959 resultados para normal-mode analysis


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An exact solution to the monoenergetic Boltzmann equation is obtained for the case of a plane isotropic burst of neutrons introduced at the interface separating two adjacent, dissimilar, semi-infinite media. The method of solution used is to remove the time dependence by a Laplace transformation, solve the transformed equation by the normal mode expansion method, and then invert to recover the time dependence.

The general result is expressed as a sum of definite, multiple integrals, one of which contains the uncollided wave of neutrons originating at the source plane. It is possible to obtain a simplified form for the solution at the interface, and certain numerical calculations are made there.

The interface flux in two adjacent moderators is calculated and plotted as a function of time for several moderator materials. For each case it is found that the flux decay curve has an asymptotic slope given accurately by diffusion theory. Furthermore, the interface current is observed to change directions when the scattering and absorption cross sections of the two moderator materials are related in a certain manner. More specifically, the reflection process in two adjacent moderators appears to depend initially on the scattering properties and for long times on the absorption properties of the media.

This analysis contains both the single infinite and semi-infinite medium problems as special cases. The results in these two special cases provide a check on the accuracy of the general solution since they agree with solutions of these problems obtained by separate analyses.


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This thesis explores the dynamics of scale interactions in a turbulent boundary layer through a forcing-response type experimental study. An emphasis is placed on the analysis of triadic wavenumber interactions since the governing Navier-Stokes equations for the flow necessitate a direct coupling between triadically consist scales. Two sets of experiments were performed in which deterministic disturbances were introduced into the flow using a spatially-impulsive dynamic wall perturbation. Hotwire anemometry was employed to measure the downstream turbulent velocity and study the flow response to the external forcing. In the first set of experiments, which were based on a recent investigation of dynamic forcing effects in a turbulent boundary layer, a 2D (spanwise constant) spatio-temporal normal mode was excited in the flow; the streamwise length and time scales of the synthetic mode roughly correspond to the very-large-scale-motions (VLSM) found naturally in canonical flows. Correlation studies between the large- and small-scale velocity signals reveal an alteration of the natural phase relations between scales by the synthetic mode. In particular, a strong phase-locking or organizing effect is seen on directly coupled small-scales through triadic interactions. Having characterized the bulk influence of a single energetic mode on the flow dynamics, a second set of experiments aimed at isolating specific triadic interactions was performed. Two distinct 2D large-scale normal modes were excited in the flow, and the response at the corresponding sum and difference wavenumbers was isolated from the turbulent signals. Results from this experiment serve as an unique demonstration of direct non-linear interactions in a fully turbulent wall-bounded flow, and allow for examination of phase relationships involving specific interacting scales. A direct connection is also made to the Navier-Stokes resolvent operator framework developed in recent literature. Results and analysis from the present work offer insights into the dynamical structure of wall turbulence, and have interesting implications for design of practical turbulence manipulation or control strategies.


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A study of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from 19 stations in the neritic and oceanic regions off the Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal has been made using a multivariate statistical method termed as factor analysis. On the basis of abundance, 17 foraminiferal species, species were clustered into 5 groups with row normalisation and varimax rotation for Q-mode factor analysis. The 19 stations were also grouped into 5 groups with only 2 groups statistically significant using column normalisation and varimax rotation for R-mode analysis. This assemblage grouping method is suitable because groups of species/stations can explain the maximum amount of variation in them in relation to prevailing environmental conditions in the area of study.


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Cyclo(L-Glu-L-Glu) has been crystallised in two different polymorphic forms. Both polymorphs are monoclinic, but form 1 is in space group P21 and form 2 is in space group C2. Raman scattering and FT-IR spectroscopic studies have been conducted for the N,O-protonated and deuterated derivatives. Raman spectra of orientated single crystals, solid-state and aqueous solution samples have also been recorded. The different hydrogen-bonding patterns for the two polymorphs have the greatest effect on vibrational modes with N&bond;H and C&dbond;O stretching character. DFT (B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ) calculations of the isolated cyclo(L-Glu-L-Glu) molecule predict that the minimum energy structure, assuming C2 symmetry, has a boat conformation for the diketopiperazine ring with the two L-Glu side chains being folded above the ring. The calculated geometry is in good agreement with the X-ray crystallographic structures for both polymorphs. Normal coordinate analysis has facilitated the band assignments for the experimental vibrational spectra. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Quantitative examination of prostate histology offers clues in the diagnostic classification of lesions and in the prediction of response to treatment and prognosis. To facilitate the collection of quantitative data, the development of machine vision systems is necessary. This study explored the use of imaging for identifying tissue abnormalities in prostate histology. Medium-power histological scenes were recorded from whole-mount radical prostatectomy sections at × 40 objective magnification and assessed by a pathologist as exhibiting stroma, normal tissue (nonneoplastic epithelial component), or prostatic carcinoma (PCa). A machine vision system was developed that divided the scenes into subregions of 100 × 100 pixels and subjected each to image-processing techniques. Analysis of morphological characteristics allowed the identification of normal tissue. Analysis of image texture demonstrated that Haralick feature 4 was the most suitable for discriminating stroma from PCa. Using these morphological and texture measurements, it was possible to define a classification scheme for each subregion. The machine vision system is designed to integrate these classification rules and generate digital maps of tissue composition from the classification of subregions; 79.3% of subregions were correctly classified. Established classification rates have demonstrated the validity of the methodology on small scenes; a logical extension was to apply the methodology to whole slide images via scanning technology. The machine vision system is capable of classifying these images. The machine vision system developed in this project facilitates the exploration of morphological and texture characteristics in quantifying tissue composition. It also illustrates the potential of quantitative methods to provide highly discriminatory information in the automated identification of prostatic lesions using computer vision.


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This paper considers the ways in which structural model parameter variability can influence aeroelastic stability. Previous work on formulating the stability calculation (with the Euler equations providing the aerodynamic predictions) is exploited to use Monte Carlo, interval, and perturbation calculations to allow this question to be investigated. Three routes are identified. The first involves variable normal-mode frequencies only. The second involves normal-mode frequencies and shapes. Finally, the third, in addition to normal-mode frequencies and shapes, also includes their influence on the static equilibrium. Previous work has suggested only considering the first route, which allows significant gains in computational efficiency if reduced-order models can be built for the aerodynamics. However, results in the current paper show that neglecting the mode-shape variation can give misleading results for the flutter-onset prediction, complicating the development of reduced aerodynamic models for variability analysis.


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An evaluation of the global atmospheric energetics is presented in the framework of the basic decomposition into the zonal mean and eddy components, the zonal wavenumber decomposition, and the three-dimensional normal mode decomposition. An extension to the normal mode energetics formulation is also presented in the study, which enables the explicit evaluation of the conversion rate between available potential energy and kinetic energy along with their generation and dissipation rates, in both the zonal wavenumber and vertical mode domains. In addition, it has been proposed an extended energy cycle diagram describing the flow of energy among the zonal mean and eddy components, and also among the barotropic and baroclinic components. The energetics is first assessed for three reanalysis datasets and five state-ofthe- art climate models simulations representing the present climate conditions. It is performed a comparative analysis between the observationally based energetics and that based on the climate models' simulations. In order to appraise possible changes in the atmospheric energetics of a future climate scenario relative to that of the present climate conditions, the analysis is extended using the datasets simulated by the same five climate models for a future climate scenario experiment, as defined in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


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The objective of the study of \Queueing models with vacations and working vacations" was two fold; to minimize the server idle time and improve the e ciency of the service system. Keeping this in mind we considered queueing models in di erent set up in this thesis. Chapter 1 introduced the concepts and techniques used in the thesis and also provided a summary of the work done. In chapter 2 we considered an M=M=2 queueing model, where one of the two heterogeneous servers takes multiple vacations. We studied the performance of the system with the help of busy period analysis and computation of mean waiting time of a customer in the stationary regime. Conditional stochastic decomposition of queue length was derived. To improve the e ciency of this system we came up with a modi ed model in chapter 3. In this model the vacationing server attends the customers, during vacation at a slower service rate. Chapter 4 analyzed a working vacation queueing model in a more general set up. The introduction of N policy makes this MAP=PH=1 model di erent from all working vacation models available in the literature. A detailed analysis of performance of the model was provided with the help of computation of measures such as mean waiting time of a customer who gets service in normal mode and vacation mode.


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El vello facial no deseado es un problema común en las mujeres, los tratamientos láser han mostrado efectividad para su manejo. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la depilación láser en cara de las pacientes tratadas a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más ) luego de un seguimiento de 6 meses durante los años 1997 y 2012. Metodología: 55 mujeres que con tipo de piel II a V recibieron 20 o más sesiones de láser con seguimiento mayor a 6 meses posterior al la última sesión. Resultados: la edad promedio fue (32 ± 9,3 años), el 18,2 % presentaban SOP o Hiperandrogenismo el número de sesiones en cara fue de (30,84 ± 12,132), un promedio de disparos de (6,330 ± 7,804), los Kilojulios acumulados tuvieron un promedio de (126,5 ± 161,4) la fluencia promedio fue (18,5 ± 3,2 Julios/cm2), el láser de Alexandrita fue utilizado en el 98% de las pacientes. Se encontró cambios significativos entre el conteo inicial y el final de vello facial (484,9 ± 568.9 (med=300) vs. 103,33± 138,63 (med=60), p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon). El 32.7% mostraron reducción > 90% (5,5% reducción del 100%). Conclusión : El tratamiento con de depilación con láser mostro una reducción significativa del vello facial, en mujeres mayores de 14 años con un tratamiento a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más), con una tasa de reducción mayor del 90% en 32.7% de las pacientes y un promedio de reducción del grupo de 79,36 ±15,51 %, similar a lo reportado en los diferentes estudios (77%).


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Introducción A pesar de que los nevos melanocíticos son un motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestra población no existen estudios a nivel de Colombia acerca de su tratamiento, a nivel mundial existe muy poca literatura al respecto por lo que hay un vacío conceptual en este campo. Objetivos Evaluar los cambios en cuanto a la presencia de pigmento y cicatrización, en los nevos melanocíticos adquiridos tratados con láser, basados en la experiencia de un solo centro en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos Es un estudio observacional de antes y después, en una cohorte histórica, de 90 casos de nevos melanocíticos adquiridos, tratados con láser en Uniláser Medica, en los que se evaluó la presencia de pigmento, cicatrización, y otras variables, con un control realizado a no menos de 3 meses de la intervención. Resultados Se encontró un rango de edad entre los 18 -51 años, promedio 27,59 años; fototipo de III-V; en el 32% de los casos, solo fue requerida una sesión de láser de Co2 y Erbio, para el aclaramiento completo de la misma. La duración del eritema en el 54,4% los casos fue de 1 a 3 meses. En un 64,4% quedó pigmento residual al control, pero de éstos casos el 48,2% fue entre un 5 a un 10% del inicial. El 58,9% hizo cicatriz, de éstos el 63% fue estética. La satisfacción por parte de los pacientes es alta a pesar de la persistencia pigmentaria y/o la presencia de cicatriz. Discusión El tratamiento de nevos melanocíticos adquiridos con láser es una opción terapéutica que genera cambios estadísticamente significativos en cuanto a pigmento, cicatriz estética y alta satisfacción por parte de los pacientes. Se requieren estudios, analíticos, para determinar eficacia del tratamiento.


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The extent to which the four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVAR) is able to use information about the time evolution of the atmosphere to infer the vertical spatial structure of baroclinic weather systems is investigated. The singular value decomposition (SVD) of the 4DVAR observability matrix is introduced as a novel technique to examine the spatial structure of analysis increments. Specific results are illustrated using 4DVAR analyses and SVD within an idealized 2D Eady model setting. Three different aspects are investigated. The first aspect considers correcting errors that result in normal-mode growth or decay. The results show that 4DVAR performs well at correcting growing errors but not decaying errors. Although it is possible for 4DVAR to correct decaying errors, the assimilation of observations can be detrimental to a forecast because 4DVAR is likely to add growing errors instead of correcting decaying errors. The second aspect shows that the singular values of the observability matrix are a useful tool to identify the optimal spatial and temporal locations for the observations. The results show that the ability to extract the time-evolution information can be maximized by placing the observations far apart in time. The third aspect considers correcting errors that result in nonmodal rapid growth. 4DVAR is able to use the model dynamics to infer some of the vertical structure. However, the specification of the case-dependent background error variances plays a crucial role.


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A simple model for the effective vibrational hamiltonian of the XH stretching vibrations in H2O, NH3 and CH4 is considered, based on a morse potential function for the bond stretches plus potential and kinetic energy coupling between pairs of bond oscillators. It is shown that this model can be set up as a matrix in local mode basis functions, or as a matrix in normal mode basis functions, leading to identical results. The energy levels obtained exhibit normal mode patterns at low vibrational excitation, and local mode patterns at high excitation. When the hamiltonian is set up in the normal mode basis it is shown that Darling-Dennison resonances must be included, and simple relations are found to exist between the xrs, gtt, and Krrss anharmonic constants (where the Darling-Dennison coefficients are denoted K) due to their contributions from morse anharmonicity in the bond stretches. The importance of the Darling-Dennison resonances is stressed. The relationship of the two alternative representations of this local mode/normal mode model are investigated, and the potential uses and limitations of the model are discussed.


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In part I of this study [Baggott, Clase, and Mills, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 42, 319 (1986)] we presented FTIR spectra of gas phase cyclobutene and modeled the v=1–3 stretching states of both olefinic and methylenic C–H bonds in terms of a local mode model. In this paper we present some improvements to our original model and make use of recently derived ‘‘x,K relations’’ to find the equivalent normal mode descriptions. The use of both the local mode and normal mode approaches to modeling the vibrational structure is described in some detail. We present evidence for Fermi resonance interactions between the methylenic C–H stretch overtones and ring C–C stretch vibrations, revealed in laser photoacoustic spectra in the v=4–6 region. An approximate model vibrational Hamiltonian is proposed to explain the observed structure and is used to calculate the dynamics of the C–H stretch local mode decay resulting from interaction with lower frequency ring modes. The implications of our experimental and theoretical studies for mode‐selective photochemistry are discussed briefly.


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The purpose of this lecture is to review recent development in data analysis, initialization and data assimilation. The development of 3-dimensional multivariate schemes has been very timely because of its suitability to handle the many different types of observations during FGGE. Great progress has taken place in the initialization of global models by the aid of non-linear normal mode technique. However, in spite of great progress, several fundamental problems are still unsatisfactorily solved. Of particular importance is the question of the initialization of the divergent wind fields in the Tropics and to find proper ways to initialize weather systems driven by non-adiabatic processes. The unsatisfactory ways in which such processes are being initialized are leading to excessively long spin-up times.


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Nowadays, construction delay disputes often end up on the arbitration route where the delay experts appointed by the parties advise the tribunal on the extension of times entitlements of the parties. For this purpose, the identification and quantification of concurrent and pacing delays are integral aspects of resolving these disputes using a proper delay analysis methodology. The aim of the study is therefore, threefold. Firstly, the available literature on the concurrent and pacing delays are analyzed in detail to establish the principles for the evaluation of the concurrency and pacing delays. Secondly, a robust delay analysis methodology called ‘windows impact/update method’ is explained often used by the experts for the effective quantification of concurrent and pacing delays. This methodology is an improved version of time impact analysis and normal windows analysis. For better demonstration, the explanation of the methodology is facilitated with the help of a typical case study analysis. Finally, the principles of concurrency and pacing, as explained in the literature review, are promptly applied to the case study results to show the applicability of the analysis method on any types of delay disputes. The study shows the effectiveness of the windows impact/update method for the quantification of the concurrent and pacing delays.