674 resultados para sulfated polysaccharide
Polysaccharide-based Polyion Complex Micelles as New Delivery Systems for Hydrophilic Cationic Drugs
Les micelles polyioniques ont émergé comme des systèmes prometteurs de relargage de médicaments hydrophiles ioniques. Le but de cette étude était le développement des micelles polyioniques à base de dextrane pour la relargage de médicaments hydrophiles cationiques utilisant une nouvelle famille de copolymères bloc carboxymethyldextran-poly(éthylène glycol) (CMD-PEG). Quatre copolymères CMD-PEG ont été préparés dont deux copolymères identiques en termes de longueurs des blocs de CMD et de PEG mais différent en termes de densité de charges du bloc CMD; et deux autres copolymères dans lesquels les blocs chargés sont les mêmes mais dont les blocs de PEG sont différents. Les propriétés d’encapsulation des micelles CMD-PEG ont été évaluées avec différentes molécules cationiques: le diminazène (DIM), un médicament cationique modèle, le chlorhydrate de minocycline (MH), un analogue semi-synthétique de la tétracycline avec des propriétés neuro-protectives prometteuses et différents antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques. La cytotoxicité des copolymères CMD-PEG a été évaluée sur différentes lignées cellulaires en utilisant le test MTT et le test du Bleu Alamar. La formation de micelles des copolymères de CMD-PEG a été caractérisée par différentes techniques telles que la spectroscopie RMN 1H, la diffusion de la lumière dynamique (DLS) et la titration calorimétrique isotherme (ITC). Le taux de relargage des médicaments et l’activité pharmacologique des micelles contenant des médicaments ont aussi été évalués. Les copolymères CMD-PEG n'ont induit aucune cytotoxicité dans les hépatocytes humains et dans les cellules microgliales murines (N9) après 24 h incubation pour des concentrations allant jusqu’à 15 mg/mL. Les interactions électrostatiques entre les copolymères de CMD-PEG et les différentes drogues cationiques ont amorcé la formation de micelles polyioniques avec un coeur composé du complexe CMD-médicaments cationiques et une couronne composée de PEG. Les propriétés des micelles DIM/CMDPEG ont été fortement dépendantes du degré de carboxyméthylation du bloc CMD. Les micelles de CMD-PEG de degré de carboxyméthylation du bloc CMD ≥ 60 %, ont incorporé jusqu'à 64 % en poids de DIM et ont résisté à la désintégration induite par les sels et ceci jusqu'à 400 mM NaCl. Par contre, les micelles de CMD-PEG de degré de carboxyméthylation ~ 30% avaient une plus faible teneur en médicament (~ 40 % en poids de DIM) et se désagrégeaient à des concentrations en sel inférieures (∼ 100 mM NaCl). Le copolymère de CMD-PEG qui a montré les propriétés micellaires les plus satisfaisantes a été sélectionné comme système de livraison potentiel de chlorhydrate de minocycline (MH) et d’antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques. Les micelles CMD-PEG encapsulantes de MH ou d’aminoglycosides ont une petite taille (< 200 nm de diamètre), une forte capacité de chargement (≥ 50% en poids de médicaments) et une plus longue période de relargage de médicament. Ces micelles furent stables en solution aqueuse pendant un mois; après lyophilisation et en présence d'albumine sérique bovine. De plus, les micelles ont protégé MH contre sa dégradation en solutions aqueuses. Les micelles encapsulant les drogues ont maintenu les activités pharmacologiques de ces dernières. En outre, les micelles MH réduisent l’inflammation induite par les lipopolysaccharides dans les cellules microgliales murines (N9). Les micelles aminoglycosides ont été quant à elles capable de tuer une culture bactérienne test. Toutefois les micelles aminoglycosides/CMDPEG furent instables dans les conditions physiologiques. Les propriétés des micelles ont été considérablement améliorées par des modifications hydrophobiques de CMD-PEG. Ainsi, les micelles aminoglycosides/dodecyl-CMD-PEG ont montré une taille plus petite et une meilleure stabilité aux conditions physiologiques. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de cette étude montrent que CMD-PEG copolymères sont des systèmes prometteurs de relargage de médicaments cationiques.
chemical Sciences and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, CSIR
Transition metal-loaded (3%) nanocrystalline sulfated titania (ST) powders are prepared using the sol–gel technique. Anatase is found as the active phase in all the samples. Sulfate ion impregnation decreases the crystallite size and stabilizes the anatase phase of TiO2. Acidity of the samples is found to increase by the incorporation of sulfate ion and also by the modification by transition metal ions. All the prepared catalysts are found stable up to 700 °C.
Chromia loaded sulfated titania has been synthesized via sol–gel route with different chromia loadings. These catalysts are characterized using conventional techniques such as XRD analysis, FTIR analysis, surface area and pore volume measurements, EDX, SEM and UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectral analysis. Acidity is measured using spectrophotometric monitoring of adsorption of perylene, thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethylpyridine and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. Activity studies are done in the liquid phase. It has been concluded that Lewis acid sites are responsible for the benzylation of arenes with benzyl chloride.
Titania, sulfated titania and chromium loaded sulfated titania were prepared by sol–gel method and characterized using different technique. Phenol is nitrated regioselectively by nitric acid using chromium loaded sulfated titania catalysts. A remarkable ortho selectivity is observed in solid state nitration to yield exclusively ortho-nitrophenol. Compared to the conventional process, phenol nitration over solid acid catalyst is a clean and environment friendly process. Catalytic activity well correlates with the Brönsted acid sites of these catalysts.
A comparative study of acid-base properties and catalytic activity of Sn-La and Sn-Sm mixed oxides and their corresponding sulfate modified analogues are reported in this thesis. The catalytic activity and product selectivity in the decomposition of alcohols are correlated with the acid-base and redox properties of the catalyst systems under study The effect of catalyst preparation, pretreatment and various reaction parameters on the catalytic activity of sulfate modified oxides is investigated in the oxidative dehydrogenation reactions The experimental conditions are optimised to synthesise industrially important organic chemicals viz. 2,6 xylenol, o-cresol, N-methylanilne and N,N-dimethylaniline employing the mixed oxide systems. The effect of sulfate treatment on the catalytic activity of these systems in the alkylation reactions of phenol, anisole and aniline is also investigated and the merits and demerits of sulfate treatment are highlighted.
in the present study, we have prepared and evaluated the physical and chemical properties and catalytic activities of transition metal loaded sulfated titania via the sol-gel route. Sol-gel method is widely used for preparing porous materials having controlled properties and leads to the formation of oxide particles in nano range, which are spherical or interconnected to each other. Characterization using various physico-chemical techniques and a detailed study of acidic properties are also carried out. Some reactions of industrial importance such as Friedel-Crafts reaction, fen-butylation of phenol,Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime, nitration of phenol and photochemical degradation of methylene blue have been selected for catalytic activity study in the present venture. The work is organized into eight chapters
A study was designed to examine the relationships between protein, condensed tannin and cell wall carbohydrate content and composition and the nutritional quality of seven tropical legumes (Desmodium ovalifolium, Flemingia macrophylla, Leucaena leucocephala, L pallida, L macrophylla, Calliandra calothyrsus and Clitotia fairchildiana). Among the legume species studied, D ovalifolium showed the lowest concentration of nitrogen, while L leucocephala showed the highest. Fibre (NDF) content was lowest in C calothyrsus, L Leucocephala and L pallida and highest in L macrophylla, which had no measurable condensed tannins. The highest tannin concentration was found in C calothyrsus. Total non-structural polysaccharides (NSP) varied among legumes species (lowest in C calothyrsus and highest in D ovalifolium), and glucose and uronic acids were the most abundant carbohydrate constituents in all legumes. Total NSP losses were lowest in F macrophylla and highest in L leucocephala and L pallida. Gas accumulation and acetate and propionate levels were 50% less with F macrophylla and D ovalifolium as compared with L leucocephala. The highest levels of branched-chain fatty acids were observed with non-tanniniferous legumes, and negative concentrations were observed with some of the legumes with high tannin content (D ovalifolium and F macrophylla). Linear regression analysis showed that the presence of condensed tannins was more related to a reduction of the initial rate of gas production (0-48 h) than to the final amount of gas produced or the extent (144h) of dry matter degradation, which could be due to differences in tannin chemistry. Consequently, more attention should be given in the future to elucidating the impact of tannin structure on the nutritional quality of tropical forage legumes. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
Cell wall polysaccharides of wheat and rice endosperm are an important source of dietary fibre. Monoclonal antibodies specific to cell wall polysaccharides were used to determine polysaccharide dynamics during the development of both wheat and rice grain. Wheat and rice grain present near synchronous developmental processes and significantly different endosperm cell wall compositions, allowing the localisation of these polysaccharides to be related to developmental changes. Arabinoxylan (AX) and mixed-linkage glucan (MLG) have analogous cellular locations in both species, with deposition of AX and MLG coinciding with the start of grain filling. A glucuronoxylan (GUX) epitope was detected in rice, but not wheat endosperm cell walls. Callose has been reported to be associated with the formation of cell wall outgrowths during endosperm cellularisation and xyloglucan is here shown to be a component of these anticlinal extensions, occurring transiently in both species. Pectic homogalacturonan (HG) was abundant in cell walls of maternal tissues of wheat and rice grain, but only detected in endosperm cell walls of rice in an unesterified HG form. A rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) backbone epitope was observed to be temporally regulated in both species, detected in endosperm cell walls from 12 DAA in rice and 20 DAA in wheat grain. Detection of the LM5 galactan epitope showed a clear distinction between wheat and rice, being detected at the earliest stages of development in rice endosperm cell walls, but not detected in wheat endosperm cell walls, only in maternal tissues. In contrast, the LM6 arabinan epitope was detected in both species around 8 DAA and was transient in wheat grain, but persisted in rice until maturity.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of surfactants sodium stearoyl lactate (SSL) and sucrose ester (SE) on the functional properties of films produced with polysaccharides mixtures (methylcellulose/glucomannan/pectin in 1/4/1 ratio, respectively) and gelatin. The films were produced by the casting method and characterized for their water vapor permeability (WVP), mechanical (tensile strength and elongation to break point), morphological and optical properties. Films with low WVP were obtained with surfactants. Addition of SE to the films with polysaccharide/gelatin ratio of 90/10 showed improved mechanical properties. Films presented smooth surfaces with micro voids and lumpiness, depending on the surfactant tested. Surfactants increased the opacity of the films by a factor of 1-3%. All film properties were dependent on the surfactant affinity for the biopolymer matrix. SE presented more affinity for biopolymer matrix containing high polysaccharide proportion, and SSL presented more affinity for polymer matrix containing high gelatin proportion. The addition of surfactants decreased the water vapor permeability of the films, increasing their hydrophobic character.
The use of natural substances in health applications may be hampered by the difficulties in establishing the mechanisms of action, especially at molecular-level. The protein-polysaccharide complex extracted from the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill, referred to as CAb, has been considered for treating various diseases with probable interaction with cell membranes. In this study, we investigate the interaction between CAb and a cell membrane model represented by a Langmuir monolayer of dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA). CAb affects the structural properties of DMPA monolayers causing expansion and increasing compressibility. In addition, interaction with DMPA polar heads led to neutralization of the electrical double layer, yielding a zero surface potential at large areas per molecule. CAb remained at the interface even at high surface pressures, which allowed transfer of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films onto solid supports with the CAb-DMPA mixture. The mass transferred, according to quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, increased linearly with the number of deposited layers. With UV-vis absorption, fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopies, we confirmed that the LB films contain polysaccharides, proteins and DMPA. Therefore, the CAb biological action must be attributed not only to polysaccharides but also to proteins in the complex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
RNA isolation is essential to study gene expression at the molecular level. However, RNA isolation is difficult in organisms (plants and algae) that contain large amounts of polysaccharides, which co-precipitate with RNA. Currently, there is no commercial kit available, specifically for the isolation of high-quality RNA from these organisms. Furthermore, because of the large amounts of polysaccharides, the common protocols for RNA isolation usually result in poor yields when applied to algae. Here we describe a simple method for RNA isolation from the marine red macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia (Rhodophyta), which can be applied to other plants and algae.
Characterization of Sterculia striate polysaccharide (SSP) films adsorbed onto Si wafers from solutions prepared in ethyl methyl imidazolium acetate (EmimAc), water or NaOH 0.01 mol/L was systematically studied by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy and contact angle measurements. SSP adsorbed from EmimAc onto Si wafer as homogeneous monolayers (similar to 0.5 nm thick), while from water or NaOH 0.01 mol/L SSP formed layers of similar to 4.0 nm and similar to 1.5 nm thick, respectively. Surface energy values found for SSP adsorbed from EmimAc or water were 68 +/- 2 mJ/m(2) and 65 +/- 2 mJ/m(2), respectively, whereas from NaOH it amounted to 57 +/- 3 mJ/m(2). The immobilization of lysozyme (LYS) onto SSP films was also investigated. The mean thickness of LYS (d(LYS)) immobilized onto SSP films adsorbed from each solvent tended to increase with the decrease of gamma(P)(S) and gamma(total)(S). However, the enzymatic activity of LYS molecules was higher when they were immobilized onto SSP films with higher gamma(P)(S) and gamma(total)(S) values. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Benzene adsorbed on highly acidic sulfated TiO2 (S-TiO2) shows an intriguing resonance Raman (RR) effect, with excitation in the blue-violet region. There are very interesting spectral features: the preferential enhancement of the e(2g) mode (1595 cm(-1)) in relation to the a(1g) mode (ring-breathing mode at 995 cm(-1)) and the appearance of bands at 1565 and 1514 cm(-1). The band at 1565 cm(-1) is probably one of the components of the e(2g) split band, originally a doubly degenerate mode (8a, 8b) in neat benzene, and the band at 1514 cm(-1) is assigned to the 19a mode, an inactive mode in neat benzene. These facts indicate a lowering of symmetry in adsorbed benzene, which may be caused by a strong interaction between S-TiO2 and the benzene molecule with formation of a benzene to Ti (IV) charge transfer (CT) complex or by the formation of a benzene radical cation species. However, the RR spectra of the adsorbed benzene cannot be assigned to the benzene radical cation because the observed wavenumber of the ring-breathing mode does not have the value expected for this species. Moreover, it was found by ESR measurements that the amount of radicals was very low, and so it was concluded that a CT complex is the species that originates the RR spectra. The most favorable intensification of the band at 1595 cm(-1) in the RR spectra of benzene/S-TiO2 at higher excitation energy corroborates this hypothesis, as an absorption band in this energy range, assigned to a CT transition, is observed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.