974 resultados para neonatal development


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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This study was undertaken to determine how dopamine influences cortical development. It focused on morphogenesis of GABAergic neurons that contained the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). Organotypic slices of frontoparietal cortex were taken from neonatal rats, cultured with or without dopamine, harvested daily (4-30 d), and immunostained for parvalbumin. Expression of parvalbumin occurred in the same regional and laminar sequence as in vivo. Expression in cingulate and entorhinal preceded that in lateral frontoparietal cortices. Laminar expression progressed from layer V to VI and finally II-IV. Somal labeling preceded fiber labeling by 2 d. Dopamine accelerated PV expression. In treated slices, a dense band of PV-immunoreactive neurons appeared in layer V at 7 d in vitro (DIV), and in all layers of frontoparietal cortex at 14 DIV, whereas in control slices such labeling did not appear until 14 and 21 DIV, respectively. The laminar distribution and dendritic branching of PV-immunoreactive neurons were quantified. More labeled neurons were in the superficial layers, and their dendritic arborizations were significantly increased by dopamine. Treatment with a D1 receptor agonist had little effect, whereas a D2 agonist mimicked dopamine's effects. Likewise, the D2 but not the D1 antagonist blocked dopamine-induced changes, indicating that they were mediated primarily by D2 receptors. Parvalbumin expression was accelerated by dopaminergic reinnervation of cortical slices that were cocultured with mesencephalic slices. Coapplication of the glutamate NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 or AP5 blocked dopamine-induced increases in dendritic branching, suggesting that changes were mediated partly by interaction with glutamate to alter cortical excitability.


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Les syndromes de déficiences cérébrales en créatine (CCDS) sont dus à des mutations dans les gènes GATM et G AMT (codant pour les enzymes AGAT et G AMT de la voie de synthèse de créatine) ainsi que SLC6A8 (transporteur de créatine), et génèrent une absence ou une très forte baisse de créatine (Cr) dans le cerveau, mesurée par spectroscopic de résonance magnétique. Les patients CCDS développent des handicaps neurologiques sévères. Les patients AGAT et GAMT peuvent être traités avec des doses importantes de Cr, mais gardent dans la plupart des cas des séquelles neurologiques irréversibles. Aucun traitement efficace n'existe à ce jour pour la déficience en SLC6A8. Bien que de nombreux modèles aient été développés pour comprendre la Cr cérébrale en conditions physiologiques, les pathomécanismes des CCDS ne sont pas encore compris. Des souris transgéniques pour les gènes Gatm, Gamt et Slc6a8 ont été générées, mais elles ne miment que partiellement la pathologie humaine. Parmi les CCDS, la déficience en GAMT est la plus sévère, en raison de l'accumulation cérébrale de l'intermédiaire guanidinoacétate (GAA). Alors que la toxicité cérébrale du GAA a été étudiée par exposition directe au GAA d'animaux adultes sains, les mécanismes de la toxicité du GAA en condition de déficience en GAMT dans le cerveau en développement sont encore inconnus. Le but de ce projet était donc de développer un modèle de déficience en GAMT dans des cultures 3D primaires de cellules nerveuses de rat en agrégats par knock-down du gène GAMT, en utilisant un virus adéno-associé (AAV) induisant le mécanisme d'interférence à l'ARN (RNAi). Le virus scAAV2, à la multiplicité d'infection de 1000, s'est révélé le plus efficace pour transduire tous les types de cellules nerveuses des cultures (neurones, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes), et générer un knock-down maximal de la protéine GAMT de 85% (jour in vitro 18). Cette déficience partielle en GAMT s'est révélée insuffisante pour générer une déficience en Cr, mais a causé l'accumulation attendue de GAA, à des doses comparables aux niveaux observés dans le LCR des patients GAMT. Le GAA a induit une croissance axonale anarchique accompagnée d'une baisse de l'apoptose naturelle, suivis par une induction tardive de mort cellulaire non-apoptotique. Le co-traitement par la Cr a prévenu tous les effets toxiques du GAA. Ce travail montre que l'accumulation de GAA en absence de déficience en Cr est suffisante pour affecter le développement du tissu nerveux, et suggère que des formes de déficiences en GAMT supplémentaires, ne présentant pas de déficiences en Cr, pourraient être découvertes par mesure du GAA, en particulier à travers les programmes récemment proposés de dépistage néonatal de la déficience en GAMT. -- Cerebral creatine deficiency syndromes (CCDS) are caused by mutations in the genes GATM and GAMT (respectively coding for the two enzymes of the creatine synthetic pathway, AGAT and GAMT) as well as SLC6A8 (creatine transporter), and lead to the absence or very strong decrease of creatine (Cr) in the brain when measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Affected patients show severe neurological impairments. While AGAT and GAMT deficient patients can be treated with high dosages of Cr, most remain with irreversible brain sequelae. No treatment has been successful so far for SLC6A8 deficiency. While many models have helped understanding the cerebral Cr pathways in physiological conditions, the pathomechanisms underlying CCDS are yet to be elucidated. Transgenic mice carrying mutations in the Gatm, Gamt and Slc6a8 genes have been developed, but only partially mimic the human pathology. Among CCDS, GAMT deficiency is the most severe, due to the CNS accumulation of the guanidinoacetate (GAA) intermediate. While brain toxicity of GAA has been explored through direct GAA exposure of adult healthy animals, the mechanisms underlying GAA toxicity in GAMT deficiency conditions on the developing CNS are yet unknown. The aim of this project was thus to develop and characterize a GAMT deficiency model in developing brain cells by gene knockdown, by adeno-associated virus (AAV)-driven RNA interference (RNAi) in rat 3D organotypic primary brain cell cultures in aggregates. scAAV2 with a multiplicity of infection of 1000 was shown as the most efficient serotype, was able to transduce all brain cell types (neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes) and to induce a maximal GAMT protein knockdown of 85% (day in vitro 18). Metabolite analysis showed that partial GAMT knockdown was insufficient to induce Cr deficiency but generated the awaited GAA accumulation at concentrations comparable to the levels observed in cerebrospinal fluid of GAMT-deficient patients. Accumulated GAA induced axonal hypersprouting paralleled with inhibition of natural apoptosis, followed by a later induction in non-apoptotic cell death. Cr supplementation led to the prevention of all GAA-induced toxic effects. This work shows that GAA accumulation without Cr deficiency is sufficient to affect CNS development, and suggests that additional partial GAMT deficiencies, which may not show the classical brain Cr deficiency, may be discovered through GAA measurement including by recently proposed neonatal screening programs for GAMT deficiency.


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UNE EXPOSITION NÉONATALE À L’OXYGÈNE MÈNE À DES MODIFICATIONS DE LA FONCTION MITOCHONDRIALE CHEZ LE RAT ADULTE Introduction: L’exposition à l’oxygène (O2) des ratons nouveau-nés a des conséquences à l’âge adulte dont une hypertension artérielle (HTA), une dysfonction vasculaire, une néphropénie et des indices de stress oxydant. En considérant que les reins sont encore en développement actif lors des premiers jours après la naissance chez les rats, jouent un rôle clé dans le développement de l’hypertension et qu’une dysfonction mitochondriale est associé à une augmentation du stress oxydant, nous postulons que les conditions délétères néonatales peuvent avoir un impact significatif au niveau rénal sur la modulation de l’expression de protéines clés du fonctionnement mitochondrial et une production mitochondriale excessive d’espèces réactives de l’ O2. Méthodes: Des ratons Sprague-Dawley sont exposés à 80% d’O2 (H) ou 21% O2 (Ctrl) du 3e au 10e jr de vie. En considérant que plusieurs organes des rats sont encore en développement actif à la naissance, ces rongeurs sont un modèle reconnu pour étudier les complications d’une hyperoxie néonatale, comme celles liées à une naissance prématurée chez l’homme. À 4 et à 16 semaines, les reins sont prélevés et les mitochondries sont extraites suivant une méthode d’extraction standard, avec un tampon contenant du sucrose 0.32 M et différentes centrifugations. L’expression des protéines mitochondriales a été mesurée par Western blot, tandis que la production d’ H202 et les activités des enzymes clés du cycle de Krebs ont été évaluées par spectrophotométrie. Les résultats sont exprimés par la moyenne ± SD. Résultats: Les rats mâles H de 16 semaines (n=6) présentent une activité de citrate synthase (considéré standard interne de l’expression protéique et de l’abondance mitochondriales) augmentée (12.4 ± 8.4 vs 4.1 ± 0.5 μmole/mL/min), une diminution de l’activité d’aconitase (enzyme sensible au redox mitochondrial) (0.11 ± 0.05 vs 0.20 ± 0.04 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), ainsi qu’une augmentation dans la production de H202 (7.0 ± 1.3 vs 5.4 ± 0.8 ρmoles/mg protéines mitochondriales) comparativement au groupe Ctrl (n=6 mâles et 4 femelles). Le groupe H (vs Ctrl) présente également une diminution dans l’expression de peroxiredoxin-3 (Prx3) (H 0.61±0.06 vs. Ctrl 0.78±0.02 unité relative, -23%; p<0.05), une protéine impliquée dans l’élimination d’ H202, de l’expression du cytochrome C oxidase (Complexe IV) (H 1.02±0.04 vs. Ctrl 1.20±0.02 unité relative, -15%; p<0.05), une protéine de la chaine de respiration mitochondriale, tandis que l’expression de la protéine de découplage (uncoupling protein)-2 (UCP2), impliquée dans la dispersion du gradient proton, est significativement augmentée (H 1.05±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.90±0.03 unité relative, +17%; p<0.05). Les femelles H (n=6) (vs Ctrl, n=6) de 16 semaines démontrent une augmentation significative de l’activité de l’aconitase (0.33±0.03 vs 0.17±0.02 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), de l’expression de l’ATP synthase sous unité β (H 0.73±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.59±0.02 unité relative, +25%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 0.89±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.74±0.03 unité relative, +20%; p<0.05) (superoxide dismutase mitochondriale, important antioxidant), tandis que l’expression de Prx3 est significativement réduite (H 1.1±0.07 vs. Ctrl 0.85±0.01 unité relative, -24%; p<0.05). À 4 semaines, les mâles H (vs Ctrl) présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression de Prx3 (H 0.72±0.03 vs. Ctrl 0.56±0.04 unité relative, +31%; p<0.05) et les femelles présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression d’UCP2 (H 1.22±0.05 vs. Ctrl 1.03±0.04 unité relative, +18%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 1.36±0.01 vs. 1.19±0.06 unité relative, +14%; p<0.05). Conclusions: Une exposition néonatale à l’O2 chez le rat adulte mène à des indices de dysfonction mitochondriale dans les reins adultes, associée à une augmentation dans la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, suggérant que ces modifications mitochondriales pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’hypertension artérielle et d’un stress oxydant, et par conséquent, être un facteur possible dans la progression vers des maladies cardiovasculaires. Mots-clés: Mitochondries, Reins, Hypertension, Oxygène, Stress Oxydant, Programmation


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Aux soins intensifs néonataux, les professionnels et les parents évaluent le pronostic du développement et de la qualité de vie (QdV). Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre comment les parents prédisent la QdV future de leurs enfants. Cette étude qualitative basée sur la théorisation ancrée comprend dix entrevues avec des parents. Les résultats indiquent que le pronostic développemental influence les prédictions parentales de QdV, mais il n’est pas suffisant, car la QdV est multidimensionnelle. Les parents utilisent des mécanismes d’adaptation pour gérer la maladie et l’hospitalisation de leur enfant. Ceux qui pensent qu’ils, et leur enfant, seront capables de s’adapter à un mauvais état développemental, prévoient une QdV réévaluée. Le pronostic neuro-développemental et la QdV future ne sont pas facilement estimés et les professionnels doivent en être conscients. Aider les parents à identifier des mécanismes d’adaptation peut les amener à estimer un meilleur pronostic de la QdV.


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La Fibrosis Quística es la enfermedad autosómica recesiva mas frecuente en caucásicos. En Colombia no se conoce la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero investigaciones del grupo de la Universidad del Rosario indican que podría ser relativamente alta. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de afectados por Fibrosis Quística en una muestra de recién nacidos de la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se analizan 8.297 muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical y se comparan tres protocolos de tamizaje neonatal: TIR/TIR, TIR/DNA y TIR/DNA/TIR. Resultados: El presente trabajo muestra una incidencia de 1 en 8.297 afectados en la muestra analizada. Conclusiones: Dada la relativamente alta incidencia demostrada en Bogotá, se justifica la implementación de Tamizaje Neonatal para Fibrosis Quística en Colombia.


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Introducción: la asfixia perinatal es la tercera causa de muerte en menores de 5 años. Las secuelas neurológicas suponen una carga importante para las familias y los sistemas de salud (1). Los estudios que relacionan el efecto de la asfixia perinatal sobre las hormonas tiroideas son escasos. El estudio sobre predictores de asfixia es un tema de investigación permanente. El objetivo principal fue determinar la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada y su relación con factores perinatales asociados a asfixia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. La muestra estuvo conformada por todos los recién nacidos con TSH de cordón elevada y un segundo grupo seleccionado de forma aleatoria con TSH de cordón normal. Tomada de una población de neonatos atendidos en una clínica de Bogotá durante el 2012. Resultados: la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada fue de 14,7%. Los resultados sugieren una posible asociación entre alteraciones en las pruebas de bienestar fetal, presencia de infección materna, parto distócico, dificultad respiratoria y APGAR bajo y la presencia de TSH elevada p<0,05. Discusión: La alta prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada podría relacionarse con las características de alto riesgo que presenta esta población. La elevación transitoria de la TSH neonatal de cordón en neonatos con alteraciones del bienestar fetal asociada a eventos hipóxicos agudos, sugiere que esta hormona podría ser un marcador de asfixia perinatal.


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Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2+ channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2+ and BK channels are coupled within distances of similar to 20 nm (200 parallel to). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2+ and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a "locked-in" state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential-based value.


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ANTECEDENTES. La mortalidad neonatal se debe principalmente a procesos infecciosos y a prematurez. Se ha sugerido que el lavado corporal total con clorhexidina podría reducir la mortalidad neonatal relacionada con infección. No existen revisiones sistemáticas que exploren la eficacia de esta intervención. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en la prevención de las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud en neonatos de alto riesgo hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se hizo a través de las bases de datos Medline, Embase, LilaCS, Cochrane library y el registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos publicados en los últimos 15 años hasta el 30 de enero del 2015. Las variables cualitativas se estimaron mediante OR o RR con sus IC95%. Las variables cuantitativas mediante diferencias de promedios o diferencias estandarizadas de promedios con sus IC95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 3 estudios en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. No se encontró evidencia concluyente que permita recomendar el uso de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en los recién nacidos hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Conclusión: No existe evidencia que permita concluir que la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina al 0.25% es mejor respecto a otras intervenciones en la prevención de sepsis neonatal asociada al cuidado de la salud . Es una intervención segura sin efectos adversos significativos.


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Objectives: Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family, plays a key role in skeletal muscle myogenesis by limiting hyperplastic and hypertrophic muscle growth. In cardiac muscle, myostatin has been shown to limit agonist-induced cardiac hypertrophic growth. However, its role in cardiac hyperplastic growth remains undetermined. The aim of this study was to characterise the expression of myostatin in developing myocardium, determine its effect on cardiomyocyte proliferation, and explore the signalling mechanisms affected by myostatin in dividing cardiomyocytes. Methods: We used quantitative PCR and Western blotting to study the expression of myostatin in cardiomyocytes isolated from rat myocardium at different developmental ages. We. determined the effect of recombinant myostatin on proliferation and cell viability in dividing cardiomyocytes in culture. We analysed myostatin's effect on cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression by flow cytometry and used Western blotting to explore the signalling mechanisms involved. Results: Myostatin is expressed differentially in cardiomyocytes during cardiac development such that increasing expression correlated with a low cardiomyocyte proliferation index. Proliferating foetal cardiomyocytes, from embryos at 18 days of gestation, expressed low levels of myostatin mRNA and protein, whereas isolated cardiomyocytes from postnatal day 10 hearts, wherein the majority of cardiomyocytes have lost their ability to proliferate, displayed a 6-fold increase in myostatin expression. Our in vitro studies demonstrated that myostatin inhibited proliferation of dividing foetal and neonatal cardiomyocytes. Flow cytometric analysis showed that this inhibition occurs mainly via a block in the G1-S phase transition of the cardiomyocyte cell cycle. Western blot analysis showed that part of the mechanism underpinning the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation by myostatin involves phosphorylation of SMAD2 and altered expressions of the cell cycle proteins p21 and CDK2. Conclusions: We conclude that myostatin is an inhibitor of cardiomyocyte proliferation with the potential to limit cardiomyocyte hyperplastic growth by altering cardiac cell cycle progression. (c) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Growth of the post- natal mammalian heart occurs primarily by cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Previously, we and others have shown that a partial re- activation of the cell cycle machinery occurs in myocytes undergoing hypertrophy such that cells progress through the G(1)/ S transition. In this study, we have examined the regulation of the E2F family of transcription factors that are crucial for the G(1)/ S phase transition during normal cardiac development and the development of myocyte hypertrophy in the rat. Thus, mRNA and protein levels of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and DP- 1 and DP- 2 were down- regulated during development to undetectable levels in adult myocytes. Interestingly, E2F- 5 protein levels were substantially up- regulated during development. In contrast, an induction of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and the DP- 1 protein was observed during the development of myocyte hypertrophy in neonatal myocytes treated with serum or phenylephrine, whereas the protein levels of E2F- 5 were decreased with serum stimulation. E2F activity, as measured by a cyclin E promoter luciferase assay and E2F- DNA binding activity, increased significantly during the development of hypertrophy with serum and phenylephrine compared with non- stimulated cells. Inhibiting E2F activity with a specific peptide that blocks E2F- DP heterodimerization prevented the induction of hypertrophic markers ( atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide) in response to serum and phenylephrine, reduced the increase in myocyte size, and inhibited protein synthesis in stimulated cells. Thus, we have shown that the inhibition of E2F function prevents the development of hypertrophy. Targeting E2F function might be a useful approach for treating diseases that cause pathophysiological hypertrophic growth.


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Background: Children with cleft lip and palate are at risk for psychological problems. Difficulties in mother-child interactions may be relevant, and could be affected by the timing of lip repair. Method: We assessed cognitive development, behaviour problems, and attachment in 94 infants with cleft lip (with and without cleft palate) and 96 non-affected control infants at 18 months; mother-infant interactions were assessed at two, six and 12 months. Index infants received either 'early', neonatal, lip repair, or 'late' repair (3-4 months). Results: Index infants did not differ from controls on measures of behaviour problems or attachment, regardless of timing of lip repair; however, infants having late lip repair performed worse on the Bayley Scales of Mental Development; the cognitive development of early repair infants was not impaired. Difficulties in early mother-infant interactions mediated the effects of late lip repair on infant cognitive outcome. Conclusions: Early interaction difficulties between mothers and infants having late repair of cleft lip are associated with poor cognitive functioning at 18 months. Interventions to facilitate mother-infant interactions prior to surgical lip repair should be explored.


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A remote haploscopic photorefractor was used to assess objective binocular vergence and accommodation responses in 157 full-term healthy infants aged 1-6 months while fixating a brightly coloured target moving between fixation distances at 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.33 m. Vergence and accommodation response gain matured rapidly from 'flat' neonatal responses at an intercept of approximately 2 dioptres (D) for accommodation and 2.5 metre angles(MA) for vergence, reaching adult-like values at 4 months. Vergence gain was marginally higher in females (p = 0.064), but accommodation gain (p = 0.034) was higher and accommodative intercept closer to zero (p = 0.004) in males in the first 3 months as they relaxed accommodation more appropriately for distant targets. More females showed flat accommodation responses (p = 0.029). More males behaved hypermetropically in the first two months of life, but when these hypermetropic infants were excluded from the analysis, the gender difference remained. Gender differences disappeared after three months. Data showed variable responses and infants could behave appropriately and simultaneously on both, neither or only one measure at all ages. If accommodation was appropriate (gain between 0.7 and 1.3; r(2) > 0.7) but vergence was not, males over- and under-converged equally, while the females who accommodated appropriately were more likely to overconverge (p = 0.008). The apparent earlier maturity of the male accommodative responses may be due to refractive error differences but could also reflect gender-specific male preference for blur cues while females show earlier preference for disparity, which may underpin the earlier emerging, disparity dependent, stereopsis and full vergence found in females in other studies.


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Aim: To review current literature on the development of convergence and accommodation. The accommodation and vergence systems provide the foundation upon which bifoveal binocular single vision develops. Deviations from their normal development not only are implicated in the aetiology of convergence anomalies, accommodative anomalies and strabismus, but may also be implicated in failure of the emmetropisation process. Method: This review considers the problems of researching the development of accommodation and vergence in infants and how infant research has had to differ from adult methods. It then reviews and discusses the implications of current research into the development of both systems and their linkages. Results: Vergence and accommodation develop rapidly in the first months of life, with accommodation changing from relatively fixed myopic focus in the neonatal period to adult-like responses by 4 months of age. Vergence develops gradually and becomes more accurate after 4 months of age, but has been demonstrated in infants well before the age that binocular disparity detection mechanisms are thought to develop. Hypotheses for this early vergence mechanism are discussed. The relationship between accommodation and vergence shows much more variability in infants than adult literature has found, but this apparent adult/infant difference may be partly attributed to methodological differences rather than maturational change alone. Conclusions: Variability and flexibility characterise infant responses. This variability may enable infants to develop a flexible and robust binocular system for later life. Studies of infant visual cue use may give clues to the aetiology of strabismus and refractive error.


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Research has identified associations between indicators of social disadvantage and the presence of child sleep problems. We examined the longitudinal development of infant sleep in families experiencing high (n = 58) or low (n = 64) levels of psychosocial adversity, and the contributions of neonatal self-regulatory capacities and maternal settling strategies to this development. Assessments of infant sleep at 4-, 7-, and 12-weeks postpartum indicated no differences in sleeping difficulties between high- and low-adversity groups. However, more infant sleep difficulties were reported in the high- versus low-adversity groups at 12- and 18-month follow-ups. Neonatal self-regulatory capacities were not related to the presence or absence of adversity, or to subsequent infant sleep quality. However, there were group differences in maternal settling strategies that did predict subsequent infant sleep difficulties. The pattern of sleep disturbance observed in association with maternal psychosocial adversity at 18-months was consistent with risk for broader impairments in child functioning.