833 resultados para pregnancy in adolescence


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This work examined how the conceptus modulates endometrial tissue remodeling and vascular development prior to implantation in mares. A macroscopic uterine examination was completed at day 21 of pregnancy. In situ morphology revealed that the endometrium involved in encroachment is restricted to the dorsal endometrium immediately overlying the yolk sac. The amount of stromal area occupied by blood vessels and the number of endometrial glands were increased during early pregnancy. Endometrial histomorphometry as well as the endometrial mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and Ki-67 was completed at days 14 and 21 of pregnancy, at day 10 of the estrous cycle, and during estrus. No obvious differences in VEGF and VEGFR1 protein localization were detected between pregnant and cycling mares but differential staining pattern for VEGFR2 and Ki-67 was observed. VEGFR2 localized to luminal and glandular epithelium of pregnant mares, while luminal epithelium was negative in cycling mares. Ki-67 staining was weak during the luteal phase but exhibited prominent luminal epithelium staining during estrus. In pregnant mares, all endometrial layers were Ki-67 positive. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed a greater abundance of VEGF mRNA during pregnancy. VEGFR2 transcript abundance was greatest in pregnant mares on day 21. This study supports the concept that the conceptus plays an active role in directing vasculogenesis within the uterus and thereby establishing hemotrophic nutrition that supports pregnancy after implantation. Reproduction (2011) 142 593-603


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Objective: This study examines relationships between multiple aspects of the home food environment and obesity-promoting characteristics of 12- to 13-year-old adolescents' diets, specifically frequency of consumption of high-energy fluids, sweet snacks, savory snacks, and take-out foods.

Research Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including 347 adolescents 12 to 13 years of age and their parents. Data were collected via self-completed surveys. The adolescents' diets were assessed using a Food Frequency Questionnaire derived from existing age-appropriate National Nutrition Survey data. An extensive range of domains within the home food environment were assessed. Bivariate linear regression analyses were run split by gender. Forced entry multiple linear regression analyses (adjusting for all variables significant in bivariate analyses as well as for maternal education) were also performed, stratified by the sex of the child.

Results: The influence of mothers, either as models for eating behaviors or as the providers of food, was pervasive. Mothers' intake of high-energy fluids (p = 0.003), sweet snacks (p = 0.010), savory snacks (p = 0.008), and take-out food (p = 0.007) was positively associated with boys' intake of all these foods. In addition, mothers' intake of high-energy fluids was positively associated with daughters' consumption of these drinks (p = 0.025). Furthermore, availability of unhealthy foods at home was positively associated with girls' sweet snack (p = 0.001), girls' savory snack (p < 0.001), boys' savory snack (p = 0.002), and, in the bivariate analyses, girls' high-energy fluid consumption (p = 0.002).

Discussion: This study of home food environment influences on adolescent diet highlights the pervasive influence of mothers in determining adolescents' obesity-promoting eating, providing direction for obesity prevention strategies and future research.


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Analyses examined risk factors for seventh- and ninth-grade youth  categorized as nonoffenders, physically violent, relationally aggressive, and both violent and relationally aggressive. Bivariate and multivariate results showed that relationally aggressive youth were elevated on most risks above levels for nonoffenders but lower than those for youth who were violent alone or violent in combination with relational aggression. Youth who were both relationally aggressive and violent did not differ from those who were violent alone on most risk factors examined. Peer, individual, and family risks were among the strongest predictors.


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This article describes a Chronic Illness Peer Support (ChIPS) programme designed to assist young people in their adjustment to life with a chronic medical condition. The ChIPS programme takes a non-categorical approach to participation, recognizing that young people with different medical conditions experience many similar concerns. Support groups are facilitated by a health professional and peer co-leader. Groups meet weekly for 8 weeks and typically include between six and eight young people. Young people can choose to remain involved in broader social, educational and recreational activities following completion of the 8-week programme. We discuss nine psychosocial mechanisms by which peer support groups such as ChIPS might act to improve resilience and well-being among participants. We also discuss some theoretical risks in running support groups for chronically ill young people, which emphasize the importance of training and support of group leaders, including the peer co-leaders. The article concludes with a personal testimony by a ChIPS participant that was prepared for the 2003 Australian and New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference.


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Objectives: Adolescent obesity is linked to measurable, asymptomatic metabolic and cardiovascular precursors, but its associations with adolescents’ experienced health and morbidity is less clear. The objective of this paper was to determine (1) Prevalence of comorbidities experienced by overweight/obese adolescents; (2) Associations between timing of overweight/obesity and morbidity.

Methods: Data were drawn from the three waves (1997, 2000, 2005) of the Health of Young Victorians Study (HOYVS), an Australian school-based longitudinal study. The main outcome measures were blood pressure; self- and parent-proxy reported health status (PedsQL, global health); self-reported mental health (SDQ), psychological distress (K-10), physical symptoms, sleep, asthma, and dieting; parent-reported health care needs (CSHCN screener) and visits. Regression methods, adjusted for sociodemographic factors, were used to assess associations with (1) Body mass index (BMI) status (non-overweight, overweight or obese) and (2) Timing of overweight/obesity ( never , childhood only , adolescence only , ‘persistent ).

Results: Of the 923 adolescents (20.2% overweight, 6.1% obese), 63.5% were categorised as ‘never’ overweight/obese, 8.5% as ‘childhood only’, 7.3% as ‘adolescence only’, and 20.8% as ‘persistent’. Current BMI status was strongly associated with poorer physical and global health, hypertension and dieting behaviours. Associations were weaker for emotional morbidity, and there was no clear evidence of association with any other variable. Other than dieting, adolescent morbidity was not associated with resolved childhood overweight/obesity.

Conclusions: Despite poorer overall health, overweight/obese adolescents were not more likely to report specific problems that might prompt health intervention. Morbidity was mainly associated with concurrent, rather than earlier, overweight/obesity.


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There is much interest in the nature and quality of the diet consumed by adolescents. To determine whether there are significant associations between diet and gain in height and weight in this age group, the present study analysed data on food intake and weight and height obtained on three occasions over a 30-month period from a total of 326 adolescents aged between 12 and 15 years. Information on sociodemographic and other lifestyle factors, including an indicator of physical activity, was also obtained. Energy intake was found to be a significant positive predictor of both height and weight gain. In addition intake of fat, calcium and riboflavin were found to be significant positive predicators of height gain and intake of carbohydrate and starch significant positive predictors of weight gain. After controlling for energy intake only riboflavin approached significance as a positive predictor of height gain. A food group analysis identified intake of dairy foods as a significant predictor of height gain. Although statistically significant the dietary predictors explained only a small proportion of the variability in height and weight (≤3.5%). Given the difficulties in obtaining complete dietary records from this age group and the generally adequate nature of the diet in the study group, the small proportion of height and weight gain explained by diet is not unexpected. Nevertheless the nutrient predictors identified are consistent with nutrient requirements for growth during adolescence and highlight the importance, for this age group, of an adequate intake of nutrients specifically provided by dairy foods. Few significant associations were found between growth rates and the sociodemographic and the lifestyle factors measured in this study. The ethnic diversity of the study sample may have contributed to this outcome.


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This discourse analytic study sits at the intersection of everyday communications with young people in mental health settings and the enduring sociological critique of diagnoses in psychiatry. The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is both contested and stigmatized, in mental health and general health settings. Its legitimacy is further contested within the specialist adolescent mental health setting. In this setting, clinicians face a quandary regarding the application of adult diagnostic criteria to an adolescent population, aged less than 18 years. This article presents an analysis of interviews undertaken with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) clinicians in two publicly funded Australian services, about their use of the BPD diagnosis. In contrast with notions of primacy of diagnosis or of transparency in communications, doctors, nurses and allied health clinicians resisted and subverted a diagnosis of BPD in their work with adolescents. We delineate specific social and discursive strategies that clinicians displayed and reflected on, including: team rules which discouraged diagnostic disclosure; the lexical strategy of hedging when using the diagnosis; the prohibition and utility of informal ‘borderline talk’ among clinicians; and reframing the diagnosis with young people. For clinicians, these strategies legitimated their scepticism and enabled them to work with diagnostic uncertainty, in a population identified as vulnerable. For adolescent identities, these strategies served to forestall a BPD trajectory, allowing room for troubled adolescents to move and grow. These findings illuminate how the contest surrounding this diagnosis in principle is expressed in everyday clinical practice.


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Youth offenders are complex and challenging for policymakers and practitioners alike and face high risks for long-term disadvantage and social marginalisation. In many cases, this marginalisation from the mainstream begins in early life, particularly in the classroom, where they have difficulty both with language/literacy tasks and with the interpersonal demands of the classroom. Underlying both sets of skills is oral language competence—the ability to use and understand spoken language in a range of situations and social exchanges, in order to successfully negotiate the business of everyday life. This paper highlights an emerging field of research that focuses specifically on the oral language skills of high-risk young people. It presents evidence from Australia and overseas that demonstrates that high proportions (some 50% in Australian studies) of young offenders have a clinically significant, but previously undetected, oral language disorder. The evidence presented in this paper raises important questions about how young offenders engage in forensic interviews, whether as suspects, victims or witnesses. The delivery of highly verbally mediated interventions such as counselling and restorative justice conferencing is also considered in the light of emerging international evidence on this topic.


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Cigarette smoking is increased in people with trait anxiety and anxiety disorders, however no longitudinal data exist illuminating whether smoking in adolescence can influence the developmental trajectory of anxiety symptoms from early vulnerability in infancy to adult anxiety expression. Using The Tracing Opportunities and Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (TOPP) Study, a community-based cohort of children and adolescents from Norway who were observed from the age of 18months to age 18–19years, we explored the relationship between adolescent smoking, early vulnerability for anxiety in infancy (e.g. shyness, internalizing behaviors, emotional temperaments) and reported early adult anxiety.

Structural equation modeling demonstrated that adolescent active smoking was positively associated with increased early adulthood anxiety (β = 0.17, p<0.05), after controlling for maternal education (proxy for socioeconomic status). Adolescent anxiety did not predict early adult smoking. Adolescent active smoking was a significant effect modifier in the relationship between some infant vulnerability factors and later anxiety; smoking during adolescence moderated the relationship between infant internalizing behaviors (total sample: active smokers: β = 0.85,p<0.01, non-active smokers: ns) and highly emotional temperament (total sample: active smokers: β = 0.55,p<0.01,non-active smokers: ns), but not shyness, and anxiety in early adulthood. The results support a model where smoking acts as an exogenous risk factor in the development of anxiety, and smoking may alter the developmental trajectory of anxiety from infant vulnerability to early adult anxiety symptom expression. Although alternative non-mutually exclusive models may explain these findings, the results suggest that adolescent smoking may be a risk factor for adult anxiety, potentially by influencing anxiety developmental trajectories. Given the known adverse health effects of cigarette smoking and significant health burden imposed by anxiety disorders, this study supports the importance of smoking prevention and cessation programs targeting children and adolescence.


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Objectives: This paper reports secular trends in diabetes in pregnancy in Victoria, Australia and examines the effect of including or excluding women with pre-existing diabetes on gestational diabetes (GDM) prevalence estimates.