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Energy expenditure was measured by means of a respiratory chamber in two groups of adult rural Gambian men. The first group (n = 29) had a low body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) < 18.5), whereas the control group (n = 29) had a higher BMI (> 22). This study shows that the energy expenditure of Gambian men with low BMI is not different from that of Gambian men with normal BMI when the results are normalized for fat-free mass or for weight by analysis of covariance. In Gambian men the nutritional status thus does not seem to affect energy metabolism notably. No differences in respiratory quotient, diet-induced thermogenesis, net work efficiency, spontaneous physical activity, heart rate, or urinary catecholamine excretion were observed between the two groups. It is, however, interesting to note that the basal metabolic rate of Gambian men, regardless of their nutritional status, is approximately 10% (range 4-12% depending on the reference value used) lower than that predicted for individuals living in industrialized countries.


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OBJECTIVES: The thermogenic effect of amrinone is unknown and its utilization in patients with severe cardiac failure could potentially increase oxygen requirements and therefore aggravate oxygen debt. Consequently, the present study was undertaken to assess the thermogenic response to amrinone at three different plasma concentrations under controlled conditions and to analyze amrinone's effects on various biochemical variables. DESIGN: A prospective, unblinded, controlled study. The initial control period was followed by three sequential, experimental treatments. SUBJECTS: Ten young, healthy, male volunteers with normal body weight. INTERVENTIONS: Three experimental periods. Amrinone was administered intravenously in progressive doses: a) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 5 micrograms/kg/min; b) 0.5 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min; and c) 1.0 mg/kg followed by 10 micrograms/kg/min. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Oxygen consumption (VO2) and CO2 production were continuously measured by means of a computerized indirect calorimeter. At the highest dose, amrinone produced a slight and significant (p < .01) increase in VO2 and in resting metabolic rate (+4.5% and +3.7%, respectively), while no change in CO2 production or in respiratory quotient occurred throughout the study. At the medium and high doses, amrinone increased plasma free fatty acid concentrations by 38% and 53%, respectively (p < .05). No variation in plasma glucose, lactate, insulin, norepinephrine, or epinephrine concentrations was observed during the study. CONCLUSIONS: Amrinone administered intravenously at therapeutic doses has minimal thermogenic and metabolic effects in humans without cardiac failure.


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Given positive integers n and m, we consider dynamical systems in which n copies of a topological space is homeomorphic to m copies of that same space. The universal such system is shown to arise naturally from the study of a C*-algebra we denote by Om;n, which in turn is obtained as a quotient of the well known Leavitt C*-algebra Lm;n, a process meant to transform the generating set of partial isometries of Lm;n into a tame set. Describing Om;n as the crossed-product of the universal (m; n) -dynamical system by a partial action of the free group Fm+n, we show that Om;n is not exact when n and m are both greater than or equal to 2, but the corresponding reduced crossed-product, denoted Or m;n, is shown to be exact and non-nuclear. Still under the assumption that m; n &= 2, we prove that the partial action of Fm+n is topologically free and that Or m;n satisfies property (SP) (small projections). We also show that Or m;n admits no finite dimensional representations. The techniques developed to treat this system include several new results pertaining to the theory of Fell bundles over discrete groups.


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BACKGROUND: The recurrent ~600 kb 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 deletion is among the most frequent known genetic aetiologies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. OBJECTIVE: To define the medical, neuropsychological, and behavioural phenotypes in carriers of this deletion. METHODS: We collected clinical data on 285 deletion carriers and performed detailed evaluations on 72 carriers and 68 intrafamilial non-carrier controls. RESULTS: When compared to intrafamilial controls, full scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) is two standard deviations lower in carriers, and there is no difference between carriers referred for neurodevelopmental disorders and carriers identified through cascade family testing. Verbal IQ (mean 74) is lower than non-verbal IQ (mean 83) and a majority of carriers require speech therapy. Over 80% of individuals exhibit psychiatric disorders including ASD, which is present in 15% of the paediatric carriers. Increase in head circumference (HC) during infancy is similar to the HC and brain growth patterns observed in idiopathic ASD. Obesity, a major comorbidity present in 50% of the carriers by the age of 7 years, does not correlate with FSIQ or any behavioural trait. Seizures are present in 24% of carriers and occur independently of other symptoms. Malformations are infrequently found, confirming only a few of the previously reported associations. CONCLUSIONS: The 16p11.2 deletion impacts in a quantitative and independent manner FSIQ, behaviour and body mass index, possibly through direct influences on neural circuitry. Although non-specific, these features are clinically significant and reproducible. Lastly, this study demonstrates the necessity of studying large patient cohorts ascertained through multiple methods to characterise the clinical consequences of rare variants involved in common diseases.


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The increase in resting energy expenditure (REE) reported in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) does not necessarily imply an increase in total energy expenditure (TEE). In this study REE was assessed with open-circuit indirect calorimetry, and free-living 24-hour TEE with the heart rate method. Thirteen patients with CF, aged 8 to 24 years, with adequate nutritional status and moderately decreased pulmonary function, were studied. They were compared with 13 healthy control subjects matched for gender, age, height, and nutritional status. Resting energy expenditure was higher in patients with CF (1512 +/- 88 kcal/day) than in control subjects (1339 +/- 76 kcal/day; p less than 0.01), whereas free-living 24-hour TEE (2345 +/- 127 kcal/day and 2358 +/- 256 kcal/day, respectively) and net mechanical work efficiency of walking on a treadmill (20.4 +/- 0.7% and 19.8 +/- 0.6%, respectively) were similar. Respiratory quotient was higher in patients with CF than in control subjects at rest (0.834 +/- 0.009 vs 0.797 +/- 0.008; p less than 0.05), and tended to remain so during physical exercise, indicating a higher contribution of carbohydrate oxidation to energy expenditure. We conclude that in free living conditions, patients with CF can compensate for their increase in REE by a reduction in spontaneous physical activities or other yet undefined mechanisms.


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Different commercially available plant preparations have been claimed to have anti-obesity action. We investigated the acute effects of oral administration of 12 of these preparations in non-obese women and men. No significant increase in energy expenditure (EE) has been noted after treatment with any of these preparations. No change in respiratory quotient (RQ) was shown, except after treatment with maté (Ilex paraguariensis) extract, where a drop in RQ was observed, indicating a rise in the proportion of fat oxidized. The results suggested the poor potential of these plant preparations in the treatment of obesity, except possibly for the maté extract. Further studies are required to explore the influence of higher dosages of these preparations as well as chronic administration in man.


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Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure (EE), daily and sleeping EE, and the energy cost of a standardized treadmill exercise were assessed in a respiration chamber in 41 young pregnant Gambian women at 12 (n = 11), 24 (n = 15), and 36 (n = 15) wk of gestation and compared with 13 nonpregnant nonlactating (NPNL) control women. The rate of 24-h EE was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) at 36 wk gestation (8443 +/- 243 kJ/d) than in the NPNL group (6971 +/- 172 kJ/d) or at 12 and 24 wk (7088 +/- 222 and 7188 +/- 192 kJ/d, respectively). Per unit body weight, no more differences in 24-h EE, daily and sleeping EE, or energy cost of walking were observed between pregnant and NPNL women. There was no statistical difference in the 24-h respiratory quotient among the groups. We conclude that the state of pregnancy in Gambian women induces a progressive rise in 24-h EE, which becomes significant in the third trimester and is proportional to body weight.


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The aim of the present study was to determine whether an increase in resting energy expenditure (REE) contributes to the impaired nutritional status of Gambian children infected by a low level of infection with pathogenic helminths. The REE of 24 children infected with hookworm, Ascaris, Strongyloides, or Trichuris (mean +/- SEM age = 11.9 +/- 0.1 years) and eight controls without infection (mean +/- SEM age = 11.8 +/- 0.1 years) were measured by indirect calorimetry with a hood system (test A). This measurement was repeated after treatment with 400 mg of albendazole (patients) or a placebo (controls) (test B). When normalized for fat free mass, REE in test A was not different in the patients (177 +/- 2 kJ/kg x day) and in the controls (164 +/- 7 kJ/kg x day); furthermore, REE did not change significantly after treatment in the patients (173 +/- 3 kJ/kg x day) or in the controls (160 +/- 8 kJ/kg x day). There was no significant difference in the respiratory quotient between patients and controls, nor between tests A and B. It is concluded that a low level of helminth infection does not affect significantly the energy metabolism of Gambian children.


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BACKGROUND. Total knee (TKR) and hip (THR) replacement (arthroplasty) are effective surgical procedures that relieve pain, improve patients' quality of life and increase functional capacity. Studies on variations in medical practice usually place the indications for performing these procedures to be highly variable, because surgeons appear to follow different criteria when recommending surgery in patients with different severity levels. We therefore proposed a study to evaluate inter-hospital variability in arthroplasty indication. METHODS. The pre-surgical condition of 1603 patients included was compared by their personal characteristics, clinical situation and self-perceived health status. Patients were asked to complete two health-related quality of life questionnaires: the generic SF-12 (Short Form) and the specific WOMAC (Western Ontario and Mcmaster Universities) scale. The type of patient undergoing primary arthroplasty was similar in the 15 different hospitals evaluated.The variability in baseline WOMAC score between hospitals in THR and TKR indication was described by range, mean and standard deviation (SD), mean and standard deviation weighted by the number of procedures at each hospital, high/low ratio or extremal quotient (EQ5-95), variation coefficient (CV5-95) and weighted variation coefficient (WCV5-95) for 5-95 percentile range. The variability in subjective and objective signs was evaluated using median, range and WCV5-95. The appropriateness of the procedures performed was calculated using a specific threshold proposed by Quintana et al for assessing pain and functional capacity. RESULTS. The variability expressed as WCV5-95 was very low, between 0.05 and 0.11 for all three dimensions on WOMAC scale for both types of procedure in all participating hospitals. The variability in the physical and mental SF-12 components was very low for both types of procedure (0.08 and 0.07 for hip and 0.03 and 0.07 for knee surgery patients). However, a moderate-high variability was detected in subjective-objective signs. Among all the surgeries performed, approximately a quarter of them could be considered to be inappropriate. CONCLUSIONS. A greater inter-hospital variability was observed for objective than for subjective signs for both procedures, suggesting that the differences in clinical criteria followed by surgeons when indicating arthroplasty are the main responsible factors for the variation in surgery rates.


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During episodes of trauma carnitine-free total parenteral nutrition (TPN) may result in a reduction of the total body carnitine pool, leading to a diminished rate of fat oxidation. Sixteen patients undergoing esophagectomy were divided randomly in two equal isonitrogenous groups (0.2 g/kg.day). Both received TPN (35 kcal/kg.day; equally provided as long-chain triglycerides and glucose) over 11 days without (group A) and with (group B) L-carnitine supplementation (12 mg/kg.day = 75 mumol/kg.day). Compared with healthy controls, the total body carnitine pool prior to the operation was significantly reduced in both groups, suggesting a state of semistarvation and muscle wasting. In group A the plasma levels of total carnitine and its subfractions (free carnitine, short- and long-chain acylcarnitine) remained stable during the study whereas in group B the total plasma carnitine concentration rose mainly due to an increase in free carnitine. In group A the cumulative urinary carnitine losses were 11.5 +/- 2.6 mmol (= 15.5 +/- 3.1% of the estimated total body carnitine pool). In group B 3.1 +/- 1.9 mmol (= 11.1 +/- 7.6%) of the infused carnitine was retained in the immediate postoperative phase until day 6, but this amount was completely lost at completion of the study period. No significant differences in the respiratory quotient or in the plasma levels of triglycerides, free fatty acids, and ketone bodies were observed, between or within the groups, before the operation and after 11 days of treatment. It is concluded that the usefulness of carnitine supplementation during postoperative TPN was not apparent in the present patient material.


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Davant la diversitat de teories que acompanyen al concepte de fracàs escolar i a la seva relació amb la intel·ligència, a continuació es presenta un estudi d'un grup classe de primària en un centre escolar de Barcelona ciutat, enfocat a verificar o rebutjar algunes de les teories clàssiques que parlen sobre l'èxit i/o el fracàs escolar i els factors predictius d'aquest, en concret el quocient intel·lectual, a l'igual que d'altres factors determinants amb aquest rendiment escolar. D'aquest grup classe, han estat tres els subjectes que han estat sotmesos a un estudi més profund per ser els que presenten fracàs escolar. Els materials utilitzats han estat diferents tests psicomètrics per valorar la intel·ligència de tot el grup classe, i les conductes adaptatives i la part emocional i relacional d'aquests tres alumnes, i un qüestionari per obtenir informació dels hàbits d'estudi de tot el grup classe. Les activitats realitzades han inclòs el passar aquests tests, observacions a l'aula del grup classe, a l'aula de reforç i al pati, passar el qüestionari a tot el grup classe, entrevistes amb aquests tres alumnes en concret, amb les seves famílies, amb la tutora del grup classe i amb la monitora de reforç. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest estudi ens han permès rebutjar les teories que correlacionen directament el quocient intel·lectual amb un predictor del rendiment escolar i de les conductes adaptatives, i a reafirmar que la metodologia d'ensenyament-aprenentatge influeix de forma directa en la motivació de l'alumnat en els seus estudis, en la comprensió de la nova informació, en l'atribució d'un significat a l'aprenentatge i en rendiment escolar.


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La quatrième version de l'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants (WISC-IV) permet le calcul du QI Total et de quatre indices factoriels : compréhension verbale, raisonnement perceptif, vitesse de traitement et mémoire de travail. En 1998, Prifitera et al, ont préconisé le calcul de l'indice d'aptitude général (IAG) comme alternative au quotient intellectuel total (QIT), et cela à partir des scores de compréhension verbale et de raisonnement perceptif. La première étude présentée dans cet article a pour objectif d'établir les normes francophones pour le score IAG du WISC-IV, en utilisant une procédure d'approximation statistique. La deuxième étude vise à examiner la validité de ces normes, en les confrontant à des données recueillies sur un échantillon de 60 enfants. La corrélation entre QIT et IAG est de 0,91 et la différence relative moyenne de 0,18 point. Ces normes permettent d'utiliser le score IAG comme alternative au QIT dans certaines situations diagnostiques.


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β-adrenergic receptor activation promotes brown adipose tissue (BAT) β-oxidation and thermogenesis by burning fatty acids during uncoupling respiration. Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) can inhibit feeding and stimulate lipolysis by activating peroxisome proliferator-activating receptor-α (PPARα) in white adipose tissue (WAT). Here we explore whether PPARα activation potentiates the effect of β3-adrenergic stimulation on energy balance mediated by the respective agonists OEA and CL316243. The effect of this pharmacological association on feeding, thermogenesis, β-oxidation, and lipid and cholesterol metabolism in epididymal (e)WAT was monitored. CL316243 (1 mg/kg) and OEA (5 mg/kg) co-administration over 6 days enhanced the reduction of both food intake and body weight gain, increased the energy expenditure and reduced the respiratory quotient (VCO2/VO2). This negative energy balance agreed with decreased fat mass and increased BAT weight and temperature, as well as with lowered plasma levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, nonessential fatty acids (NEFAs), and the adipokines leptin and TNF-α. Regarding eWAT, CL316243 and OEA treatment elevated levels of the thermogenic factors PPARα and UCP1, reduced p38-MAPK phosphorylation, and promoted brown-like features in the white adipocytes: the mitochondrial (Cox4i1, Cox4i2) and BAT (Fgf21, Prdm16) genes were overexpressed in eWAT. The enhancement of the fatty-acid β-oxidation factors Cpt1b and Acox1 in eWAT was accompanied by an upregulation of de novo lipogenesis and reduced expression of the unsaturated-fatty-acid-synthesis enzyme gene, Scd1. We propose that the combination of β-adrenergic and PPARα receptor agonists promotes therapeutic adipocyte remodelling in eWAT, and therefore has a potential clinical utility in the treatment of obesity.


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Objectives. To find out the magnitude of violence against female partners among patients who visit their family doctor. To study frequency and acceptance of its investigation by the family doctor and to assess the effectiveness of a screening question on abuse. Design. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Setting. Primary care, 4 samples from 2 urban health centres in Jaén, Spain. Participants. Who participated 170 women randomly selected from the female consulting population. Measurements. Interviews by means of the Bradley modified test and the anxiety and depression Goldberg scales. Perceived health, frequency of detection of domestic violence, by the family doctor, and female opinions were also studied. Results. During the last year, abuse against women was detected in 22.9% of the female population consulting their family doctor (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 16.6-29.2). Abused women had a worse perception of health (odds ratio [OR] =4.2; 95% CI, 1.02-17.5) and a higher probability of depression (OR=4.7; 95% CI, 1.8-12.5) independently from the rest of variables. The question "How are the things going with your partner?" as a screening of abuse does obtain a positive probability quotient of 6.23 (95% CI, 3.6-10.9), a specificity of 89% and a negative predictive value of 90%. Of those interviewed, 96.5% would not mind if their family doctor approached the couple's relationships, a situation that occurs in 24.7% of cases. Conclusions. Some degree of abuse was detected in almost a quarter of women who consult their family doctor. Family doctors do not usually ask about family and partner relationships and environment, although for almost all women it is well appreciated and the item has an increased likelihood ratio and high negative predictive value in detecting abuse.


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In 10 moderately obese women, 24-h energy expenditure (24EE) was measured in a respiration chamber under four conditions: 1) before weight loss (body weight = 77.9 kg), 2) during weight loss (63.9 kg), 3) after realimentation (62.5 kg), and 4) 6-15 mo after the study diet with ad libitum diet (67.7 kg). The 14 +/- 8 kg (mean +/- SD) weight loss produced a decrease in 24EE of 1498 +/- 1138 kJ/d (P < 0.001), ie, a decrease of weight of 107 kJ.kg body wt-1.d-1. The subsequent 24EE (conditions 3 and 4) remained lower than the value before weight loss. A significant correlation was found between changes before and after weight regain in basal respiratory quotient (RQ) and the spontaneous rate of body-weight gain after cessation of the period of low energy intake (r = 0.89, P < 0.01); this suggests that the value of the postabsorptive RQ may be a predictor of relapse of weight gain. After discontinuation of the low energy diet, an elevated postabsorptive RQ shows that the endogenous lipid oxidation is low, a condition favoring weight gain.