964 resultados para reverse


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Four types of cationic collectors were tested and evaluated for their performance in the reverse flotation of silica from the spiral preconcentrate of Kudremukh iron ore. A stagewise flotation was conducted by adding the reagent in three stages. Starch was used to depress hematite. Silica flotation was found to be very sensitive to the amount of cationic reagent added. The performance of the reagents was evaluated based on the percentage of silica and iron in the concentrate and percent recovery of iron obtained in the concentrate. Tests of significance, namely, t-test and F-test were performed to select the best two reagents for further investigations.


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An experimental programme based on statistical analysis was used for optimizing the reverse Rotation of silica from non-magnetic spiral preconcentrate of Kudremukh iron ore. Flotation of silica with amine and starch as the Rotation reagents was studied to estimate the optimum reagent levels at various mesh of grind. The experiments were first carried out using a two level three factor design. Analysis of the results showed that two parameters namely, the concentration level of the amine collector and the mesh of grind, were significant. Experiments based on an orthogonal design of the hexagonal type were then carried out to determine the effects of these two variables, on recovery and grade of the concentrate. Regression equations have been developed as models. Response contours have been plotted using the 'path of steepest ascent', maximum response has been optimized at 0.27 kg/ton of amine collector, 0.5 kg/ton of starch and mesh of grind of 48.7% passing 300 mesh to give a recovery of 83.43% of Fe in the concentrate containing 66.6% Fe and 2.17% SiO2.


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An improved Monte Carlo technique is presented in this work to simulate nanoparticle formation through a micellar route. The technique builds on the simulation technique proposed by Bandyopadhyaya et al. (Langmuir 2000, 16, 7139) which is general and rigorous but at the same time very computation intensive, so much so that nanoparticle formation in low occupancy systems cannot be simulated in reasonable time. In view of this, several strategies, rationalized by simple mathematical analyses, are proposed to accelerate Monte Carlo simulations. These are elimination of infructuous events, removal of excess reactant postreaction, and use of smaller micelle population a large number of times. Infructuous events include collision of an empty micelle with another empty one or with another one containing only one molecule or only a solid particle. These strategies are incorporated in a new simulation technique which divides the entire micelle population in four classes and shifts micelles from one class to other as the simulation proceeds. The simulation results, throughly tested using chi-square and other tests, show that the predictions of the improved technique remain unchanged, but with more than an order of magnitude decrease in computational effort for some of the simulations reported in the literature. A post priori validation scheme for the correctness of the simulation results has been utilized to propose a new simulation strategy to arrive at converged simulation results with near minimum computational effort.


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An experimental investigation on reverse transition from turbulent to laminar flow in a two-dimensional channel was carried out. The reverse transition occurred when Reynolds number of an initially turbulent flow was reduced below a certain value by widening the duct in the lateral direction. The experiments were conducted at Reynolds numbers of 625, 865, 980 and 1250 based on half the height of the channel and the average of the mean velocity. At all these Reynolds numbers the initially turbulent mean velocity profiles tend to become parabolic. The longitudinal and vertical velocity fluctuations ($\overline{u^{\prime 2}}$ and $\overline{v^{\prime 2}}$) averaged over the height of the channel decrease exponentially with distance downstream, but $\overline{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}} $ tends to become zero at a reasonably well-defined point. During reverse transition $\overline{u^{\prime}}\overline{v^{\prime}}/\sqrt{\overline{u^{\prime 2}}}\sqrt{\overline{v^{\prime 2}}}$ also decreases as the flow moves downstream and Lissajous figures taken with u’ and v’ signals confirm this trend. There is approximate similarly between $\overline{u^{\prime 2}} $ profiles if the value of $\overline{u^{\prime 2}_{\max}} $ and the distance from the wall at which it occurs are taken as the reference scales. The spectrum of $\overline{u^{\prime 2}} $ is almost similar at all stations and the non-dimensional spectrum is exponential in wave-number. All the turbulent quantities, when plotted in appropriate co-ordinates, indicate that there is a definite critical Reynolds number of 1400±50 for reverse transition.


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Experiments on reverse transition were conducted in two-dimensional accelerated incompressible turbulent boundary layers. Mean velocity profiles, longitudinal velocity fluctuations $\tilde{u}^{\prime}(=(\overline{u^{\prime 2}})^{\frac{1}{2}})$ and the wall-shearing stress (TW) were measured. The mean velocity profiles show that the wall region adjusts itself to laminar conditions earlier than the outer region. During the reverse transition process, increases in the shape parameter (H) are accompanied by a decrease in the skin friction coefficient (Cf). Profiles of turbulent intensity (u’2) exhibit near similarity in the turbulence decay region. The breakdown of the law of the wall is characterized by the parameter \[ \Delta_p (=\nu[dP/dx]/\rho U^{*3}) = - 0.02, \] where U* is the friction velocity. Downstream of this region the decay of $\tilde{u}^{\prime}$ fluctuations occurred when the momentum thickness Reynolds number (R) decreased roughly below 400.


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Liquid water is known to exhibit remarkable thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies, ranging from solvation properties in supercritical state to an apparent divergence of the linear response functions at a low temperature. Anomalies in various dynamic properties of water have also been observed in the hydration layer of proteins, DNA grooves and inside the nanocavity, such as reverse micelles and nanotubes. Here we report studies on the molecular origin of these anomalies in supercooled water, in the grooves of DNA double helix and reverse micelles. The anomalies have been discussed in terms of growing correlation length and intermittent population fluctuation of 4- and 5-coordinated species. We establish correlation between thermodynamic response functions and mean squared species number fluctuation. Lifetime analysis of 4- and 5-coordinated species reveals interesting differences between the role of the two species in supercooled and constrained water. The nature and manifestations of the apparent and much discussed liquid-liquid transition under confinement are found to be markedly different from that in the bulk. We find an interesting `faster than bulk' relaxation in reverse micelles which we attribute to frustration effects created by competition between the correlations imposed by surface interactions and that imposed by hydrogen bond network of water.


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Layer-wise, distance-dependent orientational relaxation of water confined in reverse micelles (RM) is studied using theoretical and computational tools. We use both a newly constructed ``spins on a ring'' (SOR) Ising-type model (with Shore-Zwanzig rotational dynamics) and atomistic simulations with explicit water. Our study explores the effect of reverse micelle size and role of intermolecular correlations, compromised by the presence of a highly polar surface, on the distance (from the interface) dependence of water relaxation. The ``spins on a ring'' model can capture some aspects of distance dependence of relaxation, such as acceleration of orientational relaxation at intermediate layers. In atomistic simulations, layer-wise decomposition of hydrogen bond formation pattern clearly reveals that hydrogen bond arrangement of water at a certain distance away from the surface can remain frustrated due to the interaction with the polar surface head groups. This layer-wise analysis also reveals the presence of a non-monotonic slow relaxation component which can be attributed to this frustration effect and which is accentuated in small to intermediate size RMs. For large size RMs, the long time component decreases monotonically from the interface to the interior of the RMs with slowest relaxation observed at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4732095]


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Organic acids are important constituents of fruit juices. They render tartness, flavour and specific taste to fruit juices. Shelf life and stability of fruit juices are important factors, which determine their nutritional quality and freshness. In this view, the effect of storage on the concentration of organic acids in commercially packed fruit juices is studied by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Ten packed fruit juices from two different brands are stored at 30 C for 24, 48 and 72 hours. A reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method is used to determine the concentration of oxalic, tartaric, malic, ascorbic and citric acid in the fruit juices during storage. The chromatographic analysis of organic acids is carried out using mobile phase 0.5% (w/v) ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate buffer (pH 2.8) on C18 column with UV-Vis detector. The results show that the concentration of organic acids generally decreases in juices under study with the increase in storage time. All the fruit juices belonging to tropicana brand underwent less organic acid degradation in comparison to juices of real brand. Orange fruit juice is found to be least stable among the juices under study, after the span of 72 hours. Amongst all the organic acids under investigation minimum stability is shown by ascorbic acid followed by malic and citric acid.


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In this letter, we analyze the Diversity Multiplexinggain Tradeoff (DMT) performance of a training-based reciprocal Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) system. Assuming Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the Receiver (CSIR), we propose a channel-dependent power-controlled Reverse Channel Training (RCT) scheme that enables the transmitter to directly estimate the power control parameter to be used for the forwardlink data transmission. We show that, with an RCT power of (P) over bar (gamma), gamma > 0 and a forward data transmission power of (P) over bar, our proposed scheme achieves an infinite diversity order for 0 <= g(m) < L-c-L-B,L-tau/L-c min(gamma, 1) and r > 2, where g(m) is the multiplexing gain, L-c is the channel coherence time, L-B,L-tau is the RCT duration and r is the number of receive antennas. We also derive an upper bound on the outage probability and show that it goes to zero asymptotically as exp(-(P) over bar (E)), where E (sic) (gamma - g(m)L(c)/L-c-L-B,L-tau), at high (P) over bar. Thus, the proposed scheme achieves a significantly better DMT performance compared to the finite diversity order achieved by channel-agnostic, fixed-power RCT schemes.


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We investigate the direct band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) in a reverse biased molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoribbon p-n junction by analyzing the complex band structure obtained from semiempirical extended Huckel method under relaxed and strained conditions. It is demonstrated that the direct BTBT is improbable in relaxed monolayer nanoribbon; however, with the application of certain uniaxial tensile strain, the material becomes favorable for it. On the other hand, the relaxed bilayer nanoribbon is suitable for direct BTBT but becomes unfavorable when the applied uniaxial tensile or compressive strain goes beyond a certain limit. Considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation, we evaluate the tunneling probability to estimate the tunneling current for a small applied reverse bias. Reasonably high tunneling current in the MoS2 nanoribbons shows that it can take advantage over graphene nanoribbon in future tunnel field-effect transistor applications.


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We present computer simulation study of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy (2D-IR) of water confined in reverse micelles (RMs) of various sizes. The present study is motivated by the need to understand the altered dynamics of confined water by performing layerwise decomposition of water, with an aim to quantify the relative contributions of different layers water molecules to the calculated 2D-IR spectrum. The 0-1 transition spectra clearly show substantial elongation, due to in-homogeneous broadening and incomplete spectral diffusion, along the diagonal in the surface water layer of different sized RMs. Fitting of the frequency fluctuation correlation functions reveal that the motion of the surface water molecules is sub-diffusive and indicate the constrained nature of their dynamics. This is further supported by two peak nature of the angular analogue of van Hove correlation function. With increasing system size, the water molecules become more diffusive in nature and spectral diffusion almost completes in the central layer of the larger size RMs. Comparisons between experiments and simulations establish the correspondence between the spectral decomposition available in experiments with the spatial decomposition available in simulations. Simulations also allow a quantitative exploration of the relative role of water, sodium ions, and sulfonate head groups in vibrational dephasing. Interestingly, the negative cross correlation between force on oxygen and hydrogen of O-H bond in bulk water significantly decreases in the surface layer of each RM. This negative cross correlation gradually increases in the central water pool with increasing RMs size and this is found to be partly responsible for the faster relaxation rate of water in the central pool. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper considers the design of a power-controlled reverse channel training (RCT) scheme for spatial multiplexing (SM)-based data transmission along the dominant modes of the channel in a time-division duplex (TDD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system, when channel knowledge is available at the receiver. A channel-dependent power-controlled RCT scheme is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming (BF) vectors required for the forward-link SM data transmission. Tight approximate expressions for 1) the mean square error (MSE) in the estimate of the BF vectors, and 2) a capacity lower bound (CLB) for an SM system, are derived and used to optimize the parameters of the training sequence. Moreover, an extension of the channel-dependent training scheme and the data rate analysis to a multiuser scenario with M user terminals is presented. For the single-mode BF system, a closed-form expression for an upper bound on the average sum data rate is derived, which is shown to scale as ((L-c - L-B,L- tau)/L-c) log logM asymptotically in M, where L-c and L-B,L- tau are the channel coherence time and training duration, respectively. The significant performance gain offered by the proposed training sequence over the conventional constant-power orthogonal RCT sequence is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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The present work reports the compositional analysis of thirteen different packed fruit juices using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Vitamin C, organic acids (citric and malic) and sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) were separated, analyzed and quantified using different reverse phase methods. A new rapid reverse phase HPLC method was developed for routine analysis of vitamin C in fruit juices. The precision results of the methods showed that the relative standard deviations of the repeatability and reproducibility were < 0.05 and < 0.1 respectively. Correlation coefficient of the calibration models developed was found to be higher than 0.99 in each case. It has been found that the content of Vitamin C was less variable amongst different varieties involved in the study. It is also observed that in comparison to fresh juices, the packed juices contain lesser amounts of vitamin C. Citric acid was found as the major organic acids present in packed juices while maximum portion of sugars was of sucrose. Comparison of the amount of vitamin C, organic acids and sugars in same fruit juice of different commercial brands is also reported.


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Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes have been used extensively in water desalination plants, waste water treatment in industries, agricultural farms and drinking water production applications. The objective of this work is to impart antibacterial and antifungal activities to commercially available RO membrane used in water purification systems by incorporating biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized using Rosa indica wichuriana hybrid leaf extract. The morphology and surface topography of uncoated and AgNPs-coated RO membrane were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Elemental composition of the AgNPs-coated RO membrane was analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX). The functional groups were identified by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Hydrophilicity of the uncoated and AgNPs-coated RO membrane was analyzed using water contact angle measurements. The thermal properties were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The AgNPs incorporated RO membrane exhibited good antibacterial and antifungal activities against pathogenic bacterial strains such as E. coli, S. aureus, M. luteus, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa and fungal strains such as Candida tropicalis, C. krusei, C. glabrata, and C. albicans.