815 resultados para review literature as topic


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(from author) One of the first papers in the peer-review literature to discuss an OSSE to evaluate future wind observations in the stratosphere. Provides key evidence to justify the construction of the SWIFT instrument (currently planned to be built by the Canadian Space Agency for launch on ~ 2010).


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The issue of imperfect information plays a much more important role in financing “informationally opaque” small businesses than in financing large companies.1 This chapter examines the asymmetric information issue in entrepreneurial finance from two perspectives: the effects of relationship lending and the impacts of credit market concentration on entrepreneurial financial behavior. These two perspectives are strongly linked to each other via the asymmetric information issue in entrepreneurial finance. Existing literature has recognized the important role played by relationship lending in alleviating the problem of asymmetric information. However, mixed empirical results have been reported. For example, it has been found that the development of relationship lending can improve the availability of finance for small businesses borrowers (Petersen and Rajan, 1994) and reduce the costs of finance (Berger and Udell, 1995). Meanwhile, with monopoly power, banks may extract rents, in terms of charging higher-than-market interest rates, from small businesscustomers who have very concentrated banking relationships (Ongena and Smith, 2001). In addition, both favorable and unfavorable effects of credit market concentration on financing small businesses have been acknowledged. Small business borrowers may have to pay a higher-than-market price on loans (Degryse and Ongena, 2005) and are more likely to be financially constrained (Cetorelli, 2004) than in competitive markets. On the other hand, empirical studies have shown that market concentration create a strong motive for lenders to invest in private information from small business customers, and therefore a concentrated market is more efficient in terms of private information acquisition (Han et al., 2009b). The objective of this chapter is to investigate, by reviewing existing literature, the role played by relationship lending and the effects of market concentration on financing entrepreneurial businesses that are supposed to be informationally opaque. In the first section we review literature on the important role played by asymmetric information in entrepreneurial finance from two perspectives: asymmetric information and relationship lending, and the theoretical modeling of asymmetric information. Then we examine the relationship between capital market conditions and entrepreneurial finance and attempt to answer two questions: Why is the capital market condition important for entrepreneurial finance? and What are the effects of capital market conditions on entrepreneurial financial behavior in terms of discouraged borrowers, cash holding, and the availability and costs of finance?


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There is an increasing demand in higher education institutions for training in complex environmental problems. Such training requires a careful mix of conventional methods and innovative solutions, a task not always easy to accomplish. In this paper we review literature on this theme, highlight relevant advances in the pedagogical literature, and report on some examples resulting from our recent efforts to teach complex environmental issues. The examples range from full credit courses in sustainable development and research methods to project-based and in-class activity units. A consensus from the literature is that lectures are not sufficient to fully engage students in these issues. A conclusion from the review of examples is that problem-based and project-based, e.g., through case studies, experiential learning opportunities, or real-world applications, learning offers much promise. This could greatly be facilitated by online hubs through which teachers, students, and other members of the practitioner and academic community share experiences in teaching and research, the way that we have done here.


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Este trabalhe tem cerne objetivo investigar e universo psicossocial de um grupo de mulheres idosas de classe socioeconômica baixa. Inicialmente, são analisadas as problemáticas da mulher e de idoso a partir de uma revisão crítica da literatura, compreendendo estudes teóricos e pesquisas empíricas realizadas no Brasil. Também são focalizados os conceitos de identidade e de marginalidade, cem frequência referidos no percurso de trabalho. A seguir, é relatada uma pesquisa de campo em que se utiliza e método de história de vida. Foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres cem idade acima de 60 anos, de baixa renda, residentes em uma cidade de médio porte de Estado de Espirite Santo. Apresenta-se uma caracterização prévia da população e posteriormente uma análise das entrevistas. Nesta análise observam-se algumas convergências básicas nas condições objetivas de vida e nas representações construídas pele grupo das entrevistadas acerca de suas vivências, no que se refere especialmente às suas condições de trabalho, às suas inserções nos contextos familiar e público, às imagens das figuras masculina e feminina elaboradas e à situação. vivencial de envelhecimento. Destacam-se entre essas convergências: o exercício de atividades laborais informais não-especializadas; a referência frequente ao contexto familiar; a construção de uma auto imagem fragilizada ou ambígua que não se coaduna com as experiências de sustentáculo familiar relatadas; e uma adequação/inadequação ao modelo vigente de velhice, denotando, frequentemente, uma defasagem entre a idade cronológica e o sentimento subjetivo do envelhecimento. Finalmente, a conclusão procura integrar os aspectos mais significativos observados nos relatos, delineando-se o perfil psicossocial do grupo estudado.


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O presente trabalho tem por objeto analisar aspectos jurídicos relacionados com o financiamento internacional do comércio de commodities, com dedicada atenção ao chamado “financiamento pré-exportação” (ou pre-export finance). Considerando a relevância dessa operação ao fomento das exportações brasileiras, admitida pelas autoridades monetárias como “Recebimento Antecipado de Exportação”, ter-se-á como objetivo a análise dos instrumentos jurídicos que, recepcionados pela legislação brasileira ou socialmente tipificados, têm como premissa a implementação de estruturas contratuais e de garantias voltadas para a eliminação de riscos em operações transfronteiriças com economias emergentes, como o Brasil. Esses instrumentos são empregados nas diversas fases do financiamento estruturado de commodities, impondo aos seus agentes – financiadores, executivos e advogados – desafios relacionados com obrigações, riscos, responsabilidades, garantias e contingências pouco exploradas pela literatura jurídica. O tema será desenvolvido em nove capítulos. O primeiro conceituará as diversas modalidades de operações de trade finance; o segundo dedicará análise para as operações estruturadas de financiamento do comércio de commodities; o terceiro tratará dos parâmetros de racionalidades (como análises conjugadas de balanço contábil, fluxo de caixa e mobilização de bens) adotados pelos financiadores estrangeiros para a concessão do crédito ao exportador; o quarto será reservado ao estudo criterioso dos riscos da operação e sua mitigação; o quinto discutirá as características principais do financiamento pré-exportação; o sexto será dedicado aos aspectos regulatórios, conceito, características e campo de aplicação do “Recebimento Antecipado de Exportação”; o sétimo analisará os aspectos contratuais inerentes à operação de financiamento pré-exportação; o oitavo e o nono serão dedicados ao estudo das garantias, sobretudo no que diz respeito à preservação de bens e direitos outorgados em garantia, com vistas ao reembolso do capital ao financiador estrangeiro. Sob esse prisma, serão analisados os principais elementos do financiamento estruturado à exportação brasileira de commodities, a fim de contribuir com o aprimoramento e a divulgação dessas técnicas empresariais e jurídicas (ainda restritas a um público especialíssimo) engendradas em prol do desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro.


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Spontaneous volunteers always emerge under emergency scenarios and are vital to a successful community response, yet some uncertainty subsists around their role and its inherent acceptance by official entities under emergency scenarios. In our research we have identified that most of the spontaneous volunteers do have none or little support from official entities, hence they end up facing critical problems as situational awareness, safety instructions and guidance, motivation and group organization. We argue that official entities still play a crucial role and should change some of their behaviors regarding spontaneous volunteerism. We aim with this thesis to design a software architecture and a framework in order to implement a solution to support spontaneous volunteerism under emergency scenarios along with a set of guidelines for the design of open information management systems. Together with the collaboration from both citizens and emergency professionals we have been able to attain several important contributions, as the clear identification of the roles taken by both spontaneous volunteers and professionals, the importance of volunteerism in overall community response and the role which open collaborative information management systems have in the community volunteering efforts. These conclusions have directly supported the design guidelines of our software solution proposal. In what concerns to methodology, we first review literature on technologies support to emergencies and how spontaneous volunteers actually challenge these systems. Following, we have performed a field research where we have observed that the emerging of spontaneous volunteer’s efforts imposes new requirements for the design of such systems, which leaded to the creation of a cluster of design guidelines that supported our software solution proposal to address the volunteers’ requirements. Finally we have architected and developed an online open information management tool which has been evaluated via usability engineering methods, usability user tests and heuristic evaluations.


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The demand for aesthetic restorations has increased during the last years. Dental ceramics are a successful alternative for some cases because of aesthetics and biocompatibility. Therefore, the aim of this literature review was to present the factors necessary to fabricate all-ceramic restorations with aesthetics similar to natural dentition. A search of English-language peer-review literature was completed using MEDLINE database from 1975 to 2009 including the keywords "aesthetic," "metal-free crown," "all-ceramic," and "color." It was observed that several factors influence aesthetics of all-ceramic restorations. Color scale, light source during color evaluation, characteristic of core material, color of supporting tooth, presence of root post, and type of cement are clinical factors that may influence color of the restorations. Laboratorial factors as technique for ceramic condensation, thickness, temperature, and number of firing cycles also influence the result of these crowns. Although several clinical and laboratorial factors influence aesthetics of all-ceramic restorations, the aesthetic success and longevity of these restorations depend on the integration with surrounding periodontal tissue.


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Because of the widespread use of implant-supported restorations and that the success of this treatment depends on the passivity of the different component systems of implant-prosthesis, a literature review was performed to highlight issues related to passivity in framework of implant-supported fixed prosthesis. A search of English-language peer-review literature was completed using MEDLINE database (PubMed) focusing on acceptable levels of passivity, misfit classification, problems related to misfit, methods to evaluate misfit, general factors that affect the passivity, and the biologic tolerance in the presence of misfit. The information obtained in the present review suggested that even if it is hard to obtain an implant-supported prosthesis with complete passivity, the professional should use the technological resources to offer better conditions for their patients. An acceptable clinical level of passivity that does not cause any problem to the biologic, aesthetic, and functional parameters of the patient should be sought.


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A espondilólise é um defeito na pars interarticularis da vértebra com descontinuidade óssea do segmento intervertebral; a progressão do defeito resulta em deslizamento de uma vértebra sobre a outra, chamado espondilolistese, o que pode provocar dor. O tratamento não-cirúrgico é a escolha inicial na maioria dos casos de espondilolistese, mas poucos estudos verificam a eficácia dos tratamentos conservadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre esses tratamentos, sobretudo no que concerne à terapia manual, a fim de ajudar os terapeutas na prescrição de intervenções eficazes. Os resultados mostram que tanto a terapia manual como a fisioterapia convencional apresentam efeitos benéficos na redução da dor lombar e na melhora funcional do paciente. As terapias manuais envolvem manipulação da coluna vertebral e articulação sacroilíaca, músculo-energia e alongamento dos músculos afetados. Exercícios de estabilização lombopélvica, fortalecimento dos músculos posturais e alongamento dos isquiotibiais e psoas também foram considerados importantes. O paciente deve ser avaliado individualmente em seu quadro clínico e radiográfico para determinação do plano de tratamento. Dentre as opções conservadoras de tratamento encontradas, nenhuma se mostrou conclusivamente superior às outras e todas podem ser incluídas no tratamento sintomático de pacientes com espondilólise/listese.


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The aim of this investigation was to accomplish an overview about the principles of the indication and of the success parameters involving immediate and delayed loading dental implants procedures. Studies about the philosophies (immediate and delayed loading dental implants) and their clinical indications will be discussed in order to overview the rules for the clinical success in both techniques. In addition, studies regarding the criteria for immediate loading implants as primary stabilization, surface treatments and bone density and amount will be also analyzed. More important than the philosophy selection, is how and when to use it according to biomechanical rules and principles. Among the vast limitations pointed by the literature regarding procedures of immediate and delayed loading are evidenced the parafunctional habits, primary stabilization, bone quality, surface treatments and the number of dental implants. The anterior region of the jaw seems to be associated with a major percentage of satisfactory results, regardless of rehabilitation procedures. Although several studies have demonstrated high success rates for the immediate loading dental implants, several aspects remain without an explicit definition and further studies are needed to elucidate some reservations.


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Rationale and aim The aims of the Cochrane systematic reviews are to make readily available and up-to-date information for clinical practice, offering consistent evidence and straightforward recommendations. In 2004, we evaluated the conclusions from Cochrane systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials in terms of their recommendations for clinical practice and found that 47.83% of them had insufficient evidence for use in clinical practice. We proposed to reanalyze the reviews to evaluate whether this percentage had significantly decreased. Methods A cross-sectional study of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library (Issue 7, 2011) was conducted. We randomly selected reviews across all 52 Cochrane Collaborative Review Groups. Results We analyzed 1128 completed systematic reviews. Of these, 45.30% concluded that the interventions studied were likely to be beneficial, of which only 2.04% recommended no further research. In total, 45.04% of the reviews reported that the evidence did not support either benefit or harm, of which 0.8% did not recommend further studies and 44.24% recommended additional studies; the latter has decreased from our previous study with a difference of 3.59%. Conclusion Only a small number of the Cochrane collaboration's systematic reviews support clinical interventions with no need for additional research. A larger number of high-quality randomized clinical trials are necessary to change the 'insufficient evidence' scenario for clinical practice illustrated by the Cochrane database. It is recommended that we should produce higher-quality primary studies in active collaboration and consultation with global scholars and societies so that this can represent a major component of methodological advance in this context. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aspects are discussed on the chirality of drugs and their action in the human body, the benefits of using a drug in enantiomerically pure form and why, even today, despite the risks, many drugs are marketed as racemic mixture. Among the methods of separation there is the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) which can be given in different ways using chiral additives in the mobile phase as in the system of ligand exchange in the ion pair system and the system of cavity or inclusion. Note also the wide variety of chiral stationary phases available in the market that allow high specificity using them according to the need and purpose of the method. The review of the topic is extremely important since it is a matter of public interest world that brings into play issues and financial policies


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This article presents the results of a research that has as its analysis focus the payment by performance, represented in the public educational system of the São Paulo State by the bonus-merit. The bonus, such as other measures implemented in the last decade, is part of neoliberal reforms that were predominant in the public educational system of the State. The article intends to debate the implications of this mechanism for the teaching from a bibliographic review about the topic as well as from the interpretation of data originated from a qualitative empirical investigation based on semi-structured interviews with second cycle teachers of high and middle schools of three regional departments of education. The results revealed an influence of performative and managerial elements in the organizational work of schools and teachers. Moreover, they showed that the payment by performance has not contributed for the improvement of the work conditions and for the career of the teachers, has a very limited impact to change the quality of education and thus represent a teacher accountability mechanism.


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This study aimed to identify in scientific literature the informatics competencies required from the nurses to make decision in management process. Through a scoping review, literature databases were searched to find articles published in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, until July 2013. 188 articles were found, and seven were included in this study, published between 1994 and 2011. The studies were written in English (5; 71%), in USA (5; 71%), using experience reports or literature review designs (5; 71%). The informatics competences were categorized according the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER). The findings highlight gaps in informatics competence to make decisions in the management process--essentially in information management competence.