240 resultados para osteoclasts


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are commonly complicated by weight and bone loss. We hypothesized that IL-15, a pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed in colitis and an osteoclastogenic factor, could play a central role in systemic and skeletal complications of inflammatory bowel diseases. We evaluated the effects of an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, in mice with chronic colitis induced by oral 2% dextran sulfate sodium for 1 week, followed by another 1% for 2 weeks. During the last 2 weeks, mice were treated daily with CRB-15 or an IgG2a control antibody. Intestinal inflammation, disease severity, and bone parameters were evaluated at days 14 and 21. CRB-15 improved survival, early weight loss, and colitis clinical score, although colon damage and inflammation were prevented in only half the survivors. CRB-15 also delayed loss of femur bone mineral density and trabecular microarchitecture. Bone loss was characterized by decreased bone formation, but increased bone marrow osteoclast progenitors and osteoclast numbers on bone surfaces. CRB-15 prevented the suppression of osteoblastic markers of bone formation, and reduced osteoclast progenitors at day 14, but not later. However, by day 21, CRB-15 decreased tumor necrosis factor α and increased IL-10 expression in bone, paralleling a reduction of osteoclasts. These results delineate the role of IL-15 on the systemic and skeletal manifestations of chronic colitis and provide a proof-of-concept for future therapeutic developments.


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Bone homeostasis is a well-balanced process that is largely dependent on the contribution of both bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. A new study (Wan et al., 2007) suggests a previously unsuspected role for the transcription factor PPARgamma in promoting bone progenitors to the osteoclastic lineage.


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Introduction.- Retinoids are effective and widely used for the treatment of severe acne. Their use can be, however, associated with numerous side effects. For example, some rare cases of premature epiphyseal closure were reported.Observation.- A sixteen-year-old soccer player consulted for bilateral progressive anterior knee pain, since two months, evoking a femoro-patellar origin. After physiotherapy, the pain decreases on the right but remained on the left. The history taking brought out the use of isotretinoin for more than 6 months (0.5 mg/kg). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings showed an irregularity of the growth plate and an important metaphyso-epiphyseal oedema, more marked on the left. The diagnosis of retinoid induced premature ephysieal closure was retained. The treatment was stopped, with a resolution of symptoms within two months. The control MRI of the left knee present persisting small sequelar thumbprint-like growth plate lesion. Eighteen months later, neither limb-length discrepancy nor static disorder was noticed.Discussion.- Premature epiphyseal closure is a rare complication of retinoid treatment of acne. Retinoids induce an invasion of the growth plate by osteoclasts and a decrease in proteoglycans synthesis. The knee seems the most involved joint. The clinical presentation is aspecific, sometimes lightly symptomatic. A careful pharmacological history and an appropriate imaging are necessary. MRI is now the gold standard. It shows an irregularity of the growth plate with an oedema on both sides. In chronic phase, a thumbprint-like image may persist. The symptoms resolution arises in few weeks after the treatment interruption. A single case of static disorder was reported until now. The small size of the growth plate interruptions, insufficient to lead to a growth disorder if the medicament is stopped early enough, explains probably it. This complication being rare, a radiological follow-up of the young patients treated by retinoids is not proposed.


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In adult, bone remodeling is a permanent process, reaching an annual turnover of about 10% of the skeleton. Bone remodeling requires the sequential and coordinated actions of the hematopoietic origin osteoclasts, to remove bone and the mesenchymal origin osteoblasts to replace it. An increased level of bone resorption is the primary cause of age-related bone loss often resulting in osteopenia, and is the major cause of osteoporosis.¦Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are expressed in three isotypes, PPARa, PPARp and PPARy, are ligand-activated transcription factors that control many cellular and metabolic processes, more particularly linked to lipid metabolism. In bone, previous works has shown that PPARy inhibits osteogenesis by favoring adipogenesis from common mesenchymal progenitors. In addition, the pro-osteoclastogenesis activity of PPARy results in an increased bone resorption. Accordingly, treatment with PPARy agonist such as the anti-diabetic drug TZD causes bone loss and accumulation of marrow adiposity in mice as well as in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present thesis work was to elucidate the PPARs functions in bone physiology.¦The initial characterization of the PPARP" bone phenotype mainly revealed a decreased BMD. In vitro studies exploring the potency of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate in osteoblast showed no differences depending on the genotype. However, we could demonstrate an effect of PPARp in partially inhibiting osteoclastogenesis. These results are further sustained by a study made in collaboration with the group of Dr Kronke, which showed an impressive protection against ovariectomy-generated bone loss when the females are treated with a PPARp agonist.¦Observations in PPARy null mice are more complex. The lab has recently been able to generate mice carrying a total deletion of PPARy. Intriguingly, the exploration of the bone phenotype of these mice revealed paradoxical findings. Whereas short bones such as vertebrae exhibit an elevated BMD as expected, long bones (tibia and femur) are clearly osteoporotic. According to their activity when set in culture, osteoblast differentiation normally occurs. Indeed the phenotype can be mainly attributed to a high density of osteoclasts in the cortical bone of PPARy null mice, associated to large bone resorption areas.¦Our explorations suggest a mechanism that involves regulatory processes linking osteoclastogenesis to adipogenesis, the latter being totally absent in PPARy null mice. Indeed, the lack of adipose tissue creates a favorable niche for osteoclastogenesis since conditioned medium made from differentiated adipocyte 3T3L1 inhibited osteoclastogenesis from both PPARy-/- and WT cells. Thus, adipokines deficiency in PPARy-/- mice contributes to de- repress osteoclastogenesis. Using specific blocking antibody, we further identified adiponectin as the major player among dozens of adipokines. Using flow cytometry assay, we explored the levels at which the osteoclastic commitment was perturbed in the bone marrow of PPARy-/- mice. Intriguingly, we observe a general decrease for hematopoietic stem cell and lineage progenitors but increased proportion of osteoclast progenitor in PPARy-/- bone marrow. The general decrease of HSC in the bone marrow is however largely compensated by an important extra-medullary hematopoeisis, taking place in the liver and in the spleen.¦These specific characteristics emphasize the key role of PPARy on a cross road of osteogenesis, adipogenesis and hematopoiesis/osteoclastogenesis. They underline the complexity of the bone marrow niche, and demonstrate the inter-dependance of different cell types in defining bone homeostasis, that may be overseen when experimental design single out pure cell populations.¦Chez l'adulte, même après la fin de la croissance, le renouvellement des os se poursuit et porte sur environ 10% de l'ensemble du squelette adulte, par année. Ce renouvellement implique à la fois des mécanismes séquentiels et coordonnés des ostéoclastes d'origine hématopoïetique, qui dégradent l'os, et des ostéoblastes d'origine mésenchymale, qui permettent la régénération de l'os. La perte en densité osseuse due à l'âge entraîne un fort niveau de résorption, conduisant souvent à une ostéopénie, elle-même cause de l'ostéoporose.¦Les trois isotypes PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PPARa, PPARp, et PPARy) sont des récepteurs nucléaires qui contrôlent de nombreux mécanismes cellulaires et métaboliques, plus particulièrement liés au métabolisme lipidique. Au niveau osseux, des travaux précédents ont montré que PPARy inhibe l'ostéoblastogenèse en favorisant la formation d'adipocytes à partir de la cellule progénitrice commune. De plus, l'activité pro- ostéoclastogénique de PPARy induit une résorption osseuse accrue. Condormément à ces observations, les patients diabétiques traités par les thiazolidinediones qui agissent sur PPARy, ont un risque accrue d'ostéoporose liée à une perte osseuse accrue et un accroissement de l'adiposité au niveau de la moelle osseuse. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de mon travail de thèse a été d'élucider le rôle des PPAR dans la physiologie osseuse, en s'appuyant sur le phénotype des souris porteuses de mutation pour PPAR.¦La caractérisation initiale des os des souris porteuses d'une délétion de ΡΡΑΕφ a principalement révélé une diminution de la densité minérale osseuse (DMO). Alors que l'ostéogenèse n'est pas significativement altérée chez ces souris, l'ostéoclastogenèse est elle augmentée, suggérant un rôle modérateur de ce processus par ΡΡΑΕΙβ. Ces résultats sont par ailleurs soutenus par une étude menée par le groupe du Dr Krônke en collaboration avec notre groupe, et qui monte une protection très importante des souris traitées par un activateur de PPARP contre l'ostéoporose provoquée par l'ovariectomie.¦Les observations concernant PPARy donnent des résultats plus complexes. Le laboratoire a en effet été capable récemment de générer des souris portant une délétion totale de PPARy. Alors que les os courts chez ces souris présentent une augmentation de la DMO, comme attendu, les os longs sont clairement ostéoporotiques. Ce phénotype corrèle avec une densité élevée d'ostéoclastes dans l'os cortical de ces os longs. Deux processus semblent contribuer à ce phénotype. En premier lieu, nous démontrons qu'un milieu conditionné provenant de cultures de cellules 3T3-L1 différenciées en adipocytes contiennent une forte activité inhibitrice d'osteoclastogenesis. L'utilisation d'anticorps neutralisant permet d'identifier l'adiponectine comme l'un des facteurs principaux de cette inhibition. Les souris PPARy étant totalement dépourvues d'adipocytes et donc de tissu adipeux, la sécrétion locale d'adiponectine dans la moelle osseuse est donc également absente, entraînant une désinhibition de l'ostéoclastogenèse. En second lieu, des analyses par FACS révèle une proportion accrue des cellules progénitrices d'ostéoclastes dans la moelle osseuse. Cela s'accompagne par une diminution globale des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, qui est cependant largement compensée par une importante hématopoëise extra-médullaire, dans le foie comme dans la rate.¦L'ensemble de notre travail montre toute l'importance de PPARy au carrefour de l'ostéogenèse, adipogenèse, et hématopoëise/osteoclastogenèse. Il souligne la complexité de la niche que représente la moelle osseuse et démontre l'inter-dépendance des différents types cellulaires définissant l'homéostasie osseuse, complexité qui peut facilement être masqué lorsque le travail expérimental se concentre sur le comportement d'un type cellulaire donné.


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The molecular networks controlling bone homeostasis are not fully understood. The common evolution of bone and adaptive immunity encourages the investigation of shared regulatory circuits. MHC Class II Transactivator (CIITA) is a master transcriptional co-activator believed to be exclusively dedicated for antigen presentation. CIITA is expressed in osteoclast precursors, and its expression is accentuated in osteoporotic mice. We thus asked whether CIITA plays a role in bone biology. To this aim, we fully characterized the bone phenotype of two mouse models of CIITA overexpression, respectively systemic and restricted to the monocyte-osteoclast lineage. Both CIITA-overexpressing mouse models revealed severe spontaneous osteoporosis, as assessed by micro-computed tomography and histomorphometry, associated with increased osteoclast numbers and enhanced in vivo bone resorption, whereas osteoblast numbers and in vivo bone-forming activity were unaffected. To understand the underlying cellular and molecular bases, we investigated ex vivo the differentiation of mutant bone marrow monocytes into osteoclasts and immune effectors, as well as osteoclastogenic signaling pathways. CIITA-overexpressing monocytes differentiated normally into effector macrophages or dendritic cells but showed enhanced osteoclastogenesis, whereas CIITA ablation suppressed osteoclast differentiation. Increased c-fms and receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) signaling underlay enhanced osteoclast differentiation from CIITA-overexpressing precursors. Moreover, by extending selected phenotypic and cellular analyses to additional genetic mouse models, namely MHC Class II deficient mice and a transgenic mouse line lacking a specific CIITA promoter and re-expressing CIITA in the thymus, we excluded MHC Class II expression and T cells from contributing to the observed skeletal phenotype. Altogether, our study provides compelling genetic evidence that CIITA, the molecular switch of antigen presentation, plays a novel, unexpected function in skeletal homeostasis, independent of MHC Class II expression and T cells, by exerting a selective and intrinsic control of osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption in vivo. © 2014 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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Tartraatti-resistentin happaman fosfataasin hiljentäminen RNAi menetelmällä: odottamaton vaikutus monosyytti-makrofagi linjan soluissa RNA interferenssi (RNAi) eli RNA:n hiljentyminen löydettiin ensimmäisenä kasveissa, ja 2000-luvulla RNAi menetelmä on otettu käyttöön myös nisäkässoluissa. RNAi on mekanismi, jossa lyhyet kaksi juosteiset RNA molekyylit eli siRNA:t sitoutuvat proteiinikompleksiin ja sitoutuvat komplementaarisesti proteiinia koodaavaan lähetti RNA:han katalysoiden lähetti RNA:n hajoamisen. Tällöin RNA:n koodaamaa proteiinia ei solussa tuoteta. Tässä työssä on RNA interferenssi menetelmän avuksi kehitetty uusi siRNA molekyylien suunnittelualgoritmi siRNA_profile, joka etsii lähetti RNA:sta geenin hiljentämiseen sopivia kohdealueita. Optimaalisesti suunnitellulla siRNA molekyylillä voi olla mahdollista saavuttaa pitkäaikainen geenin hiljeneminen ja spesifinen kohdeproteiinin määrän aleneminen solussa. Erilaiset kemialliset modifikaatiot, mm. 2´-Fluoro-modifikaatio, siRNA molekyylin riboosirenkaassa lisäsivät siRNA molekyylin stabiilisuutta veren plasmassa sekä siRNA molekyylin tehokkuutta. Nämä ovat tärkeitä siRNA molekyylien ominaisuuksia kun RNAi menetelmää sovelletaan lääketieteellisiin tarkoituksiin. Tartraatti-resistentti hapan fosfataasi (TRACP) on entsyymi, joka esiintyy luunsyöjäsoluissa eli osteoklasteissa, antigeenejä esittelevissä dendiriittisissä soluissa sekä eri kudosten makrofageissa, jotka ovat syöjäsoluja. TRACP entsyymin biologista tehtävää ei ole saatu selville, mutta oletetaan että TRACP entsyymin kyvyllä tuottaa reaktiivisia happiradikaaleja on tehtävä sekä luuta hajoittavissa osteoklasteissa sekä antigeenia esittelevissä dendriittisissä soluissa. Makrofageilla, jotka yliekpressoivat TRACP entsyymiä, on myös solunsisäinen reaktiivisten happiradikaalien tuotanto sekä bakteerin tappokyky lisääntynyt. TRACP-geenin hiljentämiseen tarkoitetut spesifiset DNA ja siRNA molekyylit aiheuttivat monosyytti-makrofagilinjan soluviljelymallissa TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymistä odotusten vastaisesti. DNA ja RNA molekyylien vaikutusta TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymiseen tutkittiin myös Tolllike reseptori 9 (TLR9) poistogeenisestä hiirestä eristetyissä monosyyttimakrofaagisoluissa. TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntyminen todettiin sekvenssistä ja TLR9:stä riippumattomaksi vasteeksi solun ulkopuolisia DNA ja RNA molekyylejä vastaan. Havainto TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymisestä viittaa siihen, että TRACP entsyymillä on tehtävä solun immuunipuolustusjärjestelmässä.


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease caused by the clonal accumulation of dendritic Langerhans cells, which is often accompanied by osteolytic lesions. It has been reported that osteoclast-like cells play a major role in the pathogenic bone destruction seen in patients with LCH and these cells are postulated to originate from the fusion of DCs. However, due to the lack of reliable animal models the pathogenesis of LCH is still poorly understood. In this study, we have established a mouse model of histiocytosis- recapitulating human disease for osteolytic lesions seen in LCH patients. At 12 weeks after birth, severe bone lesions were observed in our multisystem histiocytosis (Mushi) model, when CD8α conventional dendritic cells (DCs) are transformed (MuTuDC) and accumulate. Most importantly, our study demonstrates that bone loss in LCH can be accounted for the transdifferentiation of MuTuDCs into functional osteoclasts both in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, we have shown that injected MuTuDCs reverse the osteopetrotic phenotype of oc/oc mice in vivo. In conclusion, our results support a crucial role of DCs in bone lesions in histiocytosis patients. Furthermore, our new model of LCH based on adoptive transfer of MuTuDC lines, leading to bone lesions within 1-2 weeks, will be an important tool for investigating the pathophysiology of this disease and ultimately for evaluating the potential of anti-resorptive drugs for the treatment of bone lesions.


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Osteoclasts are multinucleated bone degrading cells. Phosphate is an important constituent of mineralized bone and released in significant quantities during bone resorption. Molecular contributors to phosphate transport during the resorptive activity of osteoclasts have been controversially discussed. This study aimed at deciphering the role of sodium-dependent phosphate transporters during osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Our studies reveal RANKL-induced differential expression of sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein IIa (NaPi-IIa) transcript and protein during osteoclast development, but no expression of the closely related NaPi-IIb and NaPi-IIc SLC34 family isoforms. In vitro studies employing NaPi-IIa-deficient osteoclast precursors and mature osteoclasts reveal that NaPi-IIa is dispensable for bone resorption and osteoclast differentiation. These results are supported by the analysis of structural bone parameters by high-resolution microcomputed tomography that yielded no differences between adult NaPi-IIa WT and KO mice. By contrast, both type III sodium-dependent phosphate transporters Pit-1 and Pit-2 were abundantly expressed throughout osteoclast differentiation, indicating that they are the relevant sodium-dependent phosphate transporters in osteoclasts and osteoclast precursors. We conclude that phosphate transporters of the SLC34 family have no role in osteoclast differentiation and function and propose that Pit-dependent phosphate transport could be pivotal for bone resorption and should be addressed in further studies.


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The skeleton undergoes continuous turnover throughout life. In women, an increase in bone turnover is pronounced during childhood and puberty and after menopause. Bone turnover can be monitored by measuring biochemical markers of bone resorption and bone formation. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an enzyme secreted by osteoclasts, macrophages and dendritic cells. The secreted enzyme can be detected from the blood circulation by recently developed immunoassays. In blood circulation, the enzyme exists as two isoforms, TRACP 5a with an intact polypeptide chain and TRACP 5b in which the polypeptide chain consists of two subunits. The 5b form is predominantly secreted by osteoclasts and is thus associated with bone turnover. The secretion of TRACP 5b is not directly related to bone resorption; instead, the levels are shown to be proportional to the number of osteoclasts. Therefore, the combination of TRACP 5b and a marker reflecting bone degradation, such as C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides of type I collagen (CTX), enables a more profound analysis of the changes in bone turnover. In this study, recombinant TRACP 5a-like protein was proteolytically processed into TRACP 5b-like two subunit form. The 5b-like form was more active both as an acid phosphatase and in producing reactive oxygen species, suggesting a possible function for TRACP 5b in osteoclastic bone resorption. Even though both TRACP 5a and 5b were detected in osteoclasts, serum TRACP 5a levels demonstrated no change in response to alendronate treatment of postmenopausal women. However, TRACP 5b levels decreased substantially, demonstrating that alendronate decreases the number of osteoclasts. This was confirmed in human osteoclast cultures, showing that alendronate decreased the number of osteoclats by inducing osteoclast apoptosis, and TRACP 5b was not secreted as an active enzyme from the apoptotic osteoclasts. In peripubertal girls, the highest levels of TRACP 5b and other bone turnover markers were observed at the time of menarche, whereas at the same time the ratio of CTX to TRACP 5b was lowest, indicating the presence of a high number of osteoclasts with decreased resorptive activity. These results support the earlier findings that TRACP 5b is the predominant form of TRACP secreted by osteoclasts. The major source of circulating TRACP 5a remains to be established, but is most likely other cells of the macrophage-monocyte system. The results also suggest that bone turnover can be differentially affected by both osteoclast number and their resorptive activity, and provide further support for the possible clinical use of TRACP 5b as a marker of osteoclast number.


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The calcified tissues, comprising bone and cartilage, are metabolically active tissues that bind and release calcium, bicarbonate and other substances according to systemic needs. Understanding the regulation of cellular metabolism in bone and cartilage is an important issue, since a link between the metabolism and diseases of these tissues is clear. An essential element in the function of bone-resorbing osteoclasts, namely regulation of bicarbonate transport, has not yet been thoroughly studied. Another example of an important but at the same time fairly unexplored subject of interest in this field is cartilage degeneration, an important determinant for development of osteoarthritis. The link between this and oxidative metabolism has rarely been studied. In this study, we have investigated the significance of bicarbonate transport in osteoclasts. We found that osteoclasts possess several potential proteins for bicarbonate transport, including carbonic anhydrase IV and XIV, and an electroneutral bicarbonate co-transporter NBCn1. We have also shown that inhibiting the function of these proteins has a significant impact on bone resorption and osteoclast morphology. Furthermore, we have explored oxidative metabolism in chondrocytes and found that carbonic anhydrase III (CA III), a protein linked to the prevention of protein oxidation in muscle cells, is also present in mouse chondrocytes, where its expression correlates with the presence of reactive oxygen species. Thus, our study provides novel information on the regulation of cellular metabolism in calcified tissues.


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Haavan jyväiskudoksen muodostuminen – Hydroksiapatiittipinnoi-tetun selluloosasienen vaikutus solujen erilaistumiseen paranemisprosessin aikana Etsittäessä uusia luun bioyhteensopivia täytemateriaaleja selluloosasieni päällystettiin luun koostumusta muistuttavalla runsaasti piitä sisältävällä hydroksiapatiittikerroksella. Vastoin odotuksia hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettu selluloosa ei parantanut luun kasvua, vaan päinvastoin ylläpiti tulehdusta ja sidekudossolujen hakeutumista vamma-alueelle. Ihon alle implantoituna sama sienimateriaali edisti merkittävästi haavan verekkään jyväiskudoksen kasvua. Tämän löydöksen perusteella hydroksiapatiittipinnoitetun selluloosasienen vaikutusta haavan soluihin paranemisprosessin aikana tutkittiin tarkemmin ja havaittiin, että tulehdussolujen lisäksi sieniin kertyi tavallista enemmän sekä hematopoieettisia että mesenkymaalisia kantasoluja. Hematopoieettiset kantasolut sijaitsevat luuytimessä lähellä luun sisäpintaa. Luun hydroksiapatiitista vapautuu kalsiumioneja luun jatkuvan fysiologisen uudismuodostuksen ja hajottamisen yhteydessä. Kantasolut etsiytyvät luuytimeen kalsiumia aistivien reseptorien välityksellä. Koska luun pintakerrosta muistuttavasta hydroksiapatiittipinnoitteesta vapautuu kalsiumia, tämän ajateltiin toimivan selityksenä sille, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut hakeutuvat runsaslukuisesti juuri hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettuihin selluloosasieniin. Tämän hypoteesin mukaisesti hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettujen selluloosapalkkien läheisyydestä löydettiin suuria määriä kalsiumreseptoreja sisältäviä soluja. Jatkotutkimuksissa todettiin lisäksi, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut pystyivät sienissä erilaistumaan hemoglobiinia tuottaviksi soluiksi. Havaittujen punasolulinjan merkkiaineiden perusteella näyttäisikin siltä, että haavan paranemiskudoksessa tapahtuu paranemisen aikana ekstramedullaarista erytropoieesia. Nämä soluja ohjaavat vaikutukset saattavat olla hyödyllisiä vaikeasti paranevien haavojen hoidossa.


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Metastatic bone lesions are commonly associated with prostate cancer affecting approximately 60-80% of the patients. The progression of prostate cancer into an advanced stage is a complex process and its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. So far, no curative treatment is available for advanced stages of prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates (BPs) are synthetic pyrophosphate analogues, which are used as therapeutics for various metabolic bone diseases because of their ability to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates block the function of osteoclasts by disturbing the vesicular traffic and the mevalonate pathway -related enzymes, for example farnesyl diphosphate synthase, which is involved in post-translational isoprenylation of small GTPases. In addition, the anti-proliferative, anti-invasive and pro-apoptotic effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on various cancer cell lines have been reported. The aim of this thesis work was to clarify the effects of bisphosphonates on prostate cancer cells, focusing on the mechanisms of adhesion, invasion and migration. Furthermore, the role of the mevalonate pathway and prenylation reactions in invasion and regulation of the cytoskeleton of prostate cancer cells were examined. Finally, the effects of alendronate on cytoskeleton- and actin-related proteins in prostate cancer cells were studied in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate alendronate inhibited the adhesion of prostate cancer cells to various extracellular matrix proteins and migration and invasion in vitro. Inhibition of invasion and migration was reversed by mevalonate pathway intermediates. The blockage of the prenylation transferases GGTase I and FTase inhibited the invasion, migration and actin organization of prostate cancer cells. The marked decrease of cofilin was observed by the prenylation inhibitors used. Inhibition of GGTase I also disrupted the regulation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. In addition, alendronate disrupted the cytoskeletal organization and decreased the level of cofilin in vitro and in vivo. The decrease of the cofilin level by alendronate could be one of the key mechanisms behind the observed inhibition of migration and invasion. Based on the effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on tumor cell invasion and cytoskeletal organization, they can be suggested to be developed as therapeutics for inhibiting prostate cancer metastasis.


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Breast cancer that has metastasized to bone is currently an incurable disease, causing significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this thesis work was to elucidate molecular mechanisms of bone metastasis and thereby gain insights into novel therapeutic approaches. First, we found that L‐serine biosynthesis genes, phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH), phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1) and phosphoserine phosphatase (PSPH), were up‐regulated in highly bone metastatic MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells as compared with the parental breast cancer cell line. Knockdown of serine biosynthesis inhibited proliferation of MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells, and L‐serine was essential for the formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. Clinical data demonstrated that high expression of PHGDH and PSAT1 was associated with decreased relapse‐free and overall survival and with features typical of poor outcome in breast cancer. Second, RNA interference screening pointed out heparan sulfate 6‐O‐sulfotransferase 2 (HS6ST2) as a critical gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β)‐induced interleukin 11 (IL‐11) production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Exogenous heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans heparin and K5‐NSOS also inhibited TGF‐β‐induced IL‐11 production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Furthermore, K5‐NSOS decreased osteolytic lesion area and tumor burden in bone in mice. Third, we discovered that the microRNAs miR‐204, ‐211 and ‐379 inhibited IL‐11 expression in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells through direct targeting of the IL‐11 mRNA. MiR‐379 also inhibited Smad‐mediated signaling. Gene expression profiling of miR‐204 and ‐379 transfected cells indicated that these microRNAs down‐regulate several bone metastasis‐relevant genes, including prostaglandin‐endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2). Taken together, this study identified three potential treatment strategies for bone metastatic breast cancer: inhibition of serine biosynthesis, heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans and restoration of miR‐204/‐211/‐379.


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The human skeleton is composed of bone and cartilage. The differentiation of bone and cartilage cells from their bone marrow progenitors is regulated by an intrinsic network of intracellular and extracellular signaling molecules. In addition, cells coordinate their differentiation and function through reciprocal cell‐to‐cell interactions. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, single‐stranded RNA molecules that inhibit protein translation by binding to messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Recent evidence demonstrates the involvement of miRNAs in multiple biological processes. However, their role in skeletal development and bone remodeling is still poorly understood. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate miRNA‐mediated gene regulation in bone and cartilage cells, namely in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondrocytes and bone marrow adipocytes. Comparison of miRNA expression during osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) revealed several miRNAs with substantial difference between bone and cartilage cells. These miRNAs were predicted to target genes essentially involved in MSC differentiation. Three miRNAs, miR‐96, miR‐124 and miR‐199a, showed marked upregulation upon osteogenic, chondrogenic or adipogenic differentiation. Based on functional studies, these miRNAs regulate gene expression in MSCs and may thereby play a role in the commitment and/or differentiation of MSCs. Characterization of miRNA expression during osteoclastogenesis of mouse bone marrow cells revealed a unique expression pattern for several miRNAs. Potential targets of the differentially expressed miRNAs included many molecules essentially involved in osteoclast differentiation. These results provide novel insights into the expression and function of miRNAs during the differentiation of bone and cartilage cells. This information may be useful for the development of novel stem cell‐based treatments for skeletal defects and diseases.


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Seven out of 25 goats from a southern Brazilian flock developed nutritional fibrous osteodystrophy. Affected animals were younger than 1 year of age and were confined in stalls and fed a concentrate ration containing 1:6 calcium:phosphorus ratio. The remaining flock (35 goats) was managed at pasture and showed no disease. Clinical signs were characterized by mandibular and maxillary enlargements, varying degrees of mouth opening and protruding tongue, dyspnea, apart of abnormalities of prehension and mastication. Affected animals had increased seric levels of phosphorus and parathormone, as well as higher alkaline phosphatase activity. Postmortem examination on three succumbed goats revealed bilateral enlargement of the maxilla and mandibula, and loose teeth, apart of multiple incomplete rib fractures in one of them. Severe diffuse proliferation of loose connective tissue surrounded the osteoid trabeculae, many of which were partially or completely non-mineralized. Mineralized osteoid trabeculae showed osteoclasts in the Howship's lacunae.