909 resultados para social norm formation


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Eco-driving has well-known positive effects on fuel economy and greenhouse-gas emissions. Moreover, eco-driving reduces road-traffic noise, which is a serious threat to the health and well-being of many people. We investigated the psychological predictors of the adoption of eco-driving from the perspective of road-traffic noise abatement. The data came from 890 car drivers who participated in a longitudinal survey over four months. Specifically, we tested the effects of the intention to prevent road-traffic noise, variables derived from the theory of planned behavior (social norm, perceived behavioral control, and attitude), and variables derived from the health action process approach (implementation intention, maintenance self-efficacy, and action control) on the intention to practice eco-driving and on eco-driving behavior. The intention to prevent road-traffic noise was not linked to the intention to practice eco-driving. The strongest predictors of the intention to practice eco-driving were attitude and perceived behavioral control. The strongest predictor of eco-driving behavior was action control. The link between behavioral intention and behavior was weak, indicating that drivers have difficulties putting their intention to practice eco-driving into action. Therefore, intervention efforts should directly address and support the transition from intention to behavior. This could be accomplished by providing reminders, which help to maintain behavioral intention, and by providing behavior feedback, which helps car drivers to monitor their behavior.


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During the late 1980s and early 1990s in Taiwan, people's protests against environmental pollution often took the form of "self-relief," meaning that they attempted to fight polluters using their own resources, without relying on legal or administrative procedures. Why did such an extreme form of disputes become so widespread? What institutional changes did these movements bring about? These questions are analyzed using the analytical framework of "law and economics." Our research shows that "self-relief" functioned to a certain extent as a means of realizing quick compensation for victims, and for reflecting the opinions of local people concerning development projects; in addition, it served to promote the formulation of law and administrative systems. However, as it was based on direct negotiations between the parties concerned, the outcome of each dispute only reflected the transient balance of forces, and the experience gained in negotiations was not accumulated as a social norm.


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This article is the introduction to a special issue of The Developing Economies which presented the results of a research project by the Institute of Developing Economies that examined the development mechanisms in Korea and Taiwan. Our conclusion in this article is that their development mechanisms, despite their similar development patterns of export-led industrialization, have been essentially different: a government-led mechanism in Korea as opposed to a market-led mechanism in Taiwan. We verified this difference through comparative studies of the two economies covering trade balances, the growth of total factor productivity, the scale of enterprises and business groups, and the development processes of individual manufacturing sectors. In our explanatory discussion we propose that the difference in the mechanisms is based on: 1) the amount of accumulation in the economy at the time postwar industrialization started, 2) the relationship between government and society, and 3) the mechanism of social network formation.


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El artículo plantea un análisis en torno a las claves explicativas del proceso de formación de capital social y las estrategias de inserción en la sociedad civil española de los extranjeros europeos residentes en la Comunidad Valenciana. La hipótesis de trabajo plantea la existencia de dos discursos diferenciados (integración y coexistencia). Los resultados muestran cómo las variables “edad” y “posición laboral” determinan en gran medida la adscripción a uno u otro discurso, manteniendo sin embargo elementos comunes, como son la concepción individual del proceso de inserción en la sociedad civil y la consideración instrumental de la nacionalidad. Esto revela que el proceso de construcción de capital social de los extranjeros europeos compone un paradigma explicativo diferente al de los procesos de inmigración extracomunitaria. El artículo finaliza con un análisis dimensional de diferentes elementos propios del capital social vinculado a la realidad de la población estudiada.


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As HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately impact men who have sex with men (MSM) (CDC, 2010a), effective and timely prevention strategies for this population must be developed. Specifically, evidence-based interventions that can be easily adapted and have proven effectiveness are needed. Hence, the purpose of the current study was to assess the impact of the Mpowerment Project (Hayes, Rebchook, & Kegeles, 2003), a community level HIV prevention program originally designed for young urban gay men, when adapted for rural gay men. The Mpowerment Project is recognized as evidence- based intervention by the CDC (CDC, 2009b). The current study is an extension of this research, assessing Mpowerment model fidelity and the behavioral and attitudinal changes that occurred among participants. Data were collected from participants in a rural area of southeast Idaho from 2002-2004. Data were collected prior to M-Group participation and at a three months follow-up. The 66 individuals completing the M-Group pre and posttest assessment also attended a minimum of three study events and a maximum of 226 events. Results revealed no significant changes in attitudinal variables and all but one behavioral variable among Rural Mpowerment (R-MP) participants. The one significant behavior change was an increase in reported safer sex discussion among friends, indicating a possible change in the social norm regarding safer sex. Results also indicate that program fidelity was maintained and the Mpowerment Project is adaptable to rural areas. However, there was no indication of attitudinal changes in participants of this study. There were no changes in behavioral variables aside from discussion about safer sex with friends increasing. The lack of evidence-based interventions for rural gay men highlights the need for further research on the community impact of the Mpowerment Project on rural participants.


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As HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately impact men who have sex with men (MSM) (CDC, 2010a), effective and timely prevention strategies for this population must be developed. Specifically, evidence-based interventions that can be easily adapted and have proven effectiveness are needed. Hence, the purpose of the current study was to assess the impact of the Mpowerment Project (Hayes, Rebchook, & Kegeles, 2003), a community level HIV prevention program originally designed for young urban gay men, when adapted for rural gay men. The Mpowerment Project is recognized as evidence- based intervention by the CDC (CDC, 2009b). The current study is an extension of this research, assessing Mpowerment model fidelity and the behavioral and attitudinal changes that occurred among participants. Data were collected from participants in a rural area of southeast Idaho from 2002-2004. Data were collected prior to M-Group participation and at a three months follow-up. The 66 individuals completing the M-Group pre and posttest assessment also attended a minimum of three study events and a maximum of 226 events. Results revealed no significant changes in attitudinal variables and all but one behavioral variable among Rural Mpowerment (R-MP) participants. The one significant behavior change was an increase in reported safer sex discussion among friends, indicating a possible change in the social norm regarding safer sex. Results also indicate that program fidelity was maintained and the Mpowerment Project is adaptable to rural areas. However, there was no indication of attitudinal changes in participants of this study. There were no changes in behavioral variables aside from discussion about safer sex with friends increasing. The lack of evidence-based interventions for rural gay men highlights the need for further research on the community impact of the Mpowerment Project on rural participants.


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Research on Legal Deontology dedicated to theoretical and applied ethics on judicial conduct grounded in legal principles and rules set out in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Organic Law of the National Judiciary, also contemplating propositional instruments covered by the constitutional system, which conveys behavioural paradigms inserted in the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, in the Universal Statute of the Judge and in the Latin-American Code of Judicial Ethics, as well as highlight the influence of those instruments in the Brazilian Ethical Code of the Magistrates and in the official complementary training of judges in charge of Judiciary Schools. The study provides the theoretical influxes of moral norm, passing by behavioural social norm to consolidate the ideal standards of judicial conduct into legal standards and related instruments. The Legal Deontology directed to the ethical judicial conduct is confronted with the stereotype that society expressed in relation to the judge's person, who is the political agent that interprets the law for making decisions which directly influences the realization of access to justice, that is constitutionally guaranteed to all. Core values inserted in the constitutional system intended to discipline the judicial conduct are presented and analysed under a critical view, since they are enclosed in prescriptive language that conveys behavioural aspects open to interpretation and which compliance is revealed as a proposition focused on promoting a better solution of interest’s conflicts under the responsibility of those who constitute the distinctive corporation of the Judiciary. The theme’s contextualization also focuses on applied ethics, based on the approach of normative and propositional instruments of deontological content, still focusing on the study of real cases examined by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, as part of its correctional goals.


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Unlike its childhood counterpart, adult and continuing education is a voluntary activity, where adult learners partake in educational programs for the sake of realizing some explicit or implicit goal. The purpose of this study was to explore the association between socio-cultural influences and deterrents to participation of middle class urban Indian women in adult and continuing educational programs. Darkenwald and Merriam’s (1982) theory of non-participation was selected as the theoretical lens used to guide this study. This study involved collecting qualitative data to analyze participant views and was collected through 16 semi-structured interviews to explore participants’ individual perceptions concerning socio-cultural deterrents influencing participation of middle class urban Indian women in adult and continuing educational programs. Qualitative data were analyzed to discover emerging themes and sub-themes. In the second phase of the study, a modified Deterrent to Participation Scale – General (DPS-G) was used to measure data collected from the surveys completed by participants, that included specific demographic questions. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the relationships between the demographic questions and the deterrent identified on the DPS-G. The interview and survey data were used convergently to understand the relationship between socio-cultural influences and deterrents impacting participant participation in adult and continuing educational programs. The findings of the study indicated that the biggest socio-cultural influence deterring participation among middle class urban Indian women in adult and continuing educational programs is marriage. It is an Indian social norm that comes with a set of pre-defined roles and expectations, and married women find themselves consumed by fulfilling the marital and familial expectations and responsibilities and participation in adult and continuing educational program is furthest from their mind. Middle class urban Indian women do realize the importance of educational pursuits, but do not feel that they can, after marriage. They are open, however, to pursuing adult educational programs in the form of short-term skill development programs leading to income generation, although they would lead primarily to home-based work enterprises.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the differences and similarities regarding verbal politeness in greetings and requests in Swedish and the Chilean variety of Spanish. A survey with 12 questions, both open-ended and closed-ended, has been distributed to 20 native speakers of the two languages. Thus, the questions have been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that the perception that the Swedes and the Chileans have about verbal politeness is similar, since the speakers of both languages see it as a way to show respect towards others. The study also shows that Swedes and Chileans share a similar view upon politeness, i.e. as a social norm that facilitates social interaction between people.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the differences and similarities regarding verbal politeness in greetings and requests in Swedish and the Chilean variety of Spanish. A survey with 12 questions, both open-ended and closed-ended, has been distributed to 20 native speakers of the two languages. Thus, the questions have been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that the perception that the Swedes and the Chileans have about verbal politeness is similar, since the speakers of both languages see it as a way to show respect towards others. The study also shows that Swedes and Chileans share a similar view upon politeness, i.e. as a social norm that facilitates social interaction between people.


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Résumé : Malgré le fait que la vaccination soit reconnue comme l’une des mesures de santé publique les plus efficaces, elle est perçue comme non sécuritaire et non nécessaire par un nombre grandissant de parents. Dans ce contexte, la compréhension du processus décisionnel des parents par rapport à la vaccination de leur enfant serait aidante. Le but de cette étude est d’explorer le processus décisionnel des parents concernant la vaccination de leur nourrisson, selon leur génération d’appartenance, soit la génération X ou Y. Une étude de cas descriptive et comparative a été réalisée avec des entrevues semi-structurées ainsi qu’une analyse des sources d’informations consultées par les participantes. Les mères ont été sélectionnées selon leur intention de vaccination pour leur enfant. Les données ont été codifiées et analysées de façon systématique et rigoureuse au niveau intra-cas et inter-cas, co-analysées et ensuite validées avec les participantes. Quatre mères dans chaque génération ont été interviewées, dont trois participantes par génération à deux reprises. Le processus décisionnel est similaire d’une génération à l’autre. Les composantes du processus sont l’attitude initiale envers la vaccination, le processus cognitif, la recherche d’information, la décision, l’acte et l’évaluation rétrospective de l’expérience vécue. Toutes ces composantes sont influencées par des facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Certaines trouvailles de cette étude ont peu été documentées dans la littérature telles que la perception positive envers la vaccination, l’inconscience du processus, l’importance du déclencheur et le fait de saisir le moment opportun. Malgré la rigueur de cette étude, la principale limite est la saturation des données qui n’a possiblement pas été atteinte pour tous les aspects du processus décisionnel. Même si la norme sociale est favorable à la vaccination, aucune participante n’avait consciemment réfléchi à l’immunisation de son enfant jusqu’à ce qu’un déclencheur soit introduit. Ceci soulève l’enjeu et l’impact de la transmission de l’information adéquate, au moment opportun, et du soutien donné aux parents qui naviguent dans ce processus.


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Einstellungen stellen als Teil der professionellen Handlungskompetenz von Lehrpersonen eine wichtige handlungsleitende Determinante des Unterrichtsgeschehens dar. Hierzu wird auf Basis der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens ein Erwartungs-mal-Wert-theoretisches Einstellungsinstrument faktoriell validiert und der Zusammenhang der inklusiven Einstellung, Normvorstellung und Lehrerselbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung mit der selbstberichteten Individualisierungspraxis von Lehrpersonen betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse einer exploratorischen Faktorenanalyse zeigen in Studie I drei Einstellungsfaktoren, die in Studie II konfirmatorisch bestätigt wurden. Studie III zeigt, dass die selbstberichtete Individualisierungspraxis durch die Normvorstellung und die Intention, sich den Herausforderungen eines inklusiven Unterrichtes anzunehmen, vorhergesagt werden kann. Die Intention mediiert dabei den Zusammenhang der selbstberichteten Individualisierungspraxis mit der Einstellung vollständig und mit der Normvorstellung partiell. Die Lehrerselbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung sagt demgegenüber die selbstberichtete Individualisierungspraxis weder direkt noch indirekt vorher. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superiro de Psicologia Aplicada


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais