960 resultados para scale invariant phase


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Cosmic birefringence (CB)---a rotation of photon-polarization plane in vacuum---is a generic signature of new scalar fields that could provide dark energy. Previously, WMAP observations excluded a uniform CB-rotation angle larger than a degree.

In this thesis, we develop a minimum-variance--estimator formalism for reconstructing direction-dependent rotation from full-sky CMB maps, and forecast more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity with incoming Planck data and future satellite missions. Next, we perform the first analysis of WMAP-7 data to look for rotation-angle anisotropies and report null detection of the rotation-angle power-spectrum multipoles below L=512, constraining quadrupole amplitude of a scale-invariant power to less than one degree. We further explore the use of a cross-correlation between CMB temperature and the rotation for detecting the CB signal, for different quintessence models. We find that it may improve sensitivity in case of marginal detection, and provide an empirical handle for distinguishing details of new physics indicated by CB.

We then consider other parity-violating physics beyond standard models---in particular, a chiral inflationary-gravitational-wave background. We show that WMAP has no constraining power, while a cosmic-variance--limited experiment would be capable of detecting only a large parity violation. In case of a strong detection of EB/TB correlations, CB can be readily distinguished from chiral gravity waves.

We next adopt our CB analysis to investigate patchy screening of the CMB, driven by inhomogeneities during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). We constrain a toy model of reionization with WMAP-7 data, and show that data from Planck should start approaching interesting portions of the EoR parameter space and can be used to exclude reionization tomographies with large ionized bubbles.

In light of the upcoming data from low-frequency radio observations of the redshifted 21-cm line from the EoR, we examine probability-distribution functions (PDFs) and difference PDFs of the simulated 21-cm brightness temperature, and discuss the information that can be recovered using these statistics. We find that PDFs are insensitive to details of small-scale physics, but highly sensitive to the properties of the ionizing sources and the size of ionized bubbles.

Finally, we discuss prospects for related future investigations.


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Recent observations of the temperature anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) favor an inflationary paradigm in which the scale factor of the universe inflated by many orders of magnitude at some very early time. Such a scenario would produce the observed large-scale isotropy and homogeneity of the universe, as well as the scale-invariant perturbations responsible for the observed (10 parts per million) anisotropies in the CMB. An inflationary epoch is also theorized to produce a background of gravitational waves (or tensor perturbations), the effects of which can be observed in the polarization of the CMB. The E-mode (or parity even) polarization of the CMB, which is produced by scalar perturbations, has now been measured with high significance. Con- trastingly, today the B-mode (or parity odd) polarization, which is sourced by tensor perturbations, has yet to be observed. A detection of the B-mode polarization of the CMB would provide strong evidence for an inflationary epoch early in the universe’s history.

In this work, we explore experimental techniques and analysis methods used to probe the B- mode polarization of the CMB. These experimental techniques have been used to build the Bicep2 telescope, which was deployed to the South Pole in 2009. After three years of observations, Bicep2 has acquired one of the deepest observations of the degree-scale polarization of the CMB to date. Similarly, this work describes analysis methods developed for the Bicep1 three-year data analysis, which includes the full data set acquired by Bicep1. This analysis has produced the tightest constraint on the B-mode polarization of the CMB to date, corresponding to a tensor-to-scalar ratio estimate of r = 0.04±0.32, or a Bayesian 95% credible interval of r < 0.70. These analysis methods, in addition to producing this new constraint, are directly applicable to future analyses of Bicep2 data. Taken together, the experimental techniques and analysis methods described herein promise to open a new observational window into the inflationary epoch and the initial conditions of our universe.


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Nesta dissertação, foi utilizada a técnica SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) para o reconhecimento de imagens da área dos olhos (região periorbital). Foi implementada uma classificação das imagens em subgrupos internos ao banco de dados, utilizando-se das informações estatísticas provenientes dos padrões invariantes produzidos pela técnica SIFT. Procedeu-se a uma busca categorizada pelo banco de dados, ao invés da procura de um determinado padrão apresentado, através da comparação deste com cada padrão presente no banco de dados. A tais padrões foi aplicada uma abordagem estatística, através da geração da matriz de covariâncias dos padrões gerados, sendo esta utilizada para a categorização, tendo por base uma rede neural híbrida. A rede neural classifica e categoriza o banco de dados de imagens, criando uma topologia de busca. Foram obtidos resultados corretos de classificação de 76,3% pela rede neural híbrida, sendo que um algoritmo auxiliar determina uma hierarquia de busca, onde, ocorrendo uma errônea classificação, a busca segue em grupos de pesquisas mais prováveis.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um aperfeiçoamento para o Sistema de Imagens Tridimensional Híbrido (SITH) que é utilizado para obtenção de uma superfície tridimensional do relevo de uma determinada região a partir de dois aerofotogramas consecutivos da mesma. A fotogrametria é a ciência e tecnologia utilizada para obter informações confiáveis a partir de imagens adquiridas por sensores. O aperfeiçoamento do SITH consistirá na automatização da obtenção dos pontos através da técnica de Transformada de Características Invariantes a Escala (SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform) dos pares de imagens estereoscópicas obtidos por câmeras aéreas métricas, e na utilização de técnicas de interpolação por splines cúbicos para suavização das superfícies tridimensionais obtidas pelo mesmo, proporcionando uma visualização mais clara dos detalhes da área estudada e auxiliando em prevenções contra deslizamentos em locais de risco a partir de um planejamento urbano adequado. Os resultados computacionais mostram que a incorporação destes métodos ao programa SITH apresentaram bons resultados.


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Neste trabalho é estudada a viabilidade de uma implementação em paralelo do algoritmo scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) para identificação de íris. Para a implementação do código foi utilizada a arquitetura para computação paralela compute unified device architecture (CUDA) e a linguagem OpenGL shading language (GLSL). O algoritmo foi testado utilizando três bases de dados de olhos e íris, o noisy visible wavelength iris image Database (UBIRIS), Michal-Libor e CASIA. Testes foram feitos para determinar o tempo de processamento para verificação da presença ou não de um indivíduo em um banco de dados, determinar a eficiência dos algoritmos de busca implementados em GLSL e CUDA e buscar valores de calibração que melhoram o posicionamento e a distribuição dos pontos-chave na região de interesse (íris) e a robustez do programa final.


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The lack of viable methods to map and label existing infrastructure is one of the engineering grand challenges for the 21st century. For instance, over two thirds of the effort needed to geometrically model even simple infrastructure is spent on manually converting a cloud of points to a 3D model. The result is that few facilities today have a complete record of as-built information and that as-built models are not produced for the vast majority of new construction and retrofit projects. This leads to rework and design changes that can cost up to 10% of the installed costs. Automatically detecting building components could address this challenge. However, existing methods for detecting building components are not view and scale-invariant, or have only been validated in restricted scenarios that require a priori knowledge without considering occlusions. This leads to their constrained applicability in complex civil infrastructure scenes. In this paper, we test a pose-invariant method of labeling existing infrastructure. This method simultaneously detects objects and estimates their poses. It takes advantage of a recent novel formulation for object detection and customizes it to generic civil infrastructure scenes. Our preliminary experiments demonstrate that this method achieves convincing recognition results.


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Unbiased location- and scale-invariant `elemental' estimators for the GPD tail parameter are constructed. Each involves three log-spacings. The estimators are unbiased for finite sample sizes, even as small as N=3. It is shown that the elementals form a complete basis for unbiased location- and scale-invariant estimators constructed from linear combinations of log-spacings. Preliminary numerical evidence is presented which suggests that elemental combinations can be constructed which are consistent estimators of the tail parameter for samples drawn from the pure GPD family.


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In a companion paper (McRobie(2013) arxiv:1304.3918), a simple set of `elemental' estimators was presented for the Generalized Pareto tail parameter. Each elemental estimator: involves only three log-spacings; is absolutely unbiased for all values of the tail parameter; is location- and scale-invariant; and is valid for all sample sizes $N$, even as small as $N= 3$. It was suggested that linear combinations of such elementals could then be used to construct efficient unbiased estimators. In this paper, the analogous mathematical approach is taken to the Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. The resulting elemental estimators, although not absolutely unbiased, are found to have very small bias, and may thus provide a useful basis for the construction of efficient estimators.


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A location- and scale-invariant predictor is constructed which exhibits good probability matching for extreme predictions outside the span of data drawn from a variety of (stationary) general distributions. It is constructed via the three-parameter {\mu, \sigma, \xi} Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). The predictor is designed to provide matching probability exactly for the GPD in both the extreme heavy-tailed limit and the extreme bounded-tail limit, whilst giving a good approximation to probability matching at all intermediate values of the tail parameter \xi. The predictor is valid even for small sample sizes N, even as small as N = 3. The main purpose of this paper is to present the somewhat lengthy derivations which draw heavily on the theory of hypergeometric functions, particularly the Lauricella functions. Whilst the construction is inspired by the Bayesian approach to the prediction problem, it considers the case of vague prior information about both parameters and model, and all derivations are undertaken using sampling theory.


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By using the gauge potential decomposition, we discuss the self-dual equation and its solution in Jackiw-Pi model. We obtain a new concrete self-dual equation and find relationship between Chern-Simons vortices solution and topological number which is determined by Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees of Psi-mapping. To show the meaning of topological number we give several figures with different topological numbers. In order to investigate the topological properties of many vortices, we use five parameters (two positions, one scale, one phase per vortex and one charge of each vortex) to describe each vortex in many vortices solutions in Jackiw-Pi model. For many vortices, we give three figures with different topological numbers to show the effect of the charge on the many vortices solutions. We also study the quantization of flux of those vortices related to the topological numbers in this case.


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With the digital all-sky imager (ASI) emergence in aurora research, millions of images are captured annually. However, only a fraction of which can be actually used. To address the problem incurred by low efficient manual processing, an integrated image analysis and retrieval system is developed. For precisely representing aurora image, macroscopic and microscopic features are combined to describe aurora texture. To reduce the feature dimensionality of the huge dataset, a modified local binary pattern (LBP) called ALBP is proposed to depict the microscopic texture, and scale-invariant Gabor and orientation-invariant Gabor are employed to extract the macroscopic texture. A physical property of aurora is inducted as region features to bridge the gap between the low-level visual features and high-level semantic description. The experiments results demonstrate that the ALBP method achieves high classification rate and low computational complexity. The retrieval simulation results show that the developed retrieval system is efficient for huge dataset. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Watermarking aims to hide particular information into some carrier but does not change the visual cognition of the carrier itself. Local features are good candidates to address the watermark synchronization error caused by geometric distortions and have attracted great attention for content-based image watermarking. This paper presents a novel feature point-based image watermarking scheme against geometric distortions. Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is first adopted to extract feature points and to generate a disk for each feature point that is invariant to translation and scaling. For each disk, orientation alignment is then performed to achieve rotation invariance. Finally, watermark is embedded in middle-frequency discrete Fourier transform (DFT) coefficients of each disk to improve the robustness against common image processing operations. Extensive experimental results and comparisons with some representative image watermarking methods confirm the excellent performance of the proposed method in robustness against various geometric distortions as well as common image processing operations.


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Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast and heat-treated Mg–12.3Zn–5.8Y–1.4Al (ZYA1261) alloy were investigated. The phase compositions of the as-cast alloy are -Mg, Mg3YZn6 (I-phase), Mg3Y2Zn3 (W-phase), Mg12YZn (Z-phase), Mg24Y5, MgZn and a small quantity of Al-containing phase. The phase compositions change with various heat treatment conditions. The highest Vickers hardness is obtained in the alloy aged at 200 ◦C for 5 h, the transmission electron microscopy indicated that fine scale Z-phase precipitates in the matrix. The tensile properties of the as-cast and heat-treated alloys were reported.


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BACKGROUND: Scale-invariant neuronal avalanches have been observed in cell cultures and slices as well as anesthetized and awake brains, suggesting that the brain operates near criticality, i.e. within a narrow margin between avalanche propagation and extinction. In theory, criticality provides many desirable features for the behaving brain, optimizing computational capabilities, information transmission, sensitivity to sensory stimuli and size of memory repertoires. However, a thorough characterization of neuronal avalanches in freely-behaving (FB) animals is still missing, thus raising doubts about their relevance for brain function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address this issue, we employed chronically implanted multielectrode arrays (MEA) to record avalanches of action potentials (spikes) from the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of 14 rats, as they spontaneously traversed the wake-sleep cycle, explored novel objects or were subjected to anesthesia (AN). We then modeled spike avalanches to evaluate the impact of sparse MEA sampling on their statistics. We found that the size distribution of spike avalanches are well fit by lognormal distributions in FB animals, and by truncated power laws in the AN group. FB data surrogation markedly decreases the tail of the distribution, i.e. spike shuffling destroys the largest avalanches. The FB data are also characterized by multiple key features compatible with criticality in the temporal domain, such as 1/f spectra and long-term correlations as measured by detrended fluctuation analysis. These signatures are very stable across waking, slow-wave sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep, but collapse during anesthesia. Likewise, waiting time distributions obey a single scaling function during all natural behavioral states, but not during anesthesia. Results are equivalent for neuronal ensembles recorded from visual and tactile areas of the cerebral cortex, as well as the hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Altogether, the data provide a comprehensive link between behavior and brain criticality, revealing a unique scale-invariant regime of spike avalanches across all major behaviors.


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The decisions animals make about how long to wait between activities can determine the success of diverse behaviours such as foraging, group formation or risk avoidance. Remarkably, for diverse animal species, including humans, spontaneous patterns of waiting times show random ‘burstiness’ that appears scale-invariant across a broad set of scales. However, a general theory linking this phenomenon across the animal kingdom currently lacks an ecological basis. Here, we demonstrate from tracking the activities of 15 sympatric predator species (cephalopods, sharks, skates and teleosts) under natural and controlled conditions that bursty waiting times are an intrinsic spontaneous behaviour well approximated by heavy-tailed (power-law) models over data ranges up to four orders of magnitude. Scaling exponents quantifying ratios of frequent short to rare very long waits are species-specific, being determined by traits such as foraging mode (active versus ambush predation), body size and prey preference. A stochastic–deterministic decision model reproduced the empirical waiting time scaling and species-specific exponents, indicating that apparently complex scaling can emerge from simple decisions. Results indicate temporal power-law scaling is a behavioural ‘rule of thumb’ that is tuned to species’ ecological traits, implying a common pattern may have naturally evolved that optimizes move–wait decisions in less predictable natural environments.