989 resultados para photochemical reaction mechanisms
The decreasing fossil fuel resources combined with an increasing world energy demand has raised an interest in renewable energy sources. The alternatives can be solar, wind and geothermal energies, but only biomass can be a substitute for the carbon–based feedstock, which is suitable for the production of transportation fuels and chemicals. However, a high oxygen content of the biomass creates challenges for the future chemical industry, forcing the development of new processes which allow a complete or selective oxygen removal without any significant carbon loss. Therefore, understanding and optimization of biomass deoxygenation processes are crucial for the future bio–based chemical industry. In this work, deoxygenation of fatty acids and their derivatives was studied over Pd/C and TiO2 supported noble metal catalysts (Pt, Pt–Re, Re and Ru) to obtain future fuel components. The 5 % Pd/C catalyst was investigated in semibatch and fixed bed reactors at 300 °C and 1.7–2 MPa of inert and hydrogen–containing atmospheres. Based on extensive kinetic studies, plausible reaction mechanisms and pathways were proposed. The influence of the unsaturation in the deoxygenation of model compounds and industrial feedstock – tall oil fatty acids – over a Pd/C catalyst was demonstrated. The optimization of the reaction conditions suppressed the formation of by–products, hence high yields and selectivities towards linear hydrocarbons and catalyst stability were achieved. Experiments in a fixed bed reactor filled with a 2 % Pd/C catalyst were performed with stearic acid as a model compound at different hydrogen–containing gas atmospheres to understand the catalyst stability under various conditions. Moreover, prolonged experiments were carried out with concentrated model compounds to reveal the catalyst deactivation. New materials were proposed for the selective deoxygenation process at lower temperatures (~200 °C) with a tunable selectivity to hydrodeoxygenation by using 4 % Pt/TiO2 or decarboxylation/decarbonylation over 4 % Ru/TiO2 catalysts. A new method for selective hydrogenation of fatty acids to fatty alcohols was demonstrated with a 4 % Re/TiO2 catalyst. A reaction pathway and mechanism for TiO2 supported metal catalysts was proposed and an optimization of the process conditions led to an increase in the formation of the desired products.
Polyketides are a diverse group of natural products produced in many bacteria, fungi and plants. These metabolites have diverse biological activities and several members of this group are in clinical use as antibiotics, anticancer agents, antifungals and immunosuppressants. The different polyketides are produced by polyketide synthases, which catalyze the condensation of extender units into various polyketide scaffolds. After the biosynthesis of the polyketide backbone, more versatility is created to the molecule by tailoring enzymes catalyzing for instance hydroxylations, methylations and glycosylations. Flavoprotein monooxygenases (FPMO) and short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases/reductases (SDR) are two enzyme families that catalyze unusual tailoring reactions in the biosynthesis of natural products. In the experimental section, functions of homologous FPMO and SDR tailoring enzymes from five different angucycline pathways were studied in vitro. The results revealed how different angucyclinones are produced from a common intermediate and that FPMO JadH and SDR LanV are responsible for the divergence of jadomycins and landomycins, respectively, from other angucyclines. Structural studies of these tailoring enzymes revealed differences between homologous enzymes and enabled the use of structure-based protein engineering. Mutagenesis experiments gave important information about the enzymes behind the evolution of distinct angucycline metabolites. These experiments revealed a correlation between the substrate inhibition and bi-functionality in JadH homologue PgaE. In the case of LanV, analysis of mutagenesis results revealed that the difference between the stereospecificities of LanV and its homologues CabV and UrdMred is unexpectedly related to the conformation of the substrate rather than to the structure of the enzyme. Altogether, the results presented here have improved our knowledge about different steps of angucycline biosynthesis and the reaction mechanisms used by the tailoring enzymes behind these steps. This information can hopefully be used to modify these enzymes to produce novel metabolites, which have new biological targets or possess novel modes-of-action. The understanding of these unusual enzyme mechanisms is also interesting to enzymologists outside the field of natural product research.
Anthocyanins are the pigments responsible for the color of most red grapes and are easily degraded following various reaction mechanisms affected by oxygen, enzymes, pH, and temperature among other variables. In this study, a jam model system was developed using Merlot and Bordô grape extracts and polysaccharides (xanthan and locust bean gums) and different temperatures (45, 55 and 65 °C). The stability of the anthocyanin pigments and the rheological behavior of the jam model system were studied. For the determination of the stability, the half-life time and first-order reaction rate constants for the anthocyanin pigments were calculated. The rheological behavior was determined through the Power law model. The jam model system produced using a temperature of 45 °C showed the best results for the anthocyanin half-life time. The first-order reaction rate constants for the 45, 55, and 65 °C treatments were not significantly different among each other (p > 0.05). It was observed that with an increase in the jam model system temperature there was an increase in the index of consistency.
Diphenylamine was chemically attached to depolymerised natural rubber by photochemical reaction. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was characterised by TLC, HNMR, IR and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound diphenylamine was compared with conventional amine type antioxidant in natural rubber vulcanizates. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was found to be less volatile and less extractable compared to the conventional antioxidant. The vulcanizates showed improved ageing resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidant . Also, the presence of liquid rubber-bound diphenylamine reduces the amount of plasticiser required for compounding.
Para-phenylenediamine (PD) was chemically attached to depolymerized natural rubber by a photochemical reaction . The rubber bound PD was characterized by TLC, 1H-NMR, IR, and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound PD were compared with conventional antioxidants in NBR vulcanizates . The rubber bound PD was found to be less volatile and more resistant to water and oil extraction . The vulcanizates showed improved aging resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidants. The liquid rubber bound antioxidant reduces the amount of plasticizer required for compounding
Carboxy Terminated Liquid Natural Rubber (CTNR) was prepared by photochemical reaction using maleic anhydride and masticated natural rubber (NR). The use of CTNR as an adhesive in bonding rubber to rubber and rubber to metal was studied. The peel strengths and lap shear strengths of the adherends which were bonded using CTNR were determined. The effect of using a tri isocyanate with CTNR in rubber to metal bonding was also studied. It is found that CTNR can effectively be used in bonding rubber to rubber and rubber to mild steel.
Protease inhibitors are found abundantly in numerous plants, animals and microorganisms, owing their significance to their application in the study of enzyme structures, reaction mechanisms and also their utilization in pharmacology and agriculture. They are (synthetic/natural) substances that act directly on proteases to lower the catalytic rate. Although most of these inhibitory proteins are directed against serine proteases, some target cysteine, aspartyl or metalloproteases (Bode and Huber, 1992). Protease inhibitors are essential for regulating the activity of their corresponding proteases and play key regulatory roles in many biological processes. Applications of protease inhibitors are intimately connected to the proteases they inhibit; an overview of proteases with the modes of regulation of their proteolytic activity is discussed
Die Verwendung von Aktivkohlen und -koksen stellt eine Alternative zu herkömmlichen Prozessen zur Verminderung der NOx-Emissionen in Rauchgasen dar. An diesen Materialien wird Stickstoffmonoxid adsorbiert und katalytisch zu N2 reduziert. Eine einheitliche Erklärung über die ablaufenden Vorgänge und die Reaktionsmechanismen gibt es noch nicht. Die Ergebnisse der bisher veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sind sehr unterschiedlich, wenn nicht sogar widersprüchlich. In dieser Arbeit wird, anhand der Messung von NO-Durchbruchskurven und thermischen Desorptionsspektren, die Adsorption und Reaktion von Stickstoffmonoxid an Aktivkohlen und -koksen in Anwesenheit von Sauerstoff und Wasserdampf untersucht. Zur Durchführung der experimentellen Untersuchungen wird eine Versuchsanlage, bestehend aus einer Vorrichtung zur Gasgemischaufbereitung, einem Festbettreaktor und einer Gasanalytik, konzipiert und aufgebaut. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen bei Temperaturen zwischen 100 und 150 °C. Die NO-, O2- und H2O-Konzentrationen werden anhand der Rauchgaszusammensetzung kohlegefeuerter Kraftwerke gewählt. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich auf die Verwendung einer Aktivkohle aus Ölpalmschalen, die in einem Drehrohrreaktor am Institut für Thermische Energietechnik der Universität Kassel hergestellt wurde. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass während des Prozesses NO-Adsorption, -Reduktion und -Oxidation, NO2-Bildung, -Adsorption und -reduktive Desorption, H2O-Adsorption sowie O2-Vergasung gleichzeitig stattfinden. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen werden die NO2-Bildung und die Adsorption bevorzugt. Die NO-Reduktion läuft über adsorbiertes NO mit CO2- und CO-Bildung. Durch O2-Vergasung werden aktive freie Cf-Plätzen für die NO-Reaktion und -Adsorption gebildet. Wasserdampf wird an der Aktivkohle adsorbiert und belegt aktive Plätze für diese Prozesse. Aus den experimentellen Ergebnissen werden kinetische und Gleichgewichtsparameter der NO-Sorption bestimmt. Ein vereinfachtes mathematisches Modell des Festbettreaktors, das zur Berechnung der NO-Durchbruchskurven bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen dient, wird aufgestellt.
La present tesi doctoral s'ha basat en la caracterització estructural i en l'estudi de les propietats catalítiques de nous complexos de pal·ladi(0) amb lligands olefínics contenint unitats de ferrocè. En una primera fase s'ha desenvolupat la síntesi d'estructures de tipus (E, E, E)-1,6,11-trisarilsulfonil-1,6,11-triazaciclopentadeca-3,8,13-triè contenint des d'una fins a tres unitats de ferrocè i s'ha estudiat la seva complexació amb pal·ladi(0). Mitjançant estudis electroquímics s'ha avaluat la seva possible aplicació en el reconeixement molecular electroquímic. Encara que aquest tipus d'estructures no han resultat vàlides per aquest tipus de processos de reconeixement, l'estudi electroquímic ha permès determinar que la presència del grup ferrocenil influeix en les propietats redox del metall complexat. S'ha descrit també l'obtenció de macrocicles pentaolefínics anàlegs de 25 membres contenint unitats de ferrocè i s'ha estudiat paral·lelament la seva complexació amb pal·ladi(0).En una segona part del treball s'han avaluat les propietats catalítiques del complex (E, E, E)-6,11-bis[(p-metilfenil)sulfonil]-1-ferrocenilsulfonil-1,6,11-triazaciclopentadeca-3,8,13-trièpal·ladi(0), en reaccions clàssicament catalitzades per pal·ladi tals com l'acoblament creuat de Suzuki o la reacció de Heck, i s'ha pogut determinar que és un catalitzador actiu en aquest tipus de reaccions, essent a més possible, la seva recuperació i reutilització. En el cas concret de la reacció de Heck s'han emprat sals de diazoni com a agents arilants i cal destacar que s'ha descrit el primer sistema catalític recuperable i reutilitzable per aquest tipus de reaccions. Mitjançant espectrometria de masses amb ionització per electrospray ha estat possible determinar el rol mecanístic del nostre complex de pal·ladi en la reacció de Heck amb sals de diazoni.Finalment, en una tercera part estructural del treball s'ha estudiat el comportament espectroscòpic dels complexos de pal·ladi(0) anteriorment mencionats, contenint des de tres unitats aríliques iguals fins a tres unitats aríliques diferents. Mitjançant RMN i difracció de raigs-X s'ha determinat que la complexitat estereoquímica dels complexos deriva dels isòmers que es poden formar mitjançant complexació del metall amb cada una de les cares dels tres dobles enllaços continguts a l'estructura.
Des del seu descobriment, a la molècula C60 se li coneixen una varietat de derivats segons el tipus de funcionalització amb propietats fisicoquímiques específiques de gran interès científic. Una sel·lecció de derivats corresponents a addicions simple o múltiple al C60 s'ha considerat en aquest treball d'investigació. L'estudi a nivell de química computacional de diversos tipus d'addició al C60 s'han portat a terme per tal de poder donar resposta a aspectes que experimentalment no s'entenen o són poc clars. Els sistemes estudiats en referència a l'addició simple al C60 han estat en primer lloc els monoiminoful·lerens, C60NR, (de les dues vies proposades per la seva síntesi, anàlisis cinètic i termodinàmic han ajudat a explicar els mecanismes de formació i justificar l'addició a enllaços tipus [5,6]), i en segon lloc els metanoful·lerens i els hidroful·lerens substituits, C60CHR i C60HR, (raons geomètriques, electròniques, energètiques i magnètiques justifiquen el diferent caràcter àcid ente ambdós derivats tenint en compte una sèrie de substituents R amb diferent caràcter electrònic donor/acceptor). Els fluoroful·lerens, C60Fn, i els epoxid ful·lerens, C60On, (anàlisi sistemàtic dels seus patrons d'addició en base a poder justificar la força que els governa han aportat dades complementàries a les poques que existeixen experimentalment al respecte).
Esta tesis presenta un estudio computacional de los sistemas con hidruros puente. En la primera parte se estudia la química de complejos de dirutenio con cuatro hidruros puente. Esto incluye las siguientes reacciones: el intercambio del hidruro con hidrógeno molecular; la activación del enlace C-H del etileno para formar el complejo de bis(vinilo)-etileno; el acoplamiento C-C entre el etileno coordinado y dos ligandos vinilo para producir el complejo rutenaciclopentadieno. Al final de esta parte, se discuten a detalle los mecanismos de estas reacciones. Además, se demostró la importancia de la flexibilidad de los ligandos hidruro y la cooperación entre los dos centros metálicos. En la segunda parte, se estudió el comportamiento fluxional de dos complejos μ-silileno y de un catión sililio. Con esto, se estableció la ruta más favorable en donde se realiza el intercambio de los ligandos hidruro y de los grupos metilo en los complejos μ-silileno. Finalmente, se encontró que hay dos posibles rutas relativas al cambio en la posición del puente Si-H-Si en el cation sililio poliagóstico, asociadas con la rotación interna de los grupos sililo.
Des del descobriment del buckminster ful.lerè el 1985, s'ha despertat un interés enorme per entendre la reactivitat química així com les propietats d'aquests compostos. La funcionalització exoèdrica del ful.lerè més abundant, el C60, està força ben establerta. Tanmateix, la investigació en aquest camp encara continua oberta ja que s'han sintetitzat una gran varietat de derivats molt prometedors donades les seves futures aplicacions. La tesi comprèn quinze capítols que contenen set publicacions relacionades. Els primers dos estudis es basen en la reacció Diels-Alder sobre els anomenats metal.loful.lerens endoèdrics TNT X3N@C78, X= Sc, Y. Aquest projecte de investigació està motivat pel desconeixament existent sobre les possibles conseqüències de l'encapsulació del grup X3N. El tercer estudi descriu minuciosament els canvis detectats en la funcionalització exoèdrica un cop s'ha produït l'encapsulació dels diferents gasos nobles. En aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall l'ús de l'aproximació ONIOM per a estudiar reaccions de cicloaddició en compostos ful.lerènics. Els resultats d'aquest projecte són d'alt interès per a la realització dels estudis posteriors sobre la reacció de Diels-Alder i la 1,3-dipolar en ful.lerens i derivats. Finalment, l'última part d'aquesta tesi es basa en les propietats antioxidants de determinats ful.lerens. A l'últim treball inclòs en aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall el mecanismo de reacció per a la eliminació del ió superòxid en presència de ful.lerens.
The results of time-resolved gas phase studies of labile germylenes (GeH2 and GeMe2) and dimethylstannylene (SnMe2) reactions reported to date are considered together with data of quantum-chemical investigations of the potential energy surfaces of these systems. Reaction mechanisms are discussed. A comparison of reactivity in the series of carbene analogs, ER2 (E = Si, Ge, Sn, R = H, Me), is made.
Propylene polymerization using salicyladiminato metal catalalysts has been studied using density functional theory at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level. In particular, the effects on the reaction mechanisms of changing the metal from Pd(II) to Ni(II) have been investigated. While the reaction mechanisms involving the salicyladiminato Ni(II) catalyst have been found to be similar to those established previously for the salicyladiminato Pd(II) catalyst, the nickel catalyst was found to differentiate the trans-O intermediate from the trans-.N intermediate with an energy difference of 46.63 U mol(-1) significantly more than the palladium catalyst for which the energy difference was calculated as 35.82 kJ mol(-1). The energy difference between the trans-O configuration and the trans-N configuration is decreased significantly when combining a molecule of propylene with the catalyst. For the Ni catalyst, the trans-O isomer is more stable than the trans-N isomer to a greater extent than for Pd, so that the insertion of propylene from 20 is relatively less favoured for Ni than for Pd. It is predicted that the mechanism of isomerization from 20 to 2N through a rotational transition state TS2O2N is more appropriate for the Ni catalyst system. The palladium system shows a larger preference for pi-coordination than its nickel counterpart, although the latter possesses a lower reaction barrier. It was found that the occupation of the trans-O position in the asymmetric salicyladiminato catalyst is also more favored by the alkene as it is by the alkyl so that insertion of the alkene may always start from a particular configuration so that specific products are obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We are studying two enzymes from the shikimate pathway, dehydroquinate synthase (DHQS) and 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS). Both enzymes have been the subject of numerous studies to elucidate their reaction mechanisms. Crystal structures of DHQS and EPSPS in the presence and absence of substrates, cofactors and/or inhibitors are now available. These structures reveal movements of domains, rearrangements of loops and changes in side-chain positions necessary for the formation of a catalytically competent active site. The potential for using complementary small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies to confirm the presence of these structural differences in solution has also been explored. Comparative analysis of crystal structures, in the presence and absence of ligands, has revealed structural features critical for substrate-binding and catalysis. We have also analysed these structures by generating GRID energy maps to detect favourable binding sites. The combination of X-ray crystallography, SAXS and computational techniques provides an enhanced analysis of structural features important for the function of these complex enzymes.