973 resultados para self-selection


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This manuscript demonstrates that voters have nothing to be afraid of when new hard budget constraint legislation is implemented. Our claim is that this kind of legislation reduces the asymmetry of information between voters and incumbents over the budget and, as a consequence, the latter have incentives to increase the supply of public goods. As a nationwide institutional innovation, the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL) is exogenous to all municipalities; therefore, there is no self-selection bias in its implementation. We show that public goods expenditure increases after the FRL. Second, this increase occurs in municipalities located in the country’s poorest region. Third, our findings can be extended to the supply of public goods because the higher the expenditure with health and education, the greater the probability of incumbents being re-elected. Finally, there exists a “de facto” higher supply of public goods in education (number of per capita classrooms) after the FRL.


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We investigate optimal commodity taxation in a social insurance framework based on Varian (1980). We show that the tax prescriptions in this moral hazard framework are notably similar to those deriveself-selection framework. In particular, Atkinson and Stiglitz's (1976) results on uniform commodity taxation are valid in this setup. We incorporate pre-committed goods - those whose consumption must be decided before the resolution of uncertainty - and show that tax prescriptions are also analogous to the existing literature. The robustness of tax rules across these setups is explained by the relaxation of incentive compatibility constraints.


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Theoretical models on moral hazard provide competing predictions on the incentive-risk relationship. These predictions are derived under the assumptions of homogeneous agents and exogenous risk. However, the existing empirical evidence does not account for risk-aversion heterogeneity and risk endogeneity. This paper uses a well-built database on tenancy contracts to address these issues. Detailed information on cropping activities is used to measure the exogenous risk. Risk-aversion heterogeneity and other self-selection problems are addressed through a portfolio schedule and a subsample of farmers who simultaneously own and sharecrop different farms. This controlled exercise finds a direct relation between incentives and exogenous risk.


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O presente trabalho buscou investigar como o mercado de serviços de saúde é afetado pela assimetria de informação, que acaba por justificar a intervenção do governo. Foi realizada uma análise do funcionamento do setor de serviços de saúde e como a assimetria de informação, principalmente a proveniente de seleção adversa, o afeta. Para tanto, foram levados em consideração os modelos de Akerlof e Rothschild e Stiglitz. Em um momento seguinte, foram discutidas as características e particularidades deste setor e porque a intervenção do governo acaba sendo necessária. Neste ponto discutem-se também as questões distributivas de renda ligadas ao setor de saúde. Finalmente, como exemplo, as soluções adotadas por Brasil e Estados Unidos são apresentadas e analisadas. Na conclusão são apresentadas e discutidas as implicações da cada uma destas escolhas, bem como apresentadas sugestões para novos estudos nessa área.


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Essa tese é composta por três artigos na área de Economia da Educação que buscam investigar a questão do ensino médio técnico no Brasil. O primeiro e segundo artigos se inserem na literatura de avaliação de impacto dos tipos de ensino médio realizado, o de formação geral ou técnica, sobre os resultados do mercado de trabalho. Esse é um tema cada vez mais explorado em estudos empíricos internacionais, mas que ainda merece atenção dos pesquisadores no Brasil, seja para preencher lacunas no que se refere à identificação do efeito causal dessa política, seja porque o ensino técnico profissionalizante tenha se tornado alvo de maiores investimentos públicos nos últimos anos. Dessa forma, os dois artigos têm o propósito de estimar o efeito causal das habilidades técnicas adquiridas nos cursos técnicos de nível médio sobre os salários dos trabalhadores, no entanto se diferem pela fonte de dados utilizada. No primeiro artigo são utilizados os dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (IBGE) de 2007 e nossa contribuição está na estratégia de identificação do efeito causal, ao resolver o problema de auto seleção com o método de duplas diferenças (DD). Diversos testes de robustez foram realizados para dar suporte ao impacto positivo e estatisticamente significante que encontramos das habilidades técnicas sobre os salários, embora este seja restrito ao subgrupo de trabalhadores com no máximo o ensino médio completo. No segundo artigo foram utilizadas duas fontes de dados ainda não exploradas para esse fim, os microdados do ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) entre os anos de 2004 e 2006 e os dados da RAIS (Relação Anual de Informações Sociais) de 2009 a 2012 identificados por indivíduo (CPF). Por ser possível observar as notas dos jovens ao final do ensino médio, conseguimos separar os impactos do ensino médio técnico nos salários relacionados às habilidades técnicas específicas obtidas nos cursos técnicos, daqueles relacionados às habilidades gerais dos indivíduos (cognitivas ou não). Implementamos a estratégia de duplas diferenças e mais uma vez encontramos impacto positivo sobre os salários anuais dos jovens que concluíram o ensino médio técnico. Dessa vez nossos resultados são positivos tanto para os jovens que pararam seus estudos no ensino médio como para aqueles que concluíram o ensino superior. Verificamos a existência de heterogeneidade do efeito por região do país e nos quartis de distribuição de notas médias por escola no ENEM, indicando que os efeitos são crescentes com a qualidade oferecida pelas escolas. O terceiro artigo tem por objetivo estudar o mercado de trabalho no que diz respeito às ocupações tipicamente preenchidas por profissionais com nível médio técnico e analisar os diferenciais de salários dessas ocupações. A partir das ideias desenvolvidas no estudo, almejamos que ele seja orientador de políticas que relacionem educação técnica com demandas do mercado, com a finalidade de melhorar o matching entre formação e emprego. Entre as contribuições deste artigo estão a identificação e classificação das ocupações típicas de nível médio técnico pelo diferencial de salários, a correspondência entre as ocupações e as formações técnicas, a análise da atual oferta de vagas nos cursos correspondentes e o destaque para os cursos que parecem necessitar de maiores investimentos para o suprir as necessidades de mais profissionais.


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Marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are strictly diurnal animals. The motor activity rhythmicity is generated by the circadian timing system and is modulated by environmental factors, mainly by photic stimuli that compose the light-dark cycle. Photic stimuli can reset the biological oscilators changing activity motor pattern, by a mechanism called entrainment. Otherwise, light can act directly on expressed rhythm, without act on the biological oscillators, promoting the masking. Thus, photic stimuli can synchronize the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) by two distinct mechanisms, acting isolated or at a combined way. Among the elements that can influence photic synchronization, the duration and time of photic exposure is pointed out. If in the natural environment the marmoset can choose places of different intensity illumination and is synchronized to light-dark cycle (LD), how the photic synchronization mechanism can be evaluated in laboratory by light self-selection? With objective to response this question, four adult male marmosets were studied at two conditions: with and without sleeping box. The animals were submitted to a LD cycle (12:12/ 350:2 lx) and constant light (LL: 350 lx) conditions in individual cages with an opaque sleeping box, that permitted the light self-selection. At the room, the temperature was 25.6 ºC (± 0.3 ºC) and humidity was 78.7 (± 5%). The motor activity was recorded at 5 min bins by infrared movement sensors installed at the top of the cages. The motor activity profile was distinct at the two conditions: without the sleeping box protection against light, the activity frequency was higher at CT 11-12 (ANOVA; F(3.23) = 62.27; p < 0.01). Also, the duration of the active phase (α) was prolonged of about 1 h (t test, p < 0.05) and the animals showed a significant delay on the activity onset and offset (t test, p < 0.05) and at the acrophase (confidence intervals of 5%) of CAR. In LL, the light continuous exposure prolonged the active phase and influenced the endogenous expression of the circadian activity rhythm period. From the result analysis, it is concluded that the light self-selection can modify several parameters of CAR in marmosets, allowing the study of the synchronization mechanism using the burrow model. Thus, without sleeping box there was a phase delay between the CAR and LD (entrainment) and an increase of activity near lights off (positive masking). Furthermore, in LL, the light continuous exposure modifies α and the endogenous expression of CAR. It is suggested that the light self-selection might be take into account at investigations that evaluate the biological rhythmicity in marmosets


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This paper focuses on the profile of students of bachelor and teacher training degree in Chemistry and UNESP/Araraquara. Statistical and comparatives analyzes were performed with a large amount of quantitative data on those who registered and passed the entrance examinations of these courses. This information was interpreted based on the concepts of economic and cultural capital developed by Pierre Bourdieu. The first analysis concerned the approval in entrance exams and brings important conclusions regarding the aspects that favor entering university: confirmation of "preparation courses effect"; major weight of cultural capital in relation to economic capital; and observation of the phenomenon of self-selection in relation to the bachelor's under graduation course. The second analysis points to important differences in the profile of a group of students that could be considered homogeneous due to the choice of chemistry course. In addition to bringing new information on the profile of students of chemistry, our analysis has the merit of translating and quantitatively reveals ideas conveyed in common sense about passing the entrance exam.


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Sodium chloride intake was studied in rats submitted to different neurosurgical procedures. Intake decreased in animals submitted to bilateral destruction of the basolateral amygdaloid complex, and increased after the same animals were submitted to destruction of the anterior lateral hypothalamus, a procedure which is known to cause increased intake in intact rats. In the reverse experiment, where the anterior lateral hypothalamus was destroyed before the basolateral amygdaloid complex, the effect of increased sodium chloride intake induced by destruction of the hypothalamus overcame the decreased expected upon destruction of the amygdaloid complex. These results permit us to conclude that the hypothalamic areas which inhibit sodium chloride intake predominate over the stimulating areas of the amygdaloid complex in the control of sodium chloride intake. © 1981 ANKHO International Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study is to measure the impact of the national subsidy scheme on the olive and fruit sector in two regions of Albania, Shkodra and Fier. From the methodological point of view, we use a non- parametric approach based on the propensity score matching. This method overcomes problem of the missing data, by creating a counterfactual scenario. In the first step, the conditional probability to participate in the program was computed. Afterwards, different matching estimators were applied to establish whether the subsidies have affected sectors performance. One of the strengths of this study stays in the data. Cross-sectional primary data was gathered through about 250 interviews.. We have not found empirical evidence of significant effects of government aid program on production. Differences in production found between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries disappear after adjustment by the conditional probability of participating into the program. This suggests that subsidized farmers would have performed better than the subsidized households even in the absence of production grants, revealing program self-selection. On the other hand, the scheme has affected positively the farm structure increasing the area under cultivation, but yields has not increased for beneficiaries compared to non beneficiaries. These combined results shed light on the reason of the missed impact. It could be reasonable to believe that the new plantation, in particular in the case of olives, has not yet reached full production. Therefore, we have reasons to believe on positive impacts in the future. Concerning some qualitative results, the extension of area under cultivation is strongly conditioned by the small farm size. This together with a thin land market makes extremely difficult the expansion beyond farm boundaries.


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Die Kompetenzorientierung der Lehrerbildung bezieht sich nicht nur auf die universitären Ausbildungsabschnitte des Lehramtsstudiums, sondern auch auf die praktischen Phasen. Daher ist es von Interesse, diese praktischen Phasen genauer zu untersuchen. Bisherige Forschungsarbeiten konzentrierten sich dabei vor allem auf die Kompetenzentwicklung (Bach, 2013; Gröschner & Schmitt, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2012) und auf die Betreuung im Schulpraktikum (Bach, 2013; Hascher, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2011). Die Untersuchung dieser Arbeit stellt die Praktikumsdokumentation in den Fokus, da diese ebenfalls zur Kompetenzförderung im Schulpraktikum beitragen kann. Dazu werden zwei Formen von Praktikumsdokumentationen gegenübergestellt. Dies sind einerseits die Praktikumsaufgaben, die als offene Reflexionsaufgaben formuliert werden und andererseits ein strukturiertes Arbeitsheft mit dem Ziel, die Beobachtungskompetenz der Studierenden anzuleiten und die Dokumentation der Beobachtungen zu strukturieren. Diese beiden Formen der Praktikumsdokumentation werden hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, der Entwicklung der Kompetenzen, der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und des pädagogisch-psychologischen Wissens miteinander verglichen. Die Angaben von n = 66 Studierenden, die das Arbeitsheft im Orientierenden Praktikum nutzten, wurden in einem prä-post-follow-up-Design untersucht und zwei Referenzgruppen gegenübergestellt. Die erste Referenzgruppe (n = 64) hatte das Orientierende Schulpraktikum noch nicht absolviert. Die zweite Referenzgruppe (n = 105) hatte dieses beendet und mit den Praktikumsaufgaben gearbeitet. Mit Hilfe von Online-Fragebögen wurden Daten zu Rahmenbedingungen des Schulpraktikums, die selbsteingeschätzte Kompetenz der Studierenden, die Relevanz und Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen (adaptierte Skala nach Gröschner, 2009), die allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 1999), das pädagogisch-psychologische Wissen sowie die Akzeptanz erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine Unterschiede in der Kompetenz- und Relevanzeinschätzung sowie bei der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und dem Wissen zwischen den Gruppen. Signifikant besser schätzten die Studierenden mit dem Arbeitsheft die Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen und die Akzeptanz der Praktikumsdokumentation ein. Das neu entwickelte Arbeitsheft und die Praktikumsaufgaben fördern die Kompetenzentwicklung wahrscheinlich in vergleichbarem Maß. Die Studierenden akzeptieren das Arbeitsheft jedoch mehr, was eine wichtige Implementationsbedingung ist. Das Design der Studie sowie die Selbstselektion der Gruppen schränken die Aussagekraft der Studie ein. Zu betonen ist jedoch, dass im Rahmen dieser Studie erstmalig versucht wurde, eine längsschnittliche Interventionsstudie mit Praktikumsdokumentationen umzusetzen sowie die Gelingensbedingungen von Schulpraktika und Kompetenzentwicklung im Lehramtsstudium zu untersuchen.


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This introductory chapter develops the overall research focus and the aim of the present special issue ‘Gender segregation in vocational education’. Against the backdrop of strong horizontal gender segregation in vocational education and training (VET), we ask how institutional arrangements affect gendered (self-)selection into VET, and to what extent the patterns of the latter vary by context and over time. In order to expand our knowledge about the impact of educational offers and policies on gendered educational pathways and gender segregation in the labour market, we have gathered comparative quantitative studies that analyse the relationship between national variations in the organization of VET and cross-national differences in educational and occupational gender segregation from an institutional perspective. Following a review of the core literature within the field of gender segregation in VET, this introduction presents a discussion of education system classifications and institutional level mechanisms based on the contributions made in this volume. We then discuss gendered educational choices at the individual level, with particular emphasis on variation across the life course. Finally, we conclude our introductory chapter by commenting on the main contributions of the volume as a whole, as well as addressing suggestions for further research.


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All previous studies comparing online and face-to-face format for instruction of economics compared courses that were either online or face-to-face format and regressed exam scores on selected student characteristics. This approach is subject to the econometric problems of self-selection omitted unobserved variables. Our study uses two methods to deal with these problems. First we eliminate self-selection bias by using students from a course that uses both instruction formats. Second, we use the exam questions as the unit of observation, and eliminate omitted variable bias by using an indicator variable for each student to capture the effect of differences in unobserved student characteristics on learning outcomes. We report the finding that students had a significantly greater chance of answering a question correctly if it came from a chapter covered online.


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In the United States, “binge” drinking among college students is an emerging public health concern due to the significant physical and psychological effects on young adults. The focus is on identifying interventions that can help decrease high-risk drinking behavior among this group of drinkers. One such intervention is Motivational interviewing (MI), a client-centered therapy that aims at resolving client ambivalence by developing discrepancy and engaging the client in change talk. Of late, there is a growing interest in determining the active ingredients that influence the alliance between the therapist and the client. This study is a secondary analysis of the data obtained from the Southern Methodist Alcohol Research Trial (SMART) project, a dismantling trial of MI and feedback among heavy drinking college students. The present project examines the relationship between therapist and client language in MI sessions on a sample of “binge” drinking college students. Of the 126 SMART tapes, 30 tapes (‘MI with feedback’ group = 15, ‘MI only’ group = 15) were randomly selected for this study. MISC 2.1, a mutually exclusive and exhaustive coding system, was used to code the audio/videotaped MI sessions. Therapist and client language were analyzed for communication characteristics. Overall, therapists adopted a MI consistent style and clients were found to engage in change talk. Counselor acceptance, empathy, spirit, and complex reflections were all significantly related to client change talk (p-values ranged from 0.001 to 0.047). Additionally, therapist ‘advice without permission’ and MI Inconsistent therapist behaviors were strongly correlated with client sustain talk (p-values ranged from 0.006 to 0.048). Simple linear regression models showed a significant correlation between MI consistent (MICO) therapist language (independent variable) and change talk (dependent variable) and MI inconsistent (MIIN) therapist language (independent variable) and sustain talk (dependent variable). The study has several limitations such as small sample size, self-selection bias, poor inter-rater reliability for the global scales and the lack of a temporal measure of therapist and client language. Future studies might consider a larger sample size to obtain more statistical power. In addition the correlation between therapist language, client language and drinking outcome needs to be explored.^