Voices of the Unheard

Autoria(s): Procopis, Brian; Dillon, Steven C.

Brader, Andy




Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. Horace - Roman lyric poet and satirist 65BC – 8 BC This quotation from Horace could well be the chorus to a medley of songs sung by people who face extraordinary adversity and have gained emotional resilience through music making. In this chapter we present three composition ventures that are stories or verses in a new song and whose chorus summarises the nature of the resilience factors present in the narratives. We are aware that words on a page like this can have the effect of filtering out the engaging nature of musical experience and reduce music to a critique or an evaluation of its aesthetic value. This disjuncture between language and the ephemeral, embodied experience is a problem for those who use these creative processes in therapeutic and salutogenic ways (Antonovsky, 1996) for public health. The notion of salutogenic health, put simply, delineates it from therapy in that the processes focus upon wellness rather than therapy. Whilst we include evidence from the fields of community music therapy (Pavlicevic, 2004; Leitschuh et al., 1991), neuroscience (Bittman et al., 2001) and community music (Bartleet et al., 2009) the framework for a salutogenic health outcome in community music is one which seeks to employ music practices and the qualities of music making that provide positive health benefit to communities –to enhance health and well being rather than the “treatment” of disorders. It is essentially a holistic and interdisciplinary study. Therapy and salutogenic health are not mutually exclusive as both depend upon the qualities of music experience to affect change. Collecting, analysing and presenting evidence of change in human behaviour that can be directly attributed to creative music making is a problem of evaluation.






Cambridge Scholars Publishing




Procopis, Brian & Dillon, Steven C. (2011) Voices of the Unheard. In Brader, Andy (Ed.) Songs of Resilience. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 165-184.


Copyright 2011 by Andy Brader and contributors

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.


Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID); Creative Industries Faculty; Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation; Music & Sound

Palavras-Chave #111712 Health Promotion #190409 Musicology and Ethnomusicology #Resilience #Singing #salutogenic health #autoethnography #Music and Health

Book Chapter