237 resultados para wellness


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Every year, obesity rates continue to rise and have reached epidemic proportions throughout the United States. The costs associated with obesity are staggering and many researchers feel that the workplace should be the new front line in the battle for a healthier workforce. Employers must take action to address this worsening health crisis and help reduce spiraling medical costs and absenteeism rates. This capstone reviews the current literature on wellness programs and discusses different companies' approaches to wellness programs that have special emphasis on nutrition and physical activity. It also provides strategies and recommendations for companies eager to initiate a comprehensive, dynamic and directed wellness program to improve the current and future health of their workforce.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Illinois Public Act 94-0199 established the Illinois School Wellness Policy Task Force which was to submit specific reports to the General Assembly and the Governor: 1) identification of barriers to developing and implementing school wellness policies and recommendations to reduce these barriers by Jan. 1, 2006; 2) recommendations on statewide school nutrition standards by Jan. 1, 2007; 3) evaluation of five to ten school districts on the effectiveness of school wellness policies by Jan. 1, 2008.


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The purpose of the study was to investigate the physiological and psychological benefits provided by a self-selected health and wellness course on a racially and ethnically diverse student population. It was designed to determine if students from a 2-year Hispanic serving institution (HIS) from a large metropolitan area would enhance their capacity to perform physical activities, increase their knowledge of health topics and raise their exercise self-efficacy after completing a course that included educational and activity components for a period of 16 weeks. A total of 185 students voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. An experimental group was selected from six sections of a health and wellness course, and a comparison group from students in a student life skills course. All participants were given anthropometric tests of physical fitness, a knowledge test, and an exercise self-efficacy scale was given at the beginning and at the conclusion of the semester. An ANCOVA analyses with the pretest scores being the covariate and the dependent variable being the difference score, indicated a significant improvement of the experimental group in five of the seven anthropometric tests over the comparison group. In addition, the experimental group increased in two of the three sections of the exercise self-efficacy scale indicating greater confidence to participate in physical activities in spite of barriers over the comparison group. The experimental group also increased in knowledge of health related topics over the comparison group at the .05 significance level. Results indicated beneficial outcomes gained by students enrolled in a 16-week health and wellness course. The study has several implications for practitioners, faculty members, educational policy makers and researchers in terms of implementation of strategies to promote healthy behaviors in college students and, to encourage them to engage in regular physical activities throughout their college years.


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Overeating, inadequate exercise, work-related stress, and long working hours are accepted issues among restaurant managers. The underlying question was whether such life styles affect employers' health care cost and restaurant managers' health and ability to cope with imposed business requirements. The author discusses strategies to help employers reduce health care costs, increase employee productivity, and improve job satisfaction.


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This study analyzes the rising importance of the development and enhancement of a health and wellness focus within resort hotels. Market trends, consumer demands, revitalization efforts, and bottomline impacts are examined as they relate to the resort spa industry of today.


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Context The internet is gaining popularity as a means of delivering employee-based cardiovascular (CV) wellness interventions though little is known about the cardiovascular health outcomes of these programs. In this review, we examined the effectiveness of internet-based employee cardiovascular wellness and prevention programs. Evidence Acquisition We conducted a systematic review by searching PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane library for all published studies on internet-based programs aimed at improving CV health among employees up to November 2012. We grouped the outcomes according to the American Heart Association (AHA) indicators of cardiovascular wellbeing – weight, BP, lipids, smoking, physical activity, diet, and blood glucose. Evidence Synthesis A total of 18 randomized trials and 11 follow-up studies met our inclusion/exclusion criteria. Follow-up duration ranged from 6 – 24 months. There were significant differences in intervention types and number of components in each intervention. Modest improvements were observed in more than half of the studies with weight related outcomes while no improvement was seen in virtually all the studies with physical activity outcome. In general, internet-based programs were more successful if the interventions also included some physical contact and environmental modification, and if they were targeted at specific disease entities such as hypertension. Only a few of the studies were conducted in persons at-risk for CVD, none in blue-collar workers or low-income earners. Conclusion Internet based programs hold promise for improving the cardiovascular wellness among employees however much work is required to fully understand its utility and long term impact especially in special/at-risk populations.


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Ihmisten kiinnostus omaa hyvinvointia kohtaan on kasvanut ja omasta hyvinvoinnista koetaan yhä suurempaa vastuuta. On alettu puhua wellnessistä eli kokonaisvaltaisesta hyvinvoinnista, johon liittyy fyysisen, psyykkisen, henkisen ja sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin tasapaino. Kuluttajille tarjotaan erilaisia tuotteita ja palveluita, joiden avulla voi lisätä omaa hyvinvointia. Wellness näkyy kuluttajien ja yritysten toiminnassa sekä mediassa niin selkeästi, että voidaan puhua wellness-trendistä. Wellness-trendi tarjoaa yrityksille mahdollisuuden mainostaa erilaisia tuotteita wellnessiin vedoten. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään wellness-trendiin mainonnan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata, miten wellness-trendiä hyödynnetään elintarvikemainonnassa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on jaettu kahteen osaongelmaan, joissa haetaan vastauksia siihen, millaisia wellnessin elementtejä elintarvikemainonnassa esiintyy, ja millaisilla sanomastrategisilla keinoilla wellness esitetään elintarvikemainonnassa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu wellnessin ja mainonnan teorioista. Wellnesiä käsittelevässä teoriaosuudessa esitellään wellness-malleja, wellnessiä toimialana sekä wellness-kuluttajia. Luvussa pyritään kuvaamaan, millaisia erilaisia elementtejä wellnessiin sisältyy. Mainonnan teoriaosuudessa käsitellään mainontaa viestintäprosessina, aikakauslehtiä mainonnan välineenä sekä perehdytään erityisesti mainonnan vaikuttamisen keinoihin sanomastrategian näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmetodina käytetään sisällönanalyysia ja tutkimuksen aineistoksi kerättiin elintarvikemainokset vuoden 2014 Kauneus & Terveys -lehdistä. Aineistoa analysoitiin teorian pohjalta rakennetun luokittelukaavion avulla. Wellness-trendi näkyy elintarvikemainonnassa hyvinvoinnin kokonaisvaltaisuutena, jossa kuitenkin painottuvat fyysinen hyvinvointi ja terveys, liikunta, aktiivisuus ja hedonismi. Sanomastrategisesti elintarvikemainonnassa hyödynnetään eniten juuri niitä keinoja, joiden on todettu olevan tehokkaita hyvinvointiin liittyvien mielikuvien ja merkitysten luomisessa sekä elintarvikkeiden myynnin lisäämissä. Mainosviesti esitetään yleisimmin rationaalisilla argumenteilla ja ravitsemusväitteillä. Tehokeinoina käytetään etenkin informatiivisuutta sekä imagoon ja elämäntyyliin viittaamista. Tutkimuksen perusteella elintarvikemainonnassa hyödynnetään wellness trendiä paljon, mutta ei kuitenkaan niin laajasti kuin olisi mahdollista. Mainostajilla olisi mahdollisuus hyödyntää wellness-trendiä enemmän liittämällä tuotteisiin kuluttajien arvostamia ja wellnessiin yhdistämiä elementtejä esimerkiksi henkisen ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin osa-alueilta


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Elintason kohoaminen, yhteiskunnan arvomuutokset ja väestön ikääntyminen ovat vaikuttaneet siihen, että kuluttajat kiinnittävät nykyään enemmän huomiota terveyteensä ja hyvinvointiinsa. Wellness-markkinat kasvavat voimakkaasti ja wellness-suuntautuneisuuden yleistyessä myös wellness-teknologian käyttö on yleistynyt. Teknologia on muuttunut mobiilimmaksi, integroituneemmaksi ja käyttäjäläheisemmäksi ja siten uudenlainen ihmisten ja koneiden yhteistyö on mahdollistunut. Hyvinvointia mittaavat elektroniset laitteet ovat yhä kehittyneempiä ja niillä mitataan esimerkiksi unta, kilometrejä, palautumista, kehonkoostumusta, sykettä, mielialaa ja kaloreita. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa millaista arvoa kuluttajat tavoittelevat ja kokevat käyttäessään wellness-teknologiaa. Tutkimuksen pääongelma, millaista arvoa kuluttajat tavoittelevat ja kokevat käyttäessään wellness-teknologiaa, jaettiin kolmeen osaongelmaan: Miten wellness-teknologian käyttäjät suhtautuvat terveyteen ja kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin? Millaisista arvon tyypeistä wellness-teknologian käyttäjien kokema arvo muodostuu? Miten arvon yhteisluominen näyttäytyy wellness-teknologian käytössä? Tutkimuksen teoreettiseksi lähtökohdaksi otettiin wellness-mallit, koettu arvo ja arvon yhteisluominen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla wellness-teknologian käyttäjiä. Haastateltavien löytämiseksi tehtiin kartoittava kyselylomake, jonka tarkoituksena oli sekä löytää että luokitella haastateltavat sopiviin haastatteluryhmiin ja kartoittaa wellnesss-teknologian käytön syitä. Haastatteluryhmissä oli erilaisia hyvinvointia mittaavia laitteiden käyttäjiä. Haastatteluaineiston tutkimisessa käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan wellness-teknologian käyttäjät arvostivat terveyttä ja kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia ja olivat valmiita näkemään vaivaa niiden eteen. Wellness-teknologian käyttäjät mittasivat esimerkiksi unta, haitallisia mikrobeja, kilometrejä, palautumista, sykettä, kehonkoostumusta, mielialaa ja kaloreita. Yleisin käytetty wellness-laite oli aktiivisuusranneke. Suurin osa tutkituista oli käyttänyt wellness-teknologiaa kolme vuotta tai vähemmän. Tärkeimmät käyttäjien kokemat arvotyypit olivat tehokkuus ja erinomaisuus. Wellness-teknologian avulla saatua tehokkuutta päämäärien ja tavoitteiden toteuttamisessa sekä laitteiden ylivertaisia ominaisuuksia tai soveltuvuutta omaan käyttöön arvostettiin. Käyttäjät kokivat myös esteettistä ja eettistä arvoa, sekä status- ja leikkiarvoa. Henkisyyttä ei wellness-teknologian käytössä koettu. Arvon yhteisluominen näyttäytyi wellness-teknologian käytössä heikosti. Yritysten tulisikin tehostaa arvonluontiaan erityisesti ostotilanteessa tapahtuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa


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This research aims to present an analysis on the absence of innovative social responses to elderly, taking into account the need for stimulation of this population segment. Our main goal is not only a theoretical approach about the issue of elderly, but also present a study on the potentialities of the Casa do Menino Jesus, our case study, can apply for funding of a multisensorial stimulation response for elderly. This paper is divided into three parts: theoretical framework and characterization of our social organization, according to an exploratory research, structuring a strategic plan of the organization, through field research, and as final result, to present a proposal for funding and implementation of an innovative social response, according to the underlying legislation to Portugal 2020. The sample is focused on the population of Mirandela municipality. To conclude, it is important to make this local approach, because of the increasing number elder people with dementia problems and specific needs of treatment and stimulation.


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This research aims to present an analysis on the absence of innovative social responses related with continuing care, taking into account the need to answer to all kind of social needs. Our main goal is not only a theoretical approach about the social challenges and social policies, but also present a study on the potentialities of the Fundação Elísio Ferreira Afonso, our case study, can apply for funding of an UCC (Continuing Care Unit) in order to meet the needs of the local population on one hand, and on the other, in order to contribute to the self-sustainability of the Foundation. This paper is divided into three parts: theoretical framework and characterization of our social organization, according to an exploratory research, structuring a strategic plan of the organization, through field research, and as final result, to present a proposal for funding and implementation of an innovative UCC, according to the underlying legislation to Portugal 2020. The sample is focused on the population of Sátão municipality. To conclude, it is important to make this local approach, because of the increasing demand for this kind of caring services.


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This research aims to present an analysis on the absence of social responses that address the problem of domestic violence in Alijó. Our main goal is not only a theoretical approach about the issue of domestic violence, regional conditions in relation to domestic violence, but also present a study on the potentialities of Centro Social Recreativo e Cultural de Vilar de Maçada, our case study, can apply for funding of an emergency housing for victims of domestic violence. This paper is divided into three parts: theoretical framework and characterization of our social organization, according to an exploratory research, structuring a strategic plan of the organization, through field research, and as final result, to present a proposal for funding and implementation of an innovative social response, according to the underlying legislation to Portugal 2020. The sample is focused on the population of Alijó municipality. To conclude, it is important to make this local approach, because of the increasing number of cases not detected and reported. Thus, the quality of life is increased, reducing the incidence of violence in the family.


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This chapter aims to situate values education as a core component of social science pre-service teacher education. In particular, it reflects on an experiment in embedding a values laden Global Education perspective in a fourth year social science curriculum method unit. This unit was designed and taught by the researcher on the assumption that beginning social science teachers need to be empowered with pedagogical skills and new dispositions to deal with value laden emerging global and regional concerns in their secondary school classrooms. Moreover, it was assumed that when pre-service teachers engage in dynamic and interactive learning experiences in their curriculum unit, they commence the process of ‘capacity building’ those skills which prepare them for their own lifelong professional learning. This approach to values education also aimed at providing pre-service teachers with opportunities to ‘create deep understandings of teaching and learning’ (Barnes, 1989, p. 17) by reflecting on the ways in which ‘pedagogy can be transformative’ (Lovat and Toomey, 2011 add page no from Chapter One). It was assumed that this tertiary experience would foster the sine qua non of teaching – a commitment to students and their learning. Central to fostering new ‘dispositions’ through this approach, was the belief in the power of pedagogy to make the difference in enhancing student participation and learning. In this sense, this experiment in values education in secondary social science pre-service teacher education aligns with the Troika metaphor for a paradigm change, articulated by Lovat and Toomey (2009) in Chapter One.


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Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. Horace - Roman lyric poet and satirist 65BC – 8 BC This quotation from Horace could well be the chorus to a medley of songs sung by people who face extraordinary adversity and have gained emotional resilience through music making. In this chapter we present three composition ventures that are stories or verses in a new song and whose chorus summarises the nature of the resilience factors present in the narratives. We are aware that words on a page like this can have the effect of filtering out the engaging nature of musical experience and reduce music to a critique or an evaluation of its aesthetic value. This disjuncture between language and the ephemeral, embodied experience is a problem for those who use these creative processes in therapeutic and salutogenic ways (Antonovsky, 1996) for public health. The notion of salutogenic health, put simply, delineates it from therapy in that the processes focus upon wellness rather than therapy. Whilst we include evidence from the fields of community music therapy (Pavlicevic, 2004; Leitschuh et al., 1991), neuroscience (Bittman et al., 2001) and community music (Bartleet et al., 2009) the framework for a salutogenic health outcome in community music is one which seeks to employ music practices and the qualities of music making that provide positive health benefit to communities –to enhance health and well being rather than the “treatment” of disorders. It is essentially a holistic and interdisciplinary study. Therapy and salutogenic health are not mutually exclusive as both depend upon the qualities of music experience to affect change. Collecting, analysing and presenting evidence of change in human behaviour that can be directly attributed to creative music making is a problem of evaluation.