979 resultados para population decline


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Ground-foraging birds of temperate woodlands of southern Australia are prominent among bird species considered to be susceptible to population decline. We examined the foraging ecology, including foraging substrates, actions and heights, of 13 ground-foraging species at four woodland sites in northern Victoria. Nine species are regarded as declining in southern Australia and four are considered common. Ten foraging substrates were identified, of which leaf-litter (54% of observations) and bare ground (17%) were most frequently used. In all woodland sites, litter was used more frequently than expected from its proportional cover. Bare ground was frequently used as a substrate by individual species, and fallen timber and grass were important for some species. Most species were generalists in their use of substrates. Six foraging actions were observed, of which gleaning and pouncing were most frequently recorded. All species foraged close to the ground and four foraged almost entirely at ground level. For pouncing birds, dead branches and fallen timber were the most important launch substrates from which pouncing actions were initiated. Eight of the 13 species differed in some aspect of their foraging ecology between woodland sites, especially in relation to the use of substrates (seven species). Fewer species (four) displayed differences in foraging ecology between seasons, with the greatest seasonal variation being in use of foraging substrates (three species). Overall, no significant differences were evident in the foraging ecologies of common and declining species. Species in both groups encompassed a wide range of foraging behaviours. Owing to this range in foraging ecology, the conservation of diverse assemblages of ground-foraging birds requires the maintenance of heterogeneous ground layers and careful management of disturbance processes.


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In recent times, the apparent population decline of the southern bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) at Bat Cave, Naracoorte has been ascribed to pesticide use in the region, following the finding of organochlorine and orgaonophosphate insecticide residues in bat guano. Adult southern bent-wing bats were collected from Bat Cave and Starlight Cave in 2003. Organochlorine contaminants were detected in all carcass samples: p,p′-DDE was by far the most dominant contaminant with concentrations ranging from 11 000 to 59 000 ng g−1, followed by p,p′-DDT (110–1600 ng g−1), p,p′-DDD (35–620 ng g−1), ∑PCBs (33–490 ng g−1), ∑chlordane and related compounds (7.9–270 ng g−1), HCB (1.6–120 ng g−1), HP epox. (3.1–230 ng g−1), TCPMOH (3.8–38 ng g−1), ∑HCHs (1.4–9.6 ng g−1), and TCPMe (0.1–4.2 ng g−1) (all values on lipid-weight basis). No significant difference in DDE, DDD, DDT, ∑DDT, ∑PCB, trans-chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, trans-nonachlor, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, TCPMOH or TCPMe concentrations were observed either between sexes within sites, or between sites (p > 0.05). However, there were significant differences in HCB and oxychlordane concentrations between sexes and between sites (p < 0.05), between site differences in cis-nonachlor concentrations in male bats (p < 0.05), and cis-chlordane concentrations between sexes at Starlight Cave, and between males of each site (p < 0.05). There were also significant differences in the liver concentrations of some metals between sexes within sites (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn), and between sites (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se, V, Zn). Clustering or grouping of sites was observed when the OC data was expressed on a lipid-weight basis. These inter-site differences in OC concentrations reflect local exposure over a period of time, and do not unambiguously support any suggestion that we are witnessing incipient speciation. However, for conservation purposes, it may be prudent to assume that there are two sub-populations of M. s. bassani feeding in different locations in this region of southern Australia, rather than the single homogeneous population suggested by genetic studies.


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As has occurred in many smaller rural communities in America, Europe and Canada much of inland Australia has experienced population decline involving both a net loss of people a disproportionate ageing of the population and low average family incomes. Some Australian country towns have ceased to function as retail and administrative centres while other rural areas are faced with the prospect of losing critically important retail outlets and service providers. Australian rural towns are under threat from residents outshopping at nearby large regional centres leading to the loss of businesses and services in small service towns. This paper explores the possibility of how and why retailers and service providers in Australian country towns can and should emulate certain attributes of shopping malls in an attempt to stem the rise of outshopping. Using data collected in one small Australian rural community the paper comments on residents' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of retailing and the provision of services in their local community and what respondents thought should be done to diminish retail leakage from their town. Based on their responses it is clear that to remain competitive, retailers in smaller rural towns need to learn from the experience of shopping malls with whom they must now compete to survive. In this paper, it is argued that in certain areas this is not only possible, but essential if retailing is to remain viable in Australian country towns.


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1. Animals facing partial habitat loss can try to survive in the remaining habitat or emigrate. Effects on survival and movements should be studied simultaneously since survival rates may be underestimated if emigrants are not considered, and since emigrants may experience reduced survival.

2. We analysed movements and survival of adult wintering oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus in response to the 1986–1987 partial closure of the Oosterschelde in the Dutch Delta. This reduced by one-third the tidal area of this major European wintering area for waders.

3. We developed a novel variant of a multistate capture–recapture model allowing simultaneous estimation of survival and movement between sites using a mixture of data (live recaptures and dead recoveries). We used a two-step process, first estimating movements between sites followed by site-specific survival rates.

4. Most birds were faithful to their ringing site. Winter survival was negatively affected by winter severity and was lowest among birds changing wintering site (i.e. moving outside of the Oosterschelde).

5. During mild winters, survival rates were very high, and similar to before the closure in both changed and unchanged sectors of the Oosterschelde. However, the combined effect of habitat loss with severe winters decreased the survival of birds from changed sectors and induced emigration.

6. The coastal engineering project coincided with three severe winters and high food stock, making assessment of its effects difficult. However, the habitat loss seems to have had less impact on adult survival and movements than did winter severity.

7. Synthesis and applications. Human-induced habitat change may result in population decline through costly emigration or reduced survival or reproduction of individuals that stay. Long-term monitoring of marked individuals helps to understand how populations respond to environmental change, but site-specific survival and movement rates should be integrated in the same model in order to maximize the information yield. Our modelling approach facilitates this because it allows the inclusion of recoveries from outside the study area.


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Habitat loss and associated fragmentation effects are well-recognised threats to biodiversity. Loss of functional connectivity (mobility, gene flow and demographic continuity) could result in population decline in altered habitat, because smaller, isolated populations are more vulnerable to extinction. We tested whether substantial habitat reduction plus fragmentation is associated with reduced gene flow in three 'decliner' woodland-dependent bird species (eastern yellow robin, weebill and spotted pardalote) identified in earlier work to have declined disproportionately in heavily fragmented landscapes in the Box-Ironbark forest region in north-central Victoria, Australia. For these three decliners, and one 'tolerant' species (striated pardalote), we compared patterns of genetic diversity, relatedness, effective population size, sex-ratios and genic (allele frequency) differentiation among landscapes of different total tree cover, identified population subdivision at the regional scale, and explored fine-scale genotypic (individual-based genetic signature) structure. Unexpectedly high genetic connectivity across the study region was detected for 'decliner' and 'tolerant' species. Power analysis simulations suggest that moderate reductions in gene flow should have been detectable. However, there was evidence of local negative effects of reduced habitat extent and structural connectivity: slightly lower effective population sizes, lower genetic diversity, higher within-site relatedness and altered sex-ratios (for weebill and eastern yellow robin) in 10 x 10 km 'landscapes' with low vegetation cover. We conclude that reduced structural connectivity in the Box-Ironbark ecosystem may still allow sufficient gene flow to avoid the harmful effects of inbreeding in our study species. Although there may still be negative consequences of fragmentation for demographic connectivity, the high genetic connectivity of mobile bird species in this system suggests that reconnecting isolated habitat patches may be less important than increasing habitat extent and/or quality if these need to be traded off.


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Ecological monitoring is widely used to measure change through time in ecosystems. The current extinction crisis has resulted in a wealth of monitoring programs focussed on tracking the status of threatened species, and the perceived importance of monitoring has seen it become the cornerstone of many biodiversity conservation programs. However, many monitoring programs fail to produce useful outcomes due to inherent flaws. Here we use a monitoring program from south-eastern Australia as a case study to illustrate the potential of such endeavours. The threatened carnivorous marsupial, the brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa), has been monitored at various locations between 2000 and 2010. We present strong evidence for a decline in relative abundance during this period, and also describe relationships with environmental variables. These results provide insights likely to be valuable in guiding future management of the species. In the absence of the monitoring program, informed management would not be possible. While early detection of population declines is important, knowledge of the processes driving such declines is required for effective intervention. We argue that monitoring programs will be most effective as a tool for enhanced conservation management if they test specific hypotheses relating to changes in population trajectories. Greater emphasis should be placed on rigorous statistical analysis of monitoring datasets in order to capitalise on the resources devoted to monitoring activities. Many datasets are likely to exist for which careful analysis of results would have benefits for determining management directions.


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An understanding of which native species are severely impacted by an anthropogenic change (such as the arrival of an invasive species) and which are not is critical to prioritizing conservation efforts. However, it is difficult to detect such impacts if the native taxa exhibit strong stochastic variations in abundance; a ‘natural’ population decline might be wrongly interpreted as an impact of the invader. Frillneck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii) are large iconic Australian agamids, and have been reported to decline following the invasion of toxic cane toads. We monitored three populations of the species in the savanna woodland of tropical Australia over a 7-year period bracketing toad arrival. One population crashed, one remained stable and one increased. Hence, studies on any single population might have inferred that cane toads have negative, negligible or positive effects on frillneck lizards. With the benefit of spatial replication, and in combination with observations of prey choice by captive lizards, our data suggest that invasive cane toads have had little or no effect on frillneck abundance.


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Understanding what constitutes high quality habitat is crucial for the conservation of species, especially those threatened with extinction. Habitat quality frequently is inferred by comparing the attributes of sites where a species is present with those where it is absent. However, species presence may not always indicate high quality habitat. Demographic parameters are likely to provide a more biologically relevant measure of quality, including a species' ability to successfully reproduce. We examined factors believed to influence territory quality for the grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis), a cooperatively breeding woodland bird that has experienced major range contraction and population decline in south-eastern Australia. Across three broad regions, we identified active territories and determined the presence of fledglings and the size of family groups, as surrogates of territory quality. These measures were modelled in relation to habitat attributes within territories, the extent of surrounding wooded vegetation, isolation from neighbouring groups, and the size of the neighbourhood population. Fledgling presence was strongly positively associated with group size, indicating that helpers enhance breeding success. Surprisingly, no other territory or landscape-scale variables predicted territory quality, as inferred from either breeding success or group size. Relationships between group size and environmental variables may be obscured by longer-term dynamics in group size. Variation in biotic interactions, notably competition from the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), also may contribute. Conservation actions that enhance the number and size of family groups will contribute towards reversing declines of this species. Despite associated challenges, demographic studies have potential to identify mechanistic processes that underpin population performance; critical knowledge for effective conservation management.


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Global biodiversity indicators can be used to measure the status and trends of biodiversity relating to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) targets. Whether such indicators can support decision makers by distinguishing among policy options remains poorly evaluated. We tested the ability of two CBD indicators, the Living Planet Index and the Red List Index, to reflect projected changes in mammalian populations in sub-Saharan Africa in response to potential policies related to CBD targets for protected areas (PAs). We compared policy scenarios to expand the PA network, improve management effectiveness of the existing network, and combinations of the two, against business as usual. Both indicators showed that more effective management would provide greater benefits to biodiversity than expanding PAs alone. The indicators were able to communicate outcomes of modeled scenarios in a simple quantitative manner, but behaved differently. This work highlights both the considerable potential of indicators in supporting decisions, and the need to understand how indicators will respond as biodiversity changes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chrysomya albiceps, the larvae of which are facultative predators of larvae of other dipteran species, has been introduced to the Americas over recent years along with other Old World species of blowflies, including Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya putoria and Chlysomya rufifacies. An apparent correlate of this biological invasion has been a sudden decline in the population numbers of Cochliomyia macellaria, a native species of the Americas. In this study, we investigated predation rates on third instar larvae of C. macellaria, C. putoria and C. megacephala by third instar larvae of C. albiceps in no-choice, two-choice and three-choice situations. Most attacks by C. albiceps larvae occurred within the first hour of observation and the highest predation rate occurred on C. macellaria larvae, suggesting that C. albiceps was more dangerous to C. macellaria than to C. megacephala and C. putoria under these experimental conditions. The rates of larvae killed as a result of the predation, as well as its implications to population dynamics of introduced and native species are discussed.


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Overhunting has caused severe decline or local extinction in many large-bodied mammals with direct consequences on plant regeneration, yet little is known about indirect impacts of selective defaunation on commensal species. Cascading effects of species extinction across dependent species groups are likely to occur in coprophagous beetles, because these invertebrates rely on mammal dung for food and nesting material. Both mammals and dung beetles provide important ecosystem services and cascading effects are likely to lead to rapid functional losses. In this study, we described changes in dung beetle communities across a gradient of selective defaunation in continuous Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. We compared the dung beetle assemblages in seven sites with different mammalian biomass and composition. The reduction in the mammalian biomass had a major effect on dung beetle communities by (1) increasing dung beetle abundance with decreasing overall mammal, primate and large mammal biomasses, (2) decreasing dung beetle species richness with decreasing overall mammal biomass and (3) decreasing dung beetle size with decreasing large mammal biomass. Moreover, our study demonstrated the importance of the composition of mammal communities in structuring dung beetle communities. This study documented how selective changes in mammalian biomass and composition affect dung beetle species communities, which in turn may have cascading consequences for the ecosystem. Since most of tropical ecosystems are facing dramatic changes in mammalian composition, it is urgent to evaluate the functional losses associated with such co-extinctions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Defaunation, the loss or population decline of medium and large native vertebrates represents a significant threat to the biodiversity of tropical ecosystems. Here we review the anthropogenic drivers of defaunation, provide a brief historical account of the development of this field, and analyze the types of biological consequences of this impact on the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems. We identify how defaunation, operating at a variety of scales, from the plot to the global level, affects biological systems along a gradient of processes ranging from plant physiology (vegetative and reproductive performance) and animal behavior (movement, foraging and dietary patterns) in the immediate term; to plant population and community dynamics and structure leading to disruptions of ecosystem functioning (and thus degrading environmental services) in the short to medium term; to evolutionary changes (phenotypic changes and population genetic structure) in the long-term. We present such a synthesis as a preamble to a series of papers that provide a compilation of our current understanding of the impact and consequences of tropical defaunation. We close by identifying some of the most urgent needs and perspectives that warrant further study to improve our understanding of this field, as we confront the challenges of living in a defaunated world. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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O pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) é um importante recurso pesqueiro da região amazônica, que vem sendo explorado desde o século XIX, havendo indícios de diminuição do tamanho populacional em algumas localidades ao longo da sua distribuição. O manejo da pesca vem sendo uma das estratégias adotadas para manter essa atividade pesqueira associada a conservação da espécie. Neste trabalho avaliamos aspectos populacionais de pirarucus de duas localidades da Reserva Mamirauá (Jarauá e Maraã), e comparamos estas com as populações já analisadas de Santarém e Tucuruí, verificando suas variabilidade e estrutura genética. Para isso foram utilizados sete locos microssatélites genotipados para 463 pirarucus da Reserva Mamirauá coletados ao longo de cinco anos. Nossos resultados encontraram uma maior diversidade genética para esta população em comparação as encontradas em Santarém e Tucuruí. As análises indicam que o manejo esta sendo ecologicamente eficiente, não tendo havido alterações significantes ao longo dos cinco anos de estudo. A migração lateral, associada a um possível padrão de retorno ao lago sem fidelidade espacial, parece ter grande importância na homogeneização genética local. Entretanto, este fator é espacialmente limitado, sendo observada uma pequena diferenciação entre os pirarucus do Jarauá e do Maraã. Entre localidades mais distantes, a diferenciação é maior, apesar de somente a distância não ser capaz de explicar esse fenômeno. Acreditamos que a diminuição populacional em localidades intermediárias, provavelmente causada por sobre-pesca, pode estar influenciando a conectividade ao longo dos pontos estudados.