189 resultados para parathyroid


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Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength that predisposes to increased fracture risk. Childhood and adolescence are critical periods for bone mass gain. Peak bone mass is mostly acquired by the age of 18 years and is an important determinant of adult bone health and lifetime risk for fractures. Medications, especially glucocorticoids (GCs), chronic inflammation, decreased physical activity, hormonal deficiencies, delayed puberty, and poor nutrition may predispose children and adolescents with a chronic disease to impaired bone health. In this work, we studied overall bone health, the incidence and prevalence of fractures in children and adolescents who were treated for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) or had undergone solid organ transplantation. The first study cohort included 62 patients diagnosed with JIA and treated with GCs. The epidemiology of fractures after transplantation was investigated in 196 patients and a more detailed analysis of bone health determinants was performed on 40 liver (LTx) and 106 renal (RTx) transplantation patients. Bone mineral density (BMD) and vertebral morphology were assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Standard radiographs were obtained to detect vertebral fractures and to determine bone age; BMD values were adjusted for skeletal maturity. Our study showed that median BMD values were subnormal in all patient cohorts. The values were highest in patients with JIA and lowest in patients with LTx. Age at transplantation influenced BMD values in LTx but not RTx patients; BMD values were higher in patients who had LTx before the age of two years. BMD was lowest during the immediate posttransplantation years and increased subnormally during puberty. Delayed skeletal maturation was common in all patient groups. The prevalence of vertebral fractures ranged from 10% to 19% in the cohorts. Most of the fractures were asymptomatic and diagnosed only at screening. Vertebral fractures were most common in LTx patients. Vitamin D deficiency was common in all patient groups, and only 3% of patients with JIA and 25% of transplantation patients were considered to have adequate serum vitamin D levels. The total cumulative weight-adjusted dose of GC was not associated with BMD values in JIA or LTx patients. The combination of female gender and age over 15 years, parathyroid hormone concentration over 100 ng/L, and cumulative weight-adjusted methylprednisolone dose over 150 mg/kg during the three preceding years were found to be important predictors for low lumbar spine BMD in RTx patients. Based on the high prevalence of osteoporosis in the study cohorts more efforts should be put to prevention and early diagnosis of osteoporosis in these pediatric patients.


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The CDC73 gene is mutationally inactivated in hereditary and sporadic parathyroid tumors. It negatively regulates beta-catenin, cyclin D1, and c-MYC. Down-regulation of CDC73 has been reported in breast, renal, and gastric carcinomas. However, the reports regarding the role of CDC73 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are lacking. In this study we show that CDC73 is down-regulated in a majority of OSCC samples. We further show that oncogenic microRNA-155 (miR-155) negatively regulates CDC73 expression. Our experiments show that the dramatic up-regulation of miR-155 is an exclusive mechanism for down-regulation of CDC73 in a panel of human cell lines and a subset of OSCC patient samples in the absence of loss of heterozygosity, mutations, and promoter methylation. Ectopic expression of miR-155 in HEK293 cells dramatically reduced CDC73 levels, enhanced cell viability, and decreased apoptosis. Conversely, the delivery of a miR-155 antagonist (antagomir-155) to KB cells overexpressing miR-155 resulted in increased CDC73 levels, decreased cell viability, increased apoptosis, and marked regression of xenografts in nude mice. Cotransfection of miR-155 with CDC73 in HEK293 cells abrogated its pro-oncogenic effect. Reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of KB cells were dependent on the presence or absence of the 3'-UTR in CDC73. In summary, knockdown of CDC73 expression due to overexpression of miR-155 not only adds a novelty to the list of mechanisms responsible for its down-regulation in different tumors, but the restoration of CDC73 levels by the use of antagomir-155 may also have an important role in therapeutic intervention of cancers, including OSCC.


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A associação inversa da ingestão de cálcio dietético com adiposidade corporal e pressão arterial está documentada em estudos epidemiológicos. Achados experimentais sugerem que este fenômeno pode ser mediado por alterações na concentração intracelular de cálcio ([Ca]i). Existem poucos estudos relacionando o cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação da ingestão habitual de cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i, adiposidade corporal, perfil metabólico, biomarcadores inflamatórios, pressão arterial e função endotelial em mulheres. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido estudo transversal, com 76 mulheres na pré-menopausa submetidas à avaliação: dietética (questionário de frequência alimentar validado); da [Ca]i em eritrócitos (espectrometria de absorbância atômica); da gordura corporal (GC) total [índice de massa corporal (IMC) e % GC por bioimpedância elétrica] e central [perímetro da cintura (PC), e razão cintura quadril (RCQ)]; do perfil metabólico (glicose, colesterol e frações, insulina e HOMA-IR); dos biomarcadores inflamatórios [adiponectina e proteína C-reativa (PCR)]; dos biomarcadores da função endotelial [molécula de adesão intracelular-1 (ICAM-1), molécula de adesão celular vascular-1 (VCAM-1) e E-Selectina]; da função endotelial avaliada pelo equipamento Endo-PAT2000; e da pressão arterial. Calcitriol, paratormônio, cálcio sérico e cálcio urinário completaram o metabolismo do cálcio. As participantes foram estratificadas em 2 grupos de acordo com a ingestão habitual de cálcio: Grupo com baixa ingestão de cálcio ou BIC (n=32; ingestão de cálcio <600mg/d) e Grupo com elevada ingestão de cálcio ou AIC (n=44; ingestão de cálcio ≥600mg/d). A média da idade foi semelhante entre os grupos (Grupo BIC: 31,41,4 vs Grupo AIC: 31,41,4anos; p=0,99). Após ajustes para fatores de confundimento (idade, ingestão de energia, bebida alcoólica, proteína, carboidratos e lipídios), o Grupo AIC, em comparação com o BIC, apresentou valores significativamente mais baixos de IMC (25,65,3 vs 26,9 6,0 kg/m; p=0,02), PC (84,413,6 vs 87,815,3cm; p=0,04), % GC (31,15,9 vs 33,35,6 %; p=0,003), pressão arterial diastólica (68,210,8 vs 72,411,2 mm Hg; p=0,04) e pressão arterial média (80,1310,94 vs 83,8611,70 mmHg; p=0,04); e significativamente mais altos de HDL-colesterol (58,612,2 vs 52,912,2 mg/dL; p=0,004) e adiponectina (34572,1 19472,8 vs 31910,319385,1 ng/mL; p=0,05). A [Ca]i e as outras variáveis avaliadas não diferiram entre os grupos, mesmo após ajustes. Neste estudo realizado com mulheres, o maior consumo de cálcio se associou com valores mais baixos de adiposidade corporal total e central, pressão arterial diastólica e média; além de valores mais elevados de HDL-colesterol e adiponectina


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下载PDF阅读器甲状旁腺激素(Parathyroid Hormone,PTH)是治疗骨质疏松症的药物之一.将人工合成全长人PTH(hPTH(1-84))的核苷酸序列插入pThioHis A载体中,然后转化大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli.),在IPTG的诱导下,成功实现了rhPTH(1-84)的原核表达.通过发酵条件的优化,初步确定1:40接种.LB+30% M9盐溶液的发酵培养基,37℃培养至OD600nm=0.8时,加入终浓度为0.6 mmol/L的IPTG,诱导8 h的较优发酵程序.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), osteoporosis and mild hyponatremia are all prevalent chronic conditions that may coexist and are often under-recognized. Mineral-Bone Disorder begins early in the natural history of CKD and results in complex abnormalities of bone which ultimately confers a well-established increased risk of fragility fractures in End Stage Kidney Disease. Hyponatremia is a novel, usually renal mediated metabolic perturbation, that most commonly occurs independently of the stage of renal dysfunction but which may also predispose to increased fracture risk. The extent -if any- to which either early stages of renal dysfunction or the presence of hyponatremia contribute to fracture occurrence in the general population, independently of osteoporosis, is unclear. Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for ESKD and although it restores endogenous renal function it typically fails to normalize either the long term cardiovascular or fracture risk. One potential mechanism contributing to these elevated long-term risks and to diminished Health Related Quality of Life is persistent, post-transplant hyperparathyroidism. In this study we retrospectively examine the association of renal function and serum sodium with Bone Mineral Density and fracture occurrence in a retrospective cohort of 1930 female members of the general population who underwent routine DXA scan. We then prospectively recruited a cohort of 90 renal transplant recipients in order to examine the association of post transplant parathyroid hormone (PTH) level with measures of CKD Mineral Bone Disorder, including, DXA Bone Mineral Density, Vascular Calcification (assessed using both abdominal radiography and CT techniques, as well as indirectly by carotid-femoral Pulse Wave Velocity) and Quality of Life (using the Short Form-12 and a PTH specific symptom score). In the retrospective DXA cohort, moderate CKD (eGFR 30-59ml/min/1.73m2) and hyponatremia (<135mmol/L) were associated with fracture occurrence, independently of BMD, with an adjusted Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval), of 1.37 (1.0, 1.89) and 2.25 (1.24, 4.09) respectively. In the renal transplant study, PTH was independently associated with the presence of osteoporosis, adjusted Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval), 1.15 (per 10ng/ml increment), (1.04, 1.26). The presence of osteoporosis but not PTH was independently associated with measures of vascular calcification, adjusted ß (95% Confidence Interval), 12.45, (1.16, 23.75). Of the eight quality-of-life domains examined, post-transplant PTH (per 10ng/ml increment), was only significantly and independently associated with reduced Physical Functioning, (95% Confidence Interval), 1.12 (1.01, 1.23). CKD and hyponatremia are both common health problems that may contribute to fracture occurrence in the general population, a major on-going public health concern. PTH and decreased Bone Mineral Density may signal sub-optimal long-term outcomes post renal transplantation, influencing bone and vascular health and to a limited extent long term Health Related Quality of Life


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Osteoporosis is a complex skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength. Variation in bone mineral density (BMD) is a contributing factor. The aim of this research as to select informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in potential candidate genes from loci suggestively linked to BMD variation for fine mapping. The gene regulated by oestrogen in breast cancer 1 (GREB1), located at 2p25.1, was selected. GREB1 transcription is initiated early in the oestrogen receptor alpha regulated pathway. There was significant association between GREB1_03 and BMD variation at the lumbar spine and femoral neck (FN) in the discovery cohort. Significant association was observed between GREB1_04 and FN BMD in the replication cohort. The development and differentiation enhancing factor 2, the integrin cytoplasmic domain associated protein 1 and A-disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 were selected due to their respective roles in cell mobility and adhesion. There was no linkage or association observed between the Chr2 cluster SNPs and BMD. Two factors in bone remodelling are the attraction of bone cell precursors and endocrine regulation of the process, primarily through the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The C-C chemokine receptor type 3 (CCR3) encodes a CC chemokine receptor expressed in osteoclast precursors. The PTH receptor type 1 (PTHR1) encodes a G-protein coupled receptor for PTH. Association was observed between CCR3 haplotypes and BMD variation at the FN. There was no linkage or association observed between PTHR1 SNPs and BMD variation. Population genetic studies with complex phenotypes endeavour to elucidate the traits genetic architecture. This study presents evidence of association between GREB1 and BMD variation and as such, introduces GREB1 as a novel gene target for osteoporosis genetics studies. It affirms that common genomic variants in PTHR1 are not associated with BMD variation in Caucasians and supports the evidence that CCR3 may be contributing to BMD variation


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OBJECTIVES: Although the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet lowers blood pressure in adults with hypertension, how kidney function impacts this effect is not known. We evaluated whether Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) modifies the effect of the DASH diet on blood pressure, markers of mineral metabolism, and markers of kidney function. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the DASH-Sodium trial, a multicenter, randomized, controlled human feeding study that evaluated the blood pressure lowering effect of the DASH diet at three levels of sodium intake. Data from 92 participants with pre-hypertension or stage 1 hypertension during the 3450 mg /day sodium diet assignment contributed to this analysis. Stored frozen plasma and urine specimens were used to measure kidney related laboratory outcomes. RESULTS: Effects of the DASH diet on blood pressure, phosphorus, intact parathyroid hormone, creatinine, and albuminuria were not modified by baseline eGFR (mean 84.5 ± 18.0 ml/min/1.73 m(2), range 44.1 to 138.6 ml/min/1.73 m(2)) or the presence of chronic kidney disease (N=13%). CONCLUSIONS: The impact of the DASH diet on blood pressure, markers of mineral metabolism, and markers of kidney function does not appear to be modified by eGFR in this small subset of DASH-Sodium trial participants with relatively preserved kidney function. Whether greater reduction in eGFR modifies the effects of DASH on kidney related measures is yet to be determined. A larger study in individuals with more advanced kidney disease is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of the DASH diet in this patient population.


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The skeleton is the first and most common site of distant relapse in breast and prostate carcinomas. Tumor bone disease is responsible for a considerable morbidity, which also makes major demands on resources for healthcare provision. Increased bone resorption in tumor bone disease appears to be essentially mediated by the ostoclasts, explaining why bisphosphonates have been successfully used for the treatment of malignant ostolysis. Hypercalcemia occurs in 10-20% of the patients with advanced cancer, and the uncoupling between bone resorption and bone formation is easily demonstrated by the measurement of bone markers. The differential diagnosis between tumor-induced hypercalcemia and primary hyperparathyroidism is most often easy when using intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) assays; moreover, parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) determination can be useful in selected cases. The diagnosis of bone metastases is often easy when the patient is symptomatic. The diagnostic usefulness of bone markers is limited, and the available data indicate that bone markers are so far unsuitable for an early diagnosis of neoplastic skeletal involvement on an individual basis. However, by combining bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) or modern bone resorption markers with specific tumor markers, such as PSA or CA15.3, the diagnostic sensitivity of bone markers can be improved. Their degree of elevation correlates with the tumor burden and has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor for several tumors. On the other hand, biochemical markers of bone turnover have the unique potential to simplify and improve the monitoring of metastatic bone disease, which remains a continuous challenge for the oncologist. Peptide-bound cross-links could be quite useful to discriminate between patients progressing early on treatment from those with longer disease control. Also, the diagnostic efficiency of a 50% increase in these markers could identify imminent progression. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The use of glucocorticoids (GCs) in the treatment of RA is a frequent cause of bone loss. In vitro, however, this same class of steroids has been shown to promote the recruitment and/or maturation of primitive osteogenic precursors present in the colony forming unit-fibroblastic (CFU-F) fraction of human bone and marrow. In an effort to reconcile these conflicting observations, we investigated the effects of the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dx) on parameters of growth and osteogenic differentiation in cultures of bone marrow stromal cells derived from a large cohort of adult human donors (n=30). Methods. Marrow suspensions were cultured in the absence and presence of Dx at concentrations between 10 pm and 1 µm. After 28 days we determined the number and diameter of colonies formed, the total number of cells, the surface expression of receptors for selected growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins and, based on the expression of the developmental markers alkaline phosphatase (AP) and the antigen recognized by the STRO-1 monoclonal antibody, the proportion of cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation and their extent of maturation. Results. At a physiologically equivalent concentration, Dx had no effect on the adhesion of CFU-F or on their subsequent proliferation, but did promote their osteogenic differentiation and further maturation. These effects were independent of changes in the expression of the receptors for fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor 1, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth factors and parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein, but were associated with changes in the number of cells expressing the 2 and 4, but not ß1, integrin subunits. At supraphysiological concentrations, the effects of Dx on the osteogenic recruitment and maturation of CFU-F and their progeny were maintained but at the expense of a decrease in cell number. Conclusions. A decrease in the proliferation of osteogenic precursors, but not in their differentiation or maturation, is likely to be a key factor in the genesis of GC-induced bone loss.


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Objective: We describe a 4-generation family with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) - a variant of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) without extra-thyroid features. RET mutation analysis confirmed an E768D mutation in exon 13 in 8 family members, 3 affected with medullary thyroid cancer alone while the other 5 were detected to be mutation carriers. This mutation has been described in very few families worldwide and the spectrum of disease and natural history is unclear. Results: Three affected members had medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) confirmed histologically at ages 25, 50 and 56 years, respectively. The E768D mutation appears to have a less aggressive clinical course compared to other high risk RET mutations with no evidence of clinical recurrence up to I I years after initial therapy. Of five gene carriers identified, two are asymptomatic at the age of 70 and 61, and three had raised calcitonin levels at 46, 39, and 45 years. Following total thyroidectomy, one gene carrier had a histologically normal thyroid at age 46, following a mildly elevated calcitonin, one had C-cell hyperplasia at the age of 39, and one had a frank focus of carcinoma in the left thyroid lobe at the age of 45. No members had evidence of phaeochromocytoma or parathyroid disease on screening. Conclusion: The RET E768D mutation is associated with MTC with a later age at presentation, incomplete penetrance and less aggressive course compared with other high risk RET mutations. To date in this family the E768D mutation has not been associated with either phaeochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism. The appropriate screening strategy for and management of E768D carriers is difficult reflecting the phenotypic heterogeneity.


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Background: The effects of subclinical vitamin D deficiency on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover in adolescents, especially in boys, are unclear.

Objective: We aimed to investigate the relations of different stages of vitamin D status and BMD and bone turnover in a representative sample of adolescent boys and girls.

Design: BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the nondominant forearm and dominant heel in a random sample of 12- (n = 260) and 15-y-old (n = 239) boys and 12- (n = 266) and 15-y-old (n = 250) girls. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, parathyroid hormone, osteocalcin, and type I collagen cross-linked C-telopeptide were assessed by using enzyme-linked immunoassays. Relations between vitamin D status and bone health indexes were assessed by using regression modeling.

Results: Using multivariate regression to adjust for potential physical, lifestyle, and dietary confounding factors, we observed that 12-and 15-y-old girls with high vitamin D status (>= 74.1 nmol/L) had significantly greater forearm (but not heel) BMD (beta = 0.018; SE = 0.008; P < 0.05 for each age group) and lower serum parathyroid hormone concentrations and bone turnover markers than did those with low vitamin D status. These associations were evident in subjects sampled throughout the year and in winter only. There was no significant relation between vitamin D status and BMD in boys.

Conclusions: Maintaining serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations above approximate to 50 nmol/L throughout the year may be a cost-effective means of improving bone health. Increased emphasis on exploring strategies for improving vitamin D status in adolescents is needed.


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We have studied 46 members of a large kindred with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH) after a neck exploration failed to cure hypercalcaemia in an asymptomatic patient. Serum calcium, serum phosphate, plasma parathormone and vitamin D metabolites do not distinguish affected members from patients with hyperparathyroidism. Because of the continuing debate as to whether or not FHH is a variant of, or distinct from, hyperparathyroidism, we have carried out a review of surgical experience with subtotal parathyroidectomy in hyperparathyroidism secondary to parathyroid hyperplasia and in FHH. Whereas the procedure is successful in 90 per cent of the former cases only one case of FHH has been cured by it. This provides evidence for the two conditions being aetiologically distinct. Before patients with asymptomatic hypercalcaemia are referred for parathyroid surgery the calcium:creatinine clearance ratio should be measured using a 2 h urine sample collected after an overnight fast and a fasting blood sample. If this ratio is less than 0.01 then screening of first degree relations should be undertaken before any parathyroid surgery is performed. Unnecessary surgery can therefore be avoided.


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Whole animal studies have indicated that Ca2+ uptake by the gastrointestinal tract is regulated by the action of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) in teleost fish. We have characterised PTH receptors (PTHR) in piscine enterocytes and established, by using aminoterminal PTHrP peptides, the amino acid residues important for receptor activation and for stabilising the ligand/receptor complex. Ligand binding of 125I-(1–35tyr) PTHrP to the membrane fraction of isolated sea bream enterocytes revealed the existence of a single saturable high-affinity receptor (KD=2.59 nM; Bmax=71 fmol/mg protein). Reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction with specific primers for sea bream PTH1R and PTH3R confirmed the mRNA expression of only the later receptor. Fugu (1–34) PTHrP increased cAMP levels in enterocytes but had no effect on total inositol phosphate accumulation. The aminoterminal peptides (2–34)PTHrP, (3–34)PTHrP and (7–34) PTHrP bound efficiently to the receptor but were severely defective in stimulating cAMP in enterocyte cells indicating that the first six residues of piscine (1–34)PTHrP, although not important for receptor binding, are essential for activation of the adenylate cyclase/phosphokinase A (AC-PKA)-receptor-coupled intracellular signalling pathway. Therefore, PTHrP in teleosts acts on the gastrointestinal tract through PTH3R and the AC-PKA intracellular signalling pathway and might regulate Ca2+ uptake at this site. Ligand-receptor binding and activity throughout the vertebrates appears to be allocated to the same amino acid residues of the amino-terminal domain of the PTHrP molecule.


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Extracellular calcium participates in several key physiological functions, such as control of blood coagulation, bone calcification or muscle contraction. Calcium homeostasis in humans is regulated in part by genetic factors, as illustrated by rare monogenic diseases characterized by hypo or hypercalcaemia. Both serum calcium and urinary calcium excretion are heritable continuous traits in humans. Serum calcium levels are tightly regulated by two main hormonal systems, i.e. parathyroid hormone and vitamin D, which are themselves also influenced by genetic factors. Recent technological advances in molecular biology allow for the screening of the human genome at an unprecedented level of detail and using hypothesis-free approaches, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS). GWAS identified novel loci for calcium-related phenotypes (i.e. serum calcium and 25-OH vitamin D) that shed new light on the biology of calcium in humans. The substantial overlap (i.e. CYP24A1, CASR, GATA3; CYP2R1) between genes involved in rare monogenic diseases and genes located within loci identified in GWAS suggests a genetic and phenotypic continuum between monogenic diseases of calcium homeostasis and slight disturbances of calcium homeostasis in the general population. Future studies using whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing will further advance our understanding of the genetic architecture of calcium homeostasis in humans. These findings will likely provide new insight into the complex mechanisms involved in calcium homeostasis and hopefully lead to novel preventive and therapeutic approaches. Keyword: calcium, monogenic, genome-wide association studies, genetics.