103 resultados para probate
One-page sheet with a handwritten Latin thesis defended by graduate Oliver Prescott in the 1750 Harvard College Commencement ceremony. The document is signed: "H. College July 3, 1750 Oliver Prescott. Verso: "Theses read when I took my degree 1750."
Small paper notebook with a handwritten copy of a Latin text titled “Quaedam Theses extractae potissimii ex Enchiridio Metaphisico” attributed to John Clark and J. Remington and copied by a Harvard student, likely Richard Dana (Harvard AB 1718). The text is a précis of sections of Jean Le Clerc's "Ontologia et Pneumatologia" prepared by Harvard Tutor Jonathan Remington (Harvard AB 1696). The paper cover is inscribed “Carpenter” and the first page includes the inscriptions “Rosewell Saltonstall,” “Ezra Carpenter,” and "R. Dana” indicating the book was once owned by Harvard students Richard Dana (Harvard AB 1718), Roswell Saltonstall (Harvard AB 1720), and Ezra Carpenter (Harvard AB 1720).
A one-page printed Middlesex County Court of Probate form appointing and authorizing William Hilliard, James P. Chaplin, and Royal Morse to inventory of the estate of Caleb Gannett.
Two pages with calculations and notes relating to the differences between the Estate Book and the account rendered by the Judge of Probate.
Letter regarding the death of Bayley’s son, Captain Nathaniel Bayley, at Lima, and a legal document granting Tudor power of attorney over for his estate. Also includes a probate document.
Handwritten copy of Last Will and Testament of Andrew Bordman II, with an approval of the document by Samuel Danforth, Judge of the Probate of Wills, Middlesex County. The document provides detail on the inheritance of Bordman's wife Elizabeth.
Three letters written to David Sewall (Harvard AB 1755). The first letter, written on September 21, 1753 by Samuel Sewall in York, to his brother at Harvard sends general news, asks after a hat sent to David, and requests he have a wig made for him. The second letter, written by Harvard student David Wyer on August 28, 1756, enthusiastically thanks Sewall for his past advice. The third letter, also sent from his brother Samuel in York on December 9, 1766, offers David advice on love. The two later letters were sent to Sewall while he was a schoolmaster in Wells, Maine.
Benjamin Colman wrote this letter to Edward Wigglesworth on March 4, 1728; it was sent from Colman, in Boston, to Wigglesworth, in Cambridge. The letter concerns their mutual friend, John Leverett, who had died several years before. It appears that Wigglesworth was charged with writing an epitaph for Leverett and had solicited input from Colman. Colman writes of his great admiration for Leverett, praising his "virtue & piety, wisdom & gravity [...] majesty & authority [...] eye & voice, goodness & courtesie."
This one-page undated and unattributed document contains a handwritten copy of the Latin inscription made for Jonathan Remington's gravestone.
Three-page handwritten letter from Harvard undergraduate George Richards Minot to his friend and Harvard graduate Daniel Kilham, dated December 1, 1777. The letter describes the discipline inflicted upon Minot and seven of his classmates by the Harvard government following a “Thanksgiving frolic,” and the retributions carried out by the students against a Tutor who recommended harsh measures for the accused students. The Early Faculty minutes for 1777 (UAIII 5.5, Volume 4, pages 75-76) describes the students’ crime as “making riotous & tumultuous noises in the Hall…committed in Presence of a number foreigners, & and on a day appointed by Authority for public Thanksgiving.”
Includes index.
Editor: 1895-1935, Sir Frederick Pollock, bart
Reporters: v. 2-3, Richard Searle and J.G. Middleton.
Editors: v. 1, G.A.C. May.--v. 2, G.A.C. May and William Woodlock.--v. 3-4, William Woodlock.--v. 5-11, J.W. Carleton
Each part has separate title-page.