945 resultados para passenger waiting time


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Este trabalho se propõe a analisar duas obras do escritor português António Lobo Antunes, tendo em vista algumas instâncias narrativas, que, a nosso ver, sobressaem na obra do autor. As obras são Ontem não te vi em Babilónia, romance publicado em 2006, e O arquipélago da insónia, de 2008. Os dois romances compõem o ciclo de produção mais recente do autor, no qual as experimentações formais e estéticas são mais intensas do que nos romances anteriores. Além disso, as obras apresentam convergências temáticas já explicitadas por uma leitura atenta de seus títulos. Ontem não te vi é a representação de um tempo de espera, um tempo de frustração; Babilónia é Babel, símbolo maior da incomunicabilidade para o Ocidente. Já arquipélago é um conjunto de ilhas, reunião marcada pelo isolamento e pela incomunicabilidade; insónia é, igualmente, uma espera frustrada por algo que não vem, no caso, o sono, que nos romances será metáfora para a morte. O trabalho privilegiará, portanto, a análise do espaço, a partir do símbolo da casa; do tempo, insone e de morte; e do texto, que se apresenta, essencialmente, por uma enxurrada discursiva. Assim, pretende-se entrar no universo antuniano e, como parece ser o desejo do autor, desvendar a nós mesmos e a nosso tempo


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Apesar da definição da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) como porta de entrada preferencial do sistema de saúde e estratégia de reorganização da assistência, os usuários do SUS, vêm demonstrando historicamente preferência pelo serviço de urgência/emergência hospitalar. Neste contexto, o campo do presente estudo é a cidade de Piraí e seus habitantes, que desde 2002 contam com 100% de cobertura da ESF, modelo que dá ênfase: à lógica territorial na assistência, no cuidado continuado e transversal, no vínculo e no acesso facilitado pelo acolhimento humanizado e escuta qualificada; ocupando o centro da rede de serviços atuando como ordenador e coordenador do cuidado. Avaliando os dados de produtividade (com foco nas consultas médicas) hospitalar e da ESF notamos que a busca por assistência médica hospitalar, tem aumentado exponencialmente, e pode-se perceber que a grande maioria destes usuários se apresenta ao serviço com demandas de atenção básica, o que é considerado ilógico e contraditório na visão de gestores e profissionais. A prática profissional tem me levado a um processo de reflexão sobre as expectativas dos usuários ao procurarem o sistema de saúde (principalmente a ESF), sobre os caminhos que cada um deles constrói diante de uma questão de saúde e como se dá a tomada de decisão em busca da resolutividade da questão. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como se constrói essa demanda; que critérios estão envolvidos na tomada de decisão desses usuários ao optarem pelo serviço de emergência como porta de entrada preferencial; mesmo em um município que oferece um serviço estruturado, pautado nas diretrizes da ESF e com uma cobertura que alcança toda a sua população. Acreditamos que o processo conhecido como medicalização da vida, que descreve o processo pelo qual problemas não médicos são definidos e tratados como problemas médicos, usualmente em termos de doenças e desordens (CONRAD, 2007); influencie na construção dessa demanda. Quanto a metodologia, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com usuários do SUS, residentes no município e que buscaram espontaneamente o serviço de urgência/emergência hospitalar. Verificou-se que a imagem que o usuário faz dos serviços de saúde se relaciona principalmente com o tempo de espera pelo atendimento, o acesso (interpretado principalmente como a certeza/incerteza do atendimento) e a acessibilidade. Os usuários frequentemente se referem à organização das unidades da ESF com o significado de barreiras ao acesso (principalmente pela necessidade de agendamento) e demonstram ter em relação às USF uma imagem de grande limitação de recursos humanos (quase exclusivamente em relação ao médico) e materiais. Por outro lado, prontos-socorros e hospitais se apresentam para eles, por várias razões, como espaços de acesso garantido. É importante ressaltar que o processo de medicalização da vida aparece como parte importante da engrenagem que move a construção dessa demanda.


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Enxertos ósseos homólogos congelados têm sido documentados apresentando bons resultados clínicos como substituto ao material autógeno nas reconstruções alveolares. Entretanto, dados referentes à incorporação e remodelação destes enxertos não estão disponíveis na literatura. Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar um período ótimo de espera para instalação de implantes em rebordos reconstruídos com enxertos ósseos homólogos em bloco no que se refere à incorporação e reabsorção. 24 pacientes foram submetidos à reconstrução alveolar óssea homóloga previamente à instalação de implantes. Os indivíduos foram alocados randomicamente em um de 3 grupos de acordo com o tempo de espera para o segundo estágio cirúrgico (4, 6 e 8 meses). Análises tomográficas, histológicas e histomorfométricas foram utilizadas a fim de determinar o grau de reabsorção e incorporação dos enxertos nos diferentes intervalos de tempo para cada grupo. Os dados de reabsorção sofrida pelos enxertos demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os três intervalos de espera. Da mesma forma, parâmetros histomorfométricos como contagem de osteócitos e quantificação de remanescentes de osso homólogo nas biópsias apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos. De acordo com os dados do presente trabalho, no que diz respeito à remodelação e incorporação, o período mais favorável à instalação dos implantes a curto prazo após recontruções com enxertos homólogos é de 4 meses.


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Cyclic voltammetry of Vitamin K-3 (V-K3) was measured with Pt disk electrode, platinum interdigitated array (Pt-IDA) and Au-IDA microelectrodes in single and dual modes. The effects of pH, scan rate and collector potential on the current of generator and collector were studied. The collection efficiency of V-K3 at IDA electrodes was measured. The linear ranges for current response as a function of V-K3 concentration were found to he 10 mu M-1 mM (i(g)) and 1 mu M - 1 mM (i(c)) for the generator and collector of the Pt-IDA electrode, respectively. The effects of waiting time, potential difference and pulse electrolysis time in differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) on the peak current of V-K3 were studied to get the optimal condition at 0.1 M Na2HPO4, pH 11.50 and 11.0 for Au-IDA and Pt-IDA, respectively.


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In recent years, the deficit of inhibition has become an important reason for explaining addiction. Response inhibition resembles the compulsive drug seeking behavior and it is the basement of addiction inhibition deficits. However, there were no enough evidence for the relationship between addiction and response inhibition deficits and the results of the neuro mechanisms studies remains unclear. Few studies has focused on the exploring the heroin users. Among those paradigms for study response inhibition deficits, stop signal is a very suitable model for the representation of compulsive drug seeking, but only a few researches has worked on this paradigm. In this study, we selected about 100 heroin abusers and had behaviour and neuro imaging scannings for investigating the response inhibition deficits. The behaviour researches found: first, the chronic heroin users had longer reaction time than control group and this reaction time were not affected by stop signals in heroin users. Second, heroin users had less waiting time than control group and they were more impulsive but less flexibility. Their erro monitoring and flexibale adjustment ability decreased. Third, the SSRT of heroin users was significantly longer than control group. These results suggested that the inhibition of heroin users were impaired. Further investigation showed that the SSRT of heroin users had positive correlation of four factor scores of ASI and the macro correlation coefficient was factor three of drug use. This correlation suggested that drug use was the main reason of inhibition deficits. fMRI results mainly focused on the ANOVA analysis for group difference. First, there was no intensity difference in M1 and SMA brain areas between the two groups. Second, heroin users had less activation in right dorsalateral prefrontal cortex, right inferior prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulated cortex, while in bilateral striatum and amygdala, heroin users had more activation than control group. The right prefrontal cortex was indentified as the main inhibition brain area. The anterior cingulated cortex has relationship with erro monitoring and amygdale was an important brain area for impulsivity and emotion control. The network of these brain areas was envovled in impulsivity and inhibition and it was suggested the mainly damaged network for heroin users’ disinhibition. We also investigated the gray matter changes of heroin users and found that chonic heroin use made their gray matter density decreased in prefrontal cortex (including bilateral dorsalateral prefrontal cortex, obital frontal cortex, inferior prefrontal cortex) and anterior cingulated cortex. The gray matter density in these brain regions had negative correlation with drug use duration. In conclusion, we indentified the disinhibition of heroin users and its neuro mechanism. Their compulsivity brain areas had more activation than control group and their inhibition brain areas had less activation than normal control. On the other side, the biological mechanism of this activation changes was the gray matter density decrease in these brain areas.


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We examine the question of whether to employ the first-come-first-served (FCFS) discipline or the processor-sharing (PS) discipline at the hosts in a distributed server system. We are interested in the case in which service times are drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution, and so have very high variability. Traditional wisdom when task sizes are highly variable would prefer the PS discipline, because it allows small tasks to avoid being delayed behind large tasks in a queue. However, we show that system performance can actually be significantly better under FCFS queueing, if each task is assigned to a host based on the task's size. By task assignment, we mean an algorithm that inspects incoming tasks and assigns them to hosts for service. The particular task assignment policy we propose is called SITA-E: Size Interval Task Assignment with Equal Load. Surprisingly, under SITA-E, FCFS queueing typically outperforms the PS discipline by a factor of about two, as measured by mean waiting time and mean slowdown (waiting time of task divided by its service time). We compare the FCFS/SITA-E policy to the processor-sharing case analytically; in addition we compare it to a number of other policies in simulation. We show that the benefits of SITA-E are present even in small-scale distributed systems (four or more hosts). Furthermore, SITA-E is a static policy that does not incorporate feedback knowledge of the state of the hosts, which allows for a simple and scalable implementation.


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We consider the problem of task assignment in a distributed system (such as a distributed Web server) in which task sizes are drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution. Many task assignment algorithms are based on the heuristic that balancing the load at the server hosts will result in optimal performance. We show this conventional wisdom is less true when the task size distribution is heavy-tailed (as is the case for Web file sizes). We introduce a new task assignment policy, called Size Interval Task Assignment with Variable Load (SITA-V). SITA-V purposely operates the server hosts at different loads, and directs smaller tasks to the lighter-loaded hosts. The result is that SITA-V provably decreases the mean task slowdown by significant factors (up to 1000 or more) where the more heavy-tailed the workload, the greater the improvement factor. We evaluate the tradeoff between improvement in slowdown and increase in waiting time in a system using SITA-V, and show conditions under which SITA-V represents a particularly appealing policy. We conclude with a discussion of the use of SITA-V in a distributed Web server, and show that it is attractive because it has a simple implementation which requires no communication from the server hosts back to the task router.


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BACKGROUND: Scale-invariant neuronal avalanches have been observed in cell cultures and slices as well as anesthetized and awake brains, suggesting that the brain operates near criticality, i.e. within a narrow margin between avalanche propagation and extinction. In theory, criticality provides many desirable features for the behaving brain, optimizing computational capabilities, information transmission, sensitivity to sensory stimuli and size of memory repertoires. However, a thorough characterization of neuronal avalanches in freely-behaving (FB) animals is still missing, thus raising doubts about their relevance for brain function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address this issue, we employed chronically implanted multielectrode arrays (MEA) to record avalanches of action potentials (spikes) from the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of 14 rats, as they spontaneously traversed the wake-sleep cycle, explored novel objects or were subjected to anesthesia (AN). We then modeled spike avalanches to evaluate the impact of sparse MEA sampling on their statistics. We found that the size distribution of spike avalanches are well fit by lognormal distributions in FB animals, and by truncated power laws in the AN group. FB data surrogation markedly decreases the tail of the distribution, i.e. spike shuffling destroys the largest avalanches. The FB data are also characterized by multiple key features compatible with criticality in the temporal domain, such as 1/f spectra and long-term correlations as measured by detrended fluctuation analysis. These signatures are very stable across waking, slow-wave sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep, but collapse during anesthesia. Likewise, waiting time distributions obey a single scaling function during all natural behavioral states, but not during anesthesia. Results are equivalent for neuronal ensembles recorded from visual and tactile areas of the cerebral cortex, as well as the hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Altogether, the data provide a comprehensive link between behavior and brain criticality, revealing a unique scale-invariant regime of spike avalanches across all major behaviors.


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This paper introduces new results obtained from a statistical investigation into a 3071-observation data set collected from a Vietnamese nationwide entrepreneurship survey. From established relationships, such factors as preparedness, financial resources and participation in social networks are confirmed to have significant effects on entrepreneurial decisions. Entrepreneurs, both financially constrained and unconstrained, who have a business plan tend to start their entrepreneurial ventures earlier. Also, financial constraints have a profound impact on the entrepreneurial decisions. When perceiving the likelihood of success to be high, an entrepreneur shows the tendency for prompt action on business ideas. But when seeing the risk of prolonging the waiting time to first revenue, a prospective entrepreneur would be more likely to wait for more favorable conditions despite the vagueness of "favorable". Additionally, empirical computations indicate that there is a 41.3% probability that an extant entrepreneur who is generating revenue sees high chance of success. Past work and entrepreneurial experiences also have positive impacts on both the entrepreneurial decisions and perceived chance of success.


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This paper investigates a queuing system for QoS optimization of multimedia traffic consisting of aggregated streams with diverse QoS requirements transmitted to a mobile terminal over a common downlink shared channel. The queuing system, proposed for buffer management of aggregated single-user traffic in the base station of High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), allows for optimum loss/delay/jitter performance for end-user multimedia traffic with delay-tolerant non-real-time streams and partially loss tolerant real-time streams. In the queuing system, the real-time stream has non-preemptive priority in service but the number of the packets in the system is restricted by a constant. The non-real-time stream has no service priority but is allowed unlimited access to the system. Both types of packets arrive in the stationary Poisson flow. Service times follow general distribution depending on the packet type. Stability condition for the model is derived. Queue length distribution for both types of customers is calculated at arbitrary epochs and service completion epochs. Loss probability for priority packets is computed. Waiting time distribution in terms of Laplace-Stieltjes transform is obtained for both types of packets. Mean waiting time and jitter are computed. Numerical examples presented demonstrate the effectiveness of the queuing system for QoS optimization of buffered end-user multimedia traffic with aggregated real-time and non-real-time streams.


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Objective: To examine the differences in the interval between diagnosis and initiation of treatment among women with breast cancer in Northern Ireland.

Design: A cross-sectional observational study.
Setting: All breast cancer care patients in the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry in 2006.
Participants: All women diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in Northern Ireland in 2006.
Main outcome measure: The number of days between diagnosis and initiation of treatment for breast cancer.

Results: The mean (median) interval between diagnosis and initiation of treatment among public patients was 19 (15) compared with 14 (12) among those whose care involved private providers. The differences between individual public providers were as marked as those between the public and private sector - the mean (median) ranging between 14 (12) and 25 (22) days. Multivariate models revealed that the differences were evident when a range of patient characteristics were controlled for including cancer stage.

Conclusions: A relatively small number of women received care privately in Northern Ireland but experienced shorter intervals between diagnosis and initiation of treatment than those who received care wholly in the public system. The variation among public providers was as great as that between the public and private providers. The impact of such differences on survival and in light of waiting time targets introduced in Northern Ireland warrants investigation.


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O transporte marítimo e o principal meio de transporte de mercadorias em todo o mundo. Combustíveis e produtos petrolíferos representam grande parte das mercadorias transportadas por via marítima. Sendo Cabo Verde um arquipelago o transporte por mar desempenha um papel de grande relevância na economia do país. Consideramos o problema da distribuicao de combustíveis em Cabo Verde, onde uma companhia e responsavel por coordenar a distribuicao de produtos petrolíferos com a gestão dos respetivos níveis armazenados em cada porto, de modo a satisfazer a procura dos varios produtos. O objetivo consiste em determinar políticas de distribuicão de combustíveis que minimizam o custo total de distribuiçao (transporte e operacões) enquanto os n íveis de armazenamento sao mantidos nos n íveis desejados. Por conveniencia, de acordo com o planeamento temporal, o prob¬lema e divido em dois sub-problemas interligados. Um de curto prazo e outro de medio prazo. Para o problema de curto prazo sao discutidos modelos matemáticos de programacao inteira mista, que consideram simultaneamente uma medicao temporal cont ínua e uma discreta de modo a modelar multiplas janelas temporais e taxas de consumo que variam diariamente. Os modelos sao fortalecidos com a inclusão de desigualdades validas. O problema e então resolvido usando um "software" comercial. Para o problema de medio prazo sao inicialmente discutidos e comparados varios modelos de programacao inteira mista para um horizonte temporal curto assumindo agora uma taxa de consumo constante, e sao introduzidas novas desigualdades validas. Com base no modelo escolhido sao compara¬das estrategias heurísticas que combinam três heur ísticas bem conhecidas: "Rolling Horizon", "Feasibility Pump" e "Local Branching", de modo a gerar boas soluçoes admissíveis para planeamentos com horizontes temporais de varios meses. Finalmente, de modo a lidar com situaçoes imprevistas, mas impor¬tantes no transporte marítimo, como as mas condicões meteorológicas e congestionamento dos portos, apresentamos um modelo estocastico para um problema de curto prazo, onde os tempos de viagens e os tempos de espera nos portos sao aleatórios. O problema e formulado como um modelo em duas etapas, onde na primeira etapa sao tomadas as decisões relativas as rotas do navio e quantidades a carregar e descarregar e na segunda etapa (designada por sub-problema) sao consideradas as decisoes (com recurso) relativas ao escalonamento das operacões. O problema e resolvido por um metodo de decomposto que usa um algoritmo eficiente para separar as desigualdades violadas no sub-problema.


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Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds many applications in fields such as engineering design, economic equilibrium and mathematical programming theory itself. A queueing system model resulting from a single signalized intersection regulated by pre-timed control in traffic network is considered. The model is formulated as an MPCC problem. A MATLAB implementation based on an hyperbolic penalty function is used to solve this practical problem, computing the total average waiting time of the vehicles in all queues and the green split allocation. The problem was codified in AMPL.


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RESUMO - É reconhecido o impacto negativo e prejudicial que o tempo de espera tem para radioterapia sobre o controlo tumoral e a taxa de sobrevida, bem como a importância de estabelecer tempos máximos para o início do tratamento, de forma a garantir o cumprimento de uma boa prática. O presente projecto de investigação tem o objectivo de construir e validar uma grelha de observação, como instrumento de recolha de dados, que se pretende no futuro aplicar, de forma a poder contribuir para o estudo sobre o tempo de espera para radioterapia em Portugal. Para alcançar o objectivo proposto, optou-se pela metodologia usada por Drinkwater e Williams na re-auditoria efectuada no Reino Unido pelo Royal College of Radiologists, em 2007, sobre os tempos de espera para radioterapia. A grelha de observação elaborada foi baseada na grelha utilizada por Drinkwater e Williams, na revisão da literatura, e tendo em consideração a realidade portuguesa. Após a análise das respostas dos peritos, ao questionário de avaliação e adequação do instrumento à realidade portuguesa, parece existir concordância na adequação do instrumento, o que nos permite afirmar a possibilidade da aplicação do mesmo nos centros de radioterapia de Portugal. --- --------------------------------ABSTRACT - It is recognized the negative impact that radiotherapy waiting time have in tumour control and survival, as well the importance of establish maximum waiting times for the start of the treatment, in the sense to guarantee a good practice. The present investigation project aim is to build and validates a data collection tool, which pretends to apply in the future, in the sense to contribute for the study of the radiotherapy waiting time in Portugal. To accomplish the project aim, we chose the method used by Drinkwater and Williams in the re-audit performed in United Kingdom for the Royal College of Radiologists, in 2007, about the radiotherapy waiting time. The data collection tool built was based on the data collection tool used by Drinkwater and Williams, on the literature review and taking in account the Portuguese reality. After the analyse of the experts answers, it seems to exist agreement about the adequacy of the data collection tool, which allow us to claim the possibility of the tool application at radiotherapy centres, in Portugal.