978 resultados para perfis


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One of the current major concerns in engineering is the development of aircrafts that have low power consumption and high performance. So, airfoils that have a high value of Lift Coefficient and a low value for the Drag Coefficient, generating a High-Efficiency airfoil are studied and designed. When the value of the Efficiency increases, the aircraft s fuel consumption decreases, thus improving its performance. Therefore, this work aims to develop a tool for designing of airfoils from desired characteristics, as Lift and Drag coefficients and the maximum Efficiency, using an algorithm based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). For this, it was initially collected an aerodynamic characteristics database, with a total of 300 airfoils, from the software XFoil. Then, through the software MATLAB, several network architectures were trained, between modular and hierarchical, using the Back-propagation algorithm and the Momentum rule. For data analysis, was used the technique of cross- validation, evaluating the network that has the lowest value of Root Mean Square (RMS). In this case, the best result was obtained for a hierarchical architecture with two modules and one layer of hidden neurons. The airfoils developed for that network, in the regions of lower RMS, were compared with the same airfoils imported into the software XFoil


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a uniformidade da distribuição volumétrica e o efeito da angulação dos bicos na barra em pulverizações, foi conduzido experimento em laboratório, com dez unidades de cada uma das pontas de jato plano XR 11003 e de jato cônico vazio TXVK-4, fabricadas pela Spraying Systems Co. As pontas XR 11003 foram avaliadas, isoladamente, em mesa de prova para bicos construída conforme a Norma ISO 5682-1:1996, a 0,30; 0,40 e 0,50 m de altura, submetidas à pressão de 200 e 300 kPa e posicionadas com ângulos de 30º e 45º no sentido horário e anti-horário e na vertical; as pontas TXVK-4 foram avaliadas nas mesmas alturas, porém a 300 e 400 kPa, e somente na vertical. A distribuição média do volume coletado em cada configuração, das dez unidades de cada ponta, foi inserida num programa computacional, desenvolvido para o estudo, que permitiu a simulação do padrão de deposição de uma barra pulverizadora, com 24 bicos, com sobreposições variáveis, obtendo-se, ao final, o coeficiente de variação da sobreposição, o desvio- padrão e a média do volume aplicado. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de ajustes no espaçamento entre bicos para a obtenção de melhor uniformidade na distribuição, principalmente quando se utiliza ângulo na barra; há menor influência da variação da altura da barra sobre a uniformidade da distribuição quando o espaçamento entre bicos é reduzido.


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In this research, characterized as a qualitative study, we aimed to analyze the Job Profiles, Objectives and Curriculum Flows specified in Pedagogical Projects of the undergraduate Courses of Physical Education of public, state and federal universities, in the São Paulo state. We also analyzed their articulations and adequacy to the Institutional Pedagogical Project and Institutional Development Plan. The latest Resolutions of Physical Education in Higher Education and conceptualizations of the Pedagogical Project of Course are presented. The method of approach is current History. There was a documental research in order to analyze the official documents. A limited offering of public courses when compared to private institutions was verified and also, there was a greater offering of bachelor degree courses (expanded and generalized formation) concerning health, sport and leisure fields. Courses defined specifically for teachers' formation and educational gap between the pedagogical discourses and the curriculum structures were also presented. In conclusion, this research indicates the necessity of a change in the curricular mentality in order to implement the pedagogical discourses of courses.


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain with palpable tender points, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Patients with FM have hormonal changes that are directly correlated with symptoms of the syndrome. The neuroendocrine regulation may be impaired, with abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis with various hormones showing changes in their levels. In women in fertile period, various gonadal hormones are associated with symptoms of the syndrome, but studies focusing only a population of women in post-menopausal period who do not use hormone replacement are rare. We developed an analytical cross sectional study to assess the plasma levels of cortisol and dehidroepiandrosterona sulfate (DHEA-S) with quimioluminescence method in a group of 17 women with FM and 19 healthy women in post-menopause who do not use hormone replacement and observe the correlation with the symptoms of pain through algometry, depression and physical functional capacity measured from the Beck Depression Index (BDI) and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Three blood samples were collected in the morning (between 8:00 9:30) with an interval of 24 hours for the measurements of hormonal levels and biochemical profile. There were no immunological or lipid changes in patients with FM. Comparing the two groups, there is no difference in levels of cortisol and a tangential effect for DHEA-S (p=0,094) with the lowest levels in the FM. DHEA-S also correlated with pain threshold (r=0,7) and tolerance (r=0,65) in group FM. We found the presence of depressive state and low physical functional capacity in FM. It was also evident that women in post-menopausal period, DHEA-S should influence the symptoms of increased sensitivity to pain, but not the presence of depressive status and low physical functional


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work is a study of strategic management of catering establishments in the tourist route from Natal, through the study of the strategic profile of the manager and the level of satisfaction with the quality of services offered. Identifies the strategic profile prevalent in the studied sector, measures the level of customer satisfaction with services and associate the two constructs to distinguish the services of strategic profile. Uses population of 33 restaurants, built for convenience, from a list composed establishments associated with the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants - ABRASEL, Veja magazine Christmas food and drink 2011/2012 and information from the natives. It presents statistical methodology used for descriptive bivariate analysis complemented by quantitative data. The quantitative characteristics of the population shows non-normality checked by the Shapiro-Wilks. Used the Kruskal-Wallis test for the realization of the association of variables and the Mann-Whitney test to perform post-test. It shows the strategic profile prevalent in the sector of restoration in Natal is the analyzer, although other types were detected. Notes that the level of satisfaction with the quality of service is getting a high score approximately 5 points in a 6-point Likert scale. Demonstrates that the client can tell the quality of services between the different strategic profiles. Identifies distinction between services provided by prospector profile compared to other profiles, indicating the size as the tangible aspects that presents noticeable difference. Certifies that these variables affect the environment of the restaurant in the building of strategic profile and reflect on the service provided. Concludes that the quality of services provided by catering establishments is influenced by the type of establishment and strategic profile of the study of this relation to establishments offering development opportunities and improving the quality of their services


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Peng was the first to work with the Technical DFA (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis), a tool capable of detecting auto-long-range correlation in time series with non-stationary. In this study, the technique of DFA is used to obtain the Hurst exponent (H) profile of the electric neutron porosity of the 52 oil wells in Namorado Field, located in the Campos Basin -Brazil. The purpose is to know if the Hurst exponent can be used to characterize spatial distribution of wells. Thus, we verify that the wells that have close values of H are spatially close together. In this work we used the method of hierarchical clustering and non-hierarchical clustering method (the k-mean method). Then compare the two methods to see which of the two provides the best result. From this, was the parameter � (index neighborhood) which checks whether a data set generated by the k- average method, or at random, so in fact spatial patterns. High values of � indicate that the data are aggregated, while low values of � indicate that the data are scattered (no spatial correlation). Using the Monte Carlo method showed that combined data show a random distribution of � below the empirical value. So the empirical evidence of H obtained from 52 wells are grouped geographically. By passing the data of standard curves with the results obtained by the k-mean, confirming that it is effective to correlate well in spatial distribution


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One of the mechanisms responsible for the anomalous diffusion is the existence of long-range temporal correlations, for example, Fractional Brownian Motion and walk models according to Elephant memory and Alzheimer profiles, whereas in the latter two cases the walker can always "remember" of his first steps. The question to be elucidated, and the was the main motivation of our work, is if memory of the historic initial is condition for observation anomalous diffusion (in this case, superdiffusion). We give a conclusive answer, by studying a non-Markovian model in which the walkers memory of the past, at time t, is given by a Gaussian centered at time t=2 and standard deviation t which grows linearly as the walker ages. For large widths of we find that the model behaves similarly to the Elephant model; In the opposite limit (! 0), although the walker forget the early days, we observed similar results to the Alzheimer walk model, in particular the presence of amnestically induced persistence, characterized by certain log-periodic oscillations. We conclude that the memory of earlier times is not a necessary condition for the generating of superdiffusion nor the amnestically induced persistence and can appear even in profiles of memory that forgets the initial steps, like the Gausssian memory profile investigated here.


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Estudou-se a evolução geoquímica e mineralógica em três perfis distintos de alteração de rochas serpentinizadas que ocorrem nas imediações dos municípios de Alpinópolis e Fortaleza de Minas, no sudoeste do Estado de Minas Gerais, sob regimes de umidade e de temperatura údico e térmico, respectivamente. Nas condições atuais, o grau de evolução química e mineralógica é moderado em relação ao desenvolvido sobre outros tipos de rochas básicas e ultrabásicas da mesma área, caracterizando-se por uma importante perda de Na e Mg e, em menor proporção, de Ca e Si. O Al (localmente também o Fe) é o elemento menos móvel dos sistemas. O K é escasso no material de origem e nas zonas de alteração, e ocorre enriquecimento desse elemento nos horizontes superficiais por aporte externo. Os minerais primários mais facilmente intemperizáveis, como o talco, a tremolita e a clorita trioctaédrica, são abundantes ainda na fração argila desses solos tropicais com composição mineralógica pouco comum, mas são todos termodinamicamente instáveis. do ponto de vista geoquímico, o processo de alteração atual pode ser definido como uma bissialitização, que pode coincidir com ferruginização, com formação de minerais trioctaédricos secundários por transformação direta de estrutura e também por neoformação, todos coexistindo com os minerais primários residuais. No entanto, as fases de maior evolução, em volumes com drenagem mais eficiente, tendem à monossialitização, com formação de caulinitas de diferentes graus de cristalinidade. A assembléia mineralógica existente evidencia a metaestabilidade e o caráter incipiente do sistema pedogenético.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quatro tipos fundamentais de curvas de progesterona foram observadas no puerpério de 49 vacas leiteiras analisadas com o auxílio do radioimunoensaio (RIE) ou enzimimunoensaio (EIE). O perfil de progesterona deixou transparecer frequências variáveis em cada tipo de curva. De acordo com a primeira atividade ovariana pós-parto (p.p.), fez-se a classificação em: 1. Precoce início da fundação ovariana, entre o 15° e 21° dia p.p. (20,4% dos animais). 2. Início retardado da atividade ovariana, em tomo de 30° dia pp. (34,7% dos animais). 3. Pico de progesterona muito após o término do puerpério clínico, em torno do 60° dia p.p. (40,8% dos animais). 4. Sem pico de progesterona até o 72° dia p.p. (4,1% dos animais).


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This work has the objective of correlating altitude with the bauxite profiles in the Poços de Caldas Plateau in order to identify paleosurfaces. Then, bauxite profiles found in the Plateau have been classified and mapped through DEM. Three different types of bauxite profiles are highlighted in the area: (1) Rim Profiles which are well-developed and thick and are located in the areas of highest altitude in the Plateau; (2) Plateau Profiles which are not very thick and very clayey, normally appear in the lower portion of the landscape; (3) Reworked Profiles, characterized by bauxite reworked fragments composed by similar materials found in the tops of Rim and Plateau Profiles. After relating altitude to the constituting materials of the bauxite profiles, it is noticed that there are occurrences of Rim Bauxite Profiles located in altitudes of Plateau Profiles and Reworked Profiles located over Rim Profiles, above 1,400 meters of altitude. In the opposite direction, tops of the same elevation are found, where there should be Rim Profiles, there are rocky outcrops observed in field, without any evidence of laterite profiles. It is concluded, therefore, that the elevation rates by themselves, at least in this area, are not good enough references to determine the existence and distribution of paleosurfaces.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)