986 resultados para retroviral vector-mediated transfer


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Models of the air-sea transfer velocity of gases may be either empirical or mechanistic. Extrapolations of empirical models to an unmeasured gas or to another water temperature can be erroneous if the basis of that extrapolation is flawed. This issue is readily demonstrated for the most well-known empirical gas transfer velocity models where the influence of bubble-mediated transfer, which can vary between gases, is not explicitly accounted for. Mechanistic models are hindered by an incomplete knowledge of the mechanisms of air-sea gas transfer. We describe a hybrid model that incorporates a simple mechanistic view—strictly enforcing a distinction between direct and bubble-mediated transfer—but also uses parameterizations based on data from eddy flux measurements of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) to calibrate the model together with dual tracer results to evaluate the model. This model underpins simple algorithms that can be easily applied within schemes to calculate local, regional, or global air-sea fluxes of gases.


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BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common adult primary malignant brain tumor, confers poor prognosis (median survival of 15 months) notwithstanding aggressive treatment. Combination chemotherapy including carmustine (BCNU) or temozolomide (TMZ) with the MGMT inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG) has been used, but has been associated with dose-limiting hematopoietic toxicity. OBJECTIVE: To assess safety and efficacy of a retroviral vector encoding the O6BG-resistant MGMTP140K gene for transduction and autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in MGMT unmethylated, newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients in an attempt to chemoprotect bone marrowduring combination O6BG/TMZ therapy. METHODS: Three patients have been enrolled in the first cohort. Patients underwent standard radiation therapy without TMZ followed by G-CSF mobilization, apheresis, and conditioning with 600 mg/m2 BCNU prior to infusion of gene-modified cells. Posttransplant, patients were treated with 28-day cycles of single doseTMZ (472 mg/m2) with 48-hour intravenous O6BG (120 mg/m2 bolus, then 30 mg/m2/d). RESULTS: The BCNU dose was nonmyeloablative with ANC ,500/mL for ≤3 d and nadir thrombocytopenia of 28,000/mL. Gene marking in pre-infusion colony forming units (CFUs) was 70.6%, 79.0%, and 74.0% in Patients 1, 2, and 3, respectively, by CFU-PCR. Following engraftment, gene marking in white blood cells and sorted granulocytes ranged between 0.37-0.84 and 0.33-0.83 provirus copies, respectively, by real-time PCR. Posttransplant gene marking in CFUs from CD34-selected cells ranged from 28.5% to 47.4%. Patients have received 4, 3, and 2 cycles of O6BG/TMZ, respectively, with evidence for selection of gene-modified cells. One patient has received a single dose-escalated cycle at 590 mg/m2 TMZ. No additional extra-hematopoietic toxicity has been observed thus far and all three patients exhibit stable disease at 7-8 months since diagnosis CONCLUSIONS: We believe that these data demonstrate the feasibility of achieving significant engraftment of MGMTP140K-modified cells with a well-tolerated dose of BCNU. Further follow-up will determine whether this approach will allow for further dose escalation of TMZ and improved survival.


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Efficient vaccination against infectious agents and tumors depends on specific antigen targeting to dendritic cells (DCs). We report here that biosafe coronavirus-based vaccine vectors facilitate delivery of multiple antigens and immunostimulatory cytokines to professional antigen-presenting cells in vitro and in vivo. Vaccine vectors based on heavily attenuated murine coronavirus genomes were generated to express epitopes from the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein, or human Melan-A, in combination with the immunostimulatory cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). These vectors selectively targeted DCs in vitro and in vivo resulting in vector-mediated antigen expression and efficient maturation of DCs. Single application of only low vector doses elicited strong and long-lasting cytotoxic T-cell responses, providing protective antiviral and antitumor immunity. Furthermore, human DCs transduced with Melan-A-recombinant human coronavirus 229E efficiently activated tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. Taken together, this novel vaccine platform is well suited to deliver antigens and immunostimulatory cytokines to DCs and to initiate and maintain protective immunity.


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BACKGROUND: Adult neurogenesis occurs in the hippocampus of most mammals, including humans, and plays an important role in hippocampal-dependent learning. This process is highly regulated by neuronal activity and might therefore be vulnerable to anesthesia. In this article, the authors investigated this possibility by evaluating the impact of propofol anesthesia on mouse hippocampal neurons generated during adulthood, at two functionally distinct maturational stages of their development. METHODS: Adult-born hippocampal neurons were identified using the cell proliferation marker bromodeoxyuridine or a retroviral vector expressing the green fluorescent protein in dividing cells and their progenies. Eleven or 17 days after the labeling procedure, animals (n = 3-5 animals per group) underwent a 6-h-long propofol anesthesia. Twenty-one days after labeling, the authors analyzed the survival, differentiation, and morphologic maturation of adult-born neurons using confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Propofol impaired the survival and maturation of adult-born neurons in an age-dependent manner. Anesthesia induced a significant decrease in the survival of neurons that were 17 days old at the time of anesthesia, but not of neurons that were 11 days old. Similarly, propofol anesthesia significantly reduced the dendritic maturation of neurons generated 17 days before anesthesia, without interfering with the maturation of neurons generated 11 days before anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal that propofol impairs the survival and maturation of adult-born hippocampal neurons in a developmental stage-dependent manner in mice.


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Summary Cell therapy has emerged as a strategy for the treatment of various human diseases. Cells can be transplanted considering their morphological and functional properties to restore a tissue damage, as represented by blood transfusion, bone marrow or pancreatic islet cells transplantation. With the advent of the gene therapy, cells also were used as biological supports for the production of therapeutic molecules that can act either locally or at distance. This strategy represents the basis of ex vivo gene therapy characterized by the removal of cells from an organism, their genetic modification and their implantation into the same or another individual in a physiologically suitable location. The tissue or biological function damage dictates the type of cells chosen for implantation and the required function of the implanted cells. The general aim of this work was to develop an ex vivo gene therapy approach for the secretion of erythropoietin (Epo) in patients suffering from Epo-responsive anemia, thus extending to humans, studies previously performed with mouse cells transplanted in mice and rats. Considering the potential clinical application, allogeneic primary human cells were chosen for practical and safety reasons. In contrast to autologous cells, the use of allogeneic cells allows to characterize a cell lineage that can be further transplanted in many individuals. Furthermore allogeneic cells avoid the potential risk of zoonosis encountered with xenogeneic cells. Accordingly, the immune reaction against this allogeneic source was prevented by cell macro- encapsulation that prevents cell-to-cell contact with the host immune system and allows to easy retrieve the implanted device. The first step consisted in testing the survival of various human primary cells that were encapsulated and implanted for one month in the subcutaneous tissue of immunocompetent and naturally or therapeutically immunodepressed mice, assuming that xenogeneic applications constitute a stringent and representative screening before human transplantation. A fibroblast lineage from the foreskin of a young donor, DARC 3.1 cells, showed the highest mean survival score. We have then performed studies to optimize the manufacturing procedures of the encapsulation device for successful engraftment. The development of calcifications on the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) matrix serving as a scaffold for enclosed cells into the hollow fiber devices was reported after one month in vivo. Various parameters, including matrix rinsing solutions, batches of PVA and cell lineages were assessed for their respective role in the development of the phenomenon. We observed that the calcifications could be totally prevented by using ultra-pure sterile water instead of phosphate buffer saline solution in the rinsing procedure of the PVA matrix. Moreover, a higher lactate dehydrogenase activity of the cells was found to decrease calcium depositions due to more acidic microenvironment, inhibiting the calcium precipitation. After the selection of the appropriate cell lineage and the optimization of encapsulation conditions, a retroviral-based approach was applied to DARC 3.1 fibroblasts for the transduction of the human Epo cDNA. Various modifications of the retroviral vector and the infection conditions were performed to obtain clinically relevant levels of human Epo. The insertion of a post-transcriptional regulatory element from the woodchuck hepatitis virus as well as of a Kozak consensus sequence led to a 7.5-fold increase in transgene expression. Human Epo production was further optimized by increasing the multiplicity of infection and by selecting high producer cells allowing to reach 200 IU hEpo/10E6 cells /day. These modified cells were encapsulated and implanted in vivo in the same conditions as previously described. All the mouse strains showed a sustained increase in their hematocrit and a high proportion of viable cells were observed after retrieval of the capsules. Finally, in the perspective of human application, a syngeneic model using encapsulated murine myoblasts transplanted in mice was realized to investigate the roles of both the host immune response and the cells metabolic requirements. Various loading densities and anti-inflammatory as well as immunosuppressive drugs were studied. The results showed that an immune process is responsible of cell death in capsules loaded at high cell density. A supporting matrix of PVA was shown to limit the cell density and to avoid early metabolic cell death, preventing therefore the immune reaction. This study has led to the development of encapsulated cells of human origin producing clinically relevant amounts of human EPO. This work resulted also to the optimization of cell encapsulation technical parameters allowing to begin a clinical application in end-stage renal failure patients. Résumé La thérapie cellulaire s'est imposée comme une stratégie de traitement potentiel pour diverses maladies. Si l'on considère leur morphologie et leur fonction, les cellules peuvent être transplantées dans le but de remplacer une perte tissulaire comme c'est le cas pour les transfusions sanguines ou les greffes de moelle osseuse ou de cellules pancréatiques. Avec le développement de la thérapie génique, les cellules sont également devenues des supports biologiques pour la production de molécules thérapeutiques. Cette stratégie représente le fondement de la thérapie génique ex vivo, caractérisée par le prélèvement de cellules d'un organisme, leur modification génétique et leur implantation dans le même individu ou dans un autre organisme. Le choix du type de cellule et la fonction qu'elle doit remplir pour un traitement spécifique dépend du tissu ou de la fonction biologique atteintes. Le but général de ce travail est de développer .une approche par thérapie génique ex vivo de sécrétion d'érythropoïétine (Epo) chez des patients souffrant d'anémie, prolongeant ainsi des travaux réalisés avec des cellules murines implantées chez des souris et des rats. Dans cette perpective, notre choix s'est porté sur des cellules humaines primaires allogéniques. En effet, contrairement aux cellules autologues, une caractérisation unique de cellules allogéniques peut déboucher sur de nombreuses applications. Par ailleurs, l'emploi de cellules allogéniques permet d'éviter les riques de zoonose que l'on peut rencontrer avec des cellules xénogéniques. Afin de protéger les cellules allogéniques soumises à une réaction immunitaire, leur confinement dans des macro-capsules cylindriques avant leur implantation permet d'éviter leur contact avec les cellules immunitaires de l'hôte, et de les retrouver sans difficulté en cas d'intolérance ou d'effet secondaire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué la survie de différentes lignées cellulaires humaines primaires, une fois encapsulées et implantées dans le tissu sous-cutané de souris, soit immunocompétentes, soit immunodéprimées naturellement ou par l'intermédiaire d'un immunosuppresseur. Ce modèle in vivo correspond à des conditions xénogéniques et représente par conséquent un environnement de loin plus hostile pour les cellules qu'une transplantation allogénique. Une lignée fibroblastique issue du prépuce d'un jeune enfant, nommée DARC 3 .1, a montré une remarquable résistance avec un score de survie moyen le plus élevé parmi les lignées testées. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés aux paramètres intervenant dans la réalisation du système d'implantation afin d'optimaliser les conditions pour une meilleure adaptation des cellules à ce nouvel environnement. En effet, en raison de l'apparition, après un mois in vivo, de calcifications au niveau de la matrice de polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) servant de support aux cellules encapsulées, différents paramètres ont été étudiés, tels que les procédures de fabrication, les lots de PVA ou encore les lignées cellulaires encapsulées, afin de mettre en évidence leur rôle respectif dans la survenue de ce processus. Nous avons montré que l'apparition des calcifications peut être totalement prévenue par l'utilisation d'eau pure au lieu de tampon phosphaté lors du rinçage des matrices de PVA. De plus, nous avons observe qu'un taux de lactate déshydrogénase cellulaire élevé était corrélé avec une diminution des dépôts de calcium au sein de la matrice en raison d'un micro-environnement plus acide inhibant la précipitation du calcium. Après sélection de la lignée cellulaire appropriée et de l'optimisation des conditions d'encapsulation, une modification génétique des fibroblastes DARC 3.1 a été réalisée par une approche rétrovirale, permettant l'insertion de l'ADN du gène de l'Epo dans le génome cellulaire. Diverses modifications, tant au niveau génétique qu'au niveau des conditions d'infection, ont été entreprises afin d'obtenir des taux de sécrétion d'Epo cliniquement appropriés. L'insertion dans la séquence d'ADN d'un élément de régulation post¬transcriptionnelle dérivé du virus de l'hépatite du rongeur (« woodchuck ») ainsi que d'une séquence consensus appelée « Kozak » ont abouti à une augmentation de sécrétion d'Epo 7.5 fois plus importante. De même, l'optimisation de la multiplicité d'infection et la sélection plus drastique des cellules hautement productrices ont permis finalement d'obtenir une sécrétion correspondant à 200 IU d'Epo/10E6 cells/jour. Ces cellules génétiquement modifiées ont été encapsulées et implantées in vivo dans les mêmes conditions que celles décrites plus haut. Toutes les souris transplantées ont montré une augmentation significative de leur hématocrite et une proportion importante de cellules présentait une survie conservée au moment de l'explantation des capsules. Finalement, dans la perspective d'une application humaine, un modèle syngénique a été proposé, basé sur l'implantation de myoblastes murins encapsulés dans des souris, afin d'investiguer les rôles respectifs de la réponse immunitaire du receveur et des besoins métaboliques cellulaires sur leur survie à long terme. Les cellules ont été encapsulées à différentes densités et les animaux transplantés se sont vus administrer des injections de molécules anti-inflammatoires ou immunosuppressives. Les résultats ont démontré qu'une réaction immunologique péri-capsulaire était à la base du rejet cellulaire dans le cas de capsules à haute densité cellulaire. Une matrice de PVA peut limiter cette densité et éviter une mort cellulaire précoce due à une insuffisance métabolique et par conséquent prévenir la réaction immunitaire. Ce travail a permis le développement de cellules encapsulées d'origine humaine sécrétant des taux d'Epo humaine adaptés à des traitements cliniques. De pair avec l'optimalisation des paramètres d'encapsulation, ces résultats ont abouti à l'initiation d'une application clinique destinée à des patients en insuffisance rénale terminale.


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Background: Neuropathic pain is associated with altered expression of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) leading to peripheral nerve hyperexcitability. Interestingly, in cell expression systems, the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 regulates the cell membrane density of the most abundant peripheral and pain-related VGSC, namely Nav1.7, and decreases its sodium current. Yet nothing is known about the involvement of Nedd4-2 in nociception and chronic pain. Therefore, the goal of this study is (i) to characterize Nedd4-2 and Nav1.7 expression in an experimental model of neuropathic pain (ii) to design by viral vector-mediated gene therapy an approach to depict the implication of Nedd4-2 in chronic pain. Methods: Western Blot and immunohistochemistry experiments detecting Nav1.7 and Nedd4-2 were performed in rodent DRGs 7 days after spared nerve injury (SNI). For the viral vector-mediated gene therapy, a recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus (rAAV2/6) was generated expressing the Nedd4-2 gene. Intrathecal injection of rAAV2/6 was followed 2 weeks after by the SNI surgery. Data are expressed in mean ± SEM, n = 4 in each condition. Results: Immunofluorescence on DRGs neurons reveals a decreased number of positive Nedd4-2 cells in the SNI model (27.0 ± 1.2%) versus sham group (43.4 ± 3.5%; p <0.005), as well as an increase in positive Nav1.7 cells in SNI (50.1 ± 2.9%) versus Sham (41.6 ± 1.8%; p <0.05). The change of Nedd4-2 expression was confirmed by western-blot analysis. In addition, we show that Nedd4-2 and Nav1.7 are largely expressed in overlapping cell populations, chiefly colocalizing with markers of small nociceptive neurons. Furthermore, we report that intrathecal injection of rAAV is able to counteract the reduction of Nedd4-2 expression in SNI animals. Conclusion: Our results indicate that Nedd4-2 is mainly expressed in nociceptors and downregulated after nerve injury. Moreover, our data suggest that the reduction of Nedd4-2, after nerve injury, may modulate Nav1.7 activity and contribute to hyperexcitability in neuropathic pain. A normal level of Nedd4-2 can be restored using a viral vector and we will further assess its functional effect on pain sensitivity.


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AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a major therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetes. We investigated the effect of a short-term overexpression of AMPK specifically in the liver by adenovirus-mediated transfer of a gene encoding a constitutively active form of AMPKalpha2 (AMPKalpha2-CA). Hepatic AMPKalpha2-CA expression significantly decreased blood glucose levels and gluconeogenic gene expression. Hepatic expression of AMPKalpha2-CA in streptozotocin-induced and ob/ob diabetic mice abolished hyperglycemia and decreased gluconeogenic gene expression. In normal mouse liver, AMPKalpha2-CA considerably decreased the refeeding-induced transcriptional activation of genes encoding proteins involved in glycolysis and lipogenesis and their upstream regulators, SREBP-1 (sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1) and ChREBP (carbohydrate response element-binding protein). This resulted in decreases in hepatic glycogen synthesis and circulating lipid levels. Surprisingly, despite the inhibition of hepatic lipogenesis, expression of AMPKalpha2-CA led to fatty liver due to the accumulation of lipids released from adipose tissue. The relative scarcity of glucose due to AMPKalpha2-CA expression led to an increase in hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketone bodies production as an alternative source of energy for peripheral tissues. Thus, short-term AMPK activation in the liver reduces blood glucose levels and results in a switch from glucose to fatty acid utilization to supply energy needs.


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Overexpression of cytokine-induced apoptosis inhibitor 1 (CIAPIN1) contributes to multidrug resistance (MDR) in breast cancer. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of CIAPIN1 gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) as a treatment for drug-resistant breast cancer and to investigate the effect of CIAPIN1 on the drug resistance of breast cancer in vivo. We used lentivirus-vector-based RNAi to knock down CIAPIN1 in nude mice bearing MDR breast cancer tumors and found that lentivirus-vector-mediated silencing of CIAPIN1 could efficiently and significantly inhibit tumor growth when combined with chemotherapy in vivo. Furthermore, Western blot analysis showed that both CIAPIN1 and P-glycoprotein expression were efficiently downregulated, and P53 was upregulated, after RNAi. Therefore, we concluded that lentivirus-vector-mediated RNAi targeting of CIAPIN1 is a potential approach to reverse MDR of breast cancer. In addition, CIAPIN1 may participate in MDR of breast cancer by regulating P-glycoprotein and P53 expression.


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Since the nineteenth century ships have been using ballast water (BW) for safety, stability, propulsion and maneuverability, as well as to redress loss of fuel weight and water consumption, and to maintain structural stress at acceptable levels. Ballast water has been spreading many non-native species around the globe, but little is known about the extent and potential significance of ship-mediated transfer of microorganisms. The global movements of ballast water by ships create a long-distance dispersal mechanism for human pathogens that may be important in the worldwide distribution of microorganisms, as well as for the epidemiology of waterborne diseases. Only a few studies have been carried out on this subject, most of them involving ballast water containing crustacean larvae and phytoplankton. Specialized microbiological studies on these waters are necessary to avoid a repeat of what happened in 1991, when epidemic cholera was reported in Peru and rapidly spread through Latin America and Mexico. In July of 1992, Vibrio cholerae was found in the USA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that it came from ballast water of ships whose last port of call was in South America. In Brazil, just a few studies about the subject have been performed. An exploratory study by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria - ANVISA) found in ballast water different microorganisms, such as fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Clostridium perfringens, coliphages, Vibrio cholerae O1 and Vibrio cholerae non-O1. Until now, Brazil has been focusing only on organisms transported to its territory from other countries by ballast water, to avoid their establishment and dissemination in Brazilian areas. Studies that can assess the probability that water ballast carries pathogenic microorganisms are extremely important, as is the examination of ships that arrive in the country. Treatment of the human infections caused by BW exists but none is completely safe and efficient.


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We previously reported the development of a lethal myeloid sarcoma in a non-human primate model utilizing retroviral vectors to genetically modify hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. This leukemia was characterized by insertion of the vector provirus into the BCL2A1 gene, with resultant BCL2A1 over-expression. There is little information on the role of this anti-apoptotic member of the BCL2 family in hematopoiesis or leukemia induction. Therefore we studied the impact of Bcl2a1a lentiviral over-expression on murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. We demonstrated the anti-apoptotic function of this protein in hematopoietic cells, but did not detect any impact of Bcl2a1a on in vitro cell growth or cell cycle kinetics. In vivo, we showed a higher propensity of HSCs over-expressing Bcl2a1a to engraft and contribute to hematopoiesis. Mice over-expressing Bcl2a1a in the hematologic compartment eventually developed an aggressive malignant disease characterized as a leukemia/lymphoma of B-cell origin. Secondary transplants carried out to investigate the primitive origin of the disease revealed the leukemia was transplantable. Thus, Bcl2a1 should be considered as a protooncogene with a potential role in both lymphoid and myeloid leukemogenesis, and a concerning site for insertional activation by integrating retroviral vectors utilized in hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy.


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In der Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass von einem pp65(495-503)-spezifischen Doppelketten-TZR (2-Plasmide-retrovirales Vektorsystem) ein Potential der Fremdinteraktion mit spezifitätsfremden humanen gp100(280-288)- und AML(14-22)- sowie murinen MDM2(81-88)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen TZRa und -b Ketten besteht. Folglich zeichneten sich essentielle Optimierungsverfahren ab. Für die Generierung von bi-spezifischen T-Zellenrnwurden zwei Strategien etabliert. Das erste Verfahren hatte zur Voraussetzung, dass der Donor und Rezipient einen HCMV-seropositiven Status aufweisen würden. Es ließen sich pp65(495-503)-spezifische T-Zellen aus HCMV-seropositiven Blutproben expandieren, die eine effiziente pp65(495-503)-Spezifität charakterisierte. In der zweiten Strategie wurde die Situation behandelt, dass der Donor HCMV-seronegativ und der Rezipient HCMV-seropositiv wären.rnHierbei wurde das Verfahren der simultanen Kotransfektion mit einem pp65(495-503)- und p53(264-272)-spezifischen TZR etabliert. Bei der Verwendung beider Strategien konnten effizient p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen und pp65(495-503)-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden.rnHinzukommend konnte der Einfluss einer möglichen Kompetition um CD3 undrnFehlinteraktion mit den endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten dargelegt werden. Des Weiteren erfolgten Interaktionsanalysen mit einem p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR. Die Analysen erfolgten sowohl unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen in der humanen Jurkat-76 Zelllinie, welche den genomischen Verlust von endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten kennzeichnete, als auch unter kompetitiven Bedingungen in den humanen T-Zellen, die endogene TZRa und -b Ketten besitzen. In dem 2-Plasmide-retroviralen Vektorsystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen der p53(264-272)- Tumorantigen-spezifische Einzelketten-TZR in erhöhtem Maße mit der murinen MDM2(81-88)-sowie homologen p53(264-272)- als auch mit den humanen TZRa Ketten der Spezifitäten AML(14-22), gp100(280-288) und pp65(495-503) (Vb3-Analyse) interagieren konnte. Interessanterweise zeigte sich im 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystem ein geringeres Interaktionsverhalten mit murinen und vor allem humanen TZRa Ketten. Das Interaktionspotential schien TZR Subfamilien-abhängig zu sein. Essentiell war es, dass der p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifische Einzelketten-TZR eines 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystems, trotz minimaler Beeinflussungen, stets an der Zelloberfläche exprimiert werden konnte und sich kein vollständiger Verlust der p53(264-272)-Spezifität verzeichnen ließ. Aufgrund der Verdrängung der Va-Domäne des p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR durch eine Volllängen-TZRa-Kette, erfolgte die Optimierung der Va/Vb-Interaktion des Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem). Es konnte ein neuartiger p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifischer Einzelketten-TZR mit einer zusätzlichen künstlichen Disulfidbrücke zwischen Va(Q51C) und dem C-terminalen Ende des SL7-Linkers (G16C) generiert werden. Dieser Einzelketten-TZR zeigte im Vergleich zum Ausgangskonstrukt eine stärkere Va/Vb-Bindung, ausgelesen an einer effizienten Reduktion der residuellen Kettenfehlinteraktion, sowie eine effiziente TZR-Expression und Funktionalität, als auch eine vergleichbare TZR-MHC:Peptid-Affinität. Zusammenfassend konnten pp65(465-503)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden, die eine effiziente duale Spezifität aufwiesen. Auch konnte detailliert das Interaktionsverhalten eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR mit spezifitätsfremden TZRa Ketten dargelegt sowie eine Optimierung eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem) erzielt werden.


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The death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) belongs to a family of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-regulated serine/threonine kinases involved in apoptosis. During investigation of candidate genes operative in granulopoiesis, we identified DAPK2 as highly expressed. Subsequent investigations demonstrated particularly high DAPK2 expression in normal granulocytes compared with monocytes/macrophages and CD34(+) progenitor cells. Moreover, significantly increased DAPK2 mRNA levels were seen when cord blood CD34(+) cells were induced to differentiate toward neutrophils in tissue culture. In addition, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced neutrophil differentiation of two leukemic cell lines, NB4 and U937, revealed significantly higher DAPK2 mRNA expression paralleled by protein induction. In contrast, during differentiation of CD34(+) and U937 cells toward monocytes/macrophages, DAPK2 mRNA levels remained low. In primary leukemia, low expression of DAPK2 was seen in acute myeloid leukemia samples, whereas chronic myeloid leukemia samples in chronic phase showed intermediate expression levels. Lentiviral vector-mediated expression of DAPK2 in NB4 cells enhanced, whereas small interfering RNA-mediated DAPK2 knockdown reduced ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation, as evidenced by morphology and neutrophil stage-specific maturation genes, such as CD11b, G-CSF receptor, C/EBPepsilon, and lactoferrin. In summary, our findings implicate a role for DAPK2 in granulocyte maturation.


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BACKGROUND: We investigated the long-term outcome of gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) due to the lack of adenosine deaminase (ADA), a fatal disorder of purine metabolism and immunodeficiency. METHODS: We infused autologous CD34+ bone marrow cells transduced with a retroviral vector containing the ADA gene into 10 children with SCID due to ADA deficiency who lacked an HLA-identical sibling donor, after nonmyeloablative conditioning with busulfan. Enzyme-replacement therapy was not given after infusion of the cells. RESULTS: All patients are alive after a median follow-up of 4.0 years (range, 1.8 to 8.0). Transduced hematopoietic stem cells have stably engrafted and differentiated into myeloid cells containing ADA (mean range at 1 year in bone marrow lineages, 3.5 to 8.9%) and lymphoid cells (mean range in peripheral blood, 52.4 to 88.0%). Eight patients do not require enzyme-replacement therapy, their blood cells continue to express ADA, and they have no signs of defective detoxification of purine metabolites. Nine patients had immune reconstitution with increases in T-cell counts (median count at 3 years, 1.07x10(9) per liter) and normalization of T-cell function. In the five patients in whom intravenous immune globulin replacement was discontinued, antigen-specific antibody responses were elicited after exposure to vaccines or viral antigens. Effective protection against infections and improvement in physical development made a normal lifestyle possible. Serious adverse events included prolonged neutropenia (in two patients), hypertension (in one), central-venous-catheter-related infections (in two), Epstein-Barr virus reactivation (in one), and autoimmune hepatitis (in one). CONCLUSIONS: Gene therapy, combined with reduced-intensity conditioning, is a safe and effective treatment for SCID in patients with ADA deficiency. (ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00598481 and NCT00599781.)


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Addback of donor T cells following T cell-depleted stem cell transplantation (SCT) can accelerate immune reconstitution and be effective against relapsed malignancy. After haploidentical SCT, a high risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) essentially precludes this option, unless the T cells are first depleted of alloreactive precursor cells. Even then, the risks of severe GVHD remain significant. To increase the safety of the approach and thereby permit administration of larger T cell doses, we used a suicide gene, inducible caspase 9 (iCasp9), to transduce allodepleted T cells, permitting their destruction should administration have adverse effects. We made a retroviral vector encoding iCasp9 and a selectable marker (truncated CD19). Even after allodepletion (using anti-CD25 immunotoxin), donor T cells could be efficiently transduced, expanded, and subsequently enriched by CD19 immunomagnetic selection to >90% purity. These engineered cells retained antiviral specificity and functionality, and contained a subset with regulatory phenotype and function. Activating iCasp9 with a small-molecule dimerizer rapidly produced >90% apoptosis. Although transgene expression was downregulated in quiescent T cells, iCasp9 remained an efficient suicide gene, as expression was rapidly upregulated in activated (alloreactive) T cells. We have demonstrated the clinical feasibility of this approach after haploidentical transplantation by scaling up production using clinical grade materials.


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Pseudotype viruses are useful for studying the envelope proteins of harmful viruses. This work describes the pseudotyping of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) with the envelope glycoproteins of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. VSV lacking the homotypic glycoprotein (G) gene (VSVΔG) was used to express haemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA) or the combination of both. Propagation-competent pseudotype viruses were only obtained when HA and NA were expressed from the same vector genome. Pseudotype viruses containing HA from different H5 clades were neutralized specifically by immune sera directed against the corresponding clade. Fast and sensitive reading of test results was achieved by vector-mediated expression of GFP. Pseudotype viruses expressing a mutant VSV matrix protein showed restricted spread in IFN-competent cells. This pseudotype system will facilitate the detection of neutralizing antibodies against virulent influenza viruses, circumventing the need for high-level biosafety containment.