997 resultados para stars: individual: HD 50 209
Realizou-se adaptação cultural do Inventário de Burnout de Copenhagen para estudantes (CBI-S) em português e estimou-se sua confiabilidade e validade. O CBI-S foi preenchido por 958 estudantes universitários brasileiros e 556 portugueses. O modelo fatorial original apresentou bom ajustamento entretanto, foram removidos dois itens com confiabilidade individual baixa (λ<0,5). A nova estrutura apresentou bom ajustamento a 2/3 da amostra total sendo invariante no 1/3 restante da amostra original. Verficou-se adequada consistência interna e validade convergente, discriminante e concorrente. Os pesos fatoriais do CBI-S não foram invariantes nas amostras de Brasil e Portugal. O CBI-S apresentou adequada confiabilidade e validade entretanto, verificou-se ausência de estabilidade transcultural.
Different ethnic groups with a high human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A11 prevalence have been shown to experience a high rate of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, EBV-associated malignancies, and Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA)-4 mutations. The epitopes 393-408 and 416-424 of EBNA-4 are major antigenic epitopes that elicit an HLA-A11 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to EBV infection. Mutations selectively involving one or more nucleotide residues in these epitopes affect the antigenicity of EBNA-4, because the mutant EBV strains are not recognized by the HLA-A11-restricted CTLs. To investigate these mutations in common EBV-associated malignancies occurring in different populations, we studied the mutation rate of epitopes 393-408 and 416-424 of EBNA-4 in 25 cases of EBV-associated Hodgkin's disease (HD), nine cases of AIDS-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and 37 cases of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma (GC) from the United States, Brazil, and Japan. We found one or more mutations in these two epitopes in 50% (6/12) of United States HD, 15% (2/13) of Brazilian HD, 50% (6/12) United States GC and 28% (7/25) Japanese GC, and 22% (2/9) of United States AIDS-lymphoma. Similar mutations were found in 30% (3/10) of United States reactive, 0% (0/6) of Brazilian reactive, and 25% (2/8) Japanese reactive tissues. The most frequent amino acid substitutions were virtually identical to those seen in previously reported isolates from EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinomas and Burkitt's lymphomas occurring in high prevalence HLA-A11 regions. However, only 2/28 (7%) mutations occurred in HLA-A11-positive patients. Our studies suggest that: 1) EBNA-4 mutations are a common phenomenon in EBV-associated HD, GC, and AIDS-lymphoma; 2) the mutation rate does not vary in these geographic areas and ethnic groups; 3) EBNA-4 mutations in EBV-associated United States and Brazilian HD, United States and Japanese GC, and United States AIDS lymphomas are not related to patients' HLA-A11 status.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In Brazil, the Catholic Church has an important role in the construction of citizenship, education and training the rural lower classes of the population. Studied in this article, this participation and contribution in the 60s, by highlighting the strong weighting would take the issue of land reform. The Catholic Church was a major player in unionization campaigns and basic education and suffered great tensions and internal conflicts that divide between those who sought the "liberation of the oppressed" and those who fought for reforms without changing the "social order". This paper recovers the trajectory of implementation of various programs of Catholic union formation and foundation of unions. We use historical methodology and retrieve the voice of the authors through interviews with trade unionists, lawyers, church authorities and militants popular.
While the presence of discs around classical Be stars is well established, their origin is still uncertain. To understand what processes result in the creation of these discs and how angular momentum is transported within them, their physical properties must be constrained. This requires comparing high spatial and spectral resolution data with detailed radiative transfer modelling. We present a high spectral resolution, R similar to 80 000, sub-milliarcsecond precision, spectroastrometric study of the circumstellar disc around the Be star beta CMi. The data are confronted with 3D, non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer calculations to directly constrain the properties of the disc. Furthermore, we compare the data to disc models featuring two velocity laws: Keplerian, the prediction of the viscous disc model, and angular momentum conserving rotation. It is shown that the observations of beta CMi can only be reproduced using Keplerian rotation. The agreement between the model and the observed spectral energy distribution, polarization and spectroastrometric signature of beta CMi confirms that the discs around Be stars are well modelled as viscous decretion discs.
The parameters for the newly discovered open cluster Alessi 95 are established on the basis of available photometric and spectroscopic data, in conjunction with new observations. Colour excesses for spectroscopically observed B- and A-type stars near SU Cas follow a reddening relation described by E(U-B)/E(B-V) = 0.83 + 0.02E(B-V), implying a value of R=AV/E(B-V) ? 2.8 for the associated dust. Alessi 95 has a mean reddening of E(B-V)(B0) = 0.35 +/- 0.02 s.e., an intrinsic distance modulus of V0-MV= 8.16 +/- 0.04 s.e. (+/- 0.21 s.d.), d= 429 +/- 8 pc, and an estimated age of 108.2 yr from zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) fitting of available UBV, CCD BV, NOMAD, and Two Micron All Sky Survey JHKs observations of cluster stars. SU Cas is a likely cluster member, with an inferred space reddening of E(B-V) = 0.33 +/- 0.02 and a luminosity of < MV >=-3.15 +/- 0.07 s.e., consistent with overtone pulsation (PFM= 2.75 d), as also implied by the Cepheids light-curve parameters, rate of period increase and Hipparcos parallaxes for cluster stars. There is excellent agreement of the distance estimates for SU Cas inferred from cluster ZAMS fitting, its pulsation parallax derived from the infrared surface brightness technique and Hipparcos parallaxes, which all agree to within a few per cent.
Aims. Our goal is to study the circumstellar environment associated with each component of the wide intermediate-mass pre-main sequence binary system PDS 144 using broadband polarimetry. Methods. We present near-infrared (NIR) linear polarimetric observations of PDS 144 gathered with the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter along with the CamIV infrared camera at the Observatorio do Pico dos Dias (OPD). In addition, we re-analyzed OPD archive optical polarization to separate the binary and estimate the interstellar polarization using foreground stars. Results. After discounting the interstellar component, we found that both stars of the binary system are intrinsically polarized. The polarization vectors at optical and NIR bands of both components are aligned with the local magnetic field and the jet axis. These findings indicate an interplay between the interstellar magnetic field and the formation of the binary system. We also found that the PDS 144N is less polarized than its southern companion in the optical. However, in the NIR PDS 144N is more polarized. Our polarization data can only be explained by high inclinations (i greater than or similar to 80 degrees) for the disks of both members. In particular, comparisons of our NIR data with young stellar objects disk models suggest predominantly small grains in the circumstellar environment of PDS 144N. In spite of the different grain types in each component, the infrared spectral indexes indicate a coeval system. We also found evidence of coplanarity between the disks.
Be stars possess gaseous circumstellar decretion disks, which are well described using standard alpha-disk theory. The Be star 28 CMa recently underwent a long outburst followed by a long period of quiescence, during which the disk dissipated. Here we present the first time-dependent models of the dissipation of a viscous decretion disk. By modeling the rate of decline of the V-band excess, we determine that the viscosity parameter alpha = 1.0 +/- 0.2, corresponding to a mass injection rate (M) over dot = (3.5 +/- 1.3) x 10(-8) M-circle dot yr(-1). Such a large value of a suggests that the origin of the turbulent viscosity is an instability in the disk whose growth is limited by shock dissipation. The mass injection rate is more than an order of magnitude larger than the wind mass-loss rate inferred from UV observations, implying that the mass injection mechanism most likely is not the stellar wind, but some other mechanism.
Context. Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with a circumstellar decretion disk. They usually undergo pressure and/or gravity pulsation modes excited by the kappa-mechanism, i.e. an effect of the opacity of iron-peak elements in the envelope of the star. In the Milky Way, p-modes are observed in stars that are hotter than or equal to the B3 spectral type, while g-modes are observed at the B2 spectral type and cooler. Aims. We observed a B0IVe star, HD51452, with the high-precision, high-cadence photometric CoRoT satellite and high-resolution, ground-based HARPS and SOPHIE spectrographs to study its pulsations in great detail. We also used the lower resolution spectra available in the BeSS database. Methods. We analyzed the CoRoT and spectroscopic data with several methods: CLEAN-NG, FREQFIND, and a sliding window method. We also analyzed spectral quantities, such as the violet over red (V/R) emission variations, to obtain information about the variation in the circumstellar environment. We calculated a stellar structure model with the ESTER code to test the various interpretation of the results. Results. We detect 189 frequencies of variations in the CoRoT light curve in the range between 0 and 4.5 c d(-1). The main frequencies are also recovered in the spectroscopic data. In particular we find that HD51452 undergoes gravito-inertial modes that are not in the domain of those excited by the kappa-mechanism. We propose that these are stochastic modes excited in the convective zones and that at least some of them are a multiplet of r-modes (i.e. subinertial modes mainly driven by the Coriolis acceleration). Stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes had never been observed in any star, and theory predicted that their very low amplitudes would be undetectable even with CoRoT. We suggest that the amplitudes are enhanced in HD51452 because of the very rapid stellar rotation. In addition, we find that the amplitude variations of these modes are related to the occurrence of minor outbursts. Conclusions. Thanks to CoRoT data, we have detected a new kind of pulsations in HD51452, which are stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes, probably due to its very rapid rotation. These modes are probably also present in other rapidly rotating hot Be stars.
gamma Cas is the prototypical classical Be star and is recently best known for its variable hard X-ray emission. To elucidate the reasons for this emission, we mounted a multiwavelength campaign in 2010 centered around four XMM-Newton observations. The observational techniques included long baseline optical interferometry (LBOI) from two instruments at CHARA, photometry carried out by an automated photometric telescope and H alpha observations. Because gamma Cas is also known to be in a binary, we measured radial velocities from the H alpha line and redetermined its period as 203.55 +/- 0.20 days and its eccentricity as near zero. The LBOI observations suggest that the star's decretion disk was axisymmetric in 2010, has an system inclination angle near 45 degrees, and a larger radius than previously reported. In addition, the Be star began an "outburst" at the beginning of our campaign, made visible by a brightening and reddening of the disk during our campaign and beyond. Our analyses of the new high resolution spectra disclosed many attributes also found from spectra obtained in 2001 (Chandra) and 2004 (XMM-Newton). As well as a dominant hot (approximate to 14 keV) thermal component, the familiar attributes included: (i) a fluorescent feature of Fe K even stronger than observed at previous times; (ii) strong lines of N VII and Ne XI lines indicative of overabundances; and (iii) a subsolar Fe abundance from K-shell lines but a solar abundance from L-shell ions. We also found that two absorption columns are required to fit the continuum. While the first one maintained its historical average of 1 x 10(21) cm(-2), the second was very large and doubled to 7.4 x 10(23) cm(-2) during our X-ray observations. Although we found no clear relation between this column density and orbital phase, it correlates well with the disk brightening and reddening both in the 2010 and earlier observations. Thus, the inference from this study is that much (perhaps all?) of the X-ray emission from this source originates behind matter ejected by gamma Cas into our line of sight.
Context. Spectrally resolved long-baseline optical/IR interferometry of rotating stars opens perspectives to investigate their fundamental parameters and the physical mechanisms that govern their interior, photosphere, and circumstellar envelope structures. Aims. Based on the signatures of stellar rotation on observed interferometric wavelength-differential phases, we aim to measure angular diameters, rotation velocities, and orientation of stellar rotation axes. Methods. We used the AMBER focal instrument at ESO-VLTI in its high-spectral resolution mode to record interferometric data on the fast rotator Achernar. Differential phases centered on the hydrogen Br gamma line (K band) were obtained during four almost consecutive nights with a continuous Earth-rotation synthesis during similar to 5h/night, corresponding to similar to 60 degrees position angle coverage per baseline. These observations were interpreted with our numerical code dedicated to long-baseline interferometry of rotating stars. Results. By fitting our model to Achernar's differential phases from AMBER, we could measure its equatorial radius R-eq = 11.6 +/- 0.3 R-circle dot, equatorial rotation velocity V-eq = 298 +/- 9 km s(-1), rotation axis inclination angle i = 101.5 +/- 5.2 degrees, and rotation axis position angle (from North to East) PA(rot) = 34.9 +/- 1.6 degrees. From these parameters and the stellar distance, the equatorial angular diameter circle divide(eq) of Achernar is found to be 2.45 +/- 0.09 mas, which is compatible with previous values derived from the commonly used visibility amplitude. In particular, circle divide(eq) and PA(rot) measured in this work with VLTI/AMBER are compatible with the values previously obtained with VLTI/VINCI. Conclusions. The present paper, based on real data, demonstrates the super-resolution potential of differential interferometry for measuring sizes, rotation velocities, and orientation of rotating stars in cases where visibility amplitudes are unavailable and/or when the star is partially or poorly resolved. In particular, we showed that differential phases allow the measurement of sizes up to similar to 4 times smaller than the diffraction-limited angular resolution of the interferometer.
Aims. The main theoretical problem for the formation of a Keplerian disk around Be stars is how angular momentum is supplied from the star to the disk, even more so since Be stars probably rotate somewhat subcritically. For instance, nonradial pulsation may transport angular momentum to the stellar surface until (part of) this excess supports the disk-formation/replenishment. The nearby Be star Achernar is presently building a new disk and o ers an excellent opportunity to observe this process from relatively close-up. Methods. Spectra from various sources and epochs are scrutinized to identify the salient stellar parameters characterizing the disk life cycle as defined by H emission. The variable strength of the non-radial pulsation is confirmed, but does not a ect the other results. Results. For the first time it is demonstrated that the photospheric line width does vary in a Be star, by as much as v sin i . 35 km However, unlike assumptions in which a photospheric spin-up accumulates during the diskless phase and then is released into the disk as it is fed, the apparent photospheric spin-up is positively correlated with the appearance of H line emission. The photospheric line widths and circumstellar emission increase together, and the apparent stellar rotation declines to the value at quiescence after the H line emission becomes undetectable
Morbus Hunter, eine lysosomale Speicherkrankheit, ist eine seltene, progrediente, x-chromosomal vererbte Stoffwechselkrankheit, die durch ein Defizit an Iduronat-2-sulfatase (IDS) hervorgerufen wird. Als Folge daraus erfolgt kein Abbau von Heparan- und Dermatansulfat und die Glykosaminoglykane reichern sich in de Lysosomen der Zelle an. M. Hunter ist eine Multisystemerkrankung und weist ein breites klinisches Spektrum mit interindividuell unterschiedlichem Krankheitsbeginn, Ausprägungen und Progression der Symptome auf. Seit 2007 besteht die Therapieoption einer Enzymersatztherapie (ERT) mit Elaprase®. Einige Patienten entwickeln Antikörper gegen das substituierte Enzym, welche partiell neutralisierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es zu klären, ob die Neutralisationskapazität der gebildeten Antikörper mittels einer Bestimmung im Mischserum festgestellt werden kann und ob persistierende Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität zu einer Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Enzymersatztherapie führen. Es sollte weiterhin untersucht werden, ob sich mittels Messung der neuronenspezifischen Enolase (NSE) und S-100 Rückschlüsse auf eine neuropathische Beteiligung ziehen lassen, da bis jetzt noch keine klinische oder biochemische Messmethode existiert, die für M. Hunter-Patienten eine verlässliche Vorhersage für eine neuropathische Beteiligung bietet. 30 Patienten wurden in die retrospektive/prospektive Kohortenstudie eingeschlossen. Bei der Bestimmung der IDS-Aktivität im Mischserum mit einem gesunden Menschen zeigten fünf der Patienten (17%) in zwölf Mischseren eine um ≥ 40% reduzierte Aktivität. Zwei (7%) der 30 untersuchten Patienten wurden mit dieser Methode als positiv für persistierende neutralisierende Antikörper identifiziert. Zum gleichen Ergebnis bezüglich der persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörper führten die Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin-Bestimmungen unter Berücksichtigung des Bestimmungszeitpunkts, die bei Shire Pharmaceuticals durchgeführt wurden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass die gebildeten Antikörper auch intraindividuell unterschiedlich sind. Zudem interagieren sie mit den verschiedensten Epitopen des Enzyms der ERT und besitzen nicht alle neutralisierende Eigenschaften. Aufgrund der heterogenen Zusammensetzung folgt die Hemmung der Enzymaktivität vermutlich keiner eindeutigen Kinetik. Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin G spielt für die Neutralisationskapazität jedoch eine wichtige Rolle. Die Auswertung und Beurteilung der Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Therapie hervorgerufen durch die Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität gestaltete sich kompliziert. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass sich die beiden Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern in der Entwicklung der klinischen Parameter interindividuell stark unterschieden. Um einen Zusammenhang zwischen klinischem Verlauf und Antikörperbildung gegen die ERT zu finden, müssen in einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mehr Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern identifiziert werden und der Einfluss der Antikörper untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung der NSE und S-100 ergab, dass weder die Konzentration der NSE noch der S-100 Rückschlüsse auf die neuropathische Beteiligung des Patienten zulässt.
We present Herschel PACS 100 and 160 μm observations of the solar-type stars α Men, HD 88230 and HD 210277, which form part of the FGK stars sample of the Herschel open time key programme (OTKP) DUNES (DUst around NEarby Stars). Our observations show small infrared excesses at 160 μm for all three stars. HD 210277 also shows a small excess at 100 μm, while the 100 μm fluxes of α Men and HD 88230 agree with the stellar photospheric predictions. We attribute these infrared excesses to a new class of cold, faint debris discs. Both α Men and HD 88230 are spatially resolved in the PACS 160 μm images, while HD 210277 is point-like at that wavelength. The projected linear sizes of the extended emission lie in the range from ~115 to ≤ 250 AU. The estimated black body temperatures from the 100 and 160 μm fluxes are ≲22 K, and the fractional luminosity of the cold dust is L_dust/L_⋆ ~ 10^-6, close to the luminosity of the solar-system’s Kuiper belt. These debris discs are the coldest and faintest discs discovered so far around mature stars, so they cannot be explained easily invoking “classical” debris disc models.