994 resultados para scientific journals


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Global challenges, complexity and continuous uncertainty demand development of leadership approaches, employees and multi-organisation constellations. Current leadership theories do not sufficiently address the needs of complex business environments. First of all, before successful leadership models can be applied in practice, leadership needs to shift from the industrial age to the knowledge era. Many leadership models still view leadership solely through the perspective of linear process thinking. In addition, there is not enough knowledge or experience in applying these newer models in practice. Leadership theories continue to be based on the assumption that leaders possess or have access to all the relevant knowledge and capabilities to decide future directions without external advice. In many companies, however, the workforce consists of skilled professionals whose work and related interfaces are so challenging that the leaders cannot grasp all the linked viewpoints and cross-impacts alone. One of the main objectives of this study is to understand how to support participants in organisations and their stakeholders to, through practice-based innovation processes, confront various environments. Another aim is to find effective ways of recognising and reacting to diverse contexts, so companies and other stakeholders are better able to link to knowledge flows and shared value creation processes in advancing joint value to their customers. The main research question of this dissertation is, then, to seek understanding of how to enhance leadership in complex environments. The dissertation can, on the whole, be characterised as a qualitative multiple-case study. The research questions and objectives were investigated through six studies published in international scientific journals. The main methods applied were interviews, action research and a survey. The empirical focus was on Finnish companies, and the research questions were examined in various organisations at the top levels (leaders and managers) and bottom levels (employees) in the context of collaboration between organisations and cooperation between case companies and their client organisations. However, the emphasis of the analysis is the internal and external aspects of organisations, which are conducted in practice-based innovation processes. The results of this study suggest that the Cynefin framework, complexity leadership theory and transformational leadership represent theoretical models applicable to developing leadership through practice-based innovation. In and of themselves, they all support confronting contemporary challenges, but an implementable method for organisations may be constructed by assimilating them into practice-based innovation processes. Recognition of diverse environments, their various contexts and roles in the activities and collaboration of organisations and their interest groups is ever-more important to achieving better interaction in which a strategic or formal status may be bypassed. In innovation processes, it is not necessarily the leader who is in possession of the essential knowledge; thus, it is the role of leadership to offer methods and arenas where different actors may generate advances. Enabling and supporting continuous interaction and integrated knowledge flows is of crucial importance, to achieve emergence of innovations in the activities of organisations and various forms of collaboration. The main contribution of this dissertation relates to applying these new conceptual models in practice. Empirical evidence on the relevance of different leadership roles in practice-based innovation processes in Finnish companies is another valuable contribution. Finally, the dissertation sheds light on the significance of combining complexity science with leadership and innovation theories in research.


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This paper forwards an opinion about authors' and journals' motivations for scientific writing. Personal and institutional motivations are listed and discussed and, in regard to biodiversity sciences, I propose that a nationalistic motivation is also pertinent in a biodiversity-rich country such as Brazil. Curiosity and competitiveness should be combined for better results. Finally I discuss ground-breaking science within a post-modern perspective, and how the mere act of scientific writing might trigger both scientific and social revolutions.


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Today, the quality of a scientific article depends on the periodical in which it is published and on the number of times the article is cited in the literature. In Brazil, the criteria for the evaluation of this scientific production are improving. However, there is still some resistance, with authors arguing that Brazilian publications must be preferentially addressed to the national readers and, therefore, they should ideally be written in Portuguese. In order to determine the kind of scientific journals cited in the reference lists of articles published in medical periodicals edited in Brazil, in the present study we determine the rate of Portuguese/English citations. Three issues of 43 periodicals (19 indexed in SciELO, 10 in PubMed, 10 in LILACS, and 4 in the ISI-Thompson base) of different medical specialties were analyzed, and the number of both Portuguese and English citations in the reference list of each article was recorded. The results showed that in Brazilian-edited journals the mean number of citations/article was 20.9 ± 6.9 and the percentage of citations of international non-Brazilian periodicals was 86.0 ± 11.2%. Of the latter, 94.4 ± 7.0 are indexed by ISI-Thompson. Therefore, we conclude that Brazilian medical scientists cite the international non-Brazilian periodicals more than the national journals, and most of the cited papers are indexed by ISI-Thompson.


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A recent assessment of 4400 postgraduate courses in Brazil by CAPES (a federal government agency dedicated to the improvement of the quality of and research at the postgraduate level) stimulated a large amount of manifestations in the press, scientific journals and scientific congresses. This gigantic effort to classify 16,400 scientific journals in order to provide indicators for assessment proved to be puzzling and methodologically erroneous in terms of gauging the institutions from a metric point of view. A simple algorithm is proposed here to weigh the scientometric indicators that should be considered in the assessment of a scientific institution. I conclude here that the simple gauge of the total number of citations accounts for both the productivity of scientists and the impact of articles. The effort spent in this exercise is relatively small, and the sources of information are fully accessible. As an exercise to estimate the value of the methodology, 12 institutions of physics (10 from Brazil, one from the USA and one from Italy) have been evaluated.


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Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons des travaux sur la synthèse à faible coût des matériaux de cathode et l'anode pour les piles lithium-ion. Pour les cathodes, nous avons utilisé des précurseurs à faible coût pour préparer LiFePO4 et LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 en utilisant une méthode hydrothermale. Tout d'abord, des matériaux composites (LiFePO4/C) ont été synthétisés à partir d'un précurseur de Fe2O3 par une procédé hydrothermique pour faire LiFePO4(OH) dans une première étape suivie d'une calcination rapide pour le revêtement de carbone. Deuxièmement, LiFePO4 avec une bonne cristallinité et une grande pureté a été synthétisé en une seule étape, avec Fe2O3 par voie hydrothermale. Troisièmement, LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 a été préparé en utilisant Fe2O3 et MnO comme des précurseurs de bas coûts au sein d'une méthode hydrothermale synthétique. Pour les matériaux d'anode, nous avons nos efforts concentré sur un matériau d'anode à faible coût α-Fe2O3 avec deux types de synthèse hydrothermales, une a base de micro-ondes (MAH) l’autre plus conventionnelles (CH). La nouveauté de cette thèse est que pour la première fois le LiFePO4 a été préparé par une méthode hydrothermale en utilisant un précurseur Fe3+ (Fe2O3). Le Fe2O3 est un précurseur à faible coût et en combinant ses coûts avec les conditions de synthèse à basse température nous avons réalisé une réduction considérable des coûts de production pour le LiFePO4, menant ainsi à une meilleure commercialisation du LiFePO4 comme matériaux de cathode dans les piles lithium-ion. Par cette méthode de préparation, le LiFePO4/C procure une capacité de décharge et une stabilité de cycle accrue par rapport une synthétisation par la méthode à l'état solide pour les mêmes précurseurs Les résultats sont résumés dans deux articles qui ont été récemment soumis dans des revues scientifiques.


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Le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) est un résidu naturel du métabolisme cellulaire, la troisième substance la plus abondante du sang, et un important agent vasoactif. À la moindre variation de la teneur en CO2 du sang, la résistance du système vasculaire cérébral et la perfusion tissulaire cérébrale subissent des changements globaux. Bien que les mécanismes exacts qui sous-tendent cet effet restent à être élucidés, le phénomène a été largement exploité dans les études de réactivité vasculaire cérébrale (RVC). Une voie prometteuse pour l’évaluation de la fonction vasculaire cérébrale est la cartographie de la RVC de manière non-invasive grâce à l’utilisation de l’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Des mesures quantitatives et non-invasives de de la RVC peuvent être obtenus avec l’utilisation de différentes techniques telles que la manipu- lation du contenu artériel en CO2 (PaCO2) combinée à la technique de marquage de spin artériel (Arterial Spin Labeling, ASL), qui permet de mesurer les changements de la perfusion cérébrale provoqués par les stimuli vasculaires. Toutefois, les préoccupations liées à la sensibilité et la fiabilité des mesures de la RVC limitent de nos jours l’adoption plus large de ces méthodes modernes de IRMf. J’ai considéré qu’une analyse approfondie ainsi que l’amélioration des méthodes disponibles pourraient apporter une contribution précieuse dans le domaine du génie biomédical, de même qu’aider à faire progresser le développement de nouveaux outils d’imagerie de diagnostique. Dans cette thèse je présente une série d’études où j’examine l’impact des méthodes alternatives de stimulation/imagerie vasculaire sur les mesures de la RVC et les moyens d’améliorer la sensibilité et la fiabilité de telles méthodes. J’ai aussi inclus dans cette thèse un manuscrit théorique où j’examine la possible contribution d’un facteur méconnu dans le phénomène de la RVC : les variations de la pression osmotique du sang induites par les produits de la dissolution du CO2. Outre l’introduction générale (Chapitre 1) et les conclusions (Chapitre 6), cette thèse comporte 4 autres chapitres, au long des quels cinq différentes études sont présentées sous forme d’articles scientifiques qui ont été acceptés à des fins de publication dans différentes revues scientifiques. Chaque chapitre débute par sa propre introduction, qui consiste en une description plus détaillée du contexte motivant le(s) manuscrit(s) associé(s) et un bref résumé des résultats transmis. Un compte rendu détaillé des méthodes et des résultats peut être trouvé dans le(s) dit(s) manuscrit(s). Dans l’étude qui compose le Chapitre 2, je compare la sensibilité des deux techniques ASL de pointe et je démontre que la dernière implémentation de l’ASL continue, la pCASL, offre des mesures plus robustes de la RVC en comparaison à d’autres méthodes pulsés plus âgées. Dans le Chapitre 3, je compare les mesures de la RVC obtenues par pCASL avec l’utilisation de quatre méthodes respiratoires différentes pour manipuler le CO2 artérielle (PaCO2) et je démontre que les résultats peuvent varier de manière significative lorsque les manipulations ne sont pas conçues pour fonctionner dans l’intervalle linéaire de la courbe dose-réponse du CO2. Le Chapitre 4 comprend deux études complémentaires visant à déterminer le niveau de reproductibilité qui peut être obtenu en utilisant des méthodes plus récentes pour la mesure de la RVC. La première étude a abouti à la mise au point technique d’un appareil qui permet des manipulations respiratoires du CO2 de manière simple, sécuritaire et robuste. La méthode respiratoire améliorée a été utilisée dans la seconde étude – de neuro-imagerie – où la sensibilité et la reproductibilité de la RVC, mesurée par pCASL, ont été examinées. La technique d’imagerie pCASL a pu détecter des réponses de perfusion induites par la variation du CO2 dans environ 90% du cortex cérébral humain et la reproductibilité de ces mesures était comparable à celle d’autres mesures hémodynamiques déjà adoptées dans la pratique clinique. Enfin, dans le Chapitre 5, je présente un modèle mathématique qui décrit la RVC en termes de changements du PaCO2 liés à l’osmolarité du sang. Les réponses prédites par ce modèle correspondent étroitement aux changements hémodynamiques mesurés avec pCASL ; suggérant une contribution supplémentaire à la réactivité du système vasculaire cérébral en lien avec le CO2.


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Ante la poca visibilidad y difusio´n de las revistas acade´micas de la Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de Me´xico (UNAM), en el an~o 2009 la Secretari´a General de esta Universidad decidió implementar un portal de revistas tomando en cuenta los principios del movimiento de Acceso Abierto, mismo que fue desarrollado con la tecnologi´a del sistema de administracio´n y publicacio´n de revistas Open Journal Systems. A rai´z de este suceso, el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropolo´gicas de la UNAM (IIA) resolvio´ publicar en este portal su revista ma´s representativa, Anales de Antropologi´a, la cual fue una de las primeras publicaciones de este proyecto en aparecer bajo la modalidad de Acceso Abierto, lo que le ha significado obtener una mayor presencia y visibilidad en el medio antropolo´gico tanto a nivel nacional como extranjero. Por lo tanto, el propo´sito de este trabajo es mostrar los distintos procesos que condujeron a la revista Anales de Antropologi´a a formar parte del portal Revistas Cienti´ficas y Arbitradas de la UNAM , resaltando con ello la labor en conjunto que la biblioteca Juan Comas y el departamento de publicaciones del IIA mostraron durante el proceso de digitalizacio´n de los arti´culos y la normalizacio´n de la informacio´n bibliogra´fica que los acompan~a.


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Given an observed test statistic and its degrees of freedom, one may compute the observed P value with most statistical packages. It is unknown to what extent test statistics and P values are congruent in published medical papers. Methods: We checked the congruence of statistical results reported in all the papers of volumes 409–412 of Nature (2001) and a random sample of 63 results from volumes 322–323 of BMJ (2001). We also tested whether the frequencies of the last digit of a sample of 610 test statistics deviated from a uniform distribution (i.e., equally probable digits).Results: 11.6% (21 of 181) and 11.1% (7 of 63) of the statistical results published in Nature and BMJ respectively during 2001 were incongruent, probably mostly due to rounding, transcription, or type-setting errors. At least one such error appeared in 38% and 25% of the papers of Nature and BMJ, respectively. In 12% of the cases, the significance level might change one or more orders of magnitude. The frequencies of the last digit of statistics deviated from the uniform distribution and suggested digit preference in rounding and reporting.Conclusions: this incongruence of test statistics and P values is another example that statistical practice is generally poor, even in the most renowned scientific journals, and that quality of papers should be more controlled and valued


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The first IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units (the Green Book) of which this is the direct successor, was published in 1969, with the object of 'securing clarity and precision, and wider agreement in the use of symbols, by chemists in different countries, among physicists, chemists and engineers, and by editors of scientific journals'. Subsequent revisions have taken account of many developments in the field, culminating in the major extension and revision represented by the 1988 edition under the simplified title Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry. This 2007, third edition, is a further revision of the material which reflects the experience of the contributors with the previous editions. The book has been systematically brought up to date and new sections have been added. It strives to improve the exchange of scientific information among the readers in different disciplines and across different nations. In a rapidly expanding volume of scientific literature where each discipline has a tendency to retreat into its own jargon this book attempts to provide a readable compilation of widely used terms and symbols from many sources together with brief understandable definitions. This is the definitive guide for scientists and organizations working across a multitude of disciplines requiring internationally approved nomenclature.


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A bill allowing researches with human embryonic stem cells has been approved by the Brazilian Congress, originally in 2005 and definitively by the Supreme Court in 2008. However, several years before, investigations in Brazil with adult stem cells in vitro in animal models as well as clinical trials, were started and are currently underway. Here, we will summarize the main findings and the challenges of going from bench to bed, focusing on heart, diabetes, cancer, craniofacial, and neuromuscular disorders. We also call attention to the importance of publishing negative results on experimental trials in scientific journals and websites. They are of great value to investigators in the field and may avoid the repeating of unsuccessful experiments. In addition, they could be referred to patients seeking information, aiming to protect them against financial and psychological harm.


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Hur en texts typografiska utformning påverkar hur enkel den blir att läsa är en fråga som har sysselsatt forskare under lång tid. Förhoppningen har varit att få en bättre förståelse för hur läsning går till och hur man bäst bör sätta text för att underlätta för läsaren. Ett problem har dock varit att skapa medvetenhet om forskningens resultat bland dem som arbetar med att sätta text. Tanken med detta examensarbete var att skapa en överblick av forskningen, med inriktning på hur mikrotypografin, det vill säga den typografi som berör detaljer i textens utformning, påverkar läsbarheten i brödtext. Efter litteratursökningar valdes tio vetenskapligt publicerade empiriska studier på detta område ut. Artiklarna beskrevs och diskuterades med hänsyn till deras metodik och deras resultat. Följande mikrotypografiska faktorer behandlades i studierna: skillnader i läsbarhet mellan typsnitt, x-höjdens och teckenavståndets inverkan på läsbarheten, skillnader i läsbarhet mellan gemener, versaler och kursiv text samt skillnader i läsbarhet mellan olika bokstavsformer. Slutsatsen var att forskningen kring läsbarhet ger intressanta inblickar i hur typografin inverkar på läsprocessen. Det begränsade antalet studier på varje område samt brist på studier utförda på svenska gör det dock svårt att skapa konkreta riktlinjer för hur text bör sättas. Vidare konstaterades att studier utförda i samarbete mellan forskare och typografiskt kunniga vore en möjlig metod att sprida kunskap till de typografiska yrkena och öka sannolikheten för praktisk tillämpning av forskningsresultaten.


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A criação e popularização da Internet têm provocado sérias mudanças no campo da comunicação. Especificamente na comunicação científica, o uso do meio eletrônico permite agilizar as etapas do processo editorial, bem como facilitar a criação, disseminação, pesquisa e uso de informação científica. Entretanto, a incorporação de tecnologias é também desafiadora, pois exige diversas mudanças no modelo de gestão de periódicos científicos. Esse é composto basicamente por aspectos científicos (certificação de conteúdo visando a seleção e divulgação de conhecimento de qualidade), administrativos (produção editorial e gráfica, gestão administrativa e financeira, comunicação e marketing) e financeiros (modelo de rendimentos) que precisam estar alinhados para que o periódico possa cumprir seu objetivo. A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar a gestão editorial de periódicos científicos da área de Administração no contexto brasileiro e propor uma tipologia de seus modelos de gestão. Adotou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa e foram utilizados métodos de pesquisa documental, entrevista e análise bibliométrica para, respectivamente, identificação do contexto, descrição dos modelos de gestão editorial e cálculo do impacto dos periódicos selecionados para o estudo (Revista de Administração de Empresas, Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Revista de Administração da USP, Organizações & Sociedade e Brazilian Administration Review). Identificou-se que os periódicos selecionados apresentam impacto (medido por meio de citações) relativamente alto quando comparados aos periódicos estrangeiros avaliados pelo Qualis da área de Administração, Contabilidade e Turismo. Percebe-se que o modelo de gestão dos periódicos está fortemente vinculado ao tipo de Instituição Mantenedora desse (Associação Científica, Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) Pública, IES Privada), a qual influencia nas questões financeiras, administrativas e científicas das revistas. Espera-se que os resultados da pesquisa possam contribuir não só para os editores de revistas científicas, mas também para os responsáveis por decisões que se referem às políticas de avaliação e fomento de periódicos científicos no Brasil.


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Several problems related to the loss of hydraulic seal in oilwells, causing gas migration and/or contamination of the production zone by water, have been reported. The loss of the hydraulic seal is a consequence of cracks which can be occasioned either by the invasion of gas during the wait on cement or by the expansion of the casing causing the fracture of the cement sheath. In case of the pressure of the formation is higher than the pressure in the annulus, gas can migrate into the slurry and form microannulus, which are channels where gas migrates after the cement is set. Cracks can be also occasioned by the fracture of the cement sheath when it does not withstand the thermal and dynamic loads. In reservoirs where the oil is heavy, steam water injection operation is required in order to get the oil flowing. This operation increases the temperature of the casing, and then it expands and causes the fracture of the cement sheath in the annulus. When the failures on the cement are detected, remedial cementing is required, which raise costs caused by the interventions. Once the use of cement in the construction civil sector is older than its use in the petroleum sector, it is common to bring technologies and solutions from the civil construction and apply them on the petroleum area. In this context, vermiculite, a mineral-clay widely encountered in Brazil, has been used, on its exfoliated form, in the civil construction, especially on the manufacture of lights and fireproof concretes with excellent thermal and acoustical properties. It has already been reported in scientific journals, studies of the addition of exfoliated vermiculite in Portland cements revealing good properties related to oilwell cementing operations. Thus, this study aimed to study the rheological behavior, thickening time, stability and compressive strength of the slurries made of Portland cement and exfoliated vermiculite in 5 different compositions, at room temperature and heated. The results showed that the compressive strength decreased with the addition of exfoliated vermiculite, however the values are still allowed for oiwell cementing operations. The thickening time of the slurry with no exfoliated vermiculite was 120 min and the thickening time of the slurry with 12 % of exfoliated vermiculite was 98 min. The stability and the rheological behavior of the slurries revealed that the exfoliated vermiculite absorbed water and therefore increased the viscosity of the slurries, even though increasing the factor cement-water. The stability experiment carried out at 133 ºF showed that, there was neither sedimentation nor reduction of the volume of the cement for the slurry with 12 % of exfoliated vermiculite. Thus, the addition of exfoliated vermiculite accelerates the set time of the cement and gives it a small shrinkage during the wait on cement, which are important to prevent gas migration


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Following the new tendency of interdisciplinarity of modern science, a new field called neuroengineering has come to light in the last decades. After 2000, scientific journals and conferences all around the world have been created on this theme. The present work comprises three different subareas related to neuroengineering and electrical engineering: neural stimulation; theoretical and computational neuroscience; and neuronal signal processing; as well as biomedical engineering. The research can be divided in three parts: (i) A new method of neuronal photostimulation was developed based on the use of caged compounds. Using the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA caged by a ruthenium complex it was possible to block neuronal population activity using a laser pulse. The obtained results were evaluated by Wavelet analysis and tested by non-parametric statistics. (ii) A mathematical method was created to identify neuronal assemblies. Neuronal assemblies were proposed as the basis of learning by Donald Hebb remain the most accepted theory for neuronal representation of external stimuli. Using the Marcenko-Pastur law of eigenvalue distribution it was possible to detect neuronal assemblies and to compute their activity with high temporal resolution. The application of the method in real electrophysiological data revealed that neurons from the neocortex and hippocampus can be part of the same assembly, and that neurons can participate in multiple assemblies. (iii) A new method of automatic classification of heart beats was developed, which does not rely on a data base for training and is not specialized in specific pathologies. The method is based on Wavelet decomposition and normality measures of random variables. Throughout, the results presented in the three fields of knowledge represent qualification in neural and biomedical engineering


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Apesar do reconhecimento da importância dos conhecimentos geográficos e do uso das ferramentas de análise espacial nos estudos da saúde coletiva, esse é um campo ainda pouco explorado pelos pesquisadores brasileiros. em levantamento realizado nas principais revistas científicas que veiculam os resultados de pesquisa em saúde do trabalhador, verificou-se o grande predomínio do uso de tabelas e gráficos como meio de organizar e apresentar os resultados obtidos, e o número reduzido de mapas. Para isso foram examinados todos os artigos publicados em quatro periódicos (Revista de Saúde Pública, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Revista Saúde e Sociedade e Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia) no período de 1967 a 2009. Uma vez analisado o conjunto de artigos selecionados no estudo, aqueles que utilizaram representações cartográficas receberam atenção especial. Verificou-se que, embora ainda pouco utilizadas, as ferramentas do geoprocessamento e da geoestatística com suporte em SIG abrem um campo de novas possibilidades no uso da cartografia temática em saúde do trabalhador no Brasil. Contudo, recomenda-se para os editores das revistas científicas o detalhamento de normas técnicas para publicação de figuras cartográficas, assim como a elaboração de pareceres específicos que possam auxiliar os autores em vista das modificações necessárias para a melhoria da qualidade da comunicação visual de mapas e da correlação espacial por meio do tratamento cartográfico.