462 resultados para standardize


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Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Intervenção Psicossocial com Crianças, Jovens e Famílias)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial


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Las actividades agropecuarias ejercen diferentes presiones sobre los recursos naturales. Esto ha llevado, en algunas áreas, a un deterioro del suelo que provoca un impacto sobre la sustentabilidad en los sistemas agropecuarios. Para evaluar la degradación del suelo se han propuesto listas de indicadores, sin embargo, se carece de una herramienta metodológica robusta, adaptada a las condiciones edafoclimáticas regionales. Además, existe una demanda de productores e instituciones interesados en orientar acciones para preservar el suelo. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la degradación física, química y biológica de los suelos en agroecosistemas del centro-sur de Córdoba. Por ello se propone desarrollar una herramienta metodológica que consiste en un set de indicadores físicos, químicos y biológicos, con valores umbrales, integrados en índices de degradación, que asistan a los agentes tomadores de decisiones y productores, en la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo. El área de trabajo será una región agrícola del centro-sur de Córdoba con más de 100 años de agricultura. La metodología comienza con la caracterización del uso del territorio y sistemas de manejo, su clasificación y la obtención de mapas base de usos y manejos, mediante sensores remotos y encuestas. Se seleccionarán sitios de muestreo mediante una metodología semi-dirigida usando un SIG, asegurando un mínimo de un punto de muestreo por unidad de mapeo. Se elegirán sitios de referencia lo más cercano a una condición natural. Los indicadores a evaluar surgen de listas propuestas en trabajos previos del grupo, seleccionados en base a criterios internacionales y a adecuados a suelos de la región. Se usarán indicadores núcleo y complementarios. Para la obtención de umbrales, se usarán por un lado valores provenientes de la bibliografía y por otro, umbrales generados a partir de la distribución estadística del indicador en suelos de referencia. Para estandarizar cada indicador se definirá una función de transformación. Luego serán ponderarán mediante análisis estadísticos mulivariados e integrados en índices de degradación física, química y biológica, y un índice general de degradación. El abordaje concluirá con el desarrollo de dos instrumentos para la toma de decisiones: uno a escala regional, que consistirá en mapas de degradación en base a unidades cartográficas ambientales, de uso del territorio y de sistemas de manejo y otro a escala predial que informará sobre la degradación del suelo de un lote en particular, en comparación con suelos de referencia. Los actores interesados contarán con herramientas robustas para la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo tanto a escala regional como local. Agricultural activities exert different pressures on natural resources. In some areas this has led to soil degradation and has an impact on agricultural sustainability. To assess soil degradation a robust methodological tool, adapted to regional soil and climatic conditions, is lacking. In addition, there is a demand from farmers and institutions interested in direct actions to preserve the soil. The objective of this project is to assess physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in agroecosystems of Córdoba. We propose to develop a tool that consists of a set of physical, chemical and biological indicators, with threshold values, integrated in soil degradation indices. The study area is a region with more than 100 years of agriculture. The methodology begins with the characterization of land use and management systems and the obtaining of base maps by means of remote sensing and survey. Sampling sites will be selected through a semi-directed methodology using GIS, ensuring at least one sampling point by mapping unit. Reference sites will be chosen as close to a natural condition. The proposed indicators emerge from previous works of the group, selected based on international standards and appropriate for the local soils. To obtain the thresholds, we will use, by one side, values from the literature, and by the other, values generated from the statistical distribution of the indicator in the reference soils. To standardize indicators transformation functions will be defined. Indicators will be weighted by mans of multivariate analysis and integrated in soil degradation indices. The approach concluded with the development of two instruments for decision making: a regional scale one, consisting in degradation maps based on environmental, land use and management systems mapping units; and an instrument at a plot level which will report on soil degradation of a particular plot compared to reference soils.


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Molecular monitoring of BCR/ABL transcripts by real time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is an essential technique for clinical management of patients with BCR/ABL-positive CML and ALL. Though quantitative BCR/ABL assays are performed in hundreds of laboratories worldwide, results among these laboratories cannot be reliably compared due to heterogeneity in test methods, data analysis, reporting, and lack of quantitative standards. Recent efforts towards standardization have been limited in scope. Aliquots of RNA were sent to clinical test centers worldwide in order to evaluate methods and reporting for e1a2, b2a2, and b3a2 transcript levels using their own qRT-PCR assays. Total RNA was isolated from tissue culture cells that expressed each of the different BCR/ABL transcripts. Serial log dilutions were prepared, ranging from 100 to 10-5, in RNA isolated from HL60 cells. Laboratories performed 5 independent qRT-PCR reactions for each sample type at each dilution. In addition, 15 qRT-PCR reactions of the 10-3 b3a2 RNA dilution were run to assess reproducibility within and between laboratories. Participants were asked to run the samples following their standard protocols and to report cycle threshold (Ct), quantitative values for BCR/ABL and housekeeping genes, and ratios of BCR/ABL to housekeeping genes for each sample RNA. Thirty-seven (n=37) participants have submitted qRT-PCR results for analysis (36, 37, and 34 labs generated data for b2a2, b3a2, and e1a2, respectively). The limit of detection for this study was defined as the lowest dilution that a Ct value could be detected for all 5 replicates. For b2a2, 15, 16, 4, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. For b3a2, 20, 13, and 4 labs showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, and 10-3 dilutions, respectively. For e1a2, 10, 21, 2, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. Log %BCR/ABL ratio values provided a method for comparing results between the different laboratories for each BCR/ABL dilution series. Linear regression analysis revealed concordance among the majority of participant data over the 10-1 to 10-4 dilutions. The overall slope values showed comparable results among the majority of b2a2 (mean=0.939; median=0.9627; range (0.399 - 1.1872)), b3a2 (mean=0.925; median=0.922; range (0.625 - 1.140)), and e1a2 (mean=0.897; median=0.909; range (0.5174 - 1.138)) laboratory results (Fig. 1-3)). Thirty-four (n=34) out of the 37 laboratories reported Ct values for all 15 replicates and only those with a complete data set were included in the inter-lab calculations. Eleven laboratories either did not report their copy number data or used other reporting units such as nanograms or cell numbers; therefore, only 26 laboratories were included in the overall analysis of copy numbers. The median copy number was 348.4, with a range from 15.6 to 547,000 copies (approximately a 4.5 log difference); the median intra-lab %CV was 19.2% with a range from 4.2% to 82.6%. While our international performance evaluation using serially diluted RNA samples has reinforced the fact that heterogeneity exists among clinical laboratories, it has also demonstrated that performance within a laboratory is overall very consistent. Accordingly, the availability of defined BCR/ABL RNAs may facilitate the validation of all phases of quantitative BCR/ABL analysis and may be extremely useful as a tool for monitoring assay performance. Ongoing analyses of these materials, along with the development of additional control materials, may solidify consensus around their application in routine laboratory testing and possible integration in worldwide efforts to standardize quantitative BCR/ABL testing.


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The objective of this work was to develop an easily applicable technique and a standardized protocol for high-quality post-mortem angiography. This protocol should (1) increase the radiological interpretation by decreasing artifacts due to the perfusion and by reaching a complete filling of the vascular system and (2) ease and standardize the execution of the examination. To this aim, 45 human corpses were investigated by post-mortem computed tomography (CT) angiography using different perfusion protocols, a modified heart-lung machine and a new contrast agent mixture, specifically developed for post-mortem investigations. The quality of the CT angiographies was evaluated radiologically by observing the filling of the vascular system and assessing the interpretability of the resulting images and by comparing radiological diagnoses to conventional autopsy conclusions. Post-mortem angiography yielded satisfactory results provided that the volumes of the injected contrast agent mixture were high enough to completely fill the vascular system. In order to avoid artifacts due to the post-mortem perfusion, a minimum of three angiographic phases and one native scan had to be performed. These findings were taken into account to develop a protocol for quality post-mortem CT angiography that minimizes the risk of radiological misinterpretation. The proposed protocol is easy applicable in a standardized way and yields high-quality radiologically interpretable visualization of the vascular system in post-mortem investigations.


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Background a nd Aims: T he international E EsAI study g roupis currently developing the first activity index (EEsAI) specificfor Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). Goal: To develop, evaluateand validate the EEsAI.Methods: T he d evelopment comprises three phases: 1.Selection of candidate items; 2. Evaluation of the activity indexin a f irst patient cohort; and 3. V alidation in a s econd EoEpatient cohort. Focus group interviews with patients were usedin p hase 1 to generate p atient r eported outcomes ( PRO)according to guidelines o f regulatory authorities ( FDA andEMA), whereas the section of biologic items was developed byDelphi r ounds of i nternational E oE experts from E urope andNorth America.Results: The EEsAI has a modular composition to assess thefollowing components o f EoE activity: p atient reportedoutcomes, endoscopic activity, histologic activity, laboratoryactivity, a nd quality of life. D efinitions f or all aspects o fendoscopic and histologic appearance were established byconsensus rounds among EoE experts. Symptom assessmenttools were created that take into account d ifferent foodconsistencies as w ell as f ood avoidance and specificprocessing strategies. T he EEsAI is evaluated in a c ohort ofadult EoE patients since March 2011.Conclusions: After successful validation, the EEsAI will allowto standardize outcome assessment in E oE t rials which w illlikely lead to its wide applicability.


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Intraoperative cardiac imaging plays a key role during transcatheter aortic valve replacement. In recent years, new techniques and new tools for improved image quality and virtual navigation have been proposed, in order to simplify and standardize stent valve positioning and implantation. But routine performance of the new techniques may require major economic investments or specific knowledge and skills and, for this reason, they may not be accessible to the majority of cardiac centres involved in transcatheter valve replacement projects. Additionally, they still require injections of contrast medium to obtain computed images. Therefore, we have developed and describe here a very simple and intuitive method of positioning balloon-expandable stent valves, which represents the evolution of the 'dumbbell' technique for echocardiography-guided transcatheter valve replacement without angiography. This method, based on the partial inflation of the balloon catheter during positioning, traps the crimped valve in the aortic valve orifice and, consequently, very near to the ideal landing zone. It does not require specific echocardiographic knowledge; it does not require angiographies that increase the risk of postoperative kidney failure in elderly patients, and it can be also performed in centres not equipped with a hybrid operating room.


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En els últims anys hi ha hagut un interès creixent per la disciplina de Gestió de Projectes. Durant un temps els projectes eren gestionats per gerents que tenien coneixements tècnics previs sobre un problema a resoldre. Però l’elevat índex de fracàs en aquest tipus de gestió porta canvis en la manera de dirigir els projectes. Es comença a reconèixer la gestió de projectes com una habilitat especifica i sorgeix el concepte de Oficina de Gestió de Projectes, com a òrgan responsable dels processos de gestió de projectes. L’objectiu fonamental d’aquest document és donar les pautes per implementar una Oficina de Gestió de Projectes i establir una metodologia de projecte basada en el manual de bones pràctiques PMBOK per una organització TIC, per tal de normalitzar els projectes TIC i facilitar-ne el seguiment, control i visió global.


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One of the main problems in combating tuberculosis is caused by a poor penetration of drugs into the mycobacterial cells. A prodrug approach via activation inside mycobacterial cells is a possible strategy to overcome this hurdle and achieve efficient drug uptake. Esters are attractive candidates for such a strategy and we and others communicated previously the activity of esters of weak organic acids against mycobacteria. However very little is known about ester hydrolysis by mycobacteria and no biological model is available to study the activation of prodrugs by these microorganisms. To begin filling this gap, we have embarked in a project to develop an in vitro method to study prodrug activation by mycobacteria using Mycobacterium smegmatis homogenates. Model ester substrates were ethyl nicotinate and ethyl benzoate whose hydrolysis was monitored and characterized kinetically. Our studies showed that in M. smegmatis most esterase activity is associated with the soluble fraction (cytosol) and is preserved by storage at 5°C or at room temperature for one hour, or by storage at -80°C up to one year. In the range of homogenate concentrations studied (5-80% in buffer), k(obs) varied linearly with homogenate concentration for both substrates. We also found that the homogenates showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics behavior with both prodrugs. Since ethyl benzoate is a good substrate for the mycobacterial esterases, this compound can be used to standardize the esterasic activity of homogenates, allowing results of incubations of prodrugs with homogenates from different batches to be readily compared.


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ABSTRACT : During my SNSF-funded Ph.D. thesis project, I studied the evolution of redox conditions and organic-carbon preservation in the western Tethyan realm during three major positive excursions in the Cretaceous δ13C record, corresponding to the Valanginian, Early Aptian and Late Cenomanian. These periods were characterized by important global environmental and climate change, which was associated with perturbations in the carbon cycle. For the period of the Valanginian δ13C excursion, total organic carbon (TOC) contents and the quality of preserved organic matter are typical of oxic pelagic settings in the western Tethys. This is confirmed by the absence of major excursions in the stratigraphic distribution of RSTE during the δ13C shift. Published TOC data from other parts of the Valanginian oceans indicate that dys- to anaerobic zones were restricted to marginal seas within the Atlantic and Southern Ocean, and to the Pacific. Phosphorus (P) and mineralogical contents suggest a stepwise climatic evolution during the Valanginian, with a humid and warm climate prior to the δ13C shift leading to an increase in continental runoff. During the δ13C shift, a decrease in detrital input and P contents suggests a change in the climate towards more and conditions. During the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a), a general increase followed by a rapid decrease in P contents suggests enhanced nutrient input at the beginning of OAE 1a. The return to lower values during OAE 1 a, associated with an increase in RSTE contents, may have been related to the weakened capacity to retain P in the sedimentary reservoir due to bottom-water oxygen depletion. In basinal settings, the RSTE distribution indicates well-developed anoxic conditions during OAE la, whereas in the shallower-water environments, conditions were oxic to suboxic, rather than anoxic. Furthermore, in the deeper part of the Tethys, two distinct enrichments have been observed, indicating fluctuations in the intensity of water column anoxia during the δ73C excursion. We also studied the effect of the end-Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 2) on an expanded section in the Chrummflueschlucht (E of Euthal, Ct Switzerland). The goal here was to identify paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions during OAE 2 in this part of the northern Tethyan margin. The results show that this section is one of the most complete sections for the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval known from the Helvetic realm, despite a small hiatus between sediments corresponding to peaks 1 and 2 in the δ13C record. The evolution of P contents points to an increase in the input of this nutrient at the onset of OAE 2. The trends in RSTE contents show, however, that this part of the Helvetic realm was not affected by a strong depletion in oxygen conditions during OAE 2, despite its hemipelagic position. A further goal of this project was to submit the samples to a total extraction method (a combined HF/HNO3/HCI acid digestion) and compare the results obtained by the partial HNO3 acid extraction in order to standardize the analytical prócedures in the extraction of RSTE. The obtained results for samples of OAE 1 a suggest that RSTE trends using the partial HNO3 digestion are very comparable to those obtained by the total digestion method and subsequently normalized with regards to AI contents. RÉSUMÉ : Durant ce projet de thèse, financé par le Swiss National Science Funding (SNSF), j'ai étudié l'évolution des conditions redox et de la préservation de carbone organique dans le domnaine ouesttéthysien pendant trois excursions majeures du δ13C au Crétacé correspondant au Valanginien, à l'Aptien inférieur et à la limite Cénomanien-Turonien. Ces périodes sont caractérisées par des changements climatiques et environnementaux globaux associés à des perturbations dans le cylce du carbone. Pour L'excursion positive en δ13C du Valanginien, les analyses du carbone organique total (COT) et les observations palynologiques du domaine téthysien ont présenté des indications d'environnement pélagique relativementbienoxygéné. L'absence d'enrichissements en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox (TE) pendant l'excursion positive en δ13C confirme ces interprétations. Les données publiées de COT dans d'autres partie du globe indiquent cependant l'existence de conditions dys- à anaérobiques dans certains bassins restreints de l'Atlantique, l'Océan Austral et du Pacifique. L'évolution du phosphore (P) et la composition minéralogique des sédiments semblent indiquer un climat relativement chaud et humide avant l'excursion en δ13C entraînant une augmentation de l'altération continentale. Pendant le shift isotopique, une diminution des apports détritiques et du P suggèrent une transition vers des conditions plus arides. À l'Aptien Inférieur, le début de l'événement anoxique (OAE 1a) est marqué par une augmentation générale du P dans les sédiments indiquant une augmentation du niveau trophique à la base de l'excursion isotopique. Durant l'événement anoxique, les sédiments sont relativement appauvris en P. Cette diminution rapide associée à des enrichissements en TE est probablement liée à une remobilisation plus importante du P lors de la mise en place de conditions anoxiques dans les eaux de fond. Dans les environnements de bassin, le comportement des TE (enrichissements bien marqués) attestent de conditions réductrices bien marquées alors que dans les environnements moins profonds, les conditions semblent plutôt oxiques à dysoxiques. De plus, deux niveaux d'enrichissement en TE ont été observés dans la partie plus profonde de la Téthys, indiquant des fluctuations assez rapides dans l'intensité de l'anoxie de la colonne d'eau. Nous avons ensuite étudié les effets de l'événement anoxique de la fin du Cenomanien (OAE 2) dans un basin marginal de la marge nord de la Téthys avec la coupe de Chrummflueschlucht (à l'est de Euthal, Ct Schwyz). Les résultats ont montré que cette coupe présente un des enregistrements sédimentaires des plus complets de l'OAE 2 dans le domaine helvétique malgré un hiatus entre le pic 1 et 2 de l'excursion en δ13C. L'évolution du P montre une augmentation au début de l'OAE 2. Cependant, la distribution des TE indique que cette région n'a pas été affectée par des conditions réductrices trop importantes. Un second aspect de ce travail a été l'étude des différentes méthodes sur l'analyse de la distribution des TE. Des échantillons de l'OAE 1a ont été soumis à deux types d'extractions, l'une dite «totale » (attaque combinée d'acides HF/HNO3/HCI) et l'autre dite partielle » (HNO3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les courbes de tendances des TE acquises par extraction partielle sont semblables à celle obtenues par extraction totale et normalisées par l'AI.


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MOTIVATION: The anatomy of model species is described in ontologies, which are used to standardize the annotations of experimental data, such as gene expression patterns. To compare such data between species, we need to establish relations between ontologies describing different species. RESULTS: We present a new algorithm, and its implementation in the software Homolonto, to create new relationships between anatomical ontologies, based on the homology concept. Homolonto uses a supervised ontology alignment approach. Several alignments can be merged, forming homology groups. We also present an algorithm to generate relationships between these homology groups. This has been used to build a multi-species ontology, for the database of gene expression evolution Bgee. AVAILABILITY: download section of the Bgee website http://bgee.unil.ch/


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The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Lymnaea columella, collected in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was reared in our laboratory. The aim of the current study was to standardize a rearing and maintenance technique. Two kinds of diet were tested: fresh lettuce (A) and rodent ration + 10% CaCO3 plus fresh lettuce (B). The age for the beginning of oviposition ranged from 27 to 57 days. Ten days after oviposition at 24.7°C, 100% eclosion occurred. The complete life cycle varied from 37 to 67 days. The average numbers of eggs per egg mass were 26.3 and 31.1 with diets (A) and (B), respectively. The lettuce and ration fed snails presented a increased growth although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mortality rate varied from 40 to 64% after 90 days. The maximum longevity was 183 days, 21.5 mm length and 11 mm wide. The methodology to mass breed and maintain these snails was found to be suitable in the laboratory


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Samples from 20 lots of diphtheria-tetanus (adult use dT) vaccine and from 20 lots of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine were used to standardize and validate the in vitro toxin binding inhibition (ToBI) test for the immunogenicity test of the tetanus component. The levels of tetanus antitoxin obtained by ToBI test were compared to those obtained using the toxin neutralization (TN) test in mice routinely employed to perform the quality control of the tetanus component in adsorbed vaccines. The results ranged from 1.8 to 3.5 IU/ml for dT and 2 to 4 IU/ml for DTP by ToBI test and 1.4 to 3 IU/ml for dT and 1.8 to 3.5 IU/ml for DTP by TN in mice. These results were significantly correlated. From this study, it is concluded that the ToBI test is an alternative to the in vivo neutralization procedure in the immunogenicity test of the tetanus component in adsorbed vaccines. A substantial refinement and a reduction in use of animals can be achieved.


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Aquest projecte parteix de la hipòtesi inicial que és possible tipificar un model d'organització, difusió i promoció de les activitats culturals, específic per a les fundacions i de possible generalització a altres entitats del sector, amb l'objectiu d'afavorir la creació d'un sistema de comunicació estructurat que faciliti aquesta tasca per mitjà de l'aplicació de les TIC.


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Despite toxoplasmosis being a common infection among human and other warm-blooded animals worldwide, there are no findings about Toxoplasma gondii evolutionary forms in ancient populations. The molecular techniques used for amplification of genetic material have allowed recovery of ancient DNA (aDNA) from parasites contained in mummified tissues. The application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to paleoparasitological toxoplasmosis research becomes a promising option, since it might allow diagnosis, acquisition of paleoepidemiological data, access to toxoplasmosis information related origin, evolution, and distribution among the ancient populations.Furthermore, it makes possible the analysis of parasite aDNA aiming at phylogenetic studies. To standardize and evaluate PCR applicability to toxoplasmosis paleodiagnostic, an experimental mummification protocol was tested using desiccated tissues from mice infected with the ME49 strain cysts, the chronic infection group (CIG), or infected with tachyzoites (RH strain), the acute infection group (AIG). Tissues were subjected to DNA extraction followed by PCR amplification of T. gondii B1 gene. PCR recovered T. gondii DNA in thigh muscle, encephalon, heart, and lung samples. AIG presented PCR positivity in encephalon, lungs, hearts, and livers. Based on this results, we propose this molecular approach for toxoplasmosis research in past populations.