994 resultados para pontes em placa
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Els objectius inicials foren la construcció d una 'Cèl•lula Solar Sensibilitzada mitjançant un Colorant’ (DSSC) amb el tint d una col llombarda i posterior caracterització segons el dossier 'Nanocrystalline Solar Cell Kit: Recreating Photosynthesis’. Les DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) són un tipus de cèl•lules que imiten els principis que la fotosíntesis ha fet servir exitosament durant més de 3,5 bilions d anys. S’han construït algunes DSSC i se n’ha provat la seva eficiència. El seu funcionament es basa en l’energia d’un fotó que excita un electró i el fa saltar de nivell energètic fins que es desprèn de l’àtom de colorant, deixant un forat en la molècula. Aquest electró lliure passa a través de la capa de TiO2 fins arribar a la càrrega on es genera el corrent elèctric. Tot seguit, l’electró arriba al contra-elèctrode i és aquí on entra en contacte amb l’electròlit, el mediador iode/triiode. Aquest regenera l’electró, que anteriorment ha saltat del colorant, oxidant-se ell mateix.
INTRODUCTION: The femoral periprosthetic fracture of the knee is one of the most feared complications because of its repercussions. Incidence are more and more likely due to the increase of total implanted arthroplasty of the knee, due to the increasing lifespan among the general population. The objective of this study is to analyze some of the perioperative aspects of the treatment of these fractures, comparing the use of osteosynthesis with plates and the retrograde nailing in those patients with femoral periprosthetic knee fractures with a stable implant. MATERIAL AND METODS: The study retrospectively examines 18 cases treated consecutively in our hospital (3 men and 15 women, average age of 72.7 years) between the years of 2000 and 2009. All fractures were located in the distal femur and on a stable implant. Eight were treated through retrograde nailing (Group I) and ten with plates (Group II). The cases are analyzed through the tests of the University of Mann-Withney and the exact Fischer test, with significant values of p≤0.05, the variables of median hospital stay, necessity of transfusion indicated with values of hemoglobin less than 8 mg/ml, preoperative radiological alignment and postoperative alignment of the total knee prosthesis (TKR), measured following the anatomical tibiofemoral axis, time of consolidation and incidence of localized complications in both groups. RESULTS: We did not find any statistically significant differences between the two groups in any of the variables analyzed. Localized complications are more frequent in Group I (62.5 percent of patients) than in Group II (10 percent of patients). The need for transfusion is greater in Group II (40 percent) than in Group I (12.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: The type of implant used in treatment of femoral periprosthetic knee fracture does not significantly influence perioperative factors. The treatment for this type of fractures should be individually chosen in relation to the type of fracture, characteristics of the patient and stability and prosthesis model of the primary knee.
OBJECTIVE: assess the functional, subjective and radiological results obtained in patients treated with variable-angle locking plate for unstable distal radius fracture and compare these results with current studies. PATIENTS AND METHOD: From October of 2008 to July of 2011, 20 patients were included who had undergone intervention using the volar approach to the Flexor Carpi Radialis. The average follow up was 18 months. Both clinical and radiological results were analyzed. The Mayo Wrist Score and DASH questioner were used. RESULTS: The average age was 50 years; 50% men and 50% women. The consolidation of the fracture was verified in all cases. An average volar angle was obtained of 5º, radial inclination of 19º, radial height of 10.5 mm, and ulnar variance of -1 mm. The clinical assessment revealed an average dorsal flexion of 75º, palm flexion of 70º, supination of 75º and pronation of 73 º. The results for the DASH questionnaire showed an average of 17.8 and 82.7 for the Mayo Wrist Score. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience has provided some good results, both in functional and subjective as well as radio logical terms, similar to those found in studies with implants from the same generation.
Os ensaios não destrutivos (NDT) constituem um instrumento importante na avaliação da condição de uma ponte. No trabalho desenvolvido dá-se enfase aos ensaios de caracterização de resistências, ensaios de caracterização geométrica e detecção de defeito e ainda ensaios de carga. A maior parte destes ensaios podem ser realizados sem interromper o trafego da ponte, além de que a maioria não introduz qualquer dano na estrutura. Todos os ensaios apresentam limitações e vantagens. Para cada ensaio estudado, apresenta-se uma breve descrição, o princípio físico em que se baseia, as suas limitações, as vantagens e o campo de aplicação. No final do trabalho apresenta-se um caso de estudo de uma ponte onde foram realizados vários dos ensaios descritos, incluindo a extracção de carotes. A partir dos valores obtidos no ensaio de resistência à compressão das carotes estimou-se o valor característico da tensão de rotura do betão à compressão usando metodologias probabilísticas. Fez-se ainda a classificação relativamente à classe de resistência do betão à compressão, recorrendo a norma NP EN 13791-2008.
El departament d’electrònica i telecomunicacions de la Universitat de Vic ha dissenyat un conjunt de plaques entrenadores amb finalitat educativa. Perquè els alumnes puguin utilitzar aquestes plaques com a eina d’estudi, és necessari disposar d’un sistema de gravació econòmic i còmode. La major part dels programadors, en aquest cas, no compleixen amb aquests requeriments. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dissenyar un sistema de programació que utilitzi la comunicació sèrie i que no requereixi d'un hardware ni software específics. D’aquesta manera, obtenim una placa autònoma i un programador gratuït, de muntatge ràpid i simple d’utilitzar. El sistema de gravació dissenyat s’ha dividit en tres blocs. Per una banda, un programa que anomenem “programador” encarregat de transferir codi de programa des de l’ordinador al microcontrolador de la placa entrenadora. Per altra banda, un programa anomenat “bootloader”, situat al microcontrolador, permet rebre aquest codi de programa i emmagatzemar-lo a les direccions de memòria de programa corresponents. Com a tercer bloc, s’implementa un protocol de comunicació i un sistema de control d’errors per tal d’assegurar una correcta comunicació entre el “programador” i el “bootloader”. Els objectius d’aquest projecte s’han complert i per les proves realitzades, el sistema de programació ha funcionat correctament.
A small, closed, lacustrine system developed during the restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene As Pontes strike-slip basin (Spain). The increase in basin accommodation and the headward spread of the drainage, which increased the water input, triggered a change from shallow, holomictic to deeper, meromictic conditions.
The lacustrine and swampy sequences recorded in the As Pontes basin are rather diverse in terms of facies and sequential arrangement, depending on the considered basin zone. Since these sequences developed synchronously and very close, the paleoclimate conditions had to be similar and the observed differences must be attributed to the tectonic influence.
The As Pontes basin (12 km2), NW Iberian Peninsula, is bounded by a double restraining bend of a dextral strike-slip fault, which is related to the western onshore end of the Pyrenean belt. Surface and subsurface data obtained from intensive coal exploration and mining in the basin since the 1960s together with additional structural and stratigraphic sequence analysis allowed us to determine the geometric relationships between tectonic structures and stratigraphic markers. The small size of the basin and the large amount of quality data make the As Pontes basin a unique natural laboratory for improving our understanding of the origin and evolution of restraining bends. The double restraining bend is the end stage of the structural evolution of a compressive underlapping stepover, where the basin was formed. During the first stage (stepover stage), which began ca. 30 Ma ago (latest Rupelian) and lasted 3.4 My, two small isolated basins bounded by thrusts and normal faults were formed. For 1.3 My, the strike-slip faults, which defined the stepover, grew towards each other until joining and forming the double restraining bend, which bounds one large As Pontes basin (transition stage). The history of the basin was controlled by the activity of the double restraining bend for a further 3.4 My (restraining bend stage) and ended in mid-Aquitanian times (ca. 22 Ma).
A alta difusividade do oxigênio em diversos materiais dificulta a criação e, ou, manutenção de um ambiente livre de O2. As técnicas utilizadas são pouco eficientes na exclusão do O2 e, portanto, não expressam a condição do solo alagado. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver um método para obtenção de raízes em condição de hipoxia e avaliar a placa férrica e a formação de aerênquima no arroz. Foi criada uma condição de hipoxia semelhante à do solo alagado em tanques de 50 L, explorando a capacidade de difusão do O2 por meio do vinil em contato com solo reduzido. Cada tanque preenchido com solo (Gleissolo háplico) recebeu cinco sacos de vinil e foi mantido alagado. Plantas dos genótipos IRGA 423 e IRGA 424 previamente cultivadas em campo foram coletadas, tendo as raízes cortadas junto ao colo, lavadas e um terço da lâmina foliar removido. Cada saco de vinil recebeu 12 plantas de cada genótipo e solução nutritiva. Após sete dias, as novas raízes adventícias formadas foram utilizadas na determinação da porosidade e a da placa férrica em segmentos de 0-2, 2-4 e 4-6 cm a partir da ponta da raiz. As raízes foram colocadas em contato com a solução de um solo em processo de redução por 4 h e a placa férrica determinada após a extração do Fe com HCl 0,5 mol L-1. A porosidade foi determinada pela aplicação de ciclos de vácuo, com auxílio de seringas. A diferença de peso antes e depois do tratamento com vácuo e entrada de água foi assumida como sendo a estimativa da magnitude do aerênquima ao longo da raiz. A eficácia do método foi testada com a produção de raízes adventícias em saco de vinil com aeração e hipoxia. A porosidade nas raízes foi maior em ambiente hipóxico, comparado à aeração. A porosidade foi maior na proximidade da base da planta e, à medida que a porosidade aumentou, houve aumento do conteúdo de Fe na superfície das raízes, indicando que a placa férrica pode servir como estimativa da formação de aerênquima no arroz. O método de obtenção de raízes foi eficiente em promover a eliminação de O2 do saco de vinil para estudar a formação do aerênquima.
Résumé : Les auteurs rapportent un cas où des mouches nécrophages ont pondu dans des conditions extrêmes sur un corps enseveli dans un névé. Cette enquête apporte des éléments importants sur l'activité de vol et les possibilités de pontes de deux espèces de mouches nécrophages. Ces données dépassent largement ce qui est généralement admis dans la littérature spécialisée.
La invención de la fíbula se ongmo sin duda por la necesidad de poseer un útil capaz de lograr entera seguridad en el abrochado de los vestidos. Una vez creada la fíbula no podía quedar relegada al simple papel de un objeto útil, su misma posición en lugares visibles y bien destacables del vestido, sobre todo en el femenino, hizo que el artesano desde un primer momento pensase en conferirle mayor belleza. Ambas funciones de útil y adorno se cumplen a la perfección en un ejemplar que, procedente de la necrópolis de Mas de Mussols, en La Palma, Tortosa, tuve ya ocasión de dar a conocer en mi anterior trabajo sobre las fíbulas en Cataluña. Se trata de una placa circular de bronce a cuyo reverso hay inserta una fibulita. De las tres placas halladas en la necrópolis la más representativa es una que pertenece a la colección municipal de Amposta.
The As Pontes basin (12 km2), NW Iberian Peninsula, is bounded by a double restraining bend of a dextral strike-slip fault, which is related to the western onshore end of the Pyrenean belt. Surface and subsurface data obtained from intensive coal exploration and mining in the basin since the 1960s together with additional structural and stratigraphic sequence analysis allowed us to determine the geometric relationships between tectonic structures and stratigraphic markers. The small size of the basin and the large amount of quality data make the As Pontes basin a unique natural laboratory for improving our understanding of the origin and evolution of restraining bends. The double restraining bend is the end stage of the structural evolution of a compressive underlapping stepover, where the basin was formed. During the first stage (stepover stage), which began ca. 30 Ma ago (latest Rupelian) and lasted 3.4 My, two small isolated basins bounded by thrusts and normal faults were formed. For 1.3 My, the strike-slip faults, which defined the stepover, grew towards each other until joining and forming the double restraining bend, which bounds one large As Pontes basin (transition stage). The history of the basin was controlled by the activity of the double restraining bend for a further 3.4 My (restraining bend stage) and ended in mid-Aquitanian times (ca. 22 Ma).
Forecasting coal resources and reserves is critical for coal mine development. Thickness maps are commonly used for assessing coal resources and reserves; however they are limited for capturing coal splitting effects in thick and heterogeneous coal zones. As an alternative, three-dimensional geostatistical methods are used to populate facies distributionwithin a densely drilled heterogeneous coal zone in the As Pontes Basin (NWSpain). Coal distribution in this zone is mainly characterized by coal-dominated areas in the central parts of the basin interfingering with terrigenous-dominated alluvial fan zones at the margins. The three-dimensional models obtained are applied to forecast coal resources and reserves. Predictions using subsets of the entire dataset are also generated to understand the performance of methods under limited data constraints. Three-dimensional facies interpolation methods tend to overestimate coal resources and reserves due to interpolation smoothing. Facies simulation methods yield similar resource predictions than conventional thickness map approximations. Reserves predicted by facies simulation methods are mainly influenced by: a) the specific coal proportion threshold used to determine if a block can be recovered or not, and b) the capability of the modelling strategy to reproduce areal trends in coal proportions and splitting between coal-dominated and terrigenousdominated areas of the basin. Reserves predictions differ between the simulation methods, even with dense conditioning datasets. Simulation methods can be ranked according to the correlation of their outputs with predictions from the directly interpolated coal proportion maps: a) with low-density datasets sequential indicator simulation with trends yields the best correlation, b) with high-density datasets sequential indicator simulation with post-processing yields the best correlation, because the areal trends are provided implicitly by the dense conditioning data.