520 resultados para sensitization


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Diagnostic tests in patients with Hymenoptera venom allergy are frequently positive to venoms of both honey bee and wasp (Vespula). Component-resolved analysis with recombinant species-specific major allergens (rSSMA) may help to distinguish true double sensitization from crossreactivity.


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OBJECTIVE: Cellular Ca(2+) waves are understood as reaction-diffusion systems sustained by Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) from Ca(2+) stores. Given the recently discovered sensitization of Ca(2+) release channels (ryanodine receptors; RyRs) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) by luminal SR Ca(2+), waves could also be driven by RyR sensitization, mediated by SR overloading via Ca(2+) pump (SERCA), acting in tandem with CICR. METHODS: Confocal imaging of the Ca(2+) indicator fluo-3 was combined with UV-flash photolysis of caged compounds and the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique to carry out these experiments in isolated guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes. RESULTS: Upon sudden slowing of the SERCA in cardiomyocytes with a photoreleased inhibitor, waves indeed decelerated immediately. No secondary changes of Ca(2+) signaling or SR Ca(2+) content due to SERCA inhibition were observed in the short time-frame of these experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are consistent with Ca(2+) loading resulting in a zone of RyR 'sensitization' traveling within the SR, but inconsistent with CICR as the predominant mechanism driving the Ca(2+) waves. This alternative mode of RyR activation is essential to fully conceptualize cardiac arrhythmias triggered by spontaneous Ca(2+) release.


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Antigenic cross-reactivity has been described between the venom allergen (antigen 5) and mammalian testis proteins. Based on an allergen database we have previously shown that allergens can be represented by allergen motifs. A motif group was found containing venom antigen 5 sequences from different vespids. Using an optimized amino acid profile based on antigen 5 sequences for searching cross-reactive proteins, three human semen proteins belonging to the family of cysteine-rich secretory proteins (hCRISP) were found in the Swiss Protein database. To analyze antigenic cross-reactivity between antigen 5 and hCRISPs, antigen 5 from yellow jacket venom (Ves v 5) and two hCRISPs (CRISP-2 and -3) were chosen and produced as recombinant proteins in E. coli. A correlation was found between antibodies reacting with rVes v 5 and rhCRISP-2, -3 in a small human sera population indicating the presence of cross-reactive antibodies in human serum. Using intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), a therapeutic multidonor IgG preparation, cross-reactive antibodies were isolated that recognize rVes v 5, hCRISP-2 and -3 suggesting the presence of common epitopes between Ves v 5 and hCRISPs. However this cross-reactivity seems not to be linked to allergy to wasp venom as we could show no correlation between increasing CAP-class IgE level to wasp venom and IgG to sperm extract and hCRISPs. These data suggest that higher sensitization to wasp venom does not induce more antibodies against autoantigens and might not represent a higher risk to develop autoantibodies leading to infertility.


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Repeated exposure to psychomotor stimulants produces a striking behavioral syndrome involving repetitive, stereotypic behaviors that occur if an additional exposure to the stimulant is experienced. The same stimulant exposure produces specific alterations in gene expression patterns in the striatum. To identify the dopamine receptor subtypes required for the parallel expression of these acquired neural and behavioral responses, we treated rats with different D1-class and D2-class dopamine receptor agonists and compared the responses of drug-naive rats with those of rats given previous intermittent treatment with cocaine. In rats exposed to repeated cocaine treatment, the effects of a subsequent challenge treatment with either a D1-class agonist (SKF 81297) or a D2-class agonist (quinpirole) were not significantly different from those observed in drug-naive animals: the drugs administered singly did not induce robust stereotyped motor behaviors nor produce significantly striosome-predominant expression of early genes in the striatum. In contrast, challenge treatment with the D1-class and D2-class agonists in combination led to marked and correlated increases in stereotypy and striosome-predominant gene expression in the striatum. Thus, immediately after repeated psychomotor stimulant exposure, only the concurrent activation of D1 and D2 receptor subclasses evoked expression of the neural and behavioral phenotypes acquired through repeated cocaine exposure. These findings suggest that D1-D2 dopamine receptor synergisms underlie the coordinate expression of both network-level changes in basal ganglia activation patterns and the repetitive and stereotypic motor response patterns characteristic of psychomotor stimulant sensitization.


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Previous somatic pain experience (priming), psychobiographic imprinting (pain proneness), and stress (action proneness) are key to an enhanced centralised pain response. This centralised pain response clinically manifests itself in pain sensitization and chronification. The therapeutic approach to chronic centralised pain disorders is multimodal. The overarching aim of the various interventions of a multimodal treatment program is to activate anti-nociceptive areas of the cerebral matrix involved in pain processing. The lists of medications targeting neuropathic and somatoform pain disorder show considerable overlap. Psychotherapy helps patients with central pain sensitization to improve pain control, emotional regulation and pain behaviour.


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BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is often associated with atopic airway and skin diseases. More than 80% of EoE patients are sensitized to aero- and/or food allergens. Immunoglobulin (Ig)E-mediated immune responses to microbes have been reported to be deleterious in connection with atopic diseases. AIM: The aim of this study was to obtain a comprehensive overview about the sensitization spectrum of adult EoE patients. METHODS: IgE in sera of 35 patients with active EoE were analyzed for reactivity to Candida albicans, as well as to a panel of recombinant and purified natural allergen components, using a microarray. RESULTS: IgE sensitization to Candida albicans was found in 43% of EoE patients. More than 80% of EoE patients were sensitized to aeroallergens and 22% to food-specific allergen components, whereas 69% of the patients exhibited specific IgE to cross-reactive allergens. Among the latter, profilins were identified as most frequent IgE cross-reactive allergen components. Interestingly, dysphagia, the main symptom of adult EoE patients following rice and/or bread ingestion, was associated with sensitization to cross-reactive allergens such as profilins, pathogenesis-related (PR) 10 and lipid transfer proteins (LTP). Intolerance toward meat rarely correlated with sensitization to animal food allergens. CONCLUSION: Candida albicans and cross-reactive plant allergen components, in particular profilins, were identified as frequent sensitizers in adult EoE patients. Specific elimination therapies are suggested to reveal their actual roles in the pathogenesis of EoE.


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Behavioral sensitization is defined as the subsequent augmentation of the locomotor response to a drug following repeated administrations of the drug. It is believed to occur due to alterations in the motive circuit in the brain by stressors, central nervous system stimulants, and similar stimuli. The motive circuit (or mesocorticolimbic system) consists of several interconnected nuclei that determine the behavioral response to significant biological stimuli. A final target of the mesocorticolimbic system is the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which is a key structure linking motivation and action. In particular, the dopaminergic innervations of the Nac are considered to be essential in regulating motivated states of behavior such as goal-directed actions, stimulus-reward associations and reinforcement by addictive substances. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc in the behavioral sensitization elicited by chronic treatment with methylphenidate (MPD), a psychostimulant that is widely used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The dopaminergic afferents can be selectively destroyed using catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In order to determine whether destruction of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc prevents sensitization, I compared locomotor activity in rats that had received infusions of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the NAc with that of control and sham-operated animals. All groups of rats received six days of single daily MPD injections after measuring their pre and post surgery locomotor baseline. Following the consecutive MPD injections, there was a washout period of 4 days, where no injections were given. Then, a rechallenge injection of MPD was given. Behavioral responses after repeated MPD were compared to those after acute MPD to assess behavioral sensitization. Expression of sensitization to MPD was not prevented by 6-OHDA infusion into the NAc. Moreover, two distinct responses were seen to the acute injection of MPD: one group of rats had essentially no response to acute MPD, while the other had an augmented (‘sensitized’-like) acute response. Among rats with 6-OHDA infusions, the animals with diminished acute response to MPD had intact behavioral sensitization to repeated MPD, while the animals with increased acute response to MPD did not exhibit further sensitization to it. This suggests that the acute and chronic effects of MPD have distinct underlying neural circuitries.


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BACKGROUND: The recreational use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) among adolescents and young adults has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. While evidence suggests that the long-term consequences of MDMA use include neurodegeneration to serotonergic and, possibly, dopaminergic pathways, little is known about susceptibility, such as behavioral sensitization, to MDMA. METHODS: The objectives of this study were to examine the dose-response characteristics of acute and chronic MDMA administration in rats and to determine whether MDMA elicits behavioral sensitization and whether it cross-sensitizes with amphetamine and methylphenidate. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three MDMA dosage groups (2.5 mg/kg, 5.0 mg/kg, and 10.0 mg/kg) and a saline control group (N = 9/group). All three MDMA groups were treated for six consecutive days, followed by a 5-day washout, and subsequently re-challenged with their respective doses of MDMA (day 13). Rats were then given an additional 25-day washout period, and re-challenged (day 38) with similar MDMA doses as before followed by either 0.6 mg/kg amphetamine or 2.5 mg/kg methylphenidate on the next day (day 39). Open-field locomotor activity was recorded using a computerized automated activity monitoring system. RESULTS: Acute injection of 2.5 mg/kg MDMA showed no significant difference in locomotor activity from rats given saline (control group), while animals receiving acute 5.0 mg/kg or 10.0 mg/kg MDMA showed significant increases in locomotor activity. Rats treated chronically with 5.0 mg/kg and 10.0 mg/kg MDMA doses exhibited an augmented response, i.e., behavioral sensitization, on experimental day 13 in at least one locomotor index. On experimental day 38, all three MDMA groups demonstrated sensitization to MDMA in at least one locomotor index. Amphetamine and methylphenidate administration to MDMA-sensitized animals did not elicit any significant change in locomotor activity compared to control animals. CONCLUSION: MDMA sensitized to its own locomotor activating effects but did not elicit any cross-sensitization with amphetamine or methylphenidate.


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The electrophysiological properties of acute and chronic methylphenidate (MPD) on neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and caudate nucleus (CN) have not been studied in awake, freely behaving animals. The present study was designed to investigate the dose-response effects of MPD on sensory evoked potentials recorded from the PFC and CN in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes, as well as their behavioral (locomotor) activities. On experimental day 1, locomotor behavior of rats was recorded for 2 h post-saline injection, and sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p., MPD administration. Animals were injected for the next five days with daily 2.5 mg/kg MPD to elicit behavioral sensitization. Locomotor recording was resumed on experimental days 2 and 6 after the MPD maintenance dose followed by 3 days of washout. On experimental day 10, rats were connected again to the electrophysiological recording system and rechallenged with saline and the identical MPD doses as on experimental day 1. On experimental day 11, rat's locomotor recording was resumed before and after 2.5 mg/kg MPD administration. Behavioral results showed that repeated administration of MPD induced behavioral sensitization. Challenge doses (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) of MPD on experimental day 1 elicited dose-response attenuation in the response amplitude of the average sensory evoked field potential components recorded from the PFC and CN. Chronic MPD administration resulted in attenuation of the PFC's baseline recorded on experimental day 10, while the same treatment did not modulate the baseline recorded from the CN. Treatment of MPD on experimental day 10 resulted in further decrease of the average sensory evoked response compared to that obtained on experimental day 1. This observation of further decrease in the electrophysiological responses after chronic administration of MPD suggests that the sensory evoked responses on experimental day 10 represent neurophysiological sensitization. Moreover, two different response patterns were obtained from PFC and CN following chronic methylphenidate administration. In PFC, the baseline and effect of methylphenidate expressed electrophysiological sensitization on experimental day 10, while recording from CN did not exhibit any electrophysiological sensitization.


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Plasticity at the connections between sensory neurons and their follower cells in Aplysia has been used extensively as a model system to examine mechanisms of simple forms of learning, such as sensitization. Sensitization is induced, at least in part, by the transmitter serotonin (5-HT) and expressed in several forms, including facilitation of sensorimotor connections. Spike broadening has been believed to be a key mechanism underlying facilitation of nondepressed synapses. Previously, this broadening was believed to be dependent primarily on cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated reduction of a noninactivating, relatively voltage-independent K$\sp{+}$ current termed the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}S}$). Recent evidence, however, suggests that 5-HT-induced somatic spike broadening is composed of at least two components: a cAMP-dependent, rapidly developing component and a cAMP-independent, slowly developing component.^ Phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C (PKC), mimicked the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Staurosporine, which inhibits PKC, had little effect on the rapidly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening, but inhibited significantly the slowly developing component. These results suggest that PKC is involved in the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. The membrane currents responsible for the slowly developing component of broadening were examined. Activation of PKC mimicked, and partially occluded, 5-HT-induced modulation of membrane currents above 0 mV, where a voltage-dependent K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$) is significantly activated. This modulation was complex because it was associated with a reduction in the magnitude of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$, as well as a slowing of both activation and inactivation kinetics of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$. These results support the hypothesis that PKC modulates I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ and that this modulation contributes to the slowly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Based on these results and others, a new scheme for 5-HT-induced spike broadening is proposed in which the modulatory effects are mediated via two second messenger/protein kinase systems converging and diverging on multiple ionic conductances.^ The relationship between spike broadening and synaptic facilitation was also examined. Pharmacological reduction of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ by low concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) led to spike broadening and facilitation of the nondepressed sensorimotor connections, indicating that spike broadening via the reduction of I$\sc{K,V}$ can facilitate the synaptic connection. Further analyses, however, revealed that 4-AP-induced facilitation has qualitative differences from 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation. These results suggest that 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation of nondepressed synapses is mediated, at least in part, by spike-duration independent (SDI) processes. Under certain conditions, the PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, significantly inhibited the 5-HT-induced facilitation of sensorimotor connections.^ Finally, it was found that activation of PKC increased a basal level of cAMP and that PKC caused desensitization of the 5-HT receptor, which may be a possible negative feedback mechanism through which an extracellular ligand, 5-HT, is regulated. These results suggest that these two second messenger/protein kinase pathways can interact in the sensory neuron. Thus, neuronal plasticity that may contribute to learning and memory appears to involve several complex and interactive processes. ^


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Previous studies have shown that short-term sensitization of the Aplysia siphon-withdrawal reflex circuit results in multiple sites of change in synaptic efficacy. In this dissertation I have used a realistic modeling approach (using an integrate-and-fire scheme), in conjunction with electrophysiological experiments, to evaluate the contribution of each site of plasticity to the sensitized response.^ This dissertation contains a detailed description of methodology for the construction of the model circuit, consisting of the LFS motor neurons and ten interneurons known to convey excitatory input to them. The model replicates closely the natural motor neuron firing response to a brief tactile stimulus.^ The various circuit elements have different roles for producing circuit output. For example, the sensory connections onto the motor neuron are important for the production of the phasic response, while the polysynaptic interneuronal connections are important for producing the tonic response.^ The multiple sites of plasticity that produce changes in circuit output also have specialized roles. Presynaptic facilitation of the sensory neuron to LFS connection enhances only the phasic component of the motor neuron firing response. The sensory neuron to interneuron connections primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Also, the L29 posttetanic potentiation and the L30 presynaptic inhibition primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Finally, the information content at the various sites of plasticity can shift with changes in stimulus intensity. This suggests that while the sites of plasticity encoding memory are fixed, the information content at these sites can be dynamic, shifting in anatomical location with changes in the intensity of the test stimulus.^ These sites of plasticity also produce specific changes in the behavioral response. Sensory-LFS plasticity selectively increases the amplitude of the behavioral response, and has no effect on the duration of the behavioral response. Interneuronal plasticity (L29 and L30) affects both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response. Other sensory plasticity also affect both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response, presumably by increasing the recruitment of the interneurons, which provide all of the effect on duration of the behavioral response. ^


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Environmentally induced alterations in the commensal microbiota have been implicated in the increasing prevalence of food allergy. We show here that sensitization to a food allergen is increased in mice that have been treated with antibiotics or are devoid of a commensal microbiota. By selectively colonizing gnotobiotic mice, we demonstrate that the allergy-protective capacity is conferred by a Clostridia-containing microbiota. Microarray analysis of intestinal epithelial cells from gnotobiotic mice revealed a previously unidentified mechanism by which Clostridia regulate innate lymphoid cell function and intestinal epithelial permeability to protect against allergen sensitization. Our findings will inform the development of novel approaches to prevent or treat food allergy based on modulating the composition of the intestinal microbiota.


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Positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors (GAMs) acting at specific subtypes of GABAA receptors effectively restore compromised spinal pain control in rodents. Studies addressing a similar antihyperalgesic effect in humans are sparse and are hampered by sedative effects of nonselective GAMs available for use in humans. We present results from a randomized controlled double-blind crossover study in 25 healthy volunteers, which addressed potential antihyperalgesic actions of clobazam (CBZ) and clonazepam (CLN) at mildly sedating equianticonvulsive doses. Clobazam was chosen because of its relatively low sedative properties and CLN because of its use in neuropathic pain. Tolterodine (TLT) was used as an active placebo. The primary outcome parameter was a change in the area of cutaneous UVB irradiation-induced secondary hyperalgesia (ASH), which was monitored for 8 hours after drug application. Sedative effects were assessed in parallel to antihyperalgesia. Compared with TLT, recovery from hyperalgesia was significantly faster in the CBZ and CLN groups (P = 0.009). At the time point of maximum effect, the rate of recovery from hyperalgesia was accelerated by CBZ and CLN, relative to placebo by 15.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.8-30.5), P = 0.040, and 28.6% (95% CI 4.5-52.6), P = 0.022, respectively. Active compounds induced stronger sedation than placebo, but these differences disappeared 8 hours after drug application. We demonstrate here that GAMs effectively reduce central sensitization in healthy volunteers. These results provide proof-of-principle evidence supporting efficacy of GAMs as antihyperalgesic agents in humans and should stimulate further research on compounds with improved subtype specificity.