998 resultados para software asset creation


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Where the creation, understanding, and assessment of software testing and regression testing techniques are concerned, controlled experimentation is an indispensable research methodology. Obtaining the infrastructure necessary to support such experimentation, however, is difficult and expensive. As a result, progress in experimentation with testing techniques has been slow, and empirical data on the costs and effectiveness of techniques remains relatively scarce. To help address this problem, we have been designing and constructing infrastructure to support controlled experimentation with testing and regression testing techniques. This paper reports on the challenges faced by researchers experimenting with testing techniques, including those that inform the design of our infrastructure. The paper then describes the infrastructure that we are creating in response to these challenges, and that we are now making available to other researchers, and discusses the impact that this infrastructure has and can be expected to have.


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Traceability is a concept that arose from the need for monitoring of production processes, this concept is usually used in sectors related to food production or activities involving some kind of direct risk to people. Agribusiness in the cotton industry does not have a comprehensive infrastructure for all stages of the processes involved in production. Map and define the data to enable traceability of products is synonymous to delegate responsibilities for all involved in the production, the collection of aggregate data on cotton production is done in stages and specific pre-defined since the choice of the variety through the processing, the scope of this article specifically addresses the production of lint cotton. The paper presents a proposal based on service oriented architecture (SOA) for data integration processes in the cotton industry, this proposal provide support for the implementation of platform independent solutions.


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[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo es el de actualizar un entorno de gestión de bases de datos existente a la versión 11.2 del software de bases de datos Oracle y a una plataforma hardware de última generación. Se migran con tiempo de parada cero varias bases de datos dispersas en distintos servidores a un entorno consolidado de dos nodos dispuestos en alta disponibilidad tipo "activo-activo" mediante Oracle RAC y respaldado por un entorno de contingencia totalmente independiente y sincronizado en tiempo real mediante Oracle GoldenGate. Se realiza un estudio del entorno actual y, realizando una estimación de crecimiento, se propone una configuración de hardware y software mínima para implementar con garantías de éxito los requerimientos del entorno de gestión de bases de datos a corto y medio plazo. Una vez adquirido el hardware, se lleva a cabo la instalación, actualización y configuración del Sistema Operativo y el acceso redundado de los servidores a la cabina de almacenamiento. Posteriormente se instala el software de clúster de Oracle, el software de la base de datos y se crea una instancia que albergará los esquemas requeridos de las bases de datos a consolidar. Seguidamente se migran los esquemas al entorno consolidado y se establece la replicación de éstos en tiempo real con la máquina de contingencia usando en ambos casos Oracle GoldenGate. Finalmente se crea y prueba un esquema de copias de seguridad que incluye copias lógicas y físicas de la propia base de datos y de archivos de configuración del clúster a partir de los cuales será posible restaurar el entorno completamente.


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[ES]In this paper we describe the procedure followed in the design and recording of a set of videos for teaching and learning ‘English phonetics and phonology’, a second-year undergraduate course at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The student’s L1 is Spanish. Two different types of technological support were used: screencast and Powerpoint® presentations. The traditional whiteboard together with the lecturer’s presence also contributed both to the integrated learning of certain acoustic/articulatory aspects of the course contents and to the use of specific software for speech analysis. This video production owns the advantage of being an interactive and autonomous tool which favours a continuous learning process on the student’s side.


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Il Cloud computing è probabilmente l'argomento attualmente più dibattuto nel mondo dell'Information and Communication Technology (ICT). La diffusione di questo nuovo modo di concepire l'erogazione di servizi IT, è l'evoluzione di una serie di tecnologie che stanno rivoluzionando le modalit à in cui le organizzazioni costruiscono le proprie infrastrutture informatiche. I vantaggi che derivano dall'utilizzo di infrastrutture di Cloud Computing sono ad esempio un maggiore controllo sui servizi, sulla struttura dei costi e sugli asset impiegati. I costi sono proporzionati all'eettivo uso dei servizi (pay-per-use), evitando dunque gli sprechi e rendendo più efficiente il sistema di sourcing. Diverse aziende hanno già cominciato a provare alcuni servizi cloud e molte altre stanno valutando l'inizio di un simile percorso. La prima organizzazione a fornire una piattaforma di cloud computing fu Amazon, grazie al suo Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2). Nel luglio del 2010 nasce OpenStack, un progetto open-source creato dalla fusione dei codici realizzati dall'agenzia governativa della Nasa[10] e dell'azienda statunitense di hosting Rackspace. Il software realizzato svolge le stesse funzioni di quello di Amazon, a differenza di questo, però, è stato rilasciato con licenza Apache, quindi nessuna restrizione di utilizzo e di implementazione. Oggi il progetto Openstack vanta di numerose aziende partner come Dell, HP, IBM, Cisco, e Microsoft. L'obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di comprendere ed analizzare il funzionamento del software OpenStack. Il fine principale è quello di familiarizzare con i diversi componenti di cui è costituito e di concepire come essi interagiscono fra loro, per poter costruire infrastrutture cloud del tipo Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Il lettore si troverà di fronte all'esposizione degli argomenti organizzati nei seguenti capitoli. Nel primo capitolo si introduce la definizione di cloud computing, trattandone le principali caratteristiche, si descrivono poi, i diversi modelli di servizio e di distribuzione, delineando vantaggi e svantaggi che ne derivano. Nel secondo capitolo due si parla di una delle tecnologie impiegate per la realizzazione di infrastrutture di cloud computing, la virtualizzazione. Vengono trattate le varie forme e tipologie di virtualizzazione. Nel terzo capitolo si analizza e descrive in dettaglio il funzionamento del progetto OpenStack. Per ogni componente del software, viene illustrata l'architettura, corredata di schemi, ed il relativo meccanismo. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta la parte relativa all'installazione del software e alla configurazione dello stesso. Inoltre si espongono alcuni test effettuati sulla macchina in cui è stato installato il software. Infine nel quinto capitolo si trattano le conclusioni con le considerazioni sugli obiettivi raggiunti e sulle caratteristiche del software preso in esame.


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La tesi fornisce una panoramica delle principali metodologie di analisi dei dati utilizzando il software open source R e l’ambiente di sviluppo integrato (IDE) RStudio. Viene effettuata un’analisi descrittiva e quantitativa dei dati GICS, tassonomia industriale che cataloga le principali aziende per il processo di gestione e ricerca degli asset di investimento. Sono stati studiati i principali settori del mercato USA considerando il fatturato, le spese per il lobbying e tre indici che misurano il grado di collegamento fra industrie. Su questi dati si sono svolte delle analisi quantitative e si sono tentati alcuni modelli nell’ambito della regressione lineare semplice e multipla. Tale studio ha il compito di verificare eventuali interazioni fra le variabili o pattern di comportamento strategico societario durante il periodo 2007 - 2012, anni di rinnovo e miglioramento delle regolamentazioni in materia di lobbying negli Stati Uniti. Più nello specifico vengono presi in esame tre settori: IT, Health Care e Industrial dove viene studiato l’andamento del reddito medio e la spesa media in attività di lobbying dei settori. I risultati ottenuti mostrano l’utilità dei pacchetti di R per l’analisi dei dati: vengono individuati alcuni andamenti che, se confermati da ulteriori e necessarie analisi, potrebbero essere interessanti per capire non solo i meccanismi impliciti nell’attività di lobbying ma anche comportamenti anomali legati a questa attività.


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La tesi affronta il problema di Finanza Matematica dell'asset allocation strategica che consiste nel processo di ripartizione ottimale delle risorse tra diverse attività finanziarie presenti su un mercato. Sulla base della teoria di Harry Markowitz, attraverso passaggi matematici rigorosi si costruisce un portafoglio che risponde a dei requisiti di efficienza in termini di rapporto rischio-rendimento. Vengono inoltre forniti esempi di applicazione elaborati attraverso il software Mathematica.


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The Bioconductor project is an initiative for the collaborative creation of extensible software for computational biology and bioinformatics. We detail some of the design decisions, software paradigms and operational strategies that have allowed a small number of researchers to provide a wide variety of innovative, extensible, software solutions in a relatively short time. The use of an object oriented programming paradigm, the adoption and development of a software package system, designing by contract, distributed development and collaboration with other projects are elements of this project's success. Individually, each of these concepts are useful and important but when combined they have provided a strong basis for rapid development and deployment of innovative and flexible research software for scientific computation. A primary objective of this initiative is achievement of total remote reproducibility of novel algorithmic research results.


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After 20 years of silence, two recent references from the Czech Republic (Bezpečnostní softwarová asociace, Case C-393/09) and from the English High Court (SAS Institute, Case C-406/10) touch upon several questions that are fundamental for the extent of copyright protection for software under the Computer Program Directive 91/25 (now 2009/24) and the Information Society Directive 2001/29. In Case C-393/09, the European Court of Justice held that “the object of the protection conferred by that directive is the expression in any form of a computer program which permits reproduction in different computer languages, such as the source code and the object code.” As “any form of expression of a computer program must be protected from the moment when its reproduction would engender the reproduction of the computer program itself, thus enabling the computer to perform its task,” a graphical user interface (GUI) is not protected under the Computer Program Directive, as it does “not enable the reproduction of that computer program, but merely constitutes one element of that program by means of which users make use of the features of that program.” While the definition of computer program and the exclusion of GUIs mirror earlier jurisprudence in the Member States and therefore do not come as a surprise, the main significance of Case C-393/09 lies in its interpretation of the Information Society Directive. In confirming that a GUI “can, as a work, be protected by copyright if it is its author’s own intellectual creation,” the ECJ continues the Europeanization of the definition of “work” which began in Infopaq (Case C-5/08). Moreover, the Court elaborated this concept further by excluding expressions from copyright protection which are dictated by their technical function. Even more importantly, the ECJ held that a television broadcasting of a GUI does not constitute a communication to the public, as the individuals cannot have access to the “essential element characterising the interface,” i.e., the interaction with the user. The exclusion of elements dictated by technical functions from copyright protection and the interpretation of the right of communication to the public with reference to the “essential element characterising” the work may be seen as welcome limitations of copyright protection in the interest of a free public domain which were not yet apparent in Infopaq. While Case C-393/09 has given a first definition of the computer program, the pending reference in Case C-406/10 is likely to clarify the scope of protection against nonliteral copying, namely in how far the protection extends beyond the text of the source code to the design of a computer program and where the limits of protection lie as regards the functionality of a program and mere “principles and ideas.” In light of the travaux préparatoires, it is submitted that the ECJ is also likely to grant protection for the design of a computer program, while excluding both the functionality and underlying principles and ideas from protection under the European copyright directives.


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The question concerning the circumstances under which it is advantageous for a company to outsource certain information systems functions has been a controversial issue for the last decade. While opponents emphasize the risks of outsourcing based on the loss of strategic potentials and increased transaction costs, proponents emphasize the strategic benefits of outsourcing and high potentials of cost-savings. This paper brings together both views by examining the conditions under which both the strategic potentials as well as savings in production and transaction costs of developing and maintaining software applications can better be achieved in-house as opposed to by an external vendor. We develop a theoretical framework from three complementary theories and test it empirically based on a mail survey of 139 German companies. The results show that insourcing is more cost efficient and advantageous in creating strategic benefits through IS if the provision of application services requires a high amount of firm specific human assets. These relationships, however, are partially moderated by differences in the trustworthiness and intrinsic motivation of internal versus external IS professionals. Moreover, capital shares with an external vendor can lower the risk of high transaction costs as well the risk of loosing the strategic opportunities of an IS.


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Se aborda la construcción de repositorios institucionales open source con Software Greenstone. Se realiza un recorrido teórico y otro modélico desarrollando en él una aplicación práctica. El primer recorrido, que constituye el marco teórico, comprende una descripción, de: la filosofía open access (acceso abierto) y open source (código abierto) para la creación de repositorios institucionales. También abarca en líneas generales las temáticas relacionadas al protocolo OAI, el marco legal en lo que hace a la propiedad intelectual, las licencias y una aproximación a los metadatos. En el mismo recorrido se abordan aspectos teóricos de los repositorios institucionales: acepciones, beneficios, tipos, componentes intervinientes, herramientas open source para la creación de repositorios, descripción de las herramientas y finalmente, la descripción ampliada del Software Greenstone; elegido para el desarrollo modélico del repositorio institucional colocado en un demostrativo digital. El segundo recorrido, correspondiente al desarrollo modélico, incluye por un lado el modelo en sí del repositorio con el Software Greenstone; detallándose aquí uno a uno los componentes que lo conforman. Es el insumo teórico-práctico para el diseño -paso a paso- del repositorio institucional. Por otro lado, se incluye el resultado de la modelización, es decir el repositorio creado, el cual es exportado en entorno web a un soporte digital para su visibilización. El diseño del repositorio, paso a paso, constituye el núcleo sustantivo de aportes de este trabajo de tesina


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Se aborda la construcción de repositorios institucionales open source con Software Greenstone. Se realiza un recorrido teórico y otro modélico desarrollando en él una aplicación práctica. El primer recorrido, que constituye el marco teórico, comprende una descripción, de: la filosofía open access (acceso abierto) y open source (código abierto) para la creación de repositorios institucionales. También abarca en líneas generales las temáticas relacionadas al protocolo OAI, el marco legal en lo que hace a la propiedad intelectual, las licencias y una aproximación a los metadatos. En el mismo recorrido se abordan aspectos teóricos de los repositorios institucionales: acepciones, beneficios, tipos, componentes intervinientes, herramientas open source para la creación de repositorios, descripción de las herramientas y finalmente, la descripción ampliada del Software Greenstone; elegido para el desarrollo modélico del repositorio institucional colocado en un demostrativo digital. El segundo recorrido, correspondiente al desarrollo modélico, incluye por un lado el modelo en sí del repositorio con el Software Greenstone; detallándose aquí uno a uno los componentes que lo conforman. Es el insumo teórico-práctico para el diseño -paso a paso- del repositorio institucional. Por otro lado, se incluye el resultado de la modelización, es decir el repositorio creado, el cual es exportado en entorno web a un soporte digital para su visibilización. El diseño del repositorio, paso a paso, constituye el núcleo sustantivo de aportes de este trabajo de tesina


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During the last century many researches on the business, marketing and technology fields have developed the innovation research line and large amount of knowledge can be found in the literature. Currently, the importance of systematic and openness approaches to manage the available innovation sources is well established in many knowledge fields. Also in the software engineering sector, where the organizations need to absorb and to exploit as much innovative ideas as possible to get success in the current competitive environment. This Master Thesis presents an study related with the innovation sources in the software engineering eld. The main research goals of this work are the identication and the relevance assessment of the available innovation sources and the understanding of the trends on the innovation sources usage. Firstly, a general review of the literature have been conducted in order to define the research area and to identify research gaps. Secondly, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been proposed as the research method in this work to report reliable conclusions collecting systematically quality evidences about the innovation sources in software engineering field. This contribution provides resources, built-on empirical studies included in the SLR, to support a systematic identication and an adequate exploitation of the innovation sources most suitable in the software engineering field. Several artefacts such as lists, taxonomies and relevance assessments of the innovation sources most suitable for software engineering have been built, and their usage trends in the last decades and their particularities on some countries and knowledge fields, especially on the software engineering, have been researched. This work can facilitate to researchers, managers and practitioners of innovative software organizations the systematization of critical activities on innovation processes like the identication and exploitation of the most suitable opportunities. Innovation researchers can use the results of this work to conduct research studies involving the innovation sources research area. Whereas, organization managers and software practitioners can use the provided outcomes in a systematic way to improve their innovation capability, increasing consequently the value creation in the processes that they run to provide products and services useful to their environment. In summary, this Master Thesis research the innovation sources in the software engineering field, providing useful resources to support an effective innovation sources management. Moreover, several aspects should be deeply study to increase the accuracy of the presented results and to obtain more resources built-on empirical knowledge. It can be supported by the INno- vation SOurces MAnagement (InSoMa) framework, which is introduced in this work in order to encourage openness and systematic approaches to identify and to exploit the innovation sources in the software engineering field.


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El presente proyecto fin de carrera, realizado por el ingeniero técnico en telecomunicaciones Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, es la fase final de desarrollo de un proyecto de mayor magnitud correspondiente al software de vídeo forense SAVID. El propósito del proyecto en su totalidad es la creación de una herramienta informática capacitada para realizar el análisis de ficheros de vídeo, codificados y comprimidos por el sistema DV –Digital Video-. El objetivo del análisis, es aportar información acerca de si la cinta magnética presenta indicios de haber sido manipulada con una edición posterior a su grabación original, además, de mostrar al usuario otros datos de interés como las especificaciones técnicas de la señal de vídeo y audio. Por lo tanto, se facilitará al usuario, analista de vídeo forense, información que le ayude a valorar la originalidad del contenido del soporte que es sujeto del análisis. El objetivo específico de esta fase final, es la creación de la interfaz de usuario del software, que informa tanto del código binario de los sectores significativos, como de su interpretación tras el análisis. También permitirá al usuario el reporte de los resultados, además de otras funcionalidades que le permitan la navegación por los sectores del código que han sido modificados como efecto colateral de la edición de la cinta magnética original. Otro objetivo importante del proyecto ha sido la investigación de metodologías y técnicas de desarrollo de software para su posterior implementación, buscando con esto, una mayor eficiencia en la gestión del tiempo y una mayor calidad de software con el fin de garantizar su evolución y sostenibilidad en el futuro. Se ha hecho hincapié en las metodologías ágiles que han ido ganando relevancia en el sector de las tecnologías de la información en las últimas décadas, sustituyendo a metodologías clásicas como el desarrollo en cascada. Su flexibilidad durante el ciclo de vida del software, permite obtener mejores resultados cuando las especificaciones no están del todo definidas, ajustándose de este modo a las condiciones del proyecto. Resumiendo las especificaciones técnicas del software, C++ es el lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos con el que se ha desarrollado, utilizándose la tecnología MFC -Microsoft Foundation Classes- para la implementación. Es un proyecto MFC de tipo cuadro de dialogo,creado, compilado y publicado, con la herramienta de desarrollo integrado Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. La arquitectura con la que se ha estructurado es la arquetípica de tres capas, compuesta por la interfaz de usuario, capa de negocio y capa de acceso a datos. Se ha visto necesario configurar el proyecto con compatibilidad con CLR –Common Languages Runtime- para poder implementar la funcionalidad de creación de reportes. Acompañando a la aplicación informática, se presenta la memoria del proyecto y sus anexos correspondientes a los documentos EDRF –Especificaciones Detalladas de Requisitos funcionales-, EIU –Especificaciones de Interfaz de Usuario , DT -Diseño Técnico- y Guía de Usuario. SUMMARY. This dissertation, carried out by the telecommunications engineer Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, is in its final stage and is part of a larger project for the software of forensic video called SAVID. The purpose of the entire project is the creation of a software tool capable of analyzing video files that are coded and compressed by the DV -Digital Video- System. The objective of the analysis is to provide information on whether the magnetic tape shows signs of having been tampered with after the editing of the original recording, and also to show the user other relevant data and technical specifications of the video signal and audio. Therefore the user, forensic video analyst, will have information to help assess the originality of the content of the media that is subject to analysis. The specific objective of this final phase is the creation of the user interface of the software that provides information about the binary code of the significant sectors and also its interpretation after analysis. It will also allow the user to report the results, and other features that will allow browsing through the sections of the code that have been modified as a secondary effect of the original magnetic tape being tampered. Another important objective of the project is the investigation of methodologies and software development techniques to be used in deployment, with the aim of greater efficiency in time management and enhanced software quality in order to ensure its development and maintenance in the future. Agile methodologies, which have become important in the field of information technology in recent decades, have been used during the execution of the project, replacing classical methodologies such as Waterfall Development. The flexibility, as the result of using by agile methodologies, during the software life cycle, produces better results when the specifications are not fully defined, thus conforming to the initial conditions of the project. Summarizing the software technical specifications, C + + the programming language – which is object oriented and has been developed using technology MFC- Microsoft Foundation Classes for implementation. It is a project type dialog box, created, compiled and released with the integrated development tool Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The architecture is structured in three layers: the user interface, business layer and data access layer. It has been necessary to configure the project with the support CLR -Common Languages Runtime – in order to implement the reporting functionality. The software application is submitted with the project report and its annexes to the following documents: Functional Requirements Specifications - Detailed User Interface Specifications, Technical Design and User Guide.


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Spanish wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces have a considerable polymorphism, containing many unique alleles, relative to other collections. The existence of a core collection is a favored approach for breeders to efficiently explore novel variation and enhance the use of germplasm. In this study, the Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) core collection (CC) was created using a population structure–based method, grouping accessions by subspecies and allocating the number of genotypes among populations according to the diversity of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The CC of 94 genotypes was established, which accounted for 17% of the accessions in the entire collection. An alternative core collection (CH), with the same number of genotypes per subspecies and maximizing the coverage of SSR alleles, was assembled with the Core Hunter software. The quality of both core collections was compared with a random core collection and evaluated using geographic, agromorphological, and molecular marker data not previously used in the selection of genotypes. Both core collections had a high genetic representativeness, which validated their sampling strategies. Geographic and agromorphological variation, phenotypic correlations, and gliadin alleles of the original collection were more accurately depicted by the CC. Diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers revealed that the CC included genotypes less similar than the CH. Although more SSR alleles were retained by the CH (94%) than by the CC (91%), the results showed that the CC was better than CH for breeding purposes.