933 resultados para participation of the citizen


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The trapezius muscle (superior, middle and inferior portions) was analyzed in 20 volunteers. The electromyographic tests were carried out using a four-channel TECA TE 2-7 electromyograph with surface- and single coaxial needle electrodes. In abduction, adduction and flexion-extension, the 3 portions show increasing and decreasing activity, respectively, from the beginning until the end of these movements. In hyperextension, the 3 portions show increasing activity from the beginning until the end of the movement, with greater participation of the middle portion. Significant differences were not observed in the electromyographic profile of the trapezius, using surface and needle electrodes.


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This paper addresses the problem of service development based on GSM handset signaling. The aim is to achieve this goal without the participation of the users, which requires the use of a passive GSM receiver on the uplink. Since no tool for GSM uplink capturing was available, we developed a new method that can synchronize to multiple mobile devices by simply overhearing traffic between them and the network. Our work includes the implementation of modules for signal recovery, message reconstruction and parsing. The method has been validated against a benchmark solution on GSM downlink and independently evaluated on uplink channels. Initial evaluations show up to 99% success rate in message decoding, which is a very promising result. Moreover, we conducted measurements that reveal insights on the impact of signal power on the capturing performance and investigate possible reactive measures.


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BACKGROUND: We previously identified ebpR, encoding a potential member of the AtxA/Mga transcriptional regulator family, and showed that it is important for transcriptional activation of the Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis and biofilm associated pilus operon, ebpABC. Although ebpR is not absolutely essential for ebpABC expression (100-fold reduction), its deletion led to phenotypes similar to those of an ebpABC mutant such as absence of pili at the cell surface and, consequently, reduced biofilm formation. A non-piliated ebpABC mutant has been shown to be attenuated in a rat model of endocarditis and in a murine urinary tract infection model, indicating an important participation of the ebpR-ebpABC locus in virulence. However, there is no report relating to the environmental conditions that affect expression of the ebpR-ebpABC locus. RESULTS: In this study, we examined the effect of CO2/HCO3(-), pH, and the Fsr system on the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression. The presence of 5% CO2/0.1 M HCO3(-) increased ebpR-ebpABC expression, while the Fsr system was confirmed to be a weak repressor of this locus. The mechanism by which the Fsr system repressed the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression appears independent of the effects of CO2(-) bicarbonate. Furthermore, by using an ebpA::lacZ fusion as a reporter, we showed that addition of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate to TSBG (buffered at pH 7.5), but not the presence of 5% CO2, induced ebpA expression in TSBG broth. In addition, using microarray analysis, we found 73 genes affected by the presence of sodium bicarbonate (abs(fold) > 2, P < 0.05), the majority of which belong to the PTS system and ABC transporter families. Finally, pilus production correlated with ebpA mRNA levels under the conditions tested. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports that the ebp locus expression is enhanced by the presence of bicarbonate with a consequential increase in the number of cells producing pili. Although the molecular basis of the bicarbonate effect remains unclear, the pathway is independent of the Fsr system. In conclusion, E. faecalis joins the growing family of pathogens that regulates virulence gene expression in response to bicarbonate and/or CO2.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a component of a variety of organisms that provides both structural support and influence upon the cells it surrounds. The importance of the ECM is becoming more apparent as matrix defects are linked to human disease. In this study, the large, extracellular matrix heparan sulfate proteoglycan, perlecan (Pln) is examined in two systems. First, the role of Pln in the interaction between a blastocyst and uterine epithelial cells is investigated. In mice, blastocyst attachment and implantation occurs at approximately d 4.5 post coitus. In addition, a delayed implantation model has been used to distinguish between the response of the blastocyst to that of hatching and of becoming attachment competent. ^ The second series of experiments described in this study focuses on the process of chondrogenesis in mice. Pln, commonly expressed with other basement membrane (BM) proteins, was found to be expressed in cartilaginous tissue without other BM proteins. This unusual expression pattern led to further study and the development of an in vitro chondrogenesis assay using the mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line, C3H/10T1/2. When cultured on Pln in vitro, these cells form aggregates and express the cartilage proteins, collagen type II and aggrecan. In examining the participation of the heparan sulfate (HS) chains in this process, the proteoglycan was enzymatically digested to remove the HS chains before the initiation of 10T1/2 cell culture. After digestion, the ability of Pln to stimulate aggregate formation was greatly diminished. Thus, the HS chains participate in the cell induction process. To determine which domain of Pln might be responsible for this activity, recombinant fragments of Pin were used in the cell culture assay. Of all recombinant protein fragments tested, only the domain including the HS chains, domain 1, was able to initiate the morphological change exhibited by the 10T1/2 cells. Similar to native Pln, when HS chains were removed from domain I, chondrogenic activity was abolished. A variant of domain I carrying both HS and chondroitin sulfate (CS) chains retained activity when only HS chains were removed. When both HS and CS chains were removed, then activity was lost. ^ The ability to rapidly stimulate differentiation of 10T1/2 cells in vitro may lead to better control of chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo, providing better understanding and manipulation of the chondrogenic process. This greater understanding may have benefits for study of cartilage and bone diseases and subsequent treatment options. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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This paper examines the participation of the European Union (EU) in the multilateral negotiations of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Given the EU’s declared commitment to effective multilateralism and dedication to act as a global security provider, the paper analyses to what extent the EU can be seen as an effective actor in supporting and promoting the ATT. It is argued that overall the EU was an effective player during the multilateral negotiations on the ATT, but the degree of its effectiveness varied along different dimensions. The EU was relatively successful in the achievement of its goals and in maintaining external cohesion during the negotiations, but it scored relatively low in its efforts to commit other major players to sign up to the ATT. The high level of institutional cooperation and the convergence of EU member states’ interests facilitated the EU’s effectiveness in the ATT negotiations, whereas the international context proved to be the major constraining factor.


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At the European Summit on 25-26 June Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, will be presenting a report on the future of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It has been drawn up by the presidents of the EU Commission, the European Council, the European Central Bank, the European Parliament, and the Eurogroup, and is a sequel to the “Four Presidents’ Report” on the same topic that was compiled without the participation of the President of the European Parliament and presented in 2012. In this Flashlight we provide answers to key questions about the forthcoming report.


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--pt. II. City and county government: Home rule for cities, by H. L. McBain. A proposal for a revision of the municipal article, by L. A. Tanzer. Local government and the state constitution, by M. H. Glynn. The city and the state constitution, by J. P. Mitchel. The organization of county government, by G. S. Buck. Regulation of economic and social conditions: Constitutional limitations on governmental powers, by S. McC. Lindsay. The future of the workmen's compensation amendment, by T. I. Parkinson. Labor legislation, by A. I. Elkus. State policy of forest and water-power conservation, by J. G. Agar. Public service commissions and the state constitution, by J. N. Carlisle. Charitable and correctional institutions and public health, by H. Folks. The Constitution and public franchises, by D. F. Wilcox. Report of the meeting.


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The first Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean was held almost 40 years ago (Havana, 1977). It provided a regional forum for exchange after the World Conference of the International Women’s Year in Mexico City in 1975, where participants supported the idea of social demands for women’s rights and gender equality (which were starting to spread from country to country) being converted into government commitments. On that occasion they adopted the Regional Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Latin American Economic and Social Development, the region’s first road map for progress towards the recognition of women’s contribution to society and the obstacles that they face in improving their situation. At that same conference, the Governments gave the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) a mandate to convene periodically, at intervals of no more than three years, a Regional Conference on Women. In fulfilment of this mandate, over the next four decades ECLAC organized 12 Regional Conferences on Women, first through its Women and Development Unit, then its Division for Gender Affairs. This interaction between governments, with the active participation of the women’s and feminist movement and the support of the entire United Nations system, has become the main forum for the negotiation of a broad, profound and comprehensive regional agenda on gender equality, in which women’s autonomy and rights are front and centre. Policies for development and overcoming poverty have always been a key focus at these meetings. This publication is a compilation of all the agreements adopted by the Governments at the regional conferences and will serve not only as a tool for reference, but above all as a tool for action and for building a future based on the collective memory of the women of Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Cap. 1. La Nueva Museología, el patrimonio cultural y la participación ciudadana a debate. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea Cap. 2. Museos: del público al ciudadano. Rafael Azuar Ruiz Cap. 3. Los públicos y lo público. De mutismos, sorderas, y de diálogos sociales en museos y espacios patrimoniales. Luz Maceira Ochoa Cap. 4. La restitution du patrimoine: un rôle pour le musée? Études de cas dans les communautés innues du Québec et du Labrador (Canada). Élise Dubuc Cap. 5. El museo de territorio y sociedad, ¿una utopía? el caso del Museo Industrial del Ter. Carles García Hermosilla Cap. 6. El ecomuseo del río Caicena (Almedinilla-Córdoba): un proyecto de desarrollo rural desde el patrimonio histórico-natural, ¿y la participación ciudadana? Ignacio Muñiz Jaén Cap. 7. Mé-tisser les mémoires. Musées indiens du nordeste brésilien. Martin Soares Cap. 8. El patrimonio como proceso social. Intervención, desarrollo y consumo del patrimonio minero en Andalucía. Macarena Hernández Ramírez y Esteban Ruiz Ballesteros Cap. 9. Legislación patrimonial, intervención pública y participación ciudadana en la declaración de un conjunto histórico. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea Cap. 10. El castillo de Montsoriu. La participación de la sociedad civil. Joaquim Mateu Gasquet Cap. 11. El patrimonio cultural; espacio de encuentro. Daniel Arnesio Lara Montero


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Diante do crescimento do número de ouvidorias dentro das instituições brasileiras e em particular, nas empresas públicas, a pesquisa realizada abordou as relações entre a sociedade e o Estado, destacando, como tema central, o instituto da ouvidoria como ferramenta para melhoria da gestão pública. A pesquisa investigou as ouvidorias do DETRAN-PE e do METROREC ressaltando o tratamento dado às manifestações do cidadão. Os resultados dos estudos, baseados na revisão da literatura sobre o instituto da ouvidoria, envolvendo conceitos, objetivos e um modelo conceitual sobre ouvidoria, apontam caminhos de participação social e indicam que há ações implementadas decorrentes, gerando benefícios para a sociedade e para as instituições. A análise de elementos como o histórico de criação de suas ouvidorias, a estrutura de funcionamento, formas de atuações e indicadores no tratamento das demandas, permitiu realizar comparações sobre o desempenho das ouvidorias nessas duas organizações. O presente trabalho também fez observações sobre alguns aspectos de dissonância encontrados entre o modelo conceitual do instituto da ouvidoria e as ouvidorias pesquisadas, havendo a necessidade de reflexão sobre suas práticas institucionais vigentes. O estudo possibilitou um panorama sobre o instituto da ouvidoria nas instituições DETRAN-PE e METROREC, observando suas interações com os atores sociais, aproximando a gestão pública de uma vertente mais social, mediante a efetiva participação do cidadão, colocando o instituto da ouvidoria a serviço da sociedade e da instituição, como ferramenta para a melhoria da gestão pública.


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The way of organization of the constitutional jurisdiction implies the possibility to extend the democratization of the same one in function of the popular participation in the active legitimacy to constitutional process (procedimentalist model) e, at the same time, to assure technical viable decisions fast and to the complex problems of the constitucional law (substancialist model). The comparison with the constitutional jurisdiction of U.S.A. becomes interesting from the knowledge of the wide power to decide experience of Supreme the Court that for a methodology of construction of rights and not simply of interpretation of the Constitution, brought up to date and reconstructed throughout its historical evolution the direction of the norms of basic rights and the North American principles constitutional. Construction while constitutional hermeneutic method of substancialist matrix works with techniques as the measurement of principles, the protection of interests of minorities and the entailing of the basic rights with values politicians, what it can be brought to evidence of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction in order to improve the construction of basic rights that comes being carried through for the judicial ativism in control of the diffuse and abstract constitutionality. To define the limits of construction is to search, on the other hand, a dialogue with the procedimentalists thesis, aiming at the widening of the participation of the citizen in the construction of the basic rights for the constitutional process and to argue forms of the society to evaluate the pronounced decisions activist in the controls diffuse and abstract of constitutionality


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This article considers the EU’s approach to citizen participation in the governance of new technologies from a human rights perspective. Noting that there is a dearth of insight on the interplay between citizen participation and human rights, the article sketches the essence of its own human rights perspective as being about empowerment. This perspective is brought to bear on EU discourse on citizen participation in the governance of new technologies. Analysis of the discourse—comprising law, citizen participation in EU governance and citizen/science relations, the ‘public understanding of science and technology’, risk and bioethics—reveals a disempowering ‘deficit model’ of citizens in need of education through their participation in governance. The analysis thus suggests that citizen participation in EU governance of new technologies is not truly informed by human rights, but is instead used as a legitimating technique.