995 resultados para spin symmetry


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Recent experimental data have revealed large mirror energy differences (MED) between high-spin states in the mirror nuclei Se-67 and As-67, the heaviest pair where MED have been determined so far. The MED are generally attributed to the isospin symmetry breaking caused by the Coulomb force and by the isospin-nonconserving part of the nucleon-nucleon residual interaction. The different contributions of the various terms have been extensively studied in the fp shell. By employing large-scale shell-model calculations, we show that the inclusion of the g(9/2) orbit causes interference between the electromagnetic spin-orbit and the Coulomb monopole radial terms at high spin. The large MED are attributed to the aligned proton pair excitations from the p(3/2) and f(5/2) orbits to the g(9/2) orbit. The relation of the MED to deformation is discussed.


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It is known that the exact density functional must give ground-state energies that are piecewise linear as a function of electron number. In this work we prove that this is also true for the lowest-energy excited states of different spin or spatial symmetry. This has three important consequences for chemical applications: the ground state of a molecule must correspond to the state with the maximum highest-occupied-molecular-orbital energy, minimum lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital energy, and maximum chemical hardness. The beryllium, carbon, and vanadium atoms, as well as the CH(2) and C(3)H(3) molecules are considered as illustrative examples. Our result also directly and rigorously connects the ionization potential and electron affinity to the stability of spin states.


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We study the problem of consistent interactions for spin-3 gauge fields in flat spacetime of arbitrary dimension 3$">n>3. Under the sole assumptions of Poincaré and parity invariance, local and perturbative deformation of the free theory, we determine all nontrivial consistent deformations of the abelian gauge algebra and classify the corresponding deformations of the quadratic action, at first order in the deformation parameter. We prove that all such vertices are cubic, contain a total of either three or five derivatives and are uniquely characterized by a rank-three constant tensor (an internal algebra structure constant). The covariant cubic vertex containing three derivatives is the vertex discovered by Berends, Burgers and van Dam, which however leads to inconsistencies at second order in the deformation parameter. In dimensions 4$">n>4 and for a completely antisymmetric structure constant tensor, another covariant cubic vertex exists, which contains five derivatives and passes the consistency test where the previous vertex failed. © SISSA 2006.


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The triple-differential cross section for ionization of a heavy atom is shown to depend on the spin of the incident electron even if this is polarized entirely parallel or antiparallel to its direction of propagation, the atom is unpolarized, and the spins of the ejected electrons are not resolved. Quantitative predictions for the spin asymmetry are presented in a relativistic distorted-wave Born approximation. Simple physical models are introduced to understand both these results and further symmetry properties involving the reversal of a spatial momentum component also.


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The Wigner transition in a jellium model of cylindrical nanowires has been investigated by density-functional computations using the local spin-density approximation. A wide range of background densities rho(b) has been explored from the nearly ideal metallic regime (r(s)=[3/4 pi rho(b)](1/3)=1) to the high correlation limit (r(s)=100). Computations have been performed using an unconstrained plane wave expansion for the Kohn-Sham orbitals and a large simulation cell with up to 480 electrons. The electron and spin distributions retain the cylindrical symmetry of the Hamiltonian at high density, while electron localization and spin polarization arise nearly simultaneously in low-density wires (r(s)similar to 30). At sufficiently low density (r(s)>= 40), the ground-state electron distribution is the superposition of well defined and nearly disjoint droplets, whose charge and spin densities integrate almost exactly to one electron and 1/2 mu(B), respectively. Droplets are arranged on radial shells and define a distorted lattice whose structure is intermediate between bcc and fcc. Dislocations and grain boundaries are apparent in the droplets' configuration found by our simulations. Our computations aim at modeling the behavior of experimental low-carried density systems made of lightly doped semiconductor nanostructures or conducting polymers.


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The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy. To this aim, we employ the density-matrix renormalization group together with analytical approaches. The complete phase diagram can be realized using ultracold spinor gases in the Mott insulator regime under a quadratic Zeeman effect.


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We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a simple system consisting of interacting spin-1/2 particles subjected to a collective damping. The model is close to situations that can be engineered in hybrid electro/opto-mechanical settings. Making use of large-deviation theory, we find a Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry in the dynamics of the system as well as evidence for the coexistence of two dynamical phases with different activity levels. We show that additional damping processes smooth out this behavior. Our analytical results are backed up by Monte Carlo simulations that reveal the nature of the trajectories contributing to the different dynamical phases.


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Quantum and global discord in a spin-1 Heisenberg chain subject to single-ion anisotropy (uniaxial field) are studied using exact diagonalisation and the density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG). We find that these measures of quantum non-classicality are able to detect the quantum phase transitions confining the symmetry protected Haldane phase and show critical scaling with universal exponents. Moreover, in the case of thermal states, we find that quantum discord can increase with increasing temperature.


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Ce mémoire est une partie d’un programme de recherche qui étudie la superintégrabilité des systèmes avec spin. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéressons à un hamiltonien avec interaction spin-orbite en trois dimensions admettant une intégrale du mouvement qui est un polynôme matriciel d’ordre deux dans l’impulsion. Puisque nous considérons un hamiltonien invariant sous rotation et sous parité, nous classifions les intégrales du mouvement selon des multiplets irréductibles de O(3). Nous calculons le commutateur entre l’hamiltonien et un opérateur général d’ordre deux dans l’impulsion scalaire, pseudoscalaire, vecteur et pseudovecteur. Nous donnons la classification complète des systèmes admettant des intégrales du mouvement scalaire et vectorielle. Nous trouvons une condition nécessaire à remplir pour le potentiel sous forme d’une équation différentielle pour les cas pseudo-scalaire et pseudo-vectoriel. Nous utilisons la réduction par symétrie pour obtenir des solutions particulières de ces équations.


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The mean-field theory of a spin glass with a specific form of nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions is investigated. Depending on the sign of the interaction matrix chosen we find either the continuous replica symmetry breaking seen in the Sherrington-Kirkpartick model or a one-step solution similar to that found in structural glasses. Our results are confirmed by numerical simulations and the link between the type of spin-glass behavior and the density of eigenvalues of the interaction matrix is discussed.


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We study the thermodynamic properties and the phase diagrams of a multi-spin antiferromagnetic spherical spin-glass model using the replica method. It is a two-sublattice version of the ferromagnetic spherical p-spin glass model. We consider both the replica-symmetric and the one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solutions, the latter being the most general solution for this model. We find paramagnetic, spin-glass, antiferromagnetic and mixed or glassy antiferromagnetic phases. The phase transitions are always of second order in the thermodynamic sense, but the spin-glass order parameter may undergo a discontinuous change.


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The spectral properties and phase diagram of the exactly integrable spin-1 quantum chain introduced by Alcaraz and Bariev are presented. The model has a U(1) symmetry and its integrability is associated with an unknown R-matrix whose dependence on the spectral parameters is not of a different form. The associated Bethe ansatz equations that fix the eigenspectra are distinct from those associated with other known integrable spin models. The model has a free parameter t(p). We show that at the special point t(p) = 1, the model acquires an extra U(1) symmetry and reduces to the deformed SU(3) Perk-Schultz model at a special value of its anisotropy q = exp(i2 pi/3) and in the presence of an external magnetic field. Our analysis is carried out either by solving the associated Bethe ansatz equations or by direct diagonalization of the quantum Hamiltonian for small lattice sizes. The phase diagram is calculated by exploring the consequences of conformal invariance on the finite-size corrections of the Hamiltonian eigenspectrum. The model exhibits a critical phase ruled by the c = 1 conformal field theory separated from a massive phase by first-order phase transitions.


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We solve the generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., including a linear pseudoscalar potential and quadratic scalar and vector potentials which have equal or opposite signs. We consider positive and negative quadratic potentials and discuss in detail their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The main features of these bound states are the same as the ones of the generalized three-dimensional relativistic harmonic oscillator bound states. The solutions found for zero pseudoscalar potential are related to the spin and pseudospin symmetry of the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions. We show how the charge conjugation and gamma(5) chiral transformations relate the several spectra obtained and find that for massless particles the spin and pseudospin symmetry-related problems have the same spectrum but different spinor solutions. Finally, we establish a relation of the solutions found with single-particle states of nuclei described by relativistic mean-field theories with scalar, vector, and isoscalar tensor interactions and discuss the conditions in which one may have both nucleon and antinucleon bound states.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)