about green law adoption bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any investment decision.
The objective of this master's thesis is to compare two different generator systems for wind turbines. It is the doubly fed induction generator system with three stage gearbox and the direct drive permanent magnet generator system. The comparison of generator systems is based on annual energy production for a given wind climate. For comparison a 3 MW, 15 rpm wind turbine is used. Modelling of a turbine rotor, gearbox and converters were done. Design of two generators was done and their performance was examined.
The energy reform, which is happening all over the world, is caused by the common concern of the future of the humankind in our shared planet. In order to keep the effects of the global warming inside of a certain limit, the use of fossil fuels must be reduced. The marginal costs of the renewable sources, RES are quite high, since they are new technology. In order to induce the implementation of RES to the power grid and lower the marginal costs, subsidies were developed in order to make the use of RES more profitable. From the RES perspective the current market is developed to favor conventional generation, which mainly uses fossil fuels. Intermittent generation, like wind power, is penalized in the electricity market since it is intermittent and thus diffi-cult to control. Therefore, the need of regulation and thus the regulation costs to the producer differ, depending on what kind of generation market participant owns. In this thesis it is studied if there is a way for market participant, who has wind power to use the special characteristics of electricity market Nord Pool and thus reach the gap between conventional generation and the intermittent generation only by placing bids to the market. Thus, an optimal bid is introduced, which purpose is to minimize the regulation costs and thus lower the marginal costs of wind power. In order to make real life simulations in Nord Pool, a wind power forecast model was created. The simulations were done in years 2009 and 2010 by using a real wind power data provided by Hyötytuuli, market data from Nord Pool and wind forecast data provided by Finnish Meteorological Institute. The optimal bid needs probability intervals and therefore the methodology to create probability distributions is introduced in this thesis. In the end of the thesis it is shown that the optimal bidding improves the position of wind power producer in the electricity market.
Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and its evolution in graphical user interface frameworks
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software development for graphical user interfaces. It was one of the first proposed solutions in the late 1970s to the Smart UI anti-pattern, which refers to the act of writing all domain logic into a user interface. The original MVC pattern has since evolved in multiple directions, with various names and may confuse many. The goal of this thesis is to present the origin of the MVC pattern and how it has changed over time. Software architecture in general and the MVC’s evolution within web applications are not the primary focus. Fundamen- tal designs are abstracted, and then used to examine the more recent versions. Prob- lems with the subject and its terminology are also presented.