985 resultados para virtual tools


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Virtual environments and real-time simulators (VERS) are becoming more and more important tools in research and development (R&D) process of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). The virtual prototyping techniques enable faster and more cost-efficient development of machines compared to use of real life prototypes. High energy efficiency has become an important topic in the world of NRMM because of environmental and economic demands. The objective of this thesis is to develop VERS based methods for research and development of NRMM. A process using VERS for assessing effects of human operators on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM was developed. Human in the loop simulations are ran using an underground mining loader to study the developed process. The simulations were ran in the virtual environment of the Laboratory of Intelligent Machines of Lappeenranta University of Technology. A physically adequate real-time simulation model of NRMM was shown to be reliable and cost effective in testing of hardware components by the means of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. A control interface connecting integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) with virtual simulation model of log crane was developed. IEHEC consists of a hydraulic pump-motor and an integrated electrical permanent magnet synchronous motorgenerator. The results show that state of the art real-time NRMM simulators are capable to solve factors related to energy consumption and productivity of the NRMM. A significant variation between the test drivers is found. The results show that VERS can be used for assessing human effects on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM. HIL simulation responses compared to that achieved with conventional simulation method demonstrate the advances and drawbacks of various possible interfaces between the simulator and hardware part of the system under study. Novel ideas for arranging the interface are successfully tested and compared with the more traditional one. The proposed process for assessing the effects of operators on the life-cycle efficiency will be applied for wider group of operators in the future. Driving styles of the operators can be analysed statistically from sufficient large result data. The statistical analysis can find the most life-cycle efficient driving style for the specific environment and machinery. The proposed control interface for HIL simulation need to be further studied. The robustness and the adaptation of the interface in different situations must be verified. The future work will also include studying the suitability of the IEHEC for different working machines using the proposed HIL simulation method.


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This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.


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This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.


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Introduction: Avec l’abondance d’information gratuite disponible en ligne, la tâche de trouver, de trier et d’acheminer de l’information pertinente à l’auditoire approprié peut s’avérer laborieuse. En décembre 2010, la Bibliothèque virtuelle canadienne de santé / Canadian Virtual Health Library (BVCS) a formé un comité d’experts afin d’identifier, d’évaluer, de sélectionner et d’organiser des ressources d’intérêt pour les professionnels de la santé. Méthodes: Cette affiche identifiera les décisions techniques du comité d’experts, incluant le système de gestion de contenus retenu, l’utilisation des éléments Dublin Core et des descripteurs Medical Subject Headings pour la description des ressources, et le développement et l’adaptation de taxonomies à partir de la classification MeSH. La traduction française des descripteurs MeSH à l’aide du portail CISMeF sera également abordée. Résultats: Au mois de mai 2011, le comité a lancé la base de données BVCS de ressources en ligne gratuites sur la santé, regroupant plus de 1600 sites web et ressources. Une variété de types de contenus sont représentés, incluant des articles et rapports, des bases de données interactives et des outils de pratique clinique. Discussion: Les bénéfices et défis d’une collaboration pancanadienne virtuelle seront présentés, ainsi que l’inclusion cruciale d’un membre francophone pour composer avec la nature bilingue de la base de données. En lien avec cet aspect du projet, l’affiche sera présentée en français et en anglais. Introduction: With the abundance of freely available online information, the task of finding, filtering and fitting relevant information to the appropriate audience, is daunting. In December 2010 the Canadian Virtual Health Library / Bibliothèque virtuelle canadienne de santé (CVHL) formed an expert committee to identify, evaluate, select and organize resources relevant to health professionals. Methods: This poster will identify the key technical decisions of the expert committee including the content management system used to manage the data, the use of Dublin Core elements and Medical Subject Headings to describe the resources, and the development and adaptation of taxonomies from MeSH classification to catalog resources. The translation of MeSH terms to French using the CiSMeF portal will also be discussed. Results: In May 2010, the committee launched the CVHL database of free web-based health resources. Content ranged from online articles and reports to videos, interactive databases and clinical practice tools, and included more than 1,600 websites and resources. Discussion: The benefits and challenges of a virtual, pan-Canadian collaboration, and the critical inclusion of a Francophone member to address the bilingual nature of the database, will be presented. In keeping with the nature of the project, the poster will be presented in French and English.


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Introduction: Coordination through CVHL/BVCS gives Canadian health libraries access to information technology they could not offer individually, thereby enhancing the library services offered to Canadian health professionals. An example is the portal being developed. Portal best practices are of increasing interest (usability.gov; Wikipedia portals; JISC subject portal project; Stanford clinical portals) but conclusive research is not yet available. This paper will identify best practices for a portal bringing together knowledge for Canadian health professionals supported through a network of libraries. Description: The portal for Canadian health professionals will include capabilities such as: • Authentication • Question referral • Specialist “branch libraries” • Integration of commercial resources, web resources and health systems data • Cross-resource search engine • Infrastructure to enable links from EHR and decision support systems • Knowledge translation tools, such as highlighting of best evidence Best practices will be determined by studying the capabilities of existing portals, including consortia/networks and individual institutions, and through a literature review. Outcomes: Best practices in portals will be reviewed. The collaboratively developed Virtual Library, currently the heart of cvhl.ca, is a unique database collecting high quality, free web documents and sites relevant to Canadian health care. The evident strengths of the Virtual Library will be discussed in light of best practices. Discussion: Identification of best practices will support cost-benefit analysis of options and provide direction for CVHL/BVCS. Open discussion with stakeholders (libraries and professionals) informed by this review will lead to adoption of the best technical solutions supporting Canadian health libraries and their users.


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Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware platforms use parallel architectures. Current concepts of developing applications (such as WLAN) for these platforms are complex, because developers describe an application with hardware-specifics that are relevant to parallelism such as mapping and scheduling. To reduce this complexity, we have developed a new programming approach for SDR applications, called Virtual Radio Engine (VRE). VRE defines a language for describing applications, and a tool chain that consists of a compiler kernel and other tools (such as a code generator) to generate executables. The thesis presents this concept, as well as describes the language and the compiler kernel that have been developed by the author. The language is hardware-independent, i.e., developers describe tasks and dependencies between them. The compiler kernel performs automatic parallelization, i.e., it is capable of transforming a hardware-independent program into a hardware-specific program by solving hardware-specifics, in particular mapping, scheduling and synchronizations. Thus, VRE simplifies programming tasks as developers do not solve hardware-specifics manually.


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El presente trabajo describe el proceso de conformación de la empresa “C Music”, la cual tiene como meta posicionarse como líder en la consolidación, promoción y distribución de información relacionada con la industria de la música inicialmente en Bogotá. En el presente trabajo se plantea tanto el problema como la justificación que llevaron al autor a desarrollar la empresa, así como los objetivos y metas trazadas en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. En él se realiza una investigación de mercado, y se referencian las empresas que prestan servicios similares tanto en Colombia como en América Latina y España. Finalmente se definen las herramientas técnicas con las que se realizó la planificación de la empresa. El trabajo de grado tiene como soporte una fuerte labor investigativa que se realizó a través de visitas de campo, en las cuales se diligenciaba una encuesta que facilitó el proceso de sistematización de la información, ésta fue posteriormente condensada en una base de datos que estará a disposición del público, a través de un portal Web, que es el medio por el cual funcionará la empresa.


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Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación –TICs-, como herramientas influyentes en las estructuras sociales y los procesos económicos, han permitido transformar las relaciones del Estado y el ciudadano, y aún más, aspirar a fortalecer las prácticas democráticas fundamentadas en la participación. Con este propósito, surgió la iniciativa de Gobierno Electrónico o e-Government, que para el caso colombiano, se encuentra actualmente en manos del programa Agenda de Conectividad y la estrategia de Gobierno en Línea –GEL-. Con dicha estrategia, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, diseñó en el año 2006, un modelo de participación basado en la utilización de medios electrónicos por parte de los ciudadanos para realizar aportes, contribuir al debate, y finalmente construir el documento final del Plan Nacional Decenal de Educación –PNDE- 2006-2016. Este proceso de construcción del PNDE, ha permitido visualizar cómo las soluciones electrónicas utilizadas para tal fin y la creación de espacios de deliberación de ésta naturaleza, elevan los niveles de inclusión política y social (si se tiene en cuenta la gran variedad de actores involucrados), favorecen la participación, y contribuyen al compromiso del Estado con la disminución de la Brecha Digital existente en el país.


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La enseñanza y evaluación automática a través de un sistema Computer Based Assessment (CBA) requiere de software especializado que se adapte a la tipología de actividades a tratar y evaluar. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un entorno CBA que facilita el aprendizaje y evaluación de los principales temas de una asignatura de bases de datos. Para ello se han analizado las herramientas existentes en cada uno de estos temas (Diagramas Entidad/Relación, diagramas de clases, esquemas de bases de datos relacionales, normalización, consultas en álgebra relacional y lenguaje SQL) y para cada uno de ellos se ha analizado, diseñado e implementado un módulo de corrección y evaluación automática que aporta mejoras respecto a los existentes. Estos módulos se han integrado en un mismo entorno al que hemos llamado ACME-DB.


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Nowadays, companies are living great difficulties on managing their business due to constant and unpredictable economic market fluctuations. Recent changes in market trends (such as the constant demand for new products and services, mass customization and the drastic reduction of delivery time) lead companies to adopt strategies of creating partnerships with other companies as a way to respond effectively to such difficult economical times. Collaborative Networks’ concept born by the consequence of companies could no longer consider their internal business processes’ management as sufficient and tend to seek for a collaborative approach with other partners for their critical processes. Information technologies (ICT) assumed a major role acting as “enablers” of these kinds of networks, enhancing information sharing and business process integration. Several new trends concerning ICT architectures have been created to support collaborative networks requirements, but still doesn’t exist a common platform to reduce the needed integration effort on virtual organizations. This study aims to investigate the current technological solutions available in the market which enhances the management of companies’ business processes (specially, Collaborative Planning). Finally, the research work ends with the presentation of a conceptual model to answer to the constraints evaluated.


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The VERA (Virtual Environment for Research in Archaeology) project is based on a research excavation of part of the large Roman town at Silchester, which aims to trace the site's development from its origins before the Roman conquest to its abandonment in the fifth century A.D. [1]. The VERA project aims to investigate how archaeologists use Information Technology (IT) in the context of a field excavation, and also for post-excavation analysis. VERA is a two-year project funded by the JISC VRE 2 programme that involves researchers from the University of Reading, University College London, and York Archaeological Trust. The overall aim of the project is to assess and introduce new tools and technologies that can aid the archaeological processes of gathering, recording and later analysis of data on the finds and artefacts discovered. The researchers involved in the project have a mix of skills, ranging from those related to archaeology, and computer science, though to ones involving usability and user assessment. This paper reports on the status of the research and development work undertaken in the project so far; this includes addressing various programming hurdles, on-site experiments and experiences, and the outcomes of usability and assessment studies.


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The eMinerals project has established an integrated compute and data minigrid infrastructure together with a set of collaborative tools,. The infrastructure is designed to support molecular simulation scientists working together as a virtual organisation aiming to understand a number of strategic processes in environmental science. The eMinerals virtual organisation is now working towards applying this infrastructure to tackle a new generation of scientific problems. This paper describes the achievements of the eMinerals virtual organisation to date, and describes ongoing applications of the virtual organisation infrastructure.


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Collaboratories provide an environment where researchers at distant locations work together at tackling important scientific and industrial problems. In this paper we outline the tools and principles used to form the eMinerals collaboratory, and discuss the experience, from within, of working towards establishing the eMinerals project team as a functioning virtual organisation. Much of the emphasis of this paper is on experience with the IT tools. We introduce a new application sharing tool.


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Synchronous collaborative systems allow geographically distributed participants to form a virtual work environment enabling cooperation between peers and enriching the human interaction. The technology facilitating this interaction has been studied for several years and various solutions can be found at present. In this paper, we discuss our experiences with one such widely adopted technology, namely the Access Grid. We describe our experiences with using this technology, identify key problem areas and propose our solution to tackle these issues appropriately. Moreover, we propose the integration of Access Grid with an Application Sharing tool, developed by the authors. Our approach allows these integrated tools to utilise the enhanced features provided by our underlying dynamic transport layer.


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The eMinerals Virtual Organisation consists of a consortium of individuals affiliated to geographically distributed academic institutions. Collaborative tools are essential in order to facilitate cooperative work within this Virtual Organisation. The Access Grid Toolkit has been widely adopted for this purpose, delivering high quality group-to-group video and audio conferencing. We briefly mention this technology and describe the development of a Multicast Application Sharing Tool designed specifically for this environment.