124 resultados para neurobiologia
The Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDAC)4 and HDAC5 play a role in neuronal survival and behavioral adaptation in the CNS. Phosphorylation at 2/3 N-terminal sites promote their nuclear export. We investigated whether non-canonical signaling routes to Class IIa HDAC export exist because of their association with the co-repressor Silencing Mediator Of Retinoic And Thyroid Hormone Receptors (SMRT). We found that, while HDAC5 and HDAC4 mutants lacking their N-terminal phosphorylation sites (HDAC4(MUT), HDAC5(MUT)) are constitutively nuclear, co-expression with SMRT renders them exportable by signals that trigger SMRT export, such as synaptic activity, HDAC inhibition, and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling. We found that SMRT's repression domain 3 (RD3) is critical for co-shuttling of HDAC5(MUT), consistent with the role for this domain in Class IIa HDAC association. In the context of BDNF signaling, we found that HDAC5(WT), which was more cytoplasmic than HDAC5(MUT), accumulated in the nucleus after BDNF treatment. However, co-expression of SMRT blocked BDNF-induced HDAC5(WT) import in a RD3-dependent manner. In effect, SMRT-mediated HDAC5(WT) export was opposing the BDNF-induced HDAC5 nuclear accumulation observed in SMRT's absence. Thus, SMRT's presence may render Class IIa HDACs exportable by a wider range of signals than those which simply
Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2; gene name SLC2A2) has a key role in the regulation of glucose dynamics in organs central to metabolism. Although GLUT2 has been studied in the context of its participation in peripheral and central glucose sensing, its role in the brain is not well understood. To decipher the role of GLUT2 in brain development, we knocked down slc2a2 (glut2), the functional ortholog of human GLUT2, in zebrafish. Abrogation of glut2 led to defective brain organogenesis, reduced glucose uptake and increased programmed cell death in the brain. Coinciding with the observed localization of glut2 expression in the zebrafish hindbrain, glut2 deficiency affected the development of neural progenitor cells expressing the proneural genes atoh1b and ptf1a but not those expressing neurod. Specificity of the morphant phenotype was demonstrated by the restoration of brain organogenesis, whole-embryo glucose uptake, brain apoptosis, and expression of proneural markers in rescue experiments. These results indicate that glut2 has an essential role during brain development by facilitating the uptake and availability of glucose and support the involvement of glut2 in brain glucose sensing.
The microenvironment of the central nervous system is important for neuronal function and development. During the early stages of embryo development the cephalic vesicles are filled by embryonic cerebrospinal fluid, a complex fluid containing different protein fractions, which contributes to the regulation of the survival, proliferation and neurogenesis of neuroectodermal stem cells. The protein content of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid from chick and rat embryos at the start of neurogenesis has already been determined. Most of the identified gene products are thought to be involved in the regulation of developmental processes during embryogenesis. However, due to the crucial roles played by embryonic cerebrospinal fluid during brain development, the embryological origin of the gene products it contains remains an intriguing question. According to the literature most of these products are synthesised in embryonic tissues other than the neuroepithelium. In this study we examined the embryological origin of the most abundant embryonic cerebrospinal fluid protein fractions by means of slot-blot analysis and by using several different embryonic and extraembryonic protein extracts, immunodetected with polyclonal antibodies. This first attempt to elucidate their origin is not based on the proteins identified by proteomic methods, but rather on crude protein fractions detected by SDS-PAGE analysis and to which polyclonal antibodies were specifically generated. Despite some of the limitations of this study, i.e. that one protein fraction may contain more than one gene product, and that a specific gene product may be contained in different protein fractions depending on post-translational modifications, our results show that most of the analysed protein fractions are not produced by the cephalic neuroectoderm but are rather stored in the egg reservoir; furthermore, few are produced by embryo tissues, thus indicating that they must be transported from their production or storage sites to the cephalic cavities, most probably via embryonic serum. These results raise the question as to whether the transfer of proteins from these two embryo compartments is regulated at this early developmental stage.
Total lack of visual experience [dark rearing (DR)] is known to prolong the critical period and delay development of sensory functions in mammalian visual cortex. Recent results show that neurotrophins (NTs) counteract the effects of DR on functional properties of visual cortical cells and exert a strong control on critical period duration. NTs are known to modulate the development and synaptic efficacy of neurotransmitter systems that are affected by DR. However, it is still unknown whether the actions of NTs in dark-reared animals involve interaction with neurotransmitter systems. We have studied the effects of DR on the expression of key molecules in the glutamatergic and GABAergic systems in control and NT-treated animals. We have found that DR reduced the expression of the NMDA receptor 2A subunit and its associated protein PSD-95 (postsynaptic density-95), of GRIP (AMPA glutamate receptor interacting protein), and of the biosynthetic enzyme GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase). Returning dark-reared animals to light for 2 hr restored normal expression of the above-mentioned proteins almost completely. NT treatment specifically counteracts DR effects; NGF acts primarily on the NMDA system, whereas BDNF acts primarily on the GABAergic system. Finally, the action of NT4 seems to involve both excitatory and inhibitory systems. These data demonstrate that different NTs counteract DR effects by modulating the expression of key molecules of the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems
Si em demanessin una llista amb dotze paraules que defineixin la vida, una d'elles seria conflicte. La vida és un fenomen dinàmic que ens obliga a interactuar constantment amb el nostre entorn, fet que genera interessos no compartits i fins i tot contraposats dels quals neixen els conflictes. La setmana passada es va celebrar a Barcelona el IV Congrés Internacional de Conflictologia i Pau, que va reunir experts en molts camps del coneixement humà per a analitzar de forma interdisciplinària l'origen i la resolució dels conflictes humans. Jo hi vaig assistir com a membre del Centre de Recerca i Estudis en Conflictologia, el CREC acrònim que presenta uns significats polisèmics i onomatopeics molt interessants, un grup pluridisciplinari que va arrencar fa un any sota l'aixopluc de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i al qual em vaig incorporar en qualitat de biòleg i genetista, junt amb experts en sociologia, política, economia, dret, filosofia, pedagogia, psiquiatria i neurobiologia [...].
Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor, and also a cytokine, associated with the extracellular matrix, which has recently starting to attract attention as a significant neuromodulator with multiple neuronal functions during development. PTN is expressed in several tissues, where its signals are generally related with cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation by acting through different receptors. In Central Nervous System (CNS), PTN exerts post-developmental neurotrophic and -protective effects, and additionally has been involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neural disorders. Studies in Drosophila shed light on some aspects of the different levels of regulatory control of PTN invertebrate homologs. Specifically in hippocampus, recent evidence from PTN Knock-out (KO) mice involves PTN functioning in learning and memory. In this paper, we summarize, discuss, and contrast the most recent advances and results that lead to proposing a PTN as a neuromodulatory molecule in the CNS, particularly in hippocampus.
Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor, and also a cytokine, associated with the extracellular matrix, which has recently starting to attract attention as a significant neuromodulator with multiple neuronal functions during development. PTN is expressed in several tissues, where its signals are generally related with cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation by acting through different receptors. In Central Nervous System (CNS), PTN exerts post-developmental neurotrophic and -protective effects, and additionally has been involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neural disorders. Studies in Drosophila shed light on some aspects of the different levels of regulatory control of PTN invertebrate homologs. Specifically in hippocampus, recent evidence from PTN Knock-out (KO) mice involves PTN functioning in learning and memory. In this paper, we summarize, discuss, and contrast the most recent advances and results that lead to proposing a PTN as a neuromodulatory molecule in the CNS, particularly in hippocampus.
Modelos neurocognitivos têm sido propostos para investigar a consciência. O objetivo é responder à pergunta sobre como o cérebro é capaz de produzir estados conscientes qualitativos. Os modelos são representações teóricas baseadas em algumas pesquisas empíricas. Contudo, a questão central, aparentemente trivial para alguns autores, refere-se à representatividade e confiabilidade dos modelos, i.e., saber se são capazes de explicar como a consciência emerge de processos neurais. Esses modelos são considerados como guia no estudo científico da consciência: os modelos cognitivos de Dennett (Multiple Draft) e Baars (Global Workspace), os modelos neurobiológicos de Edelman (Dynamic Core), Dehaene et al. (Global Neuronal), de Damásio (Somatic Markers Hypothesis), e o modelo neurodinâmico (Neurodynamic Model) proposto por Freeman. O presente texto visa a analisar a coerência e a plausibilidade dos modelos, i.e., se realmente explicam a “consciência” e suas propriedades em termos neurais ou se explicam apenas mecanismos neurobiológicos subjacentes no cérebro. O objetivo é avaliar escopo e limites dos modelos além da aplicabilidade na resolução do problema da consciência.
Background: Prionopathies are characterized by spongiform brain degeneration, myoclonia, dementia, and periodic electroencephalographic (EEG) disturbances. The hallmark of prioniopathies is the presence of an abnormal conformational isoform (PrP(sc)) of the natural cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) encoded by the Prnp gene. Although several roles have been attributed to PrP(c), its putative functions in neuronal excitability are unknown. Although early studies of the behavior of Prnp knockout mice described minor changes, later studies report altered behavior. To date, most functional PrP(c) studies on synaptic plasticity have been performed in vitro. To our knowledge, only one electrophysiological study has been performed in vivo in anesthetized mice, by Curtis and coworkers. They reported no significant differences in paired-pulse facilitation or LTP in the CA1 region after Schaffer collateral/commissural pathway stimulation. Principal Findings: Here we explore the role of PrP(c) expression in neurotransmission and neural excitability using wild-type, Prnp -/- and PrP(c)-overexpressing mice (Tg20 strain). By correlating histopathology with electrophysiology in living behaving mice, we demonstrate that both Prnp -/- mice but, more relevantly Tg20 mice show increased susceptibility to KA, leading to significant cell death in the hippocampus. This finding correlates with enhanced synaptic facilitation in paired-pulse experiments and hippocampal LTP in living behaving mutant mice. Gene expression profiling using Illumina microarrays and Ingenuity pathways analysis showed that 129 genes involved in canonical pathways such as Ubiquitination or Neurotransmission were co-regulated in Prnp -/- and Tg20 mice. Lastly, RT-qPCR of neurotransmission-related genes indicated that subunits of GABA(A) and AMPA-kainate receptors are co-regulated in both Prnp -/- and Tg20 mice. Conclusions/Significance: Present results demonstrate that PrP(c) is necessary for the proper homeostatic functioning of hippocampal circuits, because of its relationships with GABA(A) and AMPA-Kainate neurotransmission. New PrP(c) functions have recently been described, which point to PrP(c) as a target for putative therapies in Alzheimer's disease. However, our results indicate that a "gain of function" strategy in Alzheimer's disease, or a "loss of function" in prionopathies, may impair PrP(c) function, with devastating effects. In conclusion, we believe that present data should be taken into account in the development of future therapies.
El dolor neuropático es un tipo de dolor crónico, patológico, que ha perdido el carácter adaptativo del dolor agudo para convertirse en una enfermedad incurable, en un gran porcentaje de los casos, que afecta al paciente, a su familia y a la sociedad. Durante muchos años el Centro Interdisciplinario para Estudio y Alivio del Dolor de la Universidad del Rosario, ha analizado enfermos con neuropatía diabética dolorosa, neuralgia post-herpética, dolor fantasma, neuralgia del trigémino, síndrome doloroso regional complejo, y dolores centrales de diversas etiologías: y las incógnitas más recurrentes han sido: ¿Se estarán haciendo las cosas bien? Y ¿por qué unos pacientes mejoran y otros no? La búsqueda de las respuestas a estos cuestionamientos ha sido la motivación para la presentación de esta obra colectiva en donde se analizan diferentes aspectos del dolor neuropático, como son: la neurobiología del dolor neuropático, los medicamentos para el manejo del dolor, las neuropatías por tratamiento y los distintos síndromes relacionados con el dolor , entre otros.
Este libro es el resultado, no sólo de años de intensa actividad investigativa, sino también de la necesaria reflexión asociada, por parte de científicos de la neurociencia y de filósofos de distintas nacionalidades quienes, en un fructífero encuentro efectuado en Madrid, España, dieron un paso crucial en la construcción del arco conceptual que vincula, por no decir identifica, la actividad cerebral con la mente propiamente dicha. En consideración a la relevancia de la obra para nuestra comunidad científica, la Universidad del Rosario, fiel a su convicción de brindar apoyo e incentivar la divulgación del conocimiento, decidió participar por intermedio de su Centro Editorial en la publicación de esta primera edición en idioma español, con la certeza de estar contribuyendo al desarrollo de la investigación, mediante la difusión de los hallazgos en este importante y aun no conocido a cabalidad campo de la ciencia.
This article gives an overview of presuppositions and explanations posed by behaviorist psychology (particularly its radical branch), cognitive–nativist sciences (i.e. psycholinguistics and a branch of cognitive psychology) and other disciplines regarding important psychological events such as anxiety, stress, fear, mood states and language. In relation to the discussion of environment versus genetics, contributions from behavioral neurobiology and neuropsychology are added, showing evidence of traits that can be multigenerationally inherited in a non-genetic way, which have an impact thought the life of organisms and on their way of interacting with the environment; ways in which behavior can be altered by recently unsuspected environmental agents or events, and the overlooked role of prenatal experiences in the explanation of behavior. The evidence calls into question presuppositions made by the academic disciplines listed above, and suggests alternative behavior reinterpretations and explanations
The reinforcement omission effects have been traditionally interpreted in terms of: behavioral facilitation after reinforcement omission induced by primary frustration or behavioral suppression after reinforcement delivery induced by postconsummatory states. The studies reviewed here indicate that amygdala is involved in modulation of these effects. However, the fact that amygdala lesions, extensive or selective, can eliminate, reduce and enhance the omission effects makes it difficult to understand how it is the exact nature of their involvement. The amygdala is related to several functions that depend on its connections with other brain systems. Thus, it is necessary to consider the involvement of a more complex neural network in the modulation of the reinforcement omission effects. The connection of amygdala subareas to cortical and subcortical structures may be involved in this modulation since they also are linked to processes related to reward and expectancy.
Les neurociències estudien l’estructura i la funció química, farmacològica i patològica del sistema nerviós, i com els diferents elements del sistema nerviós interaccionen i generen la conducta. En el nivell més alt, les neurociències es combinen amb la psicologia per crear la neurociència cognitiva. Avui en dia, aquesta branca proporciona una nova manera d’entendre el cervell i la consciència, ja que es basa en un estudi científic que uneix disciplines com ara la neurobiologia, la psicobiologia o la psicologia cognitiva mateixa. Aquest fet, ben segur, canviarà la concepció que hom té ara sobre els processos mentals implicats en el comportament i les seves bases biològiques.
(João Quevedo - Estudo do Processamento das Memórias de Curta e Longa Duração) - Este trabalho apresenta a compilação dos 4 principais experimentos carreados ao longo de 1999-2002: 3 deles envolvem o modelo animal e um quarto utilizase de voluntários humanos. Entretanto, o uso desses diferentes paradigmas não prejudica a unidade do conjunto. O Capítulo 1 apresenta sucintamente o marco teórico dos 4 trabalhos. Inicialmente são discutidos aspectos modulatórios da consolidação da memória. Após, alguns elementos da bioquímica da consolidação da memória são apresentados no intuito de permitir establecer um entendimento das vias da PKA e da MAPK e suas correlações com a via final comum – a síntese protéica. Adicionalmente, a dissociação STM e LTM é discutida a partir do referencial farmacológico. Uma última unidade apresenta conceitos primitivos do papel da amígdala na modulação da memória e das evidências da implicação das emoções, via amígdala, na modulação da memória em humanos. Os experimentos utilizando a esquiva inibitória como paradigma e o rato como sujeito ocupam os Capítulos 2, 3 e 4. No Capítulo 2 é apresentado um corpo de resultados que permite observar uma dissecção farmacológica da STM e LTM. Os dados demonstram um envolvimento de fenômenos dependentes de PKA em ambas STM e LTM, dependentes de MAPK apenas na STM, e dependentes de síntese protéica apenas na LTM. O Capítulo 3 apresenta um trabalho realizado em colaboração com o Prof. Steven P. R. Rose (Open University, UK), que envolve a determinação dos momentos sensíveis à inibição da síntese protéica na consolidação da LTM. Foram observados dois momentos: um inicial, junto ao treino, e um tardio apos 3h. Além disso, foi possível demonstrar que um treino prévio de baixa intensidade, mas não a pré-exposição ao aparato, pode impedir o estabelecimento de amnésia induzida pelo bloqueio da síntese protéica. O Capítulo 4 estende os achados com anisomicina observados no Capítulo 3, estudando também o inibidor da PKA, Rp-cAMPs, e o inibidor da MAPKK, PD 098059. Os dados obtidos confirmam também para essas cascatas a indução em um treino prévio de baixa intensidade de algum fenômeno celular de longa duração que torna o aprendizado de um segundo treino independente de PKA, MAPK ou síntese protéica. O estudo da dissociação da STM e LTM foi ampliado, agora no modelo humano, no experimento descrito no Capítulo 6. Nesse experimento, observamos uma clara influência do conteúdo emocional na LTM, mas a ausência desse efeito na STM. A discussão geral (Capítulo 7) busca integrar esses achados descritos nos capítulos anteriores dentro da nova perspectiva molecular da neurobiologia da memória. Além disso, abre discussão acerca de possíveis novas possibilidades de pesquisa.