998 resultados para vapor transport equilibration (VTE)


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Magnesium/calcium data from Southern Ocean planktonic foraminifera demonstrate that high-latitude (~55°S) southwest Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) cooled 6° to 7°C during the middle Miocene climate transition (14.2 to 13.8 million years ago). Stepwise surface cooling is paced by eccentricity forcing and precedes Antarctic cryosphere expansion by ~60 thousand years, suggesting the involvement of additional feedbacks during this interval of inferred low-atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2). Comparing SSTs and global carbon cycling proxies challenges the notion that episodic pCO2 drawdown drove this major Cenozoic climate transition. SST, salinity, and ice-volume trends suggest instead that orbitally paced ocean circulation changes altered meridional heat/vapor transport, triggering ice growth and global cooling.


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Although climate records from several locations around the world show nearly synchronous and abrupt changes, the nature of the inferred teleconnection is still poorly understood. On the basis of preserved laminations and molybdenum enrichments in open margin sediments we demonstrate that the oxygen content of northeast Pacific waters at 800 m depth during the Bölling-Alleröd warm period (15-13 kyr) was greatly reduced. Existing oxygen isotopic records of benthic and planktonic foraminifera suggest that this was probably due to suppressed ventilation at higher latitudes of the North Pacific. Comparison with ventilation records for the North Atlantic indicates an antiphased pattern of convection relative to the North Pacific over the past 22 kyr, perhaps due to variations in water vapor transport across Central America.


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Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene (PEDOT) doped with tosylate ion (PEDOT-tosylate or VPP PEDOT) was synthesized by vapor phase polymerization (VPP) technique on glass as well as on glass/ITO and the electrochromic properties were investigated. Compared with that of PEDOT-PSS spin-coated on glass/ITO, the studies showed that VPP PEDOT has a lower work function and better electrochromic properties. The magneto and AC transport properties studies were done on VPP PEDOT coated on glass substrate. The system shows 2-dimensional variable range hopping and wave function shrinkage of charge carriers.


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The equations of motion for the flow of a mixture of liquid droplets, their vapor, and an inert gas through a normal shock wave are derived. A set of equations is obtained which is solved numerically for the equilibrium conditions far downstream of the shock. The equations describing the process of reaching equilibrium are also obtained. This is a set of first-order nonlinear differential equations and must also be solved numerically. The detailed equilibration process is obtained for several cases and the results are discussed.


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A numerical model that combines mass transport and surface kinetics was applied, for the first time, to the chemical vapor epitaxy of GexSi1-x. The temperature, velocity and concentration fields were calculated from the conservation equations for energy, momentum and species coupled with the boundary conditions on the growth surface which were determined by surface kinetics. The deposition rates of Si and Ge were assumed to be limited, respectively, by surface kinetics and mass transport. A theoretical relation between the initial conditions and the Ge composition in the solid was established. The calculated growth rate as well as the Ge composition in the solid and its dependence on growth temperature agree well with experimental data.


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The tropical tropopause is considered to be the main region of upward transport of tropospheric air carrying water vapor and other tracers to the tropical stratosphere. The lower tropical stratosphere is also the region where the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the zonal wind is observed. The QBO is positioned in the region where the upward transport of tropospheric tracers to the overworld takes place. Hence the QBO can in principle modulate these transports by its secondary meridional circulation. This modulation is investigated in this study by an analysis of general circulation model (GCM) experiments with an assimilated QBO. The experiments show, first, that the temperature signal of the QBO modifies the specific humidity in the air transported upward and, second, that the secondary meridional circulation modulates the velocity of the upward transport. Thus during the eastward phase of the QBO the upward moving air is moister and the upward velocity is less than during the westward phase of the QBO. It was further found that the QBO period is too short to allow an equilibration of the moisture in the QBO region. This causes a QBO signal of the moisture which is considerably smaller than what could be obtained in the limiting case of indefinitely long QBO phases. This also allows a high sensitivity of the mean moisture over a QBO cycle to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomena or major tropical volcanic eruptions. The interplay of sporadic volcanic eruptions, ENSO, and QBO can produce low-frequency variability in the water vapor content of the tropical stratosphere, which renders the isolation of the QBO signal in observational data of water vapor in the equatorial lower stratosphere difficult.


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The authors study the role of ocean heat transport (OHT) in the maintenance of a warm, equable, ice-free climate. An ensemble of idealized aquaplanet GCM calculations is used to assess the equilibrium sensitivity of global mean surface temperature and its equator-to-pole gradient (ΔT) to variations in OHT, prescribed through a simple analytical formula representing export out of the tropics and poleward convergence. Low-latitude OHT warms the mid- to high latitudes without cooling the tropics; increases by 1°C and ΔT decreases by 2.6°C for every 0.5-PW increase in OHT across 30° latitude. This warming is relatively insensitive to the detailed meridional structure of OHT. It occurs in spite of near-perfect atmospheric compensation of large imposed variations in OHT: the total poleward heat transport is nearly fixed. The warming results from a convective adjustment of the extratropical troposphere. Increased OHT drives a shift from large-scale to convective precipitation in the midlatitude storm tracks. Warming arises primarily from enhanced greenhouse trapping associated with convective moistening of the upper troposphere. Warming extends to the poles by atmospheric processes even in the absence of high-latitude OHT. A new conceptual model for equable climates is proposed, in which OHT plays a key role by driving enhanced deep convection in the midlatitude storm tracks. In this view, the climatic impact of OHT depends on its effects on the greenhouse properties of the atmosphere, rather than its ability to increase the total poleward energy transport.


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Nafion membranes series N117 doped with ammonium, at different cation fractions (H+/NH4+), were investigated for ionic transport and water vapor uptake, for several water activities and temperatures. Ammonium cations change both properties of the polymer in a similar manner. Membrane ionic conductivity and water vapor uptake (lambda) decrease as the ammonium concentration increases in the polymer. Ionic transport activation energies are calculated and the transport mechanism of ammonium ions in Nafion is discussed. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.040203jes] All rights reserved.


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Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) sources can pose a significant threat to indoor air through vapour intrusion (VI). Most conceptual and numerical models of VI assume that the transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a diffusion-limited process. Recently, alternate conditions have been identified that could lead to faster transport, including the presence of preferential pathways and methanogenic gas production. In this study, an additional mechanism that could lead to faster transport was investigated: bubble-facilitated VOC transport from LNAPL smear zones. A laboratory investigation was preformed using pentane in one-dimensional laboratory columns and two-dimensional visualization experiments. Results of the column experiments showed that average VOC mass fluxes in the bubble-facilitated columns were over two orders of magnitude greater than in the diffusion-limited columns. In addition, the flux signal was intermittent, consistent with expectations of bubble-facilitated transport as bubbles expand, mobilize and are released to the vadose zone at various times during the test. The results from the visualization experiments showed gas fingers growing and mobilizing over time, which supports the findings of the column experiments. In conclusion, these results demonstrate the potential for bubble-facilitated VOC transport to affect mass transfer in LNAPL smear zones, and lead to increased indoor air concentrations by VI.


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Non-Abelian quantum Hall states are characterized by the simultaneous appearance of charge and neutral gapless edge modes, with the structure of the latter being intricately related to the existence of bulk quasiparticle excitations obeying non-Abelian statistics. Here we propose a scenario for detecting the neutral modes by having two point contacts in series separated by a distance set by the thermal equilibration length of the charge mode. We show that by using the first point contact as a heating device, the excess charge noise measured at the second point contact carries a nontrivial signature of the presence of the neutral mode. We also obtain explicit expressions for the thermal conductance and corresponding Lorentz number for transport across a quantum point contact between two edges held at different temperatures and chemical potentials.


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A generalized mass transport model is developed for predicting the rate ofdeposition in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems. This combines thegeneralized method of obtaining equilibrium composition, with elemental fluxbalance expressions. This procedure avoids the usual problems encountered incalculating the rates in multicomponent systems, like writing overall reactionschemes. The dependence of multicomponent diffusivities on the fluxes is accountedin this model using an iterative procedure. The model developed isapplied to the deposition of titanium carbide on cemented carbide tool bitsfrom a gas mixture of titanium tetrachloride, toluene, and hydrogen. Experimentaldeposition rates were obtained using a thermogravimetric assembly.Mass transport controlled rates give an order of magnitude estimates of theobserved rates.


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The current�voltage characteristics of Au/n-GaAs Schottky diodes grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy on Ge substrates were determined in the temperature range 80�300 K. The zero-bias barrier height for current transport decreases and the ideality factor increases at low temperatures. The ideality factor was found to show the T0 effect and a higher characteristic energy. The excellent matching between the homogeneous barrier height and the effective barrier height was observed and infer good quality of the GaAs film. No generation�recombination current due to deep levels arising during the GaAs/Ge heteroepitaxy was observed in this study. The value of the Richardson constant was found to be 7.04 A K?2 cm?2, which is close to the value used for the determination of the zero-bias barrier height.


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We report the low temperature electrical and magnetic properties of polypyrrole (PPy)/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT) coaxial composite fibrils synthesized by the electro-polymerization method. The iron-filled MWNTs were first grown by chemical vapor deposition of a mixture of liquid phase organic compound and ferrocene by the one step method. Then the PPy/MWNT fibrils were prepared by the electrochemical polymerization process. Electron microscopy studies reveal that PPy coating on the surface of nanotube is quite uniform throughout the length. The temperature dependent electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements were done from room temperature down to 5 and 10 K, respectively. The room temperature resistivity (rho) of PPy/MWNT composite fibril sample is similar to 3.8 Omega m with resistivity ratio R-5 K/R-300 K] of similar to 300, and the analysis of rho(T) in terms of reduced activation energy shows that resistivity lies in the insulating regime below 40 K. The resistivity varies according to three dimensional variable range hopping mechanism at low temperature. The magnetization versus applied field (M-H loop) data up to a field of 20 kOe are presented, displaying ferromagnetic behavior at all temperatures with enhanced coercivities similar to 680 and 1870 Oe at room temperature and 10 K, respectively. The observation of enhanced coercivity is due to significant dipolar interaction among encapsulated iron nanoparticles, and their shape anisotropy contribution as well.