906 resultados para volitional strength exercise


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ARTIOLI, G. G., B. GUALANO, A. SMITH, J. STOUT, and A. H. LANCHA, JR. Role of beta-Alanine Supplementation on Muscle Carnosine and Exercise Performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1162-1173, 2010. In this narrative review, we present and discuss the current knowledge available on carnosine and beta-alanine metabolism as well as the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on exercise performance. Intramuscular acidosis has been attributed to be one of the main causes of fatigue during intense exercise. Carnosine has been shown to play a significant role in muscle pH regulation. Carnosine is synthesized in skeletal muscle from the amino acids L-histidine and beta-alanine. The rate-limiting factor of carnosine synthesis is beta-alanine availability. Supplementation with beta-alanine has been shown to increase muscle carnosine content and therefore total muscle buffer capacity, with the potential to elicit improvements in physical performance during high-intensity exercise. Studies on beta-alanine supplementation and exercise performance have demonstrated improvements in performance during multiple bouts of high-intensity exercise and in single bouts of exercise lasting more than 60 s. Similarly, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to delay the onset of neuromuscular fatigue. Although beta-alanine does not improve maximal strength or (V) over dotO(2max), some aspects of endurance performance, such as anaerobic threshold and time to exhaustion, can be enhanced. Symptoms of paresthesia may be observed if a single dose higher than 800 mg is ingested. The symptoms, however, are transient and related to the increase in plasma concentration. They can be prevented by using controlled release capsules and smaller dosing strategies. No important side effect was related to the use of this amino acid so far. In conclusion, beta-alanine supplementation seems to be a safe nutritional strategy capable of improving high-intensity anaerobic performance.


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Brennecke, A, Guimaraees, TM, Leone, R, Cadarci, M, Mochizuki, L, Simao, R, Amadio, AC, and Serrao, J. Neuromuscular activity during bench press exercise performed with and without the preexhaustion method. J Strength Cond Res 23(7): 1933-1940, 2009-The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of exercise order on the tonic and phasic characteristics of upper-body muscle activity during bench press exercise in trained subjects. The preexhaustion method involves working a muscle or a muscle group combining a single-joint exercise immediately followed by a multi-joint exercise (e. g., flying exercise followed by bench press exercise). Twelve subjects performed 1 set of bench press exercises with and without the preexhaustion method following 2 protocols (P1-flying before bench press; P2-bench press). Both exercises were performed at a load of 10 repetition maximum (10RM). Electromyography (EMG) sampled at 1 kHz was recorded from the pectoralis major (PM), anterior deltoid (DA), and triceps brachii (TB). Kinematic data (60 Hz) were synchronized to define upward and downward phases of exercise. No significant (p > 0.05) changes were seen in tonic control of PM and DA muscles between P1 and P2. However, TB tonic aspect of neurophysiologic behavior of motor units was significantly higher (p < 0.05) during P1. Moreover, phasic control of PM, DA, and TB muscles were not affected (p > 0.05). The kinematic pattern of movement changed as a result of muscular weakness in P1. Angular velocity of the right shoulder performed during the upward phase of the bench press exercise was significantly slower (p < 0.05) during P1. Our results suggest that the strategies set by the central nervous system to provide the performance required by the exercise are held constant throughout the exercise, but the tonic aspects of the central drive are increased so as to adapt to the progressive occurrence of the neuromuscular fatigue. Changes in tonic control as a result of the muscular weakness and fatigue can cause changes in movement techniques. These changes may be related to limited ability to control mechanical loads and mechanical energy transmission to joints and passive structures.


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Concurrent training is recommended for health improvement, but its acute effects on cardiovascular function are not well established. This study analyzed hemodynamics and autonomic modulation after a single session of aerobic (A), resistance (R), and concurrent (A + R) exercises. Twenty healthy subjects randomly underwent four sessions: control (C:30 min of rest), aerobic (A:30 min, cycle ergometer, 75% of VO(2) peak), resistance (R:6 exercises, 3 sets, 20 repetitions, 50% of 1 RM), and concurrent (AR: A + R). Before and after the interventions, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), and HR variability were measured. Systolic BP decreased after all the exercises, and the greatest decreases were observed after the A and AR sessions (-13 +/- 1 and -11 +/- 1 mmHg, respectively, P < 0.05). Diastolic BP decreased similarly after all the exercises, and this decrease lasted longer after the A session. CO also decreased similarly after the exercises, while systemic vascular resistance increased after the R and AR sessions in the recovery period (+4.0 +/- 1.7 and +6.3 +/- 1.9 U, respectively, P < 0.05). Stroke volume decreased, while HR increased after the exercises, and the greatest responses were observed after the AR session (SV, A = -14.6 +/- 3.6, R = -22.4 +/- 3.5 and AR = -23.4 +/- 2.4 ml; HR, A = +13 +/- 2, R = +15 +/- 2 vs. AR = +20 +/- 2 bpm, P < 0.05). Cardiac sympathovagal balance increased after the exercises, and the greatest increase was observed after the AR session (A = +0.7 +/- 0.8, R = +1.0 +/- 0.8 vs. AR = +1.2 +/- 0.8, P < 0.05). In conclusion, the association of aerobic and resistance exercises in the same training session did not potentiate postexercise hypotension, and increased cardiac sympathetic activation during the recovery period.


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Pires, FO, Hammond, J, Lima-Silva, AE, Bertuzzi, RCM, and Kiss, MAPDM. Ventilation behavior during upper-body incremental exercise. J Strength Cond Res 25(1): 225-230, 2011-This study tested the ventilation (V(E)) behavior during upper-body incremental exercise by mathematical models that calculate 1 or 2 thresholds and compared the thresholds identified by mathematical models with V-slope, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotO(2)), and ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2)). Fourteen rock climbers underwent an upper-body incremental test on a cycle ergometer with increases of approximately 20 W.min(-1) until exhaustion at a cranking frequency of approximately 90 rpm. The V(E) data were smoothed to 10-second averages for V(E) time plotting. The bisegmental and the 3-segmental linear regression models were calculated from 1 or 2 intercepts that best shared the V(E) curve in 2 or 3 linear segments. The ventilatory threshold(s) was determined mathematically by the intercept(s) obtained by bisegmental and 3-segmental models, by V-slope model, or visually by V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) and V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2). There was no difference between bisegmental (mean square error [MSE] = 35.3 +/- 32.7 l.min(-1)) and 3-segmental (MSE = 44.9 +/- 47.8 l.min(-1)) models in fitted data. There was no difference between ventilatory threshold identified by the bisegmental (28.2 +/- 6.8 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) and second ventilatory threshold identified by the 3-segmental (30.0 +/- 5.1 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) (28.8 +/- 5.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), or V-slope (28.5 +/- 5.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). However, the first ventilatory threshold identified by 3-segmental (23.1 +/- 4.9 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) or by VE/(V) over dotO(2) (24.9 +/- 4.4 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) was different from these 4. The V(E) behavior during upper-body exercise tends to show only 1 ventilatory threshold. These findings have practical implications because this point is frequently used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects, athletes, and in elderly or diseased populations. The ventilatory threshold identified by V(E) curve should be used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects and athletes.


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Eccentric exercise induces muscle damage, but controversy exists concerning the effect of contraction velocity on the magnitude of muscle damage, and little is known about the effect of contraction velocity on the repeated-bout effect. This study examined slow (60 degrees.s(-1)) and fast (180 degrees.s(-1)) velocity eccentric exercises for changes in indirect markers of muscle damage following 3 exercise bouts that were performed every 2 weeks. Fifteen young men were divided into 2 groups based on the velocity of eccentric exercise: 7 in the Ecc60 (60 degrees.s(-1)) group, and 8 in the Ecc180 (180 degrees.s(-1)) group. The exercise consisted of 30 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors at each velocity, in which the elbow joint was forcibly extended from 60 degrees to 180 degrees (full extension) on an isokinetic dynamometer. Changes in maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength, range of motion, muscle soreness, and plasma creatine kinase activity before and for 4 days after the exercise were compared in the 2 groups using a mixed-model analysis (group x bout x time). No significant differences between groups were evident for changes in any variables following exercise bouts; however, the changes were significantly smaller (p < 0.05) after the second and third bouts than after the first bout. These results indicate that the contraction velocity does not influence muscle damage or the repeated-bout effect.


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de Souza Jr, TP, Fleck, SJ, Simao, R, Dubas, JP, Pereira, B, de Brito Pacheco, EM, da Silva, AC, and de Oliveira, PR. Comparison between constant and decreasing rest intervals: influence on maximal strength and hypertrophy. J Strength Cond Res 24(7): 1843-1850, 2010-Most resistance training programs use constant rest period lengths between sets and exercises, but some programs use decreasing rest period lengths as training progresses. The aim of this study was to compare the effect on strength and hypertrophy of 8 weeks of resistance training using constant rest intervals (CIs) and decreasing rest intervals (DIs) between sets and exercises. Twenty young men recreationally trained in strength training were randomly assigned to either a CI or DI training group. During the first 2 weeks of training, 3 sets of 10-12 repetition maximum (RM) with 2-minute rest intervals between sets and exercises were performed by both groups. During the next 6 weeks of training, the CI group trained using 2 minutes between sets and exercises (4 sets of 8-10RM), and the DI group trained with DIs (2 minutes decreasing to 30 seconds) as the 6 weeks of training progressed (4 sets of 8-10RM). Total training volume of the bench press and squat were significantly lower for the DI compared to the CI group (bench press 9.4%, squat 13.9%) and weekly training volume of these same exercises was lower in the DI group from weeks 6 to 8 of training. Strength (1RM) in the bench press and squat, knee extensor and flexor isokinetic measures of peak torque, and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) using magnetic resonance imaging were assessed pretraining and posttraining. No significant differences (p <= 0.05) were shown between the CI and DI training protocols for CSA (arm 13.8 vs. 14.5%, thigh 16.6 vs. 16.3%), 1RM (bench press 28 vs. 37%, squat 34 vs. 34%), and isokinetic peak torque. In conclusion, the results indicate that a training protocol with DI is just as effective as a CI protocol over short training periods (6 weeks) for increasing maximal strength and muscle CSA; thus, either type of program can be used over a short training period to cause strength and hypertrophy.


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Background: Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly. Among a number of strategies proposed to reduce the risk of falls, improving muscle strength has been applied as a successful preventive strategy. Although it has been suggested as a relevant strategy, no studies have analyzed how muscle strength improvements affect the gait pattern. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a lower limb strength training program on gait kinematics parameters associated with the risk of falls in elderly women. Methods: Twenty seven elderly women were assigned in a balance and randomized order into an experimental (n = 14: age = 61.1 (4.3) years, BMI = 26.4 (2.8) kg m(-2)) and a control (n = 13; age = 61.6 (6.6) years; BMI = 25.9 (3.0) kg m(-2)) group. The EG performed lower limb strength training during 12 weeks (3 days per week), being training load increased weekly. Findings: Primary outcomes were gait kinematics parameters and maximum voluntary isometric contractions at pre- and post-training period. Secondary outcomes were training load improvement weekly and one repetition maximum every two weeks. The I maximal repetition increment ranged from 32% to 97% and was the best predictor of changes in gait parameters (spatial, temporal and angular variables) after training for the experimental group. Z-score analysis revealed that the strength training was effective in reversing age-related changes in gait speed, stride length, cadence and toe clearance, approaching the elderly to reference values for healthy young women. Interpretation: Lower limb strength training improves fall-related gait kinematic parameters. Thus, strength training programs should be recommended to the elderly women in order to change their gait pattern towards young adults. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of our study was to determine if vascular Occlusion produced an additive effect on muscle hypertrophy and strength performance with high strength training loads. Sixteen physically active men were divided into two groups: high-intensity (HI = 6 RM) and moderate-intensity training (MI = 12 RM). An occlusion cuff was attached to the proximal end of the right thigh, so that blood flow was reduced during the exercise. The left leg served as a control, thus was trained without vascular occlusion. Knee extension 1 RM and quadriceps cross-sectional area (MRI) were evaluated pre- and post-8 weeks of training. We only found a main time effect for both strength gains and quadriceps hypertrophy (p < 0.001). Therefore, we conclude that vascular occlusion in combination with high-intensity strength training does not augment muscle strength or hypertrophy when compared to high-intensity strength training alone.


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Ide, BN, Leme, TCF, Lopes, CR, Moreira, A, Dechechi, CJ, Sarraipa, MF, da Mota, GR, Brenzikofer, R, and Macedo, DV. Time course of strength and power recovery after resistance training with different movement velocities. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2025-2033, 2011-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of strength and power recovery after a single bout of strength training designed with fast and slow contraction velocities. Nineteen male subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: the slow-velocity contraction (SV) group and the fast velocity contraction (FV) group. Resistance training protocols consisted of 5 sets of 12 repetition maximum (5 x 12RM) with 50 seconds of rest between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. Contraction velocity was controlled by the execution time for each repetition (SV-6 seconds to complete concentric and eccentric phases and for FV-1.5 seconds). Leg Press 45 degrees 1RM (LP 1RM), horizontal countermovement jump (HCMJ), and right thigh circumference (TC) were accessed in 6 distinct moments: base (1 week before exercise), 0 (immediately after exercises), 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after exercise protocol. The SV and FV presented significant LP 1RM decrements at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise. The magnitude of decline was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. The SV and FV presented significant HCMJ decrements at 0, but only for FV were these still evident 24-72 hours postexercise. The SV and FV presented significant TC increments at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise for SV but for FV it continued up to 96 hours. The magnitude of increase was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. In conclusion, the fast contraction velocity protocol resulted in greater decreases in LP 1RM and HCMJ performance, when compared with slow velocity. The results lead us to interpret that this variable may exert direct influence on acute muscle strength and power generation capacity.


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Pereira, G, Almeida, AG, Rodacki, ALF, Ugrinowitsch, C, Fowler, NE, Kokubun, E. The influence of resting period length on jumping performance. J Strength Cond Res 22: 1259-1264, 2008-The purpose of this study was to determine a resting interval between countermovement jumps (i.e., volleyball spikes) that allows the maintenance of maximal jumping performance. Ten male volleyball players (1.85 +/- 0.05 m, 77.2 +/- 10.6 kg, 21.6 +/- 5.3 years) performed 6 experimental jumping sessions. In the first and sixth sessions, maximal countermovement jump height was measured, followed by submaximal countermovement jumps to the point of volitional fatigue. The number of countermovement jumps was used as a reference to test the effect of rest period between volleyball spikes. From the second to fifth experimental sessions, 30 maximal volleyball spikes were performed with different resting periods (i.e., 8, 14, 17, and 20 seconds) followed by countermovement jumps. Between the 15th and 30th spikes, the blood lactate concentration and heart rate were measured. Because the performance on the first and sixth sessions was the same, no training effects were noticed. During the 8-second resting interval set, the lactate concentration increased significantly between the 15th and 30th spikes (i.e., from 3.37 +/- 1.16 mmol to 4.94 +/- 1.49 mmol); the number of countermovement jumps decreased significantly after spikes compared to those performed without a previous effort (i.e., from 23 +/- 7 jumps to 17 +/- 9 jumps); and these variables were significantly correlated (r = -0.7). On the other hand, the lactate concentration and number of countermovement jumps were stable across the other resting intervals, without a heart rate steady state. The results indicate that an adequate resting period between spikes allowed participants to achieve a lactate steady state in which the performance was maintained during the exercise. These findings show that resting intervals between 14 and 17 seconds, typical during volleyball matches, are indicated to use in volleyball spike drills due to their capacity to maintain maximal jumping performance.


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Aims: To investigate the effects of a 6-month supplementation with calcium and cholecalciferol on biochemical parameters and muscle strength of institutionalized elderly. Methods: This prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial included Brazilian institutionalized people 6 60 years of age receiving a 6-month supplementation ( December to May) of daily calcium plus monthly placebo (calcium/placebo group) or daily calcium plus oral cholecalciferol (150,000 IU once a month during the first 2 months, followed by 90,000 IU once a month for the last 4 months; calcium/vitamin D group). Fasting blood samples for 25-(OH) D, PTH and calcium determination were collected (n = 56) and muscle tests were performed ( n = 46) to measure the strength of hip flexors (SHF) and knee extensors (SKE) before ( baseline) and after the 6-month intervention ( 6 months). Results: Due to seasonal variations, serum 25( OH) D significantly enhanced in both groups after treatment, but the calcium/vitamin D group had significantly higher 25-(OH) D levels than the calcium/placebo group (84 vs. 33%, respectively; p < 0.0001). No cases of hypercalcemia were observed. While the calcium/placebo group showed no improvement in SHF and SKE at 6 months (p = 0.93 and p = 0.61, respectively), SHF was increased in the calcium/vitamin D group by 16.4% (p = 0.0001) and SKE by 24.6% (p = 0.0007). Conclusions: The suggested cholecalciferol supplementation was safe and efficient in enhancing 25(OH)D levels and lower limb muscle strength in the elderly, in the absence of any regular physical exercise practice. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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It has been previously reported that carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse can improve exercise performance. The proposed mechanism involves increased activation of brain regions believed to be responsible for reward/motivation and motor control. Since strength-related performance is affected by central drive to the muscles, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that the positive CNS response to oral CHO sensing may counteract the inhibitory input from the muscle afferent pathways minimizing the drop in the central drive. The purpose of the current study was to test if CHO mouth rinse affects maximum strength and strength endurance performance. Twelve recreationally strength-trained healthy males (age 24.08 +/- 2.99 years; height 178.09 +/- 6.70 cm; weight 78.67 +/- 8.17 kg) took part in the study. All of the tests were performed in the morning, after an 8 h overnight fasting. Subjects were submitted to a maximum strength test (1-RM) and a strength endurance test (six sets until failure at 70% of 1-RM), in separate days under three different experimental conditions (CHO mouth rinse, placebo-PLA mouth rinse and control-CON) in a randomized crossover design. The CHO mouth rinse (25 ml) occurred before every attempt in the 1-RM test, and before every set in the endurance strength test. Blood glucose and lactate were measured immediately before and 5 min post-tests. There were no significant differences in 1-RM between experimental conditions (CHO 101 +/- 7.2 kg; PLA 101 +/- 7.4 kg; CON 101 +/- 7.2 kg; p = 0.98). Furthermore, there were no significance between trial differences in the number of repetitions performed in each set (p = 0.99) or the total exercise volume (number of repetitions x load lifted [kg]) (p = 0.98). A main effect for time (p < 0.0001) in blood lactate concentration was observed in both tests (1-RM and strength endurance). Blood glucose concentration did not differ between conditions. In conclusion, CHO mouth rinse does not affect maximum strength or strength endurance performance.


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Batista, MAB, Roschel, H, Barroso, R, Ugrinowitsch, C, and Tricoli, V. Influence of strength training background on postactivation potentiation response. J Strength Cond Res 25(9): 2496-2502, 2011-The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background on postactivation potentiation (PAP). A group of 23 subjects, composed of power track-and-field athletes (PT = 8), bodybuilders (BB = 7), and physically active subjects (PA = 8), participated in the study. Maximal dynamic strength (1 repetition maximum test) was assessed in the leg press exercise for subjects` characterization. Their countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) performance was assessed before and after 2 different conditioning activity (CA) protocols (1 or 3 maximum voluntary isometric contractions [MVICs] of 5-second duration in the leg press exercise) or after control (no CA), performed on separate days. No significant differences among groups were found for CMJ height or take-off velocity after any of the CA protocols (p <= 0.05). However, individual analysis showed that some subjects increased performance in response to the CA, despite their previous training history. We concluded that subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background have no influence on PAP manifestation. Our data suggest that coaches should individually identify the athletes that are PAP responders before introducing MVICs as part of their warm-up routines.


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The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of eight weeks of strength training on fatigue resistance in men and women. Thirty-three men and twenty-three women performed eight weeks of strength training in three weekly sessions. Subjects performed four sets using 80% of 1-RM tests on bench press, squat and arm curl. Fatigue index (FI) was used for analysis of decline in motor performance along the sets. The sum of the number of repetitions accomplished in the four sets in each exercise was used to indicate the fatigue resistance. Anova or Ancova two-way ( time x gender) was employed for statistical analysis ( P < 0.05). Eight weeks of strength training increased significantly 1-RM strength, fatigue resistance and total number of repetitions in both genders. FI decreased significantly in both genders after training ( men = 50% vs. women = Time x gender interaction was observed in the total number of repetitions in squat ( P = 0.04) and arm curl exercises, regarding gains to women ( P = 0.01). In conclusion, eight weeks of ST improved strength, FR, FI and total number of repetitions performed. However, women obtained greater adaptations than men.


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[beta]-Hydroxy [beta]-methylbutyrate (HMB), a metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine, is one of the latest dietary supplements promoted to enhance gains in strength and lean body mass associated with resistance training. Unlike anabolic hormones that induce muscle hypertrophy by increasing muscle protein synthesis, HMB is claimed to influence strength and lean body mass by acting as an anticatabolic agent, minimising protein breakdown and damage to cells that may occur with intense exercise. Research on HMB has recently tested this hypothesis, under the assumption that it may be the active compound associated with the anticatabolic effects of leucine and its metabolites. While much of the available literature is preliminary in nature and not without methodological concern, there is support for the claims made regarding HMB supplementation, at least in young, previously untrained individuals. A mechanism by which this may occur is unknown, but research undertaken to date suggests there may be a reduction in skeletal muscle damage, although this has not been assessed directly. The response of resistance trained and older individuals to HMB administration is less clear. While the results of research conducted to date appear encouraging, caution must be taken when interpreting outcomes as most manuscripts are presented in abstract form only, not having to withstand the rigors of peer review. Of the literature reviewed relating to HMB administration during resistance training, only 2 papers are full manuscripts appearing in peer reviewed journals. The remaining 8 papers are published as abstracts only, making it difficult to critically review the research. There is clearly a need for more tightly controlled, longer duration studies to verify if HMB enhances strength and muscular hypertrophy development associated with resistance training across a range of groups, including resistance trained individuals.