983 resultados para suicide prevention


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Group suicidal behaviour by young people has been attracting increasing worldwide attention, but the subject has rarely been studied from a clinical or psychodynamic perspective. Although etiological factors are not well understood, unconscious as well as conscious group processes likely contribute to self-destructive actions. In this article we discuss the role of projective identification in the development of suicidal behavior by individuals who are part of a destructive group. We consider how these factors may operate, illustrated through a case description of a young man involved with a group of high school students that included at least four who made serious suicide attempts. Recognition and understanding of these forms of communication have important implications for clinical practice and suicide prevention.


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The current study sought to explore the impact of suicidal behaviours on probation staff, in relation to their experiences of working with probation service users who have carried out suicide, attempted suicide or self-harm. Thirteen in-depth interviews were carried out with probation staff who had direct contact with probation service users in one probation area, and had varying degrees of experience of managing suicidal or self-injurious service users. These were analysed using thematic analysis and five themes were identified. Findings indicate that staff felt that suicide and self-harm by service users are serious issues which need to be recognized and dealt with in an effective yet compassionate manner. Not attending the suicide prevention training, or lack of experience, were perceived as restricting their ability to know how to deal with these individuals, and offer support. Furthermore, staff were emotionally affected by these incidents and it is recommended that they should continue to be provided with access to appropriate support services after an incident.


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Depuis plusieurs années, on assiste à la création de programmes en prévention du suicide à l’adolescence. L’un de ces programmes repose sur le principe des pairs aidants. Il consiste à former des jeunes dont le rôle est d’apporter du soutien à des camarades qui vivent des difficultés. Or, à notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a comme préoccupation spécifique l’aide apportée par un pair aidant à un élève suicidaire. C’est pourquoi le but de notre étude est de comprendre et d’interpréter le processus suivi par les pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’un adolescent suicidaire. Nous avons effectué des entrevues auprès de cinq anciens pairs aidants qui avaient joué ce rôle entre une et trois années auparavant. À cause de sa pertinence pour ce type d’étude, l’approche méthodologique choisie a été la théorisation ancrée. La proposition qui a émergé de l’analyse des données est que l’expérience de pairs aidants auprès d’adolescents suicidaires est une mission héroïque à la fois stimulante, « confrontante » et enrichissante. Pour rendre compte de la globalité de cette expérience, vécue comme une mission invitant le pair aidant à prendre un rôle de « héros », trois étapes ont été distinguées. La première étape commence par l’accès au statut de pair aidant. Après être entré en contact avec un camarade suicidaire, le pair aidant s’engage dans la mission de le sauver. Le pair aidant est alors « tout feu tout flamme » dans son rôle de héros sauveur. Au cours de la seconde étape seront considérés les faits entourant la mission. L’aide s’engage comme un combat pour « sauver » l’élève suicidaire. L’enthousiasme « tout feu tout flamme » du début se tempère dans l’ambivalence du combat que représente l’aide concrète. C’est la période d’une certaine désillusion. La dernière étape s’amorce après que soit terminée l’aide qu’a fournie le pair aidant. Il fait le point sur les victoires et les défaites qu’a comportées cette mission. C’est alors le moment de la sagesse. Au cours de l’analyse, certaines données ont suscité la réflexion. Nous avons donc effectué une seconde recension des écrits reliés au processus de venir en aide à un adolescent suicidaire en tant que pair aidant. À la fin de cette étude, nous pensons que le programme de pairs aidants a des répercussions positives pour l’adolescent impliqué.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M.Sc.) option Administration des services infirmiers


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Introducción: El suicidio es un problema de salud pública mundial. En Colombia los jóvenes son la población más vulnerable. Son evidentes las importantes pérdidas desde el punto de vista moral, pero también son considerables los gastos de dinero que éste genera. No hay evidencia disponible del costo de la atención, ni de la prevención del intento de suicidio en el país. Es pertinente hacer cuantificaciones del costo de la atención y prevención del intento de suicidio, para lograr una mejor administración de recursos. El objetivo de este estudio es cuantificar los costos directos promedio derivados de la atención médica del intento de suicidio en una clínica infantil y compararlos con los costos de una estrategia de prevención primaria (programa TeenScreen) implementada en un colegio durante el 2010 en Bogotá, en menores de 18 años. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, que cuantifica y promedia costos médicos directos de la atención y del programa de prevención; con base en costos tarifarios. Resultados: El costo promedio para la atención de pacientes con diagnóstico de intento de suicidio y para el programa de prevención fue de $1,745,612 pesos Colombianos (n=41) y de $68,536 (n= 171) respectivamente. Casi la mitad del costo para internación fue invertido en pacientes que requirieron hospitalización en Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico (UCIP) el costo promedio para atención de estos pacientes fue de $12,518,888. Discusión: La prevención del intento de suicidio resulta menos costosa que su atención hospitalaria, especialmente si se requiere UCIP.


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Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue el de diseñar un modelo de intervención para la prevención del suicidio en la población escolar de niños y adolescentes, con 72 participantes de un colegio público y un colegio privado de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se caracterizó el suicidio en la ciudad de Bogotá en los últimos nueve años, los aspectos legales, se analizaron algunos modelos de prevención, se identificaron los principales factores de riesgo y factores protectores y se propusieron estrategias para su prevención. Este modelo está basado en la administración social del riesgo y los factores protectores y de riesgo, susceptibles de modificación. Se realizó una prueba de tamizaje y fueron utilizados: el Inventario de depresión infantil (CDI de Kovacs), la escala de desesperanza de Beck y la escala de ansiedad para niños y adolescentes de Spence, validadas a nivel internacional. Se observó una correlación positiva (0.490) mediante el coeficiente de rangos de Spearman, con una significación de 0,01 (bilateral) para los tres factores de riesgo. Se hace entrega de un manual de instrucción para la intervención temprana del suicidio en esta población y un folleto informativo dirigido a padres de familia sobre los factores de riesgo y factores protectores. A partir de esto se plantean implicaciones futuras.


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Aims & Rationale/Objectives
To raise the awareness of health issues in rural Tasmania, the work of rural health professionals and community volunteers

A partnership initiative between the University Department of Rural Health and the Department of Health and Human Services attracted $64,000 sponsorship from government and private sector. It established 28 regional groups which organised local activities and awards for a community volunteeer and a health professional. Regional groups were surveyed about their planning process for rural health week, the activities held, their outcomes and future intentions.

Principal Findings
Regional groups were partnerships of local organisations. Activities had a preventative focus. They included cooking, bike rides, dances, manual handling, health checks, community art, suicide prevention.Events attracted up to 300 participants. There were 48 nominations for the 2 awards, which were perceived to have raised the profile of health professionals and volunteers. Activities that attracted most participation were fun runs and health expos. Most used their understanding of community needs when deciding on activities. Only a small number relied on formal health needs analyses. Groups varied in their assessment of how well the activities they organised actually met needs. Half the group members had not worked together previously. All but 3 intend to work with others in the future. Most group members learnt more about health programs and other professionals in their community.

Raised profile of health services and role of health professionals and volunteers in rural Tasmania.
Increased range of ongoing health promoting activities. Better planned and coordinated activities.


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Background Knowledge about the natural history of self-harm is scarce, especially during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood, a period characterised by a sharp rise in self-inflicted deaths. From a repeated measures cohort of a representative sample, we describe the course of self-harm from middle adolescence to young adulthood.

Methods A stratified, random sample of 1943 adolescents was recruited from 44 schools across the state of Victoria, Australia, between August, 1992, and January, 2008. We obtained data pertaining to self-harm from questionnaires and telephone interviews at seven waves of follow-up, commencing at mean age 15·9 years (SD 0·49) and ending at mean age 29·0 years (SD 0·59). Summary adolescent measures (waves three to six) were obtained for cannabis use, cigarette smoking, high-risk alcohol use, depression and anxiety, antisocial behaviour and parental separation or divorce.

Findings 1802 participants responded in the adolescent phase, with 149 (8%) reporting self-harm, More girls (95/947 [10%]) than boys (54/855 [6%]) reported self-harm (risk ratio 1·6, 95% CI 1·2–2·2). We recorded a substantial reduction in the frequency of self-harm during late adolescence. 122 of 1652 (7%) participants who reported self-harm during adolescence reported no further self-harm in young adulthood, with a stronger continuity in girls (13/888) than boys (1/764). During adolescence, incident self-harm was independently associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety (HR 3·7, 95% CI 2·4–5·9), antisocial behaviour (1·9, 1·1–3·4), high-risk alcohol use (2·1, 1·2–3·7), cannabis use (2·4, 1·4–4·4), and cigarette smoking (1·8, 1·0–3·1). Adolescent symptoms of depression and anxiety were clearly associated with incident self-harm in young adulthood (5·9, 2·2–16).

Interpretation Most self-harming behaviour in adolescents resolves spontaneously. The early detection and treatment of common mental disorders during adolescence might constitute an important and hitherto unrecognised component of suicide prevention in young adults.

Funding National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia, and operational infrastructure support programme, Government of Victoria, Australia.


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Programs designed to detect students at risk of depression and suicidality have shown success (Shaffer et al., 2004). The current study sought to examine whether or not such a program was acceptable to participants and whether or not it caused distress. Participants were boys aged 14 to 16. Participants were assessed using an on-line questionnaire; acceptability was measured via postal questionnaire. Of 272 participants, 31 (11.4%) were considered at-risk; 13 required ongoing support, 8 of whom had not previously sought help. Overall screening did not appear to cause significant undue distress, although some differences were evident between at-risk and not at-risk students. All participants found the program acceptable. When conducted carefully, early detection programs can be an effective and acceptable method of identifying at-risk adolescents.


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Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) study entitled Suicide Trends in At-Risk Territories (START) is an international multisite initiative that aims to stimulate suicide research and prevention across different areas of the globe. A central component of the study is the development of registration systems for fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Aims: This paper provides an overview of the data collected on suicidal behaviors from the participating locations in the START study. Method: Descriptive statistics on the data are presented in terms of age, sex, and method. Results: Agreater proportion of suicide deaths occurred among males. In all areas except the Philippines more females than males engaged in nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Compared to Australia, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Hong Kong SAR, in the Pacific Islands suicide most often occurs in younger age groups. Results indicate notable variations between countries in choice of method. A greater proportion of suicides occurred by hanging in Pacific Islands, while inhalation of carbon monoxide, use of firearms, ingestion of chemicals and poisons, and drug overdose were the most frequent methods of choice in other areas. Conclusion: The information drawn from this study demonstrates the enormous variation in suicidal behavior across the areas involved in the START Study. Further research is needed to assess the reliability of the established data-recording systems for suicidal behaviors. The baseline data established in START may allow the development of suicide prevention initiatives sensitive to variation in the profile of suicide across different locations. © 2013 Hogrefe Publishing.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB