995 resultados para p-Adic field


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Pastures often experience a pulse of phosphorus (P) when fertilized. We examined the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the uptake of P from a pulse. Five legumes (Kennedia prostrata, Cullen australasicum, Bituminaria bituminosa, Medicago sativa and Trifolium subterraneum) were grown in a moderate P, sterilized field soil, either with (+AMF) or without (−AMF) addition of unsterilized field soil. After 9–10 weeks, half the pots received 15 mg P kg−1 of soil. One week later, we measured: shoot and root dry weights; percentage of root length colonized by AMF; plant P, nitrogen and manganese (Mn) concentrations; and rhizosphere carboxylates, pH and plant-available P. The P pulse raised root P concentration by a similar amount in uncolonized and colonized plants, but shoot P concentration increased by 143% in uncolonized plants and 53% in colonized plants. Inoculation with AMF decreased the amount of rhizosphere carboxylates by 52%, raised rhizosphere pH by ∼0.2–0.7 pH units and lowered shoot Mn concentration by 38%. We conclude that AMF are not simply a means for plants to enhance P uptake when P is limiting, but also act to maintain shoot P within narrow boundaries and can affect nutrient uptake through their influence on rhizosphere chemistry.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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With the objective of evaluating the response of baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) to nutrient limitation and to the different levels of fertilization, seven experiments were conducted. Experiment 1: Nutritional limitation in greenhouse. We employed 12 treatments in a completely randomized design with eight replicates. Experiment 2: Levels of liming and P in greenhouse. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with four levels of liming (V23.2% (natural soil), V45%, V65% and V85%) and four doses of P (0, 100, 300 and 500 mg kg -1 of P). Experiment 3: Doses of N in greenhouse. We used seven treatments (0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375 and 450 mg kg -1 of N) in a completely randomized design. Experiment 4: Doses of K in greenhouse. We used seven treatments (0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375 and 450 mg kg -1 ) in a completely randomized design. Experiment 5: Levels of liming under field conditions. We used four treatments (V6.7% (natural soil), V35%, V55% and V75%) in a randomized blocks design. Experiment 6: doses of P under field conditions. We used five treatments (0, 23.67, 53.34, 106.67 and 213.36 kg ha -1 of P 2O5) in a randomized blocks design. Experiment 7: Doses of N under field conditions. We used five treatments (0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 kg ha -1 of N) in Latin square. In greenhouse, the evaluations were conducted at eight months (for experiments 1 and 2) and 12 months (for experiments 3 and 4) after seeding, when the measurements of height and root collar diameter of the seedlings. Subsequently, the plants were harvested and separated into shoot and root system, for weighing and evaluating dry biomass gain. In the field, the evaluations were conducted at six, 12, 18, 24 and 30 months (for experiments 5 and 6) and at six, 12 and 18 months (for experiment 7). In these experiments, we evaluated the survival of the seedlings, height of the plants and diameter of the stem at soil height. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance, mean tests and regression analysis. In conclusion, during the phase of seedling formation, the species is little demanding in S and B, negatively responds to liming, positively responds to phosphate fertilization and does not respond to nitrogen and potassium fertilization. In the field, in general, the species does not respond to the application of P or to liming, and is negatively influenced by the application of elevated doses of nitrogen.


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Receiving coastal waters and estuaries are among the most nutrient-enriched environments on earth, and one of the symptoms of the resulting eutrophication is the proliferation of opportunistic, fast-growing marine seaweeds. Here, we used a widespread macroalga often involved in blooms, Ulva spp., to investigate how supply of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), the two main potential growth-limiting nutrients, influence macroalgal growth in temperate and tropical coastal waters ranging from low- to high-nutrient supplies. We carried out N and P enrichment field experiments on Ulva spp. in seven coastal systems, with one of these systems represented by three different subestuaries, for a total of nine sites. We showed that rate of growth of Ulva spp. was directly correlated to annual dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations, where growth increased with increasing DIN concentration. Internal N pools of macroalgal fronds were also linked to increased DIN supply, and algal growth rates were tightly coupled to these internal N pools. The increases in DIN appeared to be related to greater inputs of wastewater to these coastal waters as indicated by high delta 15N signatures of the algae as DIN increased. N and P enrichment experiments showed that rate of macroalgal growth was controlled by supply of DIN where ambient DIN concentrations were low, and by P where DIN concentrations were higher, regardless of latitude or geographic setting. These results suggest that understanding the basis for macroalgal blooms, and management of these harmful phenomena, will require information as to nutrient sources, and actions to reduce supply of N and P in coastal waters concerned.


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BACKGROUND: Antibodies have an essential role in the acquired immune response against blood stage P. falciparum infection. Although several antigens have been identified as important antibody targets, it is still elusive which antigens have to be recognized for clinical protection. Herein, we analyzed antibodies from plasmas from symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals living in the same geographic area in the Western Amazon, measuring their recognition of multiple merozoite antigens. METHODS: Specific fragments of genes encoding merozoite proteins AMA1 and members of MSP and EBL families from circulating P. falciparum field isolates present in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients were amplified by PCR. After cloning and expression of different versions of the antigens as recombinant GST-fusion peptides, we tested the reactivity of patients' plasmas by ELISA and the presence of IgG subclasses in the most reactive plasmas. RESULTS: 11 out of 24 recombinant antigens were recognized by plasmas from either symptomatic or asymptomatic infections. Antibodies to MSP9 (X2(DF=1) = 9.26/p = 0.0047) and MSP5 (X2(DF=1) = 8.29/p = 0.0069) were more prevalent in asymptomatic individuals whereas the opposite was observed for MSP1 block 2-MAD20 (X2(DF=1) = 6.41/p = 0.0206, Fisher's exact test). Plasmas from asymptomatic individuals reacted more intensely against MSP4 (U = 210.5, p < 0.03), MSP5 (U = 212, p < 0.004), MSP9 (U = 189.5, p < 0.002) and EBA175 (U = 197, p < 0.014, Mann-Whitney's U test). IgG1 and IgG3 were predominant for all antigens, but some patients also presented with IgG2 and IgG4. The recognition of MSP5 (OR = 0.112, IC95% = 0.021-0.585) and MSP9 (OR = 0.125, IC95% = 0.030-0.529, cross tab analysis) predicted 8.9 and 8 times less chances, respectively, to present symptoms. Higher antibody levels against MSP5 and EBA175 were associated by odds ratios of 9.4 (IC95% = 1.29-69.25) and 5.7 (IC95% = 1.12-29.62, logistic regression), respectively, with an asymptomatic status. CONCLUSIONS: Merozoite antigens were targets of cytophilic antibodies and antibodies against MSP5, MSP9 and EBA175 were independently associated with decreased symptoms.


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Untersuchungen zur Zell-Transistor Kopplung mittels der Voltage-Clamp TechnikIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die extrazelluläre Einkopplung elektrischer Signale von Zellen in Transistoren hinsichtlich der an der Kopplung beteiligten Parameter untersucht. Dafür werden Zellen aus Primärkulturen und von Zell-Linien direkt auf den aktiven Sensorflächen der hergestellten Chips kultiviert. Für die Experimente werden n- und p-Kanal Feldeffekttransistoren (FET) sowie Extended-Gate-Elektroden (EGE) mit Gold- und Titanoberflächen entwickelt.Zur Untersuchung der Kopplungseigenschaften werden die neuronale Zell-Linie SH-SY5Y, die humane Endothel Zell-Linie EA.hy-926 sowie als Primärzellen hippocampale Neuronen und Kardiomyozyten embryonaler und neonataler Ratten eingesetzt. Die Voltage-Clamp Technik erlaubt die Untersuchung spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle in der Zellmembran. Maßgebend für den Signalverlauf des extrazellulär eingekoppelten Signals ist der Ionenstrom von Na+, K+ und Ca2+ durch die Membran im Kontaktbereich zwischen Zelle und Sensor.Die Kopplung kann elektrisch mithilfe eines Ersatzschaltkreises beschrieben werden, der alle beteiligten elektrischen Größen der Membran und der Ionenströme, sowie die Parameter des Kontaktbereichs und des Sensors enthält.Die Simulation der extrazellulären Signale zeigt, dass die beobachteten Signalformen nur durch eine Erhöhung der Ionenkanaldichten und dadurch einer deutlich vergrößerten Leitfähigkeit der Ionenarten im Kontaktbereich gegenüber der freien Membran erklärt werden können.


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Über die Liniarität der Teichmüllerschen Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen. In meiner Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit Darstellungen der Teichmüllerschen Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen. Mein Ansatz hierbei ist, die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe in eine p-adische Liegruppe einzubetten. Sei nun F die von zwei Elementen erzeugte freie Gruppe und Aut(F) die Automorphismengruppe von F. Inhalt des ersten Kapitels ist es nun zu zeigen, daß folgende Aussagen äquivalent sind: - Die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen ist linear, - Aut(F)ist linear, - F besitzt eine p-Kongruenzstruktur, deren Folgen- glieder von Aut(F) festgehalten werden, also charak- teristisch sind. Im zweiten Kapitel wird unter anderem gezeigt, daß es eine Einbettung einer Untergruppe endlichen Indexes der Aut(F) in die Automorphismengruppe einer einfachen p-adischen Liegruppe gibt. Bisher ist unbekannt, ob die Buraudarstellung treu ist.In dieser Arbeit wird ein unendliches, lineares Gleichungssystem, dessen Lösungen gerade die Koeffizienten der Wörter des Kernes der Buraudarstellung sind, vorgestellt.Im dritten Kapitel wird mit den Methoden des 1.Kapitels gezeigt, daß der Torus mit zwei Punktierungen genau dann linear ist, wenn die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der Sphäre mit 5 Punktierungen es auch ist. Bekanntlich ist die 4. Braidgruppe linear. Nun ist aber die 4. Braidgruppe letztlich die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der abgeschlossenen Kreisscheibe mit 5 Punktierungen. Wenn man nun deren Randpunkte miteinander identifiziert und anschließend wegläßt, erhält man die 5-fach punktiereSphäre.Mit der eben beschriebenen Abbildung kann man zeigen, daß die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der fünffach punktierten Sphäre linear ist.


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Let k := bar{F}_p for p > 2, W_n(k) := W(k)/p^n and X_n be a projective smooth W_n(k)-scheme which is W_{n+1}(k)-liftable. For all n > 1, we construct explicitly a functor, which we call the inverse Cartier functor, from a subcategory of Higgs bundles over X_n to a subcategory of flat Bundles over X_n. Then we introduce the notion of periodic Higgs-de Rham flows and show that a periodic Higgs-de Rham flow is equivalent to a Fontaine-Faltings module. Together with a p-adic analogue of Riemann-Hilbert correspondence established by Faltings, we obtain a coarse p-adic Simpson correspondence.


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Allograft acceptance and tolerance can be achieved by different approaches including inhibition of effector T cell responses through CD28-dependent costimulatory blockade and induction of peripheral regulatory T cells (Tregs). The observation that Tregs rely upon CD28-dependent signals for development and peripheral expansion, raises the intriguing possibility of a counterproductive consequence of CTLA4-Ig administration on tolerance induction. We have investigated the possible negative effect of CTLA4-Ig on Treg-mediated tolerance induction using a mouse model of single MHC class II-mismatched skin grafts in which long-term acceptance was achieved by short-term administration of IL-2/anti-IL-2 complex. CTLA4-Ig treatment was found to abolish Treg-dependent acceptance in this model, restoring skin allograft rejection and Th1 alloreactivity. CTLA4-Ig inhibited IL-2-driven Treg expansion, and prevented in particular the occurrence of ICOS(+) Tregs endowed with potent suppressive capacities. Restoring CD28 signaling was sufficient to counteract the deleterious effect of CTLA4-Ig on Treg expansion and functionality, in keeping with the hypothesis that costimulatory blockade inhibits Treg expansion and function by limiting the delivery of essential CD28-dependent signals. Inhibition of regulatory T cell function should therefore be taken into account when designing tolerance protocols based on costimulatory blockade. Copyright 2012 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons


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Piezodorus guildinii Westwood and Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are important soybean pests. P. guildinii causes more injury and is less susceptible to insecticides compared to N. viridula. N. viridula egg parasitoids are well studied; however, little is known about parasitoids of P. guildinii. Alfalfa, soybean and red clover were sampled during several seasons to characterize the abundance of both stink bugs, to determine their egg parasitoids, and to estimate parasitoids impact. In the field, Telenomus podisi (Ashmead),Trissolcus urichi (Crawford) and Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from P. guildinii, while only T. basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from N. viridula. The proportions of parasitized eggs (i. e., the parasitoid impact) and egg masses, as well as the number of parasitized eggs/total number of eggs of the parasitized egg masses, were similar for alfalfa and soybean. Parasitism was not observed in red pclover. Parasitoid impact was lower during the dry growing seasons. Although P. guildinii field parasitism by T. urichi was less significant, laboratory experiments from the bibliography indicate that this wasp species performs well on this host. Trissolcus urichi would be an important biological control agent against P. guildinii, principally when the stink bug is more abundant.


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In the last 15 years, many class number formulas and main conjectures have been proven. Here, we discuss such formulas on the Selmer groups of the three-dimensional adjoint representation ad(φ) of a two-dimensional modular Galois representation φ. We start with the p-adic Galois representation φ0 of a modular elliptic curve E and present a formula expressing in terms of L(1, ad(φ0)) the intersection number of the elliptic curve E and the complementary abelian variety inside the Jacobian of the modular curve. Then we explain how one can deduce a formula for the order of the Selmer group Sel(ad(φ0)) from the proof of Wiles of the Shimura–Taniyama conjecture. After that, we generalize the formula in an Iwasawa theoretic setting of one and two variables. Here the first variable, T, is the weight variable of the universal p-ordinary Hecke algebra, and the second variable is the cyclotomic variable S. In the one-variable case, we let φ denote the p-ordinary Galois representation with values in GL2(Zp[[T]]) lifting φ0, and the characteristic power series of the Selmer group Sel(ad(φ)) is given by a p-adic L-function interpolating L(1, ad(φk)) for weight k + 2 specialization φk of φ. In the two-variable case, we state a main conjecture on the characteristic power series in Zp[[T, S]] of Sel(ad(φ) ⊗ ν−1), where ν is the universal cyclotomic character with values in Zp[[S]]. Finally, we describe our recent results toward the proof of the conjecture and a possible strategy of proving the main conjecture using p-adic Siegel modular forms.


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Let V be a p-adic representation of Gal(Q̄/Q). One of the ideas of Wiles’s proof of FLT is that, if V is the representation associated to a suitable autromorphic form (a modular form in his case) and if V′ is another p-adic representation of Gal(Q̄/Q) “closed enough” to V, then V′ is also associated to an automorphic form. In this paper we discuss which kind of local condition at p one should require on V and V′ in order to be able to extend this part of Wiles’s methods.


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We explain a technical result about p-adic cohomology and apply it to the study of Shimura varieties. The technical result applies to algebraic varieties with torsion-free cohomology, but for simplicity we only treat abelian varieties.


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Flying foxes have been the focus of research into three newly described viruses from the order Mononegavirales, namely Hendra virus (HeV), Menangle virus and Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABL). Early investigations indicate that flying foxes are the reservoir host for these viruses. In 1994, two outbreaks of a new zoonotic disease affecting horses and humans occurred in Queensland. The virus which was found to be responsible was called equine morbillivirus (EMV) and has since been renamed HeV. Investigation into the reservoir of HeV has produced evidence that antibodies capable of neutralising HeV have only been detected in flying foxes. Over 20% of flying foxes in eastern Australia have been identified as being seropositive. Additionally six species of flying foxes in Papua New Guinea have tested positive for antibodies to HeV. In 1996 a virus from the family Paramyxoviridae was isolated from the uterine fluid of a female flying fox. Sequencing of 10 000 of the 18 000 base pairs (bp) has shown that the sequence is identical to the HeV sequence. As part of investigations into HeV, a virus was isolated from a juvenile flying fox which presented with neurological signs in 1996. This virus was characterised as belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, and was named ABL. Since then four flying fox species and one insectivorous species have tested positive for ABL. The third virus to be detected in flying foxes is Menangle virus, belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae. This virus was responsible for a zoonotic disease affecting pigs and humans in New South Wales in 1997. Antibodies capable of neutralising Menangle virus, were detected in flying foxes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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AMS Subj. Classification: MSC2010: 42C10, 43A50, 43A75